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17241271 No.17241271 [Reply] [Original]

Post favorite booktubers
For me it's HardbackHoarder

>> No.17241291


>> No.17241296

work like BarebackWhorer am I right?

>> No.17241337

Why do people like hardbacks? Maybe they are better on shelves but they are horrible to read

>> No.17241348


>> No.17241351

I also don't get it, they are a pain to read anywhere that isn't a table.

>> No.17241360

They're better for bigger books. If a book has over 1000 pages I try to get it in hardback.

>> No.17241378

Her voice is grating as fuck

>> No.17241380

I disagree. I find that even for 2000 pages softbacks are more practical.

>> No.17241458

Kappa Kaiju

>> No.17241463

Exactly. Hardbacks are for display. Paperbacks are for reading.

>> No.17242021

ebook master race

>> No.17242265
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>> No.17243683
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>> No.17243718

KEK I'm a broke anon, too.

>> No.17243737
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>moderately attractive (but still attainable) white girl
>exclusively reads YA
>minimum 100 jumpcuts per video
>slacktivist SJW links in her linktree
>"look at this pile of books I bought for 25 minutes"
>"I really liked this book because it was interesting"
>"I loved the disabled asexual mixed-race immigrant transbian representation :)"
Just follow hot girls on Instagram, "booktubers" offer nothing of value.

>> No.17243746

There are some good ones, anon. You are checking out the wrong channels.

>> No.17243770

then please share them. I follow paperbackdreams because she looks like my ex-girlfriend and until recently I followed "stories for coffee" until I realized how fucking retarded she sounded:
>hey guys, so I read 15 books in August
>I'm soooo happy that I was able to read 15 books in August
>I never thought that I would be able to read 15 books in August

>> No.17243793

I'm not really into this kind of thing and I follow mostly Brazilian channels. But I remember some videos from a guy who reads a lot of 'decent' literature and his videos weren't bad. Someone recommended his channel in a thread like this one.

But I just avoid watching those things, because I end up watching them more than I read.

>> No.17243804

eCodex is my posthuman technofeminist autodidact gf

>> No.17243817

There is some French teacher who does a bunch of literature videos too. Antastesia lit or something, she is a bit weird, as in one of those leftists, but she is insightful and reads a bunch of different stuff. She is definitely a decent source of 'different things'.

>> No.17243822

lmfao easy to believe that their viewers are even more dumb than they are

>> No.17243876
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All I want is a grizzled /lit/cel to talk about what he's read recently. Would probably have to post on bitchute though considering how pozzed YouTube is. Forest Anon is great but he's SO wholesome. His videos are always uplifting. I'd like a Yin to his Yang to complete my booktuber subscription list.
I won't try to sound too haughty because even I was temporarily sucked in by her giant Cuban tits and baboon ass-like red lipsticked mouth. Her unironically sub-90 IQ cut through the spell.

>> No.17244155

Someone submit Gardner’s books to her Kek

>> No.17244571

dude wut

>> No.17244728

That nasal ring affects both her face and voice in the worst way.

>> No.17244744

how would it impact her voice?

>> No.17244789
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i was expecting to see this

>> No.17244900

>Forest Anon
He could make love to me.

>> No.17245508

Am I a huge faggot for kind of wanting to start a book tube? I don’t even entirely know why I feel like doing it. I think part of it is that there’s nobody I can discuss books with in my life, I’ll mention I’m reading a book to my family and they say “oh” and change the subject

>> No.17245518

No, I kinda feel like the same. But I'm bad with words (as in bad at speaking about things). Loneliness seems like a decent motif to start something like that.

>> No.17245524

Of course not, there is nothing wrong with wanting to talk about things you enjoy.

>> No.17245619
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Is this the thread where we post our "girls".


Be gentle /lit/.

>> No.17245751
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im not gay but same

>> No.17245798


>> No.17245801


Thanks anons, maybe I’ll work up the nerve to record a test video soon.

