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17229685 No.17229685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it better to learn something technical and make money or be a NEET and know a bunch of cool stuff?

>> No.17229689

You can have a job and learn cool things at the same time

>> No.17229697

>You can have a job and learn cool things at the same time
not a good job

>> No.17229704


>> No.17229712

If you're a first worlder or hunter gatherer/pastoralist learn cool stuff.

>> No.17229724

the latter

>> No.17229730

having a good job presupposes, at the MOST, four hours a day to do stuff for yourself. If this is the case for you, you are honestly better off not reading history and literature in those four hours.

>> No.17229749

if you force yourself into something technical in the pure hope of making money you're likely to hate your life and put up with worse job prospects than you had been sold on. it's not 2005 anymore, big tech is a concrete institution and no longer a goldrush. in all cases you should limit yourself to the things you're naturally inclined towards, within reason.

>> No.17229759

not really. in reality the work kills your soul and you're too tired to be doing things you love anymore. it's honestly one or the other. you can't have a well paying tech job and be an interesting person at the same time.

>> No.17229817

NEETs don't know shit. If you read a bunch of stuff but make no attempt to apply it or do original research you at best know some other faggot's opinions.
That's to say nothing of the fact that "something technical" includes math, physics, and various kinds of engineering. Which, while superficially trivial and dull, are genuinely interesting once you have the ontology and practice to solve original problems with. "Something Technical" includes everything even remotely rigorous, so I'd go as far as to say you can't know any cool stuff without learning "something technical" because random tibdbits and faggy nonsense aren't especially cool.
>having a good job presupposes, at the MOST, four hours a day to do stuff for yourself.
Very false. Being highly qualified means having high value, which means you authentically don't have to take shit. You can get shorter hours AND decent pay, if you make it clear that free time is a priority, and have the skills to back it up. Yeah, you'll probably have to eat shit for the first 3 years but that's not a lot considering.

>> No.17229852

That depends on you OP, what do you care more about or want? Personally I feel being NEET and learning shit would be better if you can make it work, but at that point it wouldnt be being a NEET since you wouldnt be a worthless piece of shit

>> No.17229881

You should learn tech shit after philosophy, you can be a neet or not

>> No.17229887

you are autistic and you got autistic burn out or you have never worked a day in your life and you are making assumptions

>> No.17229901

yeah you're right. after all the average STEMfag codemonkey is absolutely bursting with personality.

>> No.17229903

Make money, I guess. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.17229904

Coding is not the only job you pajeet

>> No.17229929

>after all the average STEMfag codemonkey is absolutely bursting with personality.
Yeah and your average "intellectual"? And your average self-taught NEET?

Intelligent people are interesting. Average people are average. You're a dumbfuck with a bad personality and no apparent knowledge of anything.

>> No.17229940

triggered lmao

>> No.17229942

Unless you're a writer this is wrong. No one who has a full time job has the time or energy to learn cool things. This is why every single working person you meet is either a dimwit or a midwit.

>> No.17229952
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>You're a dumbfuck with a bad personality and no apparent knowledge of anything

>> No.17229955

How many working people do you meet? Do you ever leave your mom's basement? How are you so out of touch with reality?

>> No.17229966

he's right. do you go outside? have you ever even had a job? go outside and talk to working people, look them in the eyes. i call it the wagie glaze.