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1724155 No.1724155 [Reply] [Original]

Best adaptions of books, be it film, television, radio, etc.


>> No.1724156

Clockwork Orange

Lord of the Rings

>> No.1724166

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.1724168

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
( because who needs tacoburgers anyway?)

>> No.1724200
File: 32 KB, 244x320, OldManFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short story - the lottery by shirley jackson

I got into quite a heated discussion with my college profession and about the entire class that the short film was better than the short story.

I rented the film ...yes film projector and showed it. It's about 7-10 minutes long.

When finished..nearly the entire class agreed, along with the professor the short film was better than the story...

why?...the old man. The person playing his role transcended what you could have imagined when reading it...you see 100 years of prejudice etched in his face and his tone when speaking condensed into 3 seconds..powerful

>> No.1724263

I am intrigued.

I looked around a bit, is this the adaptation you were talking about?

Also, is the text available online?

>> No.1724269

Clockwork Orange left out the most important part of the novel and much of the integral slang.

>> No.1724273

I know, and I even read the book first, but I somehow found I enjoyed the film more than the book. It might not have been the most accurate adaptation but in my opinion it is still one of the best.

>> No.1724359


This is not the short film I saw. That film is old- must have been shot in the 50's or 60's.
In my opinion...that is a very poor cinematic adaptation of the original short film.

2 reasons...the director altered the story by having everyone choose from the box when in the original only the husbands chose because...'that's the way it was done' and secondly ...the casting of the old man which was poorly done in this translation.

yes you can read the story online.

>> No.1724363

Anything by Cronenberg

>> No.1724368

anything by Kubrick, he took the Shining a shitty King novel and made it into a masterpiece.

He also took A Space Odyssey a shitty scifi book and made that a masterpiece as well.

Lastly he took Clockwork orange, a book the author wrote in under 2 weeks to pay for rent and made it yet another masterpiece.

An exception would be Lolita, it was a good movie but not near as good as the novel by Nabokov

>> No.1724369

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the Godfather, and the collected works of Stanley Kubrick


>> No.1724387

Movies should not transpose scene to scene from book. That is unfair, why would anyone watch a movie if one could see the exact same thing in book form? Movies have their own magic. Kubrick's sense of structure, acting and visuals go further in this way.

>> No.1724396

L.A Confidential

>> No.1724409

what the fuck you are like the worst person on this board landon

>> No.1724434
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Coming from you, this gives me great confidence.

>> No.1724440

you must really be into self-depredation then. weirdo.

>> No.1724446

A Space Odyssey was written alongside the movie. They are part-and-parcel. The story did not come first.

>> No.1724447

The likes of which you would not believe.

>> No.1724448
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I think you mean self-deprecation.

>> No.1724449



>> No.1724454

Bourne trilogy.

As in I'd rather watch the movies than read the books again, but I'd much rather do neither.

>> No.1724456
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Dragons of Autumn Twilight.

>> No.1724461


The c key is very close to the d key.

Just because Quentin is an insufferable faggot is no excuse to jump on him for mistakes you'd probably forgive an anon for making. Wait until he does something legitimately like that of an insufferable faggot, which will not take long.

>> No.1724476

Noun: An act of attacking or plundering.


>> No.1724488

You're still doing it wrong. 1/10 Troll.

>> No.1724491

The 1990s Lolita wasn't bad.

>> No.1724500

Use of a tripcode constitutes faggotry; Quentin who has proven time and time again that he is ill-informed, and has post-hipsterism elitist tendencies, will not be saved ridicule for misuse of a word. I'd correct an anon, and I sure as hell would correct Quentin for being a faggot, then justifying it.

>> No.1724630

nope. i'm right, admit you're an idiot and deal with it.

but i used the word right
and this response is based on what i could decipher out of that bullshit you call a post