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17236917 No.17236917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>life is shit
>really want to believe in heaven
>reads bible
>so many things are so easily refutable
>gets to Acts
>feels like fanfic tier writing
how does one find faith bros... is it just really not possible after a certain age?

>> No.17236925

Stop drinking coffee for a start, its bad for you.

>> No.17236928

Read the Quran instead ahki

>> No.17236930

This must be the struggle of those not born into a Catholic family.

>> No.17236938
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.17236944

start with the greeks

>> No.17236950

>>life is shit
>>really want to believe in heaven
Lmao why though? There's also a good chance you go to hell anyways, you're basically playing roulette with religion

>> No.17236954

Not really, there's pretty much 1 popular God.

>> No.17236955

>Edward Feser
After all of them
>CS Lewis Nonfiction

>> No.17236961

>>so many things are so easily refutable
what tf is """"refutable"""" in the Bible?

>> No.17236970

Believing in quantum immortality will make you much happier than believing in heaven.

>> No.17236972

>heal the blind
>heal ppl who can't walk
>health dead people
all of these things can be easily faked

>> No.17236977

>Fanfic tier writing
Well, you won't get anywhere other than hell with that amount of conceit.

>> No.17236984

Except quantum immortality isn't a thing and if it were it would be fucking awful. OP is literally complaining about life sucking, quantum immortality is basically eternal suffering.

>> No.17236986

You're forgetting one very important fact: the apostles literally died because they stuck by what was written in the gospels. People usually don't give up their lives for things they don't fully believe in

>> No.17236988

>reading the Bible
That was your first mistake.

>> No.17236996

Listen to >>17236955 OP.

>> No.17237001

>life is shit
as apposed to what, death?
stop whining, kys, or get into death metal

>> No.17237012


>> No.17237017

>is it just really not possible after a certain age?
Yes, not only after a certain age but 100% impossible in post-modernity and with access to the internet. You will NEVER be anything more than a LARPer unless you're completely removed from society. You are literally bombarded with evidence that God doesn't exist every day. You'd have to be either LARPIng or actually schizophrenic.

>> No.17237019


>> No.17237026

Except people literally left Jesus right after they saw him walk on water.
What kind of sane man would do this if the event was actually real?

>> No.17237031

It's better than dying and having a 50/50 chance of peace for eternity and suffering worse than your life on earth was for eternity.

>> No.17237036

Quantum immortality is just a thought experiment.

>> No.17237037

ah yes mohhamed riding a flying horse up a rainbow is so much more reasonable

>> No.17237040

PRetty much this.

>> No.17237041

I dont know how you can watch the webm you posted and still exclaim life is shit

>> No.17237056 [DELETED] 

Yes, but those shoes aren’t

>> No.17237065
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>after a certain age

Yes, but those shoes aren’t

>> No.17237068

Only the construct of god as presented doesn't exist.
When you start enquiring into what god actually is you start realising that the universe is more complicated than you previously realised

>> No.17237079

Yes no shit, I'm not saying we know everything. The christcuck God is still a man-made thing.

>> No.17237088

kill yourself, trash

>> No.17237096

the average conservacuck bootlicker unironically contributes more than you to the human experience

>> No.17237097

>You are literally bombarded with evidence that God doesn't exist every day
You're bombarded with big media interests telling you believing in God is dumb (unless you're a Muslim).

>> No.17237098 [DELETED] 
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fuck you faggot

>> No.17237099

I see stuff like this webm and it just makes me feel good. Beautiful woman, beautiful day, and you just know she has findommed a shit load of larping trad caths without them even realizing it. Life is good some times.

>> No.17237105

You're an idiot for going out of your way to believe in something, like that. But then again what else can be expected of an idiot? I forgive you OP.
so many things wrong with this, if this is you OP then I reiterate that you are an idiot. A hopeless idiot. Why do idiots like OP exist? Can't people think? I'd call it bait but you never know.

>> No.17237119

And we all know what is popular is automatically correct and accurate....

>> No.17237125

Fuck off back to /pol/ schizo

>> No.17237126

Bible is jewish nonsense, start with the greeks

>> No.17237127

The bible is full of allegory remember that fact

>> No.17237155

t. Biden/Pinker poster

>> No.17237170


>> No.17237174

A lot of people give their lives for totally bullshit reasons.

