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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 348x526, BelushiCollege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1722566 No.1722566 [Reply] [Original]

what school do you go to and what is your major

>> No.1722592

University of York - Modern Lit

>inb4 useless degree
i ain't even mad

>> No.1722596

University of Pittsburgh English lit

feels read bro

>> No.1722603

Kansas City Art Institute-Painting

>> No.1722605

Computer science at the university of mind your own fucking business

>> No.1722607
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I'm at the University of Pittsburgh too.

Dear God....

Marketing Major.

>> No.1722610

university of community college
major undecided
u jel?

>> No.1722611

I don't.

>> No.1722612

University of New Hampshire.
English major.

& everyone's gonna go "myeh myeh myeh", but I am choosing to be homeless.

>> No.1722613


>> No.1722621

you don't cease to humor me

>> No.1722624

can I tell you a secret? I'm not an english lit major. i'm really a communication major, i was embarrassed so I lied.

feels bad man

>> No.1722625

you're the one that asked.
i aint' even jelly.

>> No.1722626
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>> No.1722627


>> No.1722629

Central Oklahoma.
I graduate in two weeks.

>> No.1722631
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mfw everyones major is related to literature.Studying to become a paramedic,and i also attend the "mind your fucking business" school.I guess im the only person who just enjoys reading and doesn't want to make a career out of it.

>> No.1722633

University of Kansas, Pharmacy Professional

I'm dropping out because I don't want to be a pill dispenser for a living.

>> No.1722634

Kent Uni - Literature

>> No.1722635

>studying to become a paramedic
I dropped out of paramedic school because I make more money delivering pizza.

>> No.1722636

Computer Engineering at some university that isn't located in a first-world country

>> No.1722637

I know. but it obviously was a nonserious question. you should have come up with a better answer,sweet pea.

>> No.1722639

so do you plan on delivering pizza long term?

>> No.1722646

a pizza delivery driver only gets like $600 a month where i live.Quit trolling.Find me a paramedic that makes $12,000 a year.

>> No.1722647

No. But I didn't want to go to school for a couple of years to get shit on by nurses, doctors, firefighters, and police while making tiny amounts of money helping asshole patients and gomers that I didn't give a fuck about anyway.

If you're compassionate and you want to make a difference in a career that only requires an associate's degree, I think nursing is a better bet than EMS. Although I will hate nurses until the day I die. Goddamn condescending entitled bitches with like 1/10 of the medical expertise they think they have.

>> No.1722650

I guess I tagged that wrong, I was replying to >>1722639

I'm not trolling. I average $12 to $17 per hour, and I've never heard of a medic in my area making more than $13. And that's with experience.

>> No.1722655

QUestion: how miserable is delivering pizza? do you plan on getting into doing something else?

>> No.1722657

It's not miserable at all. I get to listen to shitloads of audiobooks or whatever's on the radio while I work. I kind of enjoy it, but it's not a career. I do plan on getting into something else, but I'm working my way through school at the moment.

>> No.1722660

University of Florida, double major in Psychology and English.

>> No.1722663

university of my dick
major: enlightenment

>> No.1722664

University of Louisville
English major

>> No.1722665


>> No.1722666

im also going to get fire science degree because some fire departments want people with EMT/paramedic degrees.also,my dad is a delivery guy.makes $7.50/hour and shit tips.i grew up on welfare and if i got 20-30k a year i would shit puppies out of happiness.Plus the whole helping people thing...

>> No.1722667

How many pranks do you get? You know like delivering pizza to someone who didn't actually order it. What do you do about that? Just throw the pizza away?

>> No.1722672

It doesn't happen all that often, but when it does, the company eats the cost, I get first dibs on it, and if neither I nor my colleagues want it, it gets thrown away.

Well, if you're going to go the firefighter route, then you'll actually have a decent career, to the tune of like 30-50k. I would just recommend trying not to get stuck as an ambulance jockey.

