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/lit/ - Literature

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17225622 No.17225622 [Reply] [Original]

Also, what first got you into reading?

>> No.17225636

IT consultant
childhood habit, interest in history and politics from a young age

>> No.17225653

Software engineer. I'd loved reading especially about history when I was a kid but moving to America and needing to learn English kinda killed the fun of it for the next 15 years. Imagine needing to spend 20 minutes on a single page. Recently I began reading more frequently again. Currently reading some mainstream philosophy books.

>> No.17225796

I just realized this thread is doomed to fail. Most people here are unemployed.

>> No.17225800

Lawyer here. Am unemployed.

>> No.17225815

new topic, how does /lit scrape by?

>> No.17225826
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>> No.17226849

Have a software company. If anybody wants to strike it out on their own, its easier than it has ever been to raise capital right now. Even with the pandemic.
Read as a kid and actually took English in high school seriously. So I got into actual literature, not just YA shit.

>> No.17226863

I work at a University in the United States. I’ve always liked reading but my English teacher in high school got me really into it, the state of education and universities got me out of it, then, discovering new authors and just finding writing to be therapeutic got me back into it.

>> No.17226890

I work on the railway. I got into reading because both my parents read a lot and whenever I complained of being bored, they said, "Read a book."

>> No.17226913

Bureaucrat in municipal government here. Have been reading for forever; my folks read airport dime novel stuff which I guess I started with as a kid. When I was in my teens I got the pretentious idea that I should 'read the great books,' and found that I enjoyed them. Just kept going after that.

>> No.17226921

Same here but state government. This is so boring I want to off myself everyday. I detest the people I work with. How do you cope? We don’t even make much money.

>> No.17226938

mom gives me 1k€ a month :)

>> No.17226940

I make a decent living (low six figures), and the benefits are great. I'm mainly doing policy work these days which is more engaging than just spreadsheets and paper pushing. I generally get along with my colleagues as well. Lots of free time (especially now that we're working remotely thanks to COVID).

>> No.17226944

Clinical Psychology grad student. And before the memes start, no, I'm not for pushing meds on people so they can cope with the insanity of our society.

>> No.17226951

How old are you? I’m in my mid twenties and make less than $50k USD.

>> No.17226957

It also sounds like my job sucks a lot more than you. My job is all spreadsheets and they have me working nonstop from 8 to 4.

>> No.17226968

stay at home uncle idk

>> No.17226969

Mid-late 30s; hit $100k when I was 30 (moving from one city to another and getting a bump). Keep at it, and if your current work is pure drudgery, do what you can to get a job closer to where the policymakers or elects are. In general they're not going to be any smarter than anyone else, but you'll at least be able to work on a wider variety of things so that the monotony doesn't get to you as much.

>> No.17226986

im a data entry min wage cuck. the job is pretty easy i sometimes even read during work cause im working from home. i cant remember why i started reading

>> No.17227002

Electronic engineering.
>what first got you into reading?
Roald Dahl probably.
>OP's pic
Name a less respectable list of professions. Only needs a lawyer and a banker.

>> No.17227022

Grad student working at the uni. Parents were teachers, I liked detective stories so they got me reading them. Branched out later in life. Is that enough personal info cia man?

>> No.17227029

I don't read. My brain is fried and I spend 12 hours per day on the internet browsing aimlessly. I find myself browsing /lit/ a lot since I enjoy larping as a pretentious idiot and watching people with their heads up their ass take me seriously.

I unironically shill for a living and live with my parents.

>> No.17227050

>I unironically shill for a living
what did he mean by this?

>> No.17227078

That makes more sense. The pay scale seems like I’d probably be closer to $100k around your age too. Honestly, dude. I really hate my job. If I have to continue it I will probably kill myself. The thing is I don’t really have any traditional job that would be preferable. I’m leaning towards joining either the Military or Merchant Fleet just so I can go somewhere and do something. That, or go teach English abroad for a change of scenery.

Out of curiosity, do you have a degree? If so what is it?

>> No.17227121

Teaching English abroad is always an option (at least when COVID isn't fucking up travel), but it can be lonely (I had a friend who taught in Korea for a year or two), and it basically functions as a gap year in terms of your career. As far as bureaucratic boredom goes, I don't think the military is much better than state/local government, at least once you get past training. YMMV though.

