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17228148 No.17228148 [Reply] [Original]

Was Grendel just a Norf?

>> No.17228150

looks like a purebreed nigger to me

>> No.17228153

Is Beowulf the peak of Anglo literature?

>> No.17228165

always tought that beowulf was german, wtf

>> No.17228180

Angles were a Germanic tribe, dumbfuck.

>> No.17228182

yeh that's why it was written in english

>> No.17228186
File: 650 KB, 2000x1577, cri_000000237260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbest shit i've ever read on /lit/

>> No.17228196

It is a hark back to England's medieval/pagan origin which is all the more neglected, when compared to how much Scandinavia's sagas are inextricably linked with the modern identity.

>> No.17228210

I mean, yes but it's mainly because we don't have much text go off as Englishmen. The Scandinavians have the Old Norse texts, which is the only large body of writing about Germanic paganism.

>> No.17228243

That's what I meant, it's neglected and as a result is not in the slightest connected with what is English, but because of the luck of the Germanics they have many to pride themselves on.

>> No.17229031

Grendel dindu norfin

>> No.17229057

Beowulf is a Geat (swede) and the Danes are Danes, but the poem is English.

>> No.17229088

We just don't know because so much of the early texts have been lost to time throughout the ages

>> No.17229124

Grendel was a Sasquatch

>> No.17229138

Grendel was a Jotunn

>> No.17229150

There is much old english literature preserved, it's not considered as interesting though since it is christian.

>> No.17229164

>Germanic paganism
It's Norse paganism. Stop trying to appropriate it. You fucing Germans and angloniggers were getting fucked by Caesar's fat cock while us nords were maintaining our culture

>> No.17229168

The "Saxons" really does seem to have been a movement of Scandinavian expansion before the Vikings. Beowulf seems to have fairly decent knowledge about the events of Scandinavia in it's time, very similar grave relics have been found (Sutton Hoo and Vendel helmets).

>> No.17229180

Nordic languages are north germanic.

>> No.17229195

ok, cool. It's Norse paganism. Stop trying to appropriate it. You fucing Germans and angloniggers were getting fucked by Caesar's fat cock while us nords were maintaining our culture

>> No.17229237

Grendel was probably a mongoloid with retard strength

>> No.17230625

Lol based

>> No.17230654

yah ,because you had a sea and a meat grinder of germans between you and them.

>> No.17231866

He was a Crispin Glover

>> No.17232438

LOL the Brits BTFO'd Caesar and his puny expedition.
It wasn't until Claudius' reign that the Romans got a foothold in Britain.

>> No.17232458

jej, no they didnt. ceaser won every major battle on the island than left when he didnt have enough resources. his withdrawl had everything to do with ceaser fighting an ocean and a full semi pacified gaul away and nothing really really with the britons.

>> No.17233186

Ah yes, in the same way that scandinavian languages aren't germanic languages.

>> No.17233194

Norse paganism is one branch of Germanic paganism... There is a plenty of linguistic evidence that shows that the Anglo-Saxon gods have the same names as the Norse gods.

>> No.17233234

You aren't Nordic, Caesar never fought against the Anglo-Saxons, stop LARPing.

At the time Beowulf would have taken place the Germanic world would have been FAR closer knit than it is today. This meme about how Germany and Sweden are super different today therefore these people speaking languages only a few centuries removed from speaking literally the same language must have been completely unaware of each other is just that: a meme spouted by people who watch too much TV.

Having said that, Beowulf is Christian at a time when Christianity didn't exist in Denmark, and a number of events are patently just the author putting a Christian veneer on pagan elements (the Skald telling peasants stories from Genesis, which is a huge lmfao).

>> No.17233291

Through the years he's been desrcribed as a water spirit, an eveil goblin, a Jute, defeated coastmen who had to resort to inland, malaria, a legend of oriental origin, a symbol for the cultivation of marshland, and a bear.

>> No.17233308

No he was a relic population of Neanderthal

for a scandi prince

>> No.17233335

and also pirate raids.

>> No.17233368
File: 144 KB, 602x900, SMOTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grendel was the son of an some pre-biblical monster and Cain. He represents the last remains of paganism in an increasingly Judeo-Christian world.
We're never going to get a good Beowulf movie are we bros?

>> No.17233980

>Some anglo cuck who fapped to vikangz raping bong women
>peak anglo lit

>> No.17234296

Anybody read the book by John Gardner?

>> No.17234376

It's an Anglo Saxon poem mate.

>> No.17234384
File: 25 KB, 220x325, Beowulf 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He represents the last remains of paganism in an increasingly Judeo-Christian world.
That's way too reductive my man.

>We're never going to get a good Beowulf movie are we bros?

>> No.17234413

Learn history, retard. Anglo-saxons invaded Britain when the Roman empire was collapsing.