>> No.17237176

Drop that Jew shit, read Mark Brahmin.

>> No.17237189

The bible is jewish crap, read plato and neoplatonism.

>> No.17237201

You don't need all that shit. Christcuckery is jewish mind control.
All you need to do is to know trannies, faggots, niggers, kikes, chinks, spics and poos aren't human, and behave accordingly. Never take any woman seriously, they are mentally children and are only capable of mimicking men.
Also never NEVER consume anything that is attached to a jew, translated by a jew, distributed by a jew or written by a jew. AVOID JEWS AT ALL COST. Science is fake. Religion is fake. Jews want you to be a buddhist, scientist, christcuck, JUST IGNORE ALL THAT.
There you go. This is the best advice you're ever going to get. If there's a God you'll go to heaven by being white. There's a reason why he made white people with the highest IQ and the most beautiful race. So if you're not white, just KYS.

>> No.17237207

As a convert trying to find faith you have an advantage over the individual proselytized from childhood in that you are more likely to have a real emotional revelatory experience asking the Christian God for forgiveness for your life of sinful degeneracy and failure.

You probably will only experience this once at the bottom of your life and the vast majority of Christians don't ever even experience it.

>> No.17237212

Kill yourself

>> No.17237215

ugly tranny

>> No.17237218

all this but unironically

>> No.17237222

Not a thing on that list is "refutable"

>> No.17237227

>You are literally bombarded with evidence that God doesn't exist every day.
What evidence?

>> No.17237231

if you want to quickly undo the jew read metaphysics of death by Schopenhauer

>> No.17237239

Some good advice but a lot of worthless babble
and you're falling into the supremacist meme

>> No.17237244
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>how does one find faith
Do you not see those titties? If they are not the word of God, then God never spoke.

>> No.17237291
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>> No.17237314

>how does one find faith bros
Jung, Peterson
Watch Peterson's Biblical Series lectures.
The Bible is Jewish mythology; nothing wrong with it.
All mythology contains similar truths.
Christianity is just a very polarized version of religion, and as Jung believed. necessary for the age of Pisces.
Of course, Jung also points out, there are two fish in Pisces, culminating in the rise of the other fish, the Antichrist-
Which is also necessary; so, yep.

>> No.17237320

>y-yeah fuck niggers and jews b-but whites are just like everyone else!!!
Fuck off shlomo. OP this is the prime example of people you don't trust.

>> No.17237327

Jung followed in the tradition of the gnostics. He believed in knowledge not faith.

>> No.17237333
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>The Bible is Jewish mythology; nothing wrong with it.

>> No.17237349

>Jews want you to be a buddhist,
explain this one to me?

>> No.17237353

>You are literally bombarded with evidence that God doesn't exist every day
should have wrote ''you're literally bombarded with things that pull you away from god, not on logical or evidential grounds, but with appeal to bad human instincts such as pride and lust''.

>> No.17237355

Buddhism is doing nothing: the religion. Literally makes you a good goy that will never do anything.

>> No.17237369

And obviously the apostles just happen to be those people for the sake of your wanbelief and convenience; surely these intellectual evangelizers were idiots, and all records are falsified, along with the rest of history

>> No.17237382

aren't Islam and mormonism also more jewish mindcontrol

>> No.17237388

why is that buddhists spank muslims on the streets then?

>> No.17237399

I seriously admire the mental gymanstics of christcucks.

>> No.17237408

no, I don't think you can take that stance and be successful, I am not jewish nor do I have any affection for them the idea of glassing a certain area of the middle east and manhatten fills me with a certain appeal, none the less the supremacism ideology leads to dangerous hubris and an inflated easily exploitable ego
cherish the facts

>> No.17237419

That's a bad example to give. You probably should've mentioned the Book of Revelations and the things the politicians and big groups are planning that "coincidentally" is just going the way the bible described.

>> No.17237438

just jack off to porn and kneel before twitter posters bro. they are the new priests

>> No.17237442

yes, embrace monke cooomer brain. Reject eerythingelse

>> No.17237460

Imagine getting brutally filtered, sage