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File: 65 KB, 411x500, nietzsche_dionysiaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17244202 No.17244202 [Reply] [Original]

What was Nietszche like IRL?

>> No.17244225

he was an incel

>> No.17244232

He was very shy and soft-spoken

>> No.17244240

Like, did he practice what he preach? Were men afraid of him and women wanted to be impregnated by him?

>> No.17244261

He was a /lit/eral /out/ist

>> No.17244269

>Danger and play

What was his danger what was his play?

>> No.17244328

T. didn't read Nietzsche

>> No.17244356

Another thread in this board was correct. Nietzsche is just a Rorschach test.

>> No.17244359

weak, shy, resentful, envious

>> No.17244372

mentally ill

>> No.17244421

I've read 1 book.

>> No.17244454

he was polite

>> No.17244495

>notorious whoremonger

I know this is a shitpost but people adopting the term 'involuntarily celibate' in what is the easiest era to have sex in in all of human history to the point that some European countries give literal retarded invalids allowances to fuck whores is retarded. The issue is frustration with the clusterfuck that is contemporary dating culture, the downfall of marriage, and the general inability to pair-bond and reproduce. Not penis in vagina.

>> No.17244614

He was quiet and soft-spoken apparently.

>> No.17244618

[ ] Link said thread.
[ ] Explain it yourself.
[x]Leave everyone wondering what he meant by that.

>> No.17244633

Every study done goes against it being the easiest.

>> No.17244651


>> No.17244703

Nervous, awkward, and overly polite from what I've read.

>> No.17244711

Its really not the easiest, I'm not sure where you're getting that idea.

>> No.17244800

I think he asked the same girl to marry him four times and she declined each time.

>> No.17244962

The only empiricism we have says it's harder than it has been in decades.

>> No.17244971

He was polite and mild, a true gentleman.

>> No.17244972

As soon as I read that Nietszche died a virgin I almost immediately stopped wanting to read anything whatsoever. It seems to me that low class dumb people live deeper and more fulfilling lives than any incel would-be intellectual. I think Yukio Mishima talked about the difference between day thoughts and night thoughts. I think he was right and philosophy is what happens when you spend too much time alone, probably at night, thinking. Honestly dude what the fuck even is the point to anything if you can't get laid.

>> No.17244987


>> No.17244993

Night thoughts are the best, though. I tend to feel listless and depressed during most of the day, and then at night all the exciting thoughts come flooding.

>> No.17245009

Will be called a coper but what's the big deal about fucking that makes it the differentiator for a "deep and fulfilling life"? Newton never had sex and I consider his life more valuable that 99.999999% of people's, let alone some subhuman 85 IQ dude who fucks nonstop and has 8 kids but dies without thinking a thought higher than basic physical needs ever in his life.

>> No.17245016

That's because you're circadian rhythm is out of whack and your life is probably shit. Work out, get laid, take on cool projects (like forming a band, learning to code to make dough, training a fucking dog or someshit) and your life will become infinitely better.

>> No.17245026

consequences of modern consoomerist lifestyle

>> No.17245058

Listen, I think thinking is how shit gets done. It takes thought to do anything more complicated than wiping your ass after you shit but I have come to fundamentally belief that thinking has a detrimental effect on mental health (aka you get depressed). Now I don't know if it's the thinking in and of itself that's unhealthy or if it's the fact that a lot of nerd-types neglect other aspects of their life but nevertheless I think life is nicer overall if you just do shit with other people. Dumb shit is easier to do since most people are dumb or lazy. Therefore I think living a dumb life is probably more satisfying than being an intellectual (aka you'll be a lot happier and your experience will be more positive).

>> No.17245065

I already work out and code. My life's good. I just sleep during most of the day to avoid feeling depressed.

>> No.17245097

My point about coding had more to do with making money. Coding in and of itself is just another form of thinking that pollutes your mental wellbeing. Are you getting laid? Are you doing anything with the money you're making or just blowing it on garbage like mechanical keyboards and nice bicycles that you never get to use. Are you using your coding skill to make something that you personally believe is cool?

