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17236607 No.17236607 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any book like the Bible that teaches me how to live my life but doesn't include mysticism?

>> No.17236612

Gilgamesh. It’s the Bible but better

>> No.17236632

there is no way to create ‘rules for life’ without attaching at least a quasi-religious attitude towards them.

>> No.17236992

>Rules for life
I would say Ecclesiastes, but the only reason the Preacher in Ecclesiastes is constantly telling us to basically just live our lives is because faith is what is significant, not works

>> No.17237134

The greeks

>> No.17237760

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life.

>> No.17237784

Play World of Warcraft Classic for a few months. Then you will know the way.

>> No.17237866

you can always read religious texts and just discard the mysticism. I am a deist but religion is one of my favorite subjects for this reason. there is a lot of wisdom in spite of all the silliness.

>> No.17237875

the bible does not teach you how to live your life it’s a narrative.

>> No.17237886

Proverbs is basically this. You throw away the most beautiful parts of the Bible without Mysteries though.

>> No.17238011
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>the only reason the Preacher in Ecclesiastes is constantly telling us to basically just live our lives is because faith is what is significant, not works
>"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."
>keep his commandments
>not works
What he's saying is to go enjoy your life so long as you don't cross God. This Evangelical obsession with the works vs faith thing is beyond tiring.

>> No.17238506

Evangelicals are retarded. Don’t waste your energy

>> No.17238598

The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.