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/lit/ - Literature

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17232030 No.17232030 [Reply] [Original]

i never read this dam book but cum town nick say its good

>> No.17232031

>cum town

>> No.17232052

I started it not long ago and only read the road and no country for old men prior to it but alreadu see it as both the best cormac McCarthy book I've read so far and one of the best books overall that I've ever read.

Also I'm surprised I'm not really having any trouble going through it, with how people on this board made it out to be I was expecting it to be way more challenging.

>> No.17232173

I've never listened to and have no intention of listening to cum town, but I disregard the opinion of anyone who mentions it and assume they're a brainlet

>> No.17232203

Which chapter?

>> No.17232244


>> No.17232406

I like Nick Mullen and his jokes but he has a cult of extremely unfunny people around him who mindless repeat his jokes and their own unfunny Mullen-"style" jokes which are invariably horrible.

>> No.17232490

Corhack. He has no place amongst serious writers and he knows it, making his self aware shitness seep into his writing. Also I got filtered by the retarded punctuation if anyone can explain the stylistic reasoning I'll cop it.

>> No.17232527

>stylistic reasoning
Novelty reason: to maintain flow. It's not like there is much scope for punctuation in the way he writes.

True reason: to filter pseuds

>> No.17232555
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Just like Rupi Kaur right? How in the fuck does it maintain flow? Why not make the actual contents of the book high quality instead of resorting to some useless degradation of the language to "filter" pseuds.

>> No.17232652

>Why not make the actual contents of the book high quality
They are, if you don't get filtered.
Why don't you go ahead and punctuate a passage from Blood Meridian? I doubt you will make much of a dent on the reading experience.

>> No.17232659

Line break is punctuation in my book.

>> No.17232683

Had you read any other Cormac McCarthy books before trying blood meridian? It's best to try his other less dense work before going into blood meridian. While his style is still present, it will get you used to it much easier.

>> No.17232692

Damn, so punctuation just isn't important. English language oblieterated with facts and logic. Wots Rong With Spelling shit and HavIng no reGard for the LanGuage? If YoU coRRect ThiS staytment with pr0per punktuation, it won't mayk a difference. If anything this is novel and maykes the flow better man! filters pseuds so hahrd who learn spelling and shit for nothing!

>> No.17232693

Except suttree ofc, which is more dense.

>> No.17232706

Really poor quality post. Instead of screeching, punctuate, and prove to us "non-filtered" ones that it can be done better.

Can somebody post "A legion of horribles" for this dood? I am too lazy to look.

>> No.17232712

>The word "and" has been called "the most important word in McCarthy's lexicon." He told Oprah Winfrey that he prefers "simple declarative sentences" and that he uses capital letters, periods, an occasional comma, a colon for setting off a list, but never semicolons. He does not use quotation marks for dialogue and believes there is no reason to "blot the page up with weird little marks".


>> No.17232731

Screech aside, my point is if I were to go punctuate a sample of the text it obviously wouldn't make a grandiose change to the quality, but its just the etiquette of making it more tedious that ticks me off. If you're unnaturally bending the conventions of the language atleast make it have some reasoning, otherwise it looks like you're trying to stand out for some weird punctuation quirk rather than the actual writing itself.

>> No.17232760

As I said, McCarthy writes in a way to minimize punctuation. Try his first novel, it doesn't have much punctuation either, however he places the correct punctuation in its place 90% of times, except quotations ofc. I don't think most that like him do for the punctuation quirk, rather for his prose; we realize though that punctuation is not going to improve the prose and i think that you are greatly exaggerating its effect, because it's certainly not unreadable or impossible to parse by any stretch.

>> No.17232797

Its not impossible to parse, but is frustrating in the same sense an incorrectly spelt word is frustrating. Then to think that this choice is intentional is especially annoying and doesn't make sense.

>> No.17232819

Do you even read?

>> No.17232832

Only dystopian YA, all other is just LARPing bs

>> No.17232849

For the most part this, but also sophisticated poetry to balance it out.

>> No.17232854

This is one of those rare moments when I can't tell if a post is serious or not.

>> No.17232881

Sure if you like tortillas and arroyos and spit

>> No.17232891
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, _96969502_78b75efc_37fe_449f_944e_0fa30805a597.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch me take the novelty out of this novel

>> No.17232897

Why? It's called having a different opinion. I don't understand how a channel dedicated to art doesn't realise that art is subjective. If you don't like YA thats fine, stick to what you want. Don't bring your insecurities into other peoples artistic consumption.

>> No.17232901

The state of /lit/.

>> No.17232914


>> No.17233588

I thought it was anti-climactic, but the characters are iconic