>> No.1722674

UC Davis, Psychology and thinking of adding another major (maybe bio)

>> No.1722675

I hate seeing people do that on /b/ because my dads a pizza guy and anytime he doesn't get a tip it really comes out of his pocket and he barely makes that much as it is.Especially with gas prices you can damn near lose money on a shift if it wasn't for the hourly pay.

>> No.1722679

Firefighter interested me a lot because you can work two 24 hour shifts and that'll be your week.I got the night owl built into me already.

>> No.1722681
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I forgive you.

I like being in the business school, but I someday wish to write books on the side of any business job. I think majoring in purely English is limiting yourself and I would rather have experience with people and business and learn writing skills by myself. Also thinking about dual majoring in psychology. Perhaps a certificate in professional writing too.

Man, I hate finals. I should be studying right not, but here I am on 4chan....

>> No.1722682

Hell yeah, man, when I was in EMS we would hang out at the firehouses playing Xbox and generally dicking around until we got a call... which oftentimes never happened. I can see the appeal in that.

>> No.1722698

If you want to, we should go to the O and get 40s. I don't know/care if you're male or female. I'm about to graduate, so (I know everything) I could give you some life advice.

Should be writing this fucking paper that's been dogging my shit

>> No.1722700

So why aren't you in EMS anymore?

>> No.1722701

Electrical Engineering

>> No.1722705

Refer to >>1722647.

>> No.1722710

Go gators man!

>> No.1722712

i went to the university of washington. i got an english degree with a writing emphasis.

>> No.1722715

Oh...ohhhh.You cold hearted bastard.
With my family history if i got shit on by doctors and nurses all day i would still get some serious respect from my family and peers.Mostly because they are all burger flipping losers(no offense to my family i love them)

>> No.1722730

St. John's University
English major

Might transfer to Geneseo

>> No.1723111

University of Oxford, studying History and Philosophy.

>> No.1723119

University of Alberta

Computing Science

>> No.1723121


>> No.1723141

Firefighters making 30-50k a year? Where the fuck do you live? In California a firefighter can easily make $100,000+ a year, plus running a construction company or some bullshit on the side, and end up with a pension of more than their salary for the rest of their life. It's one of the cushiest jobs in the world, they sit around all day cooking and gardening and then end up just bandaging people up if they go to a scene. That's why it's one of the most in demand jobs.

Not hating, I know a fucking ton of firefighters, just telling it how it is.

>> No.1723166
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I'm at UC Santa Cruz. Undeclared.

>> No.1723170

University of Glasgow - History and English Literature joint honours.

University of Amsterdam - PhD in English Literature

And school in Birmingham, England (translation qualifications) as well as Den Haag, Netherlands (Teacher training certificate).

>> No.1723174

University of Europe

Mandarin and Classical Chinese

>> No.1723178

Monash university

bachelor of music studying classical guitar

Will be doing English after that.

>> No.1723189

So many fucking waste of life English majors here. I get it, you like reading, so do I, but how about you get off your lazy ass and get a real job that contributes to society? Majoring in English is no different than majoring in watching movies or playing video games.

Second year engineer here. I'll enjoy my large salary and my genuine sense of self worth from knowing I do something important to make the world a better place.

>> No.1723193
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>blah blah blah my major is bigger than yours

you are the worst person in these threads. i really don't care to explain to you how you're a commercially-driven, passionless, boring piece of vapid dogshit, but so you know, i can demonstrate to you that your 4chan posts are just plain awful

>> No.1723194


Hi dickhead, >>1723170 here.

After graduating I learnt how to use a couple of pretty obscure software systems (couldn't see the point in studying computing since it's a piece of piss and you can usually learn it on the job), and I picked up qualifications as a teacher and as a translator along the way. Now I earn a reasonably high salary, particularly on software consultancy jobs (I make less money as a translator, but I have the satisfaction of helping people out who are often scared, and sometimes being taken advantage of), and have the luxury that I can usually take six months of the year off to go diving and climbing. I can also, if I choose, spend time teaching in Africa for very little money, and hopefully give something to some pretty needy communities.

I don't know if that qualifies as a meaningful job to you, but if I was so shallow that I could only view my worth in terms of the money I make, and the value society imports to my studies, then I'd probably have killed myself before my thirties.

