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17239383 No.17239383 [Reply] [Original]

Kneel right now.

>> No.17239388

Isn't that guy a confirmed straight pedophile?

>> No.17239394

He did that one video segment where he rated girls' pictures on his forum from 1 to 10 and half of them were underage, so yeah basically. I don't know the details about the allegations though. Chris Hansen gave him a visit that didn't really go anywhere for some reason.

>> No.17239399
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>Oh no he fucks 14 year olds like we havent been doing that since the dawn of time and literally the reason women go through puberty at 12 in order to have children during their prime breeding years no thats so bad you have to wait and I'm totally not jealous or anything I just think we should wait for women to leave their peak fertile years before impregnating them no thats evil!

>> No.17239430

You know that ever since Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building, all your posts are gonna be released and tied to you? It's gonna look bad when you are exposed as a pedo.

>> No.17239436

Didn't even think about this
This might actually happen

>> No.17239462
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>Implying I give a fuck

>> No.17239505
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Talk about the book, you pedo-shillers and pedo-haters. I came to /lit/ to laugh at his book, not listen to /pol/ shit, god damn

>> No.17239522

Sexual attraction to a fertile female is not political, its a fact of biology

>> No.17239527

I havent read the book but this is basically Onision's version of Twisted World right?