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File: 337 KB, 908x1390, 1585573826001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17226217 No.17226217 [Reply] [Original]

What does Kant's physiognomy tell us about him?

>> No.17226224

He didn't married either, anon. There is no hope.

>> No.17226232

that moralfags are autistic and ugly

>> No.17226234

baby yoda

>> No.17226288

Empiricists and rationalists are bugs.

>> No.17226532

Metaphysic of Morals is incel-tier nice guy cope

>> No.17226547
File: 1.12 MB, 792x628, baby yeed hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17226564

That no amount of philosophy is worth dying alone, literally abused and robbed by your caretaker. Didn’t he have a shot at marrying some duchess at one point?


>> No.17226604
File: 838 KB, 1280x1620, 1609011415734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17226656

You haven't even read the Groundwork, don't you?

>> No.17226678

i would commit unholy acts to her disgusting little delightful skull

>> No.17226694
File: 55 KB, 456x477, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that based on the death mask from his remains, Kant was a chad and looked like pic related. Little men with little minds like OP will post that caricaturish painting to feel better about their intellectual inferiority.

>> No.17226713
File: 28 KB, 327x450, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17226783

Kant is awesome, shut up faggot.

>> No.17226784

*Entschuldigen Sie

>> No.17226789

After all this time, I still don't have a definite image of what Kant looked like in my head.

>> No.17226810

He was actually popular with women and was looking for a wife for a while but ended up choosing to study the transcendental idealistic blade instead

>> No.17227202
File: 154 KB, 964x1388, Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.17227209
File: 671 KB, 1009x1317, Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this.

>> No.17227222
File: 346 KB, 500x669, this-is-not-immanueal-kant-it-is-friedrich-jacobi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not like this.

>> No.17227234

Lies. This is Kant and you're just slandering him.

>> No.17227250

This is the most accurate, but the other side of his face could make him look more like either one of these>>17226713

I can't imagine him turning his head.

>> No.17227886

If this is a more accurate depiction of Kant, why the hell does OPs pic exist, how did a portrait artist fuck up so bad?

>> No.17228320

because the other two portaits are more idelized in the style of the late 18th century to flatter the portrayed, while the op's is less stylized?

>> No.17228337

who cares how he looks. He was genius, this coming from someone who is certainly not a Kantian, Kant's thought was revolutionary and shouldn't be written off because of his face. If you really like philosophy, you should read the first critique.

>> No.17228345

These two>>17226713

Are too specific to be just idealised. This one>>17227209 doesn't get the strength of his features.

>> No.17228547

Instantly super cool anime girl; Mayumi Shintani must be her seyuu.

>> No.17228636

What does your obsession with his physiognomy tell us about you?
That you are a gay man.

>> No.17228649

I'm not gay, I just like femboys

>> No.17229126

OP's pic is just a low quality miniature made when Kant was an old man. You probably only recognize it more because OP is a shitty forced memer

>> No.17229131


>> No.17229166

sure, who cares how he looks. you're just as retarded as op for feeling like this is important

see my comment >>17228337

>> No.17229646

I love him so much. He's like an old cartoon character. A little genius with extremely bizarre habits and a comedy manservant to act as the straight man (although I imagine him to be no taller than Kant, and that they both walk together at a fast speed like in an old buster keaton film)

>> No.17229681

the queen's gambit (2020)

>> No.17229687


>> No.17229793


>> No.17230308


>> No.17230316

This. Kant is reddit.

>> No.17230322

et phone home

>> No.17230324

Socrates was ugly as hell too. Spinoza was the best looking philosopher.

>> No.17230336

imo its derrida

>> No.17230343

God, look at that head. his brain mass is so big. somehow he is able to pull of the grey look while still looking good.

>> No.17230352

This always seemed like a very odd and iconic abgle. do we know why the painter pained in this "looking slightly down and to the side" angle?

From what I remember, conventions were rather strong on how you were portrayed oin art, and this seems pretty out of left field. looks cool though.

>> No.17230362

its to show off his intellect i think. it emphasizes his forehead/big brain and makes him look serious and in thought

>> No.17230923

No, it's because Kant was a manlet with a 5head so this is POV looking at him in three-quarter view (popular angle to paint a subject).
You can trust me, I know :)

>> No.17230929

All philosophers are ugly, anon. I remember a woman philosopher saying that.

>> No.17231422
File: 569 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20201220-184250_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant was not fugly (see pic related), that's just a bad painting done when he was very old (at that point, I think, he had lost most of his teeth, which was a normal thing for old people in the 18th century).

Also in his youth and maturity he had multiple occasions to marry beautiful women, but he always delayed the affair because he had never been sure wether he could financially support a family. Kuehn in his biography says that in that period it was a fairly common concern for intellectuals who were born into non-noble families. Also remember that in Kant's time there was no tenure track, so his earning (up to his 70s, when he got a more stable position in the uni's senate, which was usually reserved for senior scholars) depended on how many people would decide to show up to his lectures, which is to say, it was unstable to say the least (Fichte and Hegel will too suffer tremendous financial strains for this very reason for their whole lives - institutions didnt give a shit about great scholars who were not indipendently wealthy).

>> No.17233065

>in Kant's time there was no tenure track, so his earning (up to his 70s, when he got a more stable position in the uni's senate, which was usually reserved for senior scholars) depended on how many people would decide to show up to his lectures, which is to say, it was unstable to say the least (Fichte and Hegel will too suffer tremendous financial strains for this very reason for their whole lives - institutions didnt give a shit about great scholars who were not indipendently wealthy).
This is the way it should be. Look what became of the humanities in modern academia. Tenure corrupts.

>> No.17233227

Uh ok

>> No.17233836

Was Kant /fa/?

>> No.17233873

No ones judging his genius and greatness based on his looks you nerd. It's just interesting to see what he looked like, because the human face and body is meaningful, and does indeed say something about a person.

Just for personal pleasure, it's nice to be able to imagine him you bugman.

>> No.17233901

Steve Buscemi biopic when?

>> No.17233934

Women cannot be philosophers.

>> No.17234280

Diotima would disagree.