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/lit/ - Literature

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17244809 No.17244809 [Reply] [Original]

If you are monolingual leave this board.

>> No.17244815

Then what?

>> No.17244818

Does it count if my second language is english

>> No.17244820


>> No.17244825

and read a translation of a good book that OP will never read

>> No.17244835


>> No.17244992

If the only tongues you know are your native and English, you're life is a cope. You only know two languages because the world made it a necessity for you to survive by speaking English, as your native language is so utterly irrelevant to the grand scheme of things and will only serve to help in purchasing gutter sluts in your third world countries.

>> No.17245003

I dunno but German as first language is kinda helpful for /lit/ purposes

>> No.17245017

I know French, Serbian and English

>> No.17245054

As a slav, I know all slavic languages, including the secret squatting one.

>> No.17245071

If you can speak more than one language, you will never truly master one language... Stay faithful - reap the rewards

>> No.17245075

astronomical cope

>> No.17245082


>> No.17245092

I'm sorry, but it's too late for you langslut

>> No.17245457
File: 267 KB, 547x596, 1586809303992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? What are you trying to say to me? I only speak English. No hablo espanol.

>> No.17246531

>including the secret squatting one.
that doesn't narrow it down that much...

>> No.17246730

I speak 3, but my third is completely useless. I wish I never had to learn it in the first place.

I fucking hate Catalans

>> No.17246753

Shakespeare was nearly monolingual so I feel not too bad speaking only English. We are in good company monofags

>> No.17246777

Do you unironically believe that Shakespeare would be monolingual in 2021 if he had internet access and spoon feed language learning resources?

>> No.17246783

I'm not trying to gate keep anything. But just start something anons. Or maybe continue whatever you started on school.

>> No.17246941

>Romanian mother tongue
>Italian and English throughout school
>French during middle school
>German during high school

>> No.17246978

How many languages do you know? I'd rather know two languages really well.

>> No.17246983

this but actually a cope