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/lit/ - Literature

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17232153 No.17232153 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a book that makes me laugh without requiring any brainpower or knowledge.
Got any suggestions?

Can be on any topic, just as long as it's funny and easy to read. Post excerpts if you want

>> No.17232208

American Psycho

>> No.17233702

Douglas Adams..specifically the Hitchhiker's series.

>> No.17233970
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>> No.17234238

Chuck Palahniuk. I laughed out loud plenty of times at Rant, Fight Club, Choke, Survivor. His later books are YA trash, but the early ones and his short stories are a hoot

>> No.17234246
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This book is unironically funny

>> No.17234385

Just smoke some weed and watch some tv

>> No.17234543

His stuff is pretty funny