>> No.17245113

Christians liked him. Take that as you will.

>> No.17245178

I just remember the story of him yelling at a student with mad intensity after being asked a question regarding something he or Schauppe said.

But he was yelling at the student about the question asked, he was yelling at the student to give him the answer, or whatever.

If I find it I’ll post, it is funny.

>> No.17245964

WTF happened to the Virtue thread?
What a fucking shithole.

>> No.17245983
File: 33 KB, 400x500, ksrxf3po0xf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without the stache

>> No.17246040

Solitary, ascetic, reserved, unobtrusive, deeply introspective, sickly, and self-motivated. Nietzche was plagued by serious health problems that caused him to live an ironically monk like existence. Sigmund Freud's associate, one Dr Parneth happened to know Nietzche personally and said of him:

There is not a trace of false pathos or the prophet's pose in him, as I had rather feared after his last work [Thus Spoke Zarathustra]. Instead his manner is completely inoffensive and natural.
. . . He told me, but without the least affectation or conceit, that he always felt himself to have a task and that now, as far as his eyes [half-blind] would permit it, he wanted to get out of himself
and work up whatever might be in him. . . . He told me that through his physical pains [which were almost constant] he had got
rid of his pessimism—from defiance, in order not to let himself be tyrannized by pain. . . . There are many contradictions in Nietzsche, but he is a thoroughly honest human being, full of the
most powerful strength of will and striving. . . . He is completely convinced of his mission and of his decisive importance. In this faith he is strong and superior to all misfortune, physical suffering,
and poverty. Such a contempt for all instruments of success, such freedom from all that smacks of cliques and advertising, is impressive."

Freud himself--who mind you psychologically interviewed the elite of Europe for a living- "several times said of Nietzsche that he had a more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived or was ever likely to live."


>> No.17246115

If you think happiness to be the greatest virtue, then just be dumb.
It is more meaningful in life to struggle.

>> No.17246189
File: 40 KB, 600x532, 1527981918775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems to me that low class dumb people live deeper and more fulfilling lives than any incel would-be intellectual.
>Honestly dude what the fuck even is the point to anything if you can't get laid.

A small and pitiable man!

>> No.17246647

Probably very yippie skippie and annoying. Dark and serious but because he was really neurotic and couldn't focus, not a brilliant architect of thought. Crazy intelligent, emphasis on crazy. Spent his whole life running from himself and people probably thought he was weird.

>> No.17246656

>people are having less sex now than any time we've recorded it because it's the easiest time to have sex ever!

>> No.17246663

this is schizo tier delusion

>> No.17246691

>Since 2008, the share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent. That’s a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers.
This was in 2018, I wonder what it would be for 2020 in quarantine?

>> No.17246704

Anyone remember where Nietzsche critiques the concept of artistic and political movements?

>> No.17246976

Genuinely pathetic

>> No.17247008

monkey brained simpleton

>> No.17247029
File: 9 KB, 236x213, 1605600610198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly dude what the fuck even is the point to anything if you can't get laid.

oh dear

>> No.17247051

Post the wagner simping quote.

>> No.17247147

Getting sex *is* much easier than it used to, but zoomers are antisocial fucks so they don't take advantage of it

>> No.17247166

Many theories bro

>> No.17247172

If the only goal in life is to be happy why not just do heroin for the rest of your life until you die?

>> No.17247182

The average zoomer is a kid, retard. The studies are about adults, going back to early millennials and late gen x.

>> No.17247188

shut up your theory is retarded

>> No.17247207

The only reason you would do that is because you went in with the expectation that either Nietzsche was going or not going to align with a certain belief system you already hold, or that he was supposed to change your life in some way. The only reason you think like that is because you still operate under the system of alignment and dissertation. You find something attractive because you know it will aid you in your process of accumulating power in whatever form it may be, and then you synthesize it (or not) and become anew. This appears to be positive and affirming, but in reality, you are doing this all subconsciously. As soon as you have a gut reaction to something, you participate in this system of yours. You might say that you like are certain thing, but that you dislike a certain thing - you do this not because you truly feel a certain way but because you are rowing yourself through the waters of social interaction. You must reach a point where the water becomes a mirror that you drown yourself in, and then you can actually act on your own whims and be an individual. You view everything as both atomized and absolute. Once you get there, you will either stop making gay bait posts or make them with more effort.