>> No.17245813

really tho how did we come to this YA bullshit

>> No.17245862

You like Livrada?

>> No.17245888

Most booktubers care more about how "aesthetically pleasing" a book looks than its readability or contents it seems.

>> No.17245899


>> No.17245916

Never heard of. I'm not really into it. I sometimes watch that "Tatiana Feltrin" and that is it.

>> No.17245942
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on a serious non meme reply, no that is perfectly fine to want to do that. Always consider what angle you want to bring with your ideas and discussion and if maybe you can bring anything new to the table with your channel. Could even be as simple as the kind of books you talk about and the way you talk about them. Good luck

>> No.17245943

Yeah, someone who reads a book called The Subtweet is not someone whose opinion I give a shit about. Do you seriously like this garbage, anon?

>> No.17245956
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I really like watching her videos

>> No.17245957
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>> No.17245976

Sounds cool amon! If you decide to do it, months from now or whenever, drop the channel here and post some reminder that it's you; I promise I'll subscribe immediately.

>> No.17246039

Who is she?

>> No.17246050

I only made it eight seconds into this video before I was so off-put that I gave up.

>> No.17246132
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Shaelin bishop, more of a authortuber than a book one.

>> No.17246162
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Why has no one mentioned this legend

>> No.17246170

this white girl is culturally appropriating negress talking mannerisms

>> No.17246182

she is mad cute

>> No.17246235

Somebody post the katie pictures.

>> No.17246324

>that voice
>septum piercing

>> No.17246423

this girl is dope she actually reads good shit and some obscure horror


>> No.17246600

Lucythereader is great since she mostly talks about classics.


>> No.17246672
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I like this girl: https://youtube.com/c/NoelleGallagher
This channel is literally my fave and I've been a fan of Roya's for a long time.

>> No.17246675

i almost always prefer paperback but for really long books, i'll sometimes prefer hardcover

>> No.17246677

I prefer the Kindle for really long books.

>> No.17246688
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I just straight-up prefer Kindle Paperwhite bro

>> No.17246705

She reads garbage anon

>> No.17246719

The biggest problem with booktube.

>> No.17246742

No specific channels but recently I've wasted quite a bit of time watching dumb TBR games. There is something endearing about a cute woman using a monopoly board to decide what books to read, most of which she seems not at all keen on. Then there are the smaller channels trying to mix it up by creating more and more bizarre and illogical games based on whatever silly idea comes into their head. It's the kind of autism I didn't think existed to such a degree among women.

>> No.17246807

Can you share some examples?

>> No.17246928

pls watch my video thx

>> No.17246957
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Sort of related.
There’s a short book tour


>> No.17247078
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U R probably the anon who recommended her to me! tyvm <3

>> No.17247180
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>> No.17247186

men are too busy makes channels about video games and Hitler

>> No.17247204

what about

>> No.17247231
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Will I get a girlfriend if I make booktube videos? I only read classics though. I want a nerdy girlfriend so we can read Moby Dick together.

>> No.17247269
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he walked into that one

>> No.17247285

No I don't think I was.

>> No.17247300
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I like Philip Chase, but he's comically entry-tier as far as fantasy goes. Which is admittedly the point of his channel. Whether you can forgive him for being a race traitor is a separate matter.

>> No.17247321

Maybe, just appear confident and speak clearly.

>> No.17247358
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fucking insufferable with all the jump cuts and attempts at juvenile humor.

>mfw his "canceling authors" video
good to know he's a coward as well

>> No.17247402

tfw french masterrace and almost all books are softbacks

>> No.17247408

Seriously, hardbacks are shit. A good paperback is sturdy enough for a library and certainly way easier to read. Hardcovers are only there for consooming.

>> No.17247427
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I seriously don't know what people do to their books to fuck them up the way they do. Is there a way to read wrong?

>> No.17247571

Kek, holyshit you guys hate him because he addressed a sex offender

>> No.17247578


>> No.17247583

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