Yes, I have a BA in political science (with honors, from a top tier public university). I really enjoyed my time at university and the degree helped me get my foot in the door for the first job, but after that it's been of less and less importance. I do sometimes consider going back for a doctorate and entering academia, but I'm not that keen on taking a cut in pay to ultimately chase after tenure while dealing with the inanity of faculty politics.

>> No.17227142

jesus people make this much money working for the government? the pay goes up that much every year? im in the wrong sector.

>> No.17227152

This thread will get 500 replies because litoids love talking about themselves more than anything

>> No.17227158

I’m fine with lonely and I honestly do not care about my career. For sure, I also realize that the military is not free of bureaucratic boredom but like I said, it’s about going somewhere and doing something and there’s always the possibility of fighting. I speak a few languages so I’ve been looking at becoming a linguist.

My degree is also a social science but to be honest I hated school. I guess that should’ve been a tell in retrospect. Either way, it sounds like things have largely worked out for you.

>> No.17227161

I've been reading almost constantly since I learned how

>> No.17227187

In general, government pay is high for entry level positions, and low for top level positions. In my city, there are probably janitors and account clerks pulling in $40-50k, but the top executive, in theory responsible for managing all ~10,000 employees makes around $300k.

>> No.17227194

Actually no. Your pay goes up by a very little amount every year and then every few years you get a slightly, but only slightly, larger increase since your job responsibilities change. Then, after more years your job “level” changes and that’s when your pay really changes. At least that’s how it works where I am. I can expect to make pretty much what I make now until I’m 30 at least.

>> No.17227197

Data analyst

But it's basically just moving stuff around in excel. My soul is slowly withering. At least it pays well.

>> No.17227259

I do odd jobs. I make ~40 an hour moving stuff, but only get about 15 hrs of work a week off the internet. It is only going to be sustainable for so long, but it is nice to basically be a NEET, only having to drive a few hours a week, can quit and get back to work any time, can tell people to fuck off if they are assholes, and get to meet people without the obligation of sustained relationships.

>> No.17227261

still in uni desu, i really hope i will have found better ways to spend my time than posting on 4chan when i get my degree and make some money

>> No.17227278

were you ex-military? im guessing that would bump up the level from the start, right?

>> No.17227291

Archaeologist. Read 1984 in 10th grade and that sparked it.

>> No.17227301

hey, do you use SPSS?

>> No.17227332

No, I wasn’t. I went to college and started working here right after my degree after like 2 weeks of a manual labor job in a natural resources field. I have no idea what happens with veterans. I work with some but I’ve never asked.

>> No.17227566

Same here! I have 3 kids from 7 to 12 years and their best leasure activity is reading.

IT architect in finance company, BTW.

>> No.17227621

>Read 1984 in 10th grade and that sparked it.
same, 1984 is a great book to get people into reading

>> No.17227673

Royal navy loser. Struggling

>> No.17227706

>Royal navy
what's it like? I'm considering it

>> No.17227728

forklift operator. the very definition of underachiever

>> No.17227732

I've been living off CERB all year and charity from my parents. I also worked for like a month and a half total here and there.
Shit SUCKS but it could be worse.

>> No.17227771

Two minimum wage jobs, full-time college (working towards hydrogeology). Trying to get a third job. I used to go through books really fast, primarily history when I was a kid, but now I'm a burnt out piece of shit who spends their time staring at screens.

>> No.17227795

>what first got you into reading?
learning to read

>> No.17227815

Nothing; I'm a piece of shit NEET. I get about 400+rent because I'm too retarded to work. Hate myself. At least covid gave me a reason to be home all the time.
I did learn fashion and communications design, though.

>> No.17227822

no, it really couldn't

>> No.17227839

I teach literature

>> No.17227854

I work in postal service. I recently got diagnosed with depression anxiety though so Im going to try to get disability money from it or if I have to use unemployment money because maintaining a wagie job is impossible for me. While I do that Im going to self study programming and freelance with my knowledge of it until I get a good programming job that I can eventually go remote in. If all else fails I’ll enter a trade. Got into reading because I want to learn and test my knowledge of the world and refine it which is why I mostly read non fiction and philosophy

>> No.17227858

To high school kids or what?

>> No.17228018

No, only excel. Kill me.

Used SPSS at university though

>> No.17228087

Book store employee

I started reading children fantasy books like Harry Potter when I was 10

>> No.17228149

i'm a professional NEET

>> No.17228214

I got a soft start by trying to be a pseud, wanting to copy my dad
had a teacher in high school who got me into reading for the joy of it. He had us read the first chapter of Slaughterhouse 5, which really got me going. Also he liked John Cooper Clarke, which is cool.