>> No.1723205

Poli sci major, University of Washington, will be a paralegal when I graduate. Starting pay $35k

>> No.1723208
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Of all the people in this thread - this guy will probably get the most pussy.


This guy may be second.

>> No.1723214

Finishing up my MA in International Politics in the next month at an above average but not Ivy League University somewhere in Europe.

Going to be starting my PhD there in late 2012. (Having to defer a year, because both of the Professors I want to oversee my PhD are embarking on sabbaticals next year).

>> No.1723217

I'm surprised how many young people still don't know how to play the game.

First of all, disregard >>1723189
He's just an aspie faggot.

But some of what he says is true.

You should all really be pursuing a respectable career that will get you lots of money like finance or law and THEN follow your dreams.

Almost everybody I know struggling to pursue their life's dream wish they followed that strategy. These are aspiring writers, pilots, creatives, film makers, etc...

And whatever you do - DO NOT STUDY MARKETING, ADVERTISING OR PUBLIC RELATIONS. These are soulless industries full of shallow mental midgets.

Law or finance and get that money.

>> No.1723218

since when can you get pussy playing classical guitar? I think you are confusing classical guitar with shitty acoustic folk pop make-your-girlfriend-cry guitar.

>> No.1723228

At least don't get an english major to "become a writer."
That shit is retarded.

>> No.1723236


My friend Ricard studied guitar in Spain and Holland, and believe me, when he gets his instrument out, it's not long before they ask him to get his other insrument out. Women love musicians. Get over it. Also, if you can play classical guitar, it's not so hard to bang out a few bars of nirvana or Jason Mraz or whatever the fuck you need to get them to drop their knickers.

>> No.1723239


> Almost everybody I know struggling to pursue their life's dream wish they followed that strategy.

Do they really, or is that your assumption? A lot of people will say they wish they had a nice stable career when they aren't doing well, but when they are, it's back to "FUCK THAT, I LOVE MY LIFE"

>> No.1723243


The closest I've ever had to a steady job was a few years working as a casino dealer, and that involved working in lots of different places in different countries. The idea of leaving university and installing myself behind a desk made me want to cry, and I'm so glad I never did it.

Fuck your advice, I wouldn't trade my life for a lawyers, not even if it was only for a decade of servitude.

>> No.1723244
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everybodies your friend until the rent comes due.

>> No.1723248


Two sides to that:

1. Majoring in English won't make you a writer. Writing makes you a writer. Even that doesn't make you a good one.


2. If you're looking to get into the world of contemporary literary fiction, esp. in the US, you've pretty much got to deal with the massive publisher bias towards people with an MFA Creative Writing (from actual schools, not midlife-crisis appeasement programs) and a stack of references.

>> No.1723253
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Louisiana State University
Doulblevin Fine arts - photography and Philosophy
w/ Chinese language minor

>> No.1723268

I dropped out a few weeks before graduating high school. I was set to go to college as a...Latin major. Not Classics, not History, but Latin. Instead I stayed a shut-in for years and never went to college.

In the end I'm glad I didn't go, but it took years to accept that it was the right choice for me. What did the trick was realizing that I was years ahead of my peers in knowing how to learn on my own.

>> No.1723269

>even if it was only for a decade of servitude.

You're always serving somebody. I'd rather be closer at the top when I'm doing it.

>> No.1723276 [DELETED] 

I'd like to choose who I serve, and do so with my all.

I'm still waiting on an offer.

>> No.1723277

> look at bestseller lists
> crime novels, legal thrillers, etc.
> look at authors
> ex-lawyer, ex-doctor, ex-psychologists, ex-stock trader

>> No.1723278


I always work for someone, but I also always have the confidence and satisfaction of knowing that I can walk out if it gets too much, and that this is my job, not my life. I've never worked overtime in my life, and never had a boss who dared to bawl me out.

What I meant by servitude is knowing as you sit at your shitty desk that you can never leave without losing your house, your fancy car and some illusory concept of "position". That would genuinely terrify me.

