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File: 28 KB, 200x285, Adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17244767 No.17244767 [Reply] [Original]

Although his "authoritative and libertarian personalities" are majorly biased pseudopsychology, he does make based points on the absolute destructiveeandas of moral relativism, cultural marxism and the growing nihilism of our inability to break free from an oppressive materialistic and scientism capital elite breeding a culture of narcissism. However, his books are way too long for how many there are, and the above pseudopsychology combine with a bias towards socialism that is an unrealistic ideology. Can he be appreciated if you're not a socialist marxist?

>> No.17244787

he's the best, minima moralia is a masterpiece

anybody who hates liberalism will like his books but after reading him thoroughly it's pretty clear that communism is the only choice

>> No.17244810

>but after reading him thoroughly it's pretty clear that communism is the only choice
That's the worst take on negative dialectics I've ever read

>> No.17244824
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>> No.17244832
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Schönberg despised him

>> No.17244843

i have no idea how a man can be so based and so cringe at the same time
the problem with adorno is he correctly identifies the issues (such as moral relativism, greed and philosophical materialism ingrained in us) but he fails to give solutions that aren't pure degenerate dehumanizing commie society.

>> No.17244847

Based Schoenberg but Adorno was 100% right about popular music and continues to be right, it's just hard to say what he said without sounding like a pretentious asshole.

>> No.17244909

he's a very good writer

dialectic of enlightenment offers an excellent critique of liberalism

>> No.17244943
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He's doing a shitty job explaining circumstances that arise that are part in parcel of what De Maistre called "Prescriptive Fury" and Schopenhauer's will and also will to power and the general rule that might is right. The problem is none of this is inherently bad, infact it's rather good and he's a typical Jew pathologizing the impulse towards greatness.

>> No.17244967

Communism i.e. laying in a boat on a pond looking at the stars with your madame(see minimal Moralia's aphorism number idk, the one named after one of Maupassant's books)

>> No.17244980

German Jewish pessimistic academic with economic Marxist leanings who sought to critique capitalism because he felt it was degrading culture and man into an instrument of the state/capital. Authoritarian Personality is rooted in him having to deal with the Nazis sending him into exile and obviously he felt sensitive about it. One of his goals was to understand how an authoritarian society could emerge in even a seemingly rational liberal society, what draws man to authoritarianism.

>> No.17245032

>At the invitation of Peter Szondi, Adorno was invited to the Free University of Berlin to give a lecture on Goethe's Iphigenie in Tauris. After a group of students marched to the lectern, unfurling a banner that read "Berlin's left-wing fascists greet Teddy the Classicist," a number of those present left the lecture in protest after Adorno refused to abandon his talk in favour of discussing his attitude on the current political situation. Adorno shortly thereafter participated in a meeting with the Berlin Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (SDS) and discussed "Student Unrest" with Szondi on West German Radio. But as 1968 progressed, Adorno became increasingly critical of the students' disruptions to university life.

>In spring 1968, a prominent SDS spokesman, Rudi Dutschke, was gunned down in the streets; in response, massive demonstrations took place, directed in particular against the Springer Press, which had led a campaign to vilify the students. An open appeal published in Die Zeit, signed by Adorno, called for an inquiry into the social reasons that gave rise to this assassination attempt as well as an investigation into the Springer Press' manipulation of public opinion.

>At the same time, however, Adorno protested against disruptions of his own lectures and refused to express his solidarity with their political goals, maintaining instead his autonomy as a theoretician. Adorno rejected the so-called unity of theory and praxis advocated by the students and argued that the students' actions were premised upon a mistaken analysis of the situation. The building of barricades, he wrote to Marcuse, is "ridiculous against those who administer the bomb."[46] Adorno would refer to the radical students as stormtroopers (Sturmabteilung) in jeans."[47].

>"Valid student claims and dubious actions," he wrote to Marcuse, "are all so mixed up together that all productive work and even sensible thought are scarcely possible any more."

>For the summer semester Adorno planned a lecture course entitled "An Introduction to Dialectical Thinking," as well as a seminar on the dialectics of subject and object. But at the first lecture Adorno's attempt to open up the lecture and invite questions whenever they arose degenerated into a disruption from which he quickly fled: after a student wrote on the blackboard "If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease," three women students approached the lectern, bared their breasts and scattered flower petals over his head

>> No.17245282


Your self-assurance on hating liberalism and recommending the attitude to others is adorable, as is the impulse to religious feeling. unfortunately, /lit/ is populated with people who adhere to either or both adorable strains of thought.

>> No.17245331

Absolutely, Adorno is also easily appropriated for right wing critique and any critique from a Hegelian perspective that does not permit the abstract construction of the subject but only its free (though self-educated) self-positing in history, which is precisely what the post-bourgeois state apparatus calling itself progressive/left-wing is. A synthesis of Frankfurt School style critical Marxism and "conservative" values can be seen in the circle of thinkers around Paul Piccone as well.

Adorno has unfortunately been used as a hammer by half-comprehending morons and functionaries since his death, but these were all Marcusists with cushy sinecures, in bourgeois states trying to replace true Marxist-Hegelian praxis with bourgeois progressivism while still claiming the Marxist label, something that deeply terrified Adorno himself right at the moment of his death. They can be safely discarded, or occasionally mined as secondary literature.

The members of the Frankfurt School itself would be considered fascist if they published their writings now.

>> No.17245333

Based, Adorno always did well with women

>> No.17245379

Personally, I find Baudrillard a better read.

If you're interested in the culture of narcissism, there is a literal book by Lasch about it -- also a very worthwhile writer.

>> No.17245462

baudrillard, debord, adorno, fisher all have pretty relevant criticisms in the age of the internet imo

>> No.17245474

I would add McLuhan to that group, who seems to rarely get mentioned despite having influence on Baudrillard.

>> No.17245499

i agree

>> No.17246695


>> No.17247232

That's basically the story of every leftist thinkers after WW2, they tried to suck up to people that wanted them dead for being le fascist while timidly criticizing their outbursts of retardation, this just ends with them standing hopelessly in front of a blackboard full of drawings of dicks and call to murder while students are just plainly not listening to what they are teaching, at least Adorno had tits to look at.
Compare that to people who were ostracized because they were actually reactionaries like Boutang and Magnard, they stood up and fought (often literally) the horde of hateful retards, they never made concessions, they lost of course like everyone else but they stayed true to themselves.

>> No.17248040


>> No.17248846

>stormtroopers (Sturmabteilung) in jeans.

Whoever translated this should have explained that the Sturmabteilung is what the SA of Weimar times stood for. The SA is pretty well known but I'm not sure whether anglos can be expected to know what it stands for.

>> No.17248849

>three women students approached the lectern, bared their breasts and scattered flower petals over his head

Fucking based.