>> No.17247208

holy mother of cope

>> No.17247212

He did Salah 5 times a day.

>> No.17247213

be less stupid

>> No.17247220

You are assuming that its fun and easy for everyone, which isn't the case. What you really mean is that acting on instincts is closer to the primal drive of humanity - that has no effect on whether or not it is a good or bad thing. A 'dumb' life being good is a paradoxical statement, since if you were truly dumb, you wouldn't be aware that your own life was good. The only person that makes such a statement is one who can look from the outside, from the point of their own system of good and bad, and decide that if you happened to regress to a mode where you are more impulsive you would be happier. So really, its not that being dumb = a good life, but not being a coward, being strong, standing up for yourself = a good life.

>> No.17247225

>getting sex is easier it's just much harder
What he fuck are you even saying retard, if getting sex was easier celibacy wouldn't be on the rise. My proof is reality, your proof is your ass.

>> No.17247236

Literally do a google search

>> No.17247264

Your "proof" is finding a correlation and assuming causation without any study to isolate variables.
Neither of us has presented hard evidence but my hypothesis is more intuitive. In older times being married was a requirement to have sex. Now that this requirement is removed, access to sex is easier.

>> No.17247289

kek retard

>> No.17247344

consider becoming less unintelligent as a goal for the new year

>> No.17247360

>Neither of us has presented hard evidence
you are baiting at this point. no one can be this retarded

>> No.17247364

Not the previous incel but you need to consider that people beauty standards, both of men and women, raised because of social networks.
People is exposed only to unrealistic beauty models,not only from models but also from normal people. It's hard to see ugly people on Instagram because no one would post here a photo without hiding flaws or putting up a bunch of filters and editings on their photos.
This often translate into getting more attention and thinking you're more valuable while maybe, IRL no one even look at you. This affect both men and women, it's just that men suffer more than women on this.

Also, not having sex is raising on women too, the percentage is lower because they're privilegiated but still raising.

>> No.17247367


>> No.17247375

quoting things out of context makes them seem really stupid, who would have thought

>> No.17247379

incels should just be killed by the state

>> No.17247382

That doesn't make sense to me. You can have higher standards only if you are handsome yourself. The rest have to compromise.
And most people don't even use dating sites so that doesn't help us understand broader trends.

>> No.17247563

>>Getting sex *is* much easier than it used to
for sluts

>> No.17247567

what’s wrong with being a manslut?

>> No.17247598

The degradation of your eternal soul, loss of the ability to pair bond, etc.

>> No.17247630

By many accounts he was a pretty gifted person.

>In 1867, Nietzsche signed up for one year of voluntary service with the Prussian artillery division in Naumburg. He was regarded as one of the finest riders among his fellow recruits, and his officers predicted that he would soon reach the rank of captain. However, in March 1868, while jumping into the saddle of his horse, Nietzsche struck his chest against the pommel and tore two muscles in his left side, leaving him exhausted and unable to walk for months.[67][68] Consequently, he turned his attention to his studies again, completing them in 1868. Nietzsche also met Richard Wagner for the first time later that year.[69]

So he was physically fit as well as mentally sharp.

The propaganda that has been written for or against him is hard to disentangle. I think a good deal of the "incel" stuff comes from his ideological enemies. The Christian establishment often smeared controversial thinkers.

>> No.17247657

This is unironically true

>> No.17247750

it is easier to have sex. men just generally want sex less as there's porn etc

>> No.17247754
File: 797 KB, 3120x3120, cv35q7nysud31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually him without the stache as a young man.