>> No.1723281


Yeah - John Grisham is the doyenne of modern literature. Let's all write like him, he's so great.

How about a list of authors who never had a job in their life?

>> No.1723286

Information Science somewhere in Europe.
I think I'm the only with a LIS background here.

>> No.1723289


> implying women authors

>> No.1723293


@ Top tier college in country,not amerifag.

Not to be a twat or anything but wow,why are there so many arty-farty kiiiinda worthless majors here?

>> No.1723296


Because this is an arty-farty kiiiinda worthless board.

>> No.1723299
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>Authors like John Grisham,Jeffrey Deaver and Lee Child are better than all this taste-less wierd shit people read on this board.

>> No.1723301
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recent college dropout

anyone else?

>> No.1723302


Yeah but you can still appreciate literature without being an out of touch with reality wierdo at the same time...

>> No.1723304
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Yeah, sure. Enjoy your limited ability to understand the world around you, and your isolation from genuine thought.

>> No.1723305

wow i hope you're joking


>> No.1723306
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>He doesn't read for entertainment

>> No.1723326

Fun fact, guise.
Lee Child is an Englishman who went to the same school as J.R.R. Tolkein.

>> No.1723335

University of Amsterdam Molecular Genetics

>> No.1723342

a levels here
u jelly?

>> No.1723357

Barcelona University

>> No.1723516

i knew this was /lit/ but im a wee-bit surprised at all the english majors.i thought this board was for fun not study.I can assume all of you majoring english grew up middle class or wealthier,because it sucks a whole lot to be poor.Switch to powdered milk for one breakfast and you will swear you want to be a big shot laywer instead of a starved writer.

>> No.1723524

I do not live with my parents, support myself, have an active sex life...

In short, no.

>> No.1723533
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Where's the Morganite capsule? Oh, this is it? Sweet.

>> No.1723564

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

I'll be poor forever.

>> No.1723578

i miss that game. i hope they revisit that IP.

>> No.1723590

>marketing major

>> No.1723595

>Major Major.

>> No.1723599

University of Georgia - English major

I've gotten so intensely disenchanted taking lit criticism classes I'm considering changing my major, even though I'm in my fourth year, and have mainly just electives to take at this point. Inspection and contemplation of reading material is awesome, but Hegelian interpretations of Amy Levy's Romance of the Shop and the evidences of anti-feminist thought in the presence (or absence) of Kantian "spiritedness" as portrayed by the etc. etc.


>> No.1723608

Now stop that.

>> No.1723626
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I can't. It's like a Catch-22.

>> No.1723631
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>> No.1723646

w00t for liberal arts.

Also UGA. History major, which means a post-colonialist interpretation of African religious rituals in 17th century Brazil.

>> No.1723658
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"When are you available in your office?"
"When i'm not in my office"

>> No.1723670

Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona.

Major in Humanities.

>> No.1724121

Energy engineering.

>> No.1724133
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Major Tom

>> No.1724143

I honestly think that anyone studying english as a major, and is aspiring to be a writer, is making bad decision.
If you study say law, studied at a good college, it will provide you with the necessary knowledge of the english language to be a writer.
At the same time you will be able to make good money from it and you will pick up other things that you wouldn't have if you studied english, things that might just be groundbreaking in your quest for writing a book.
Just my 2 cents, I'm not hating on anyone here for picking whatever they did, but I myself was about to study literature at a college until I realized that I'd be better of studying something that's promising in terms of having a good job.

>> No.1724144

Let's be friends

>> No.1724165

Cornell University, English/Music double major. That didn't do wonders for my career prospects, so I pretty quickly became a software developer (and have been one for 12 years). I'm sure other degrees would have given me a jumpstart on my current career track, but I don't regret my choice of major. I definitely have a more well-rounded education than most of my colleagues.

English-to-computer-nerd brofist.

>> No.1724180

University of California at Berkeley


not sure if that's my definite major-- Literature, and others sound interesting. I think I might just become a Berkeley professor and have access to books and stuff.