>> No.17247756

>Honestly dude what the fuck even is the point to anything if you can't get laid
Honestly dude what the fuck even is the point to anything if you can't get heroin

t. degenerate

>> No.17247783


>> No.17247798


>> No.17247807
File: 19 KB, 418x239, Slitheen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have come to fundamentally belief that thinking has a detrimental effect on mental health (aka you get depressed)
Have you ever thought that maybe you are like this because your soul or "essence" is fucked and you have bad thoughts.
As much as negative thoughts can influence how you feel, positive thoughts have the contrary effect.

Simply numbing yourself and dumbing your mind down is to renounce living like a human.

>> No.17247820

Change before its too late

>> No.17248313

There is some truth to these words. Philosophy is a sign that life on it's own is not providing.

>> No.17249338


>> No.17249349


>> No.17249630

Fake and gay. He was nearly blind and almost diedd climbing onto his horse

>> No.17249827
File: 38 KB, 480x640, C1A6F67B-D3CB-4CC1-9042-4B9E78757E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>love virginity at 16
>>party, make friends
>>had plenty of girls
>>don’t invest or think too much
>>uh-oh “30”
>>no degree
>>no rich family
>>the bohemian Faustus transaction
>>now 35
>>no friends
>>works in a grocery store in hometown
>>where he is only known now for his lack of contribution and increasing marijuana use.

True story.
Hedonism is stoicism, minus the fucking rock of cope to crawl under.

>> No.17250106

shut the fuck up

>> No.17250142

inhale my penis

>> No.17250344

Have you never met people who are really arrogant or a narcissist? Thery don't compromise for anything. They'd rather go with out than "lower themselves" to a level they think they're above.

>> No.17250427

the human being is in contact with reality through four Windows. Feeling, thinking, sensual experience and deep imagery and intuition. The problem of our way of living is the way that thinking i.e. the intellect has taken over everything.

Do you ever notice that people make decisions based on supposed "rational" thought but never consider how they are feeling about it or what imagery comes up inside of them?

That's why y'all are unfulfilled and that's why society is slowly but surely collapsing. People shut out almost all of their whole being and wonder why it isn't fulfilled.
Its because your thoughts alone are unable to grasp reality correctly and thus every decision made based on thinking alone leada to misery and failure.

>> No.17250470

So the what is the argument here, that dating sites increase beauty standards but also make people more narcissistic and unwilling to settle with people on their league?

>> No.17250487

The Intellect is how you figure out shit, spare us your guru nonsense.

>> No.17250817

Oh okay so you're just a giant pseud who throws out words without understanding what he's saying. There is not correlation or causation between it being harder to have sex and there being less sex had, they're the exact same thing. How much sex is had is a measure of how hard it is to have sex. If I was trying to be explanatory then you'd be right, but I'm not. You're just a babbling reddit retard who see he's wrong and stats screaming "DURRRR IM A RETARD CORRELATIN DURR IM A RETARD CAUSATION DURRR". No, retard, you're just wrong.

Please, read the article and explain to me how the context of the quote changes its meaning from how I used it.

>> No.17250887


>> No.17250954

A beta bitch boi who got will to powered on by his sister.

>> No.17252469


>> No.17252479

heres an idea
instead of autistically debating for hours about whether or not people are having sex, why not go out and try to have sex

>> No.17252565

Quality bait honestly

>> No.17252743

>but zoomers are antisocial fucks so they don't take advantage of it
If they were antisocial they would most likely take advantage of it.

>> No.17253177

>who got will to powered on by his sister
liberal kikes*

>> No.17253486

Deeply disturbed in the head

>> No.17253493

in other words he was based

>> No.17253598
File: 201 KB, 909x1024, a cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17253670

apparently he was that passionate professor that everybody loves in the class, and he was the polite and soft-spoken type among his friends

>> No.17253703

There is some truth to this, but the point is life requires balance. Don't retreat into books as a substitute for real life, but at the same time, there are plenty of authors who lived great lives outside of books and used reading to their benefit. If anything is a mistake here it's putting too much emphasis on oblique systems of philosophy for happiness rather than acknowledging them as just one part of the complexity of life, and keeping a sense of other important things in life like family, friends, health too.

>> No.17253714

>In older times being married was a requirement to have sex

>> No.17253764

nigga balance