>> No.17228223

Research Scientist at a medical devices company. I work in the R&D chemistry team.
I've always been into reading. I think I have a bit of an unacknowledged lust for power and I strongly believe in the concept of knowledge = power. Went into science because I want all the knowledge there is.

What are the hours like? Is there much stress/overtime/sprints?
I've been considering moving into a more data scientist role since it pays significantly more and can more easily accommodate working from home.

>> No.17228270

Are you me? Because you sound like me.

>> No.17228287

Unfortunately i teach university

>> No.17228297


>> No.17228391

anime name?

>> No.17228402

You sound really nice actually I wish you the best. I used to work in ecology so let me tell you, what you’re trying to do is important.

>> No.17228478
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My job title is data analyst, but I don’t really do a lot of analysis. Mostly working with company data to build out reports so other people can analyze the data.
I was big into reading when I was young, like from 5 to 14 I read a lot. Then I stopped for a literally a decade. Then I graduated college, moved away from all my friends for a job near my parents, had no one to hang out with, and decided it was time to find an intellectually stimulating hobby. Also there was this girl I really liked at work who was a big reader and I wanted to impress her. Kek. It’s been almost three years since that now though and it’s turned into a passion of mine that stuck around long after she was gone. So, thank you Kaitlyn

>> No.17228578

Code monkey. I've always been "left brained" and "right brained" in equal proportion so I get my left stuff out coding and my right stuff out writing. Would love to cut loose from the demiurgic influence of coding and live in the pure spirit of writing but it's far easier doing the former than the latter. There are certain higher realms of coding that approximate the workings of thought itself, but most of the coding that pays is repetitive screwturning grunt work.

>Also, what first got you into reading?
It was a way for me to expand my consciousness and feel like I was more than what I was.

>> No.17228586

>but it's far easier doing
far easier making money, I mean

>> No.17228672

Why do you make it sound like you’re not faculty?

>> No.17228681

Teacherbros, red pill me. Is it okay? It seems like an okay day job if you teach high school or college.

>> No.17228716

Full time private English tutor. It's all the 'reward' of teaching without any of the babysitting. Still, I wouldn't do it for life.

I'd like to be a journalist, except that I absolutely loathe the media. There are a handful of journalists I respect and the rest of scum. I want to be one of the good ones, but it just seems impossible to get your foot in the door these days. If you manage it, you have to sell your soul, which I'd rather not do.

>> No.17228748

Medfag. Mom taught me to read at 4 and I never stopped
Psycho pass. I would never recognize it if I hadnt just finished watching it. Interesting premise, mediocre execution, peaks in the middle, terrible last third. Lots of pretentious /lit/ references though. 6/10

>> No.17228775

I am an analyst at an elite hedge fund

>> No.17228781

Can you join as an officer? If so, go for it. Life as a rating is shit and underpaid

>> No.17228792

I am in a Catholic religious order.

>> No.17228880

I write and edit government publications.

I always liked books as a child, but my interest in literature didn't fully develop until I was a young adult. When I was a teenager I became homeless and, having neither a high school diploma or GED, was stuck working multiple menial jobs, neither of which (even with the combined income) made it tenable to rent an apartment. I slept in my car, with my main modes of entertainment being the radio (primarily broadcasts of baseball games), and the local library, which was up the street from where I slept most nights. As I read more, I began to have a better understanding of the nexus between knowledge and its translation into bettering one's own life. I started to enjoy knowledge, and literature, for its own sake as well. Eventually, I started taking classes at a community college (a family member helped me get housing), then transferred to a university to earn my bachelor's degree, then another university for my master's degree.

>> No.17228900

Politics. My parents read to me as a child and then I started reading when I could do it on my own.

>> No.17228908

I'm a student
Hell's Angels by Hunter Thompson got me into books

>> No.17229154

I don't think so. Still, nice to know there are other civil servants here.

>> No.17229254
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>Bureaucrat in municipal government here.
I was approved for a similar job. Unfortunatelly, the current administration stoutely refuses to nominate me. I will, probably, have to begin a juditial battle in order actually get the gig.
The said job is not a high paying one but it would allow me to be comfy ATM, Pessoa scheme.
The fact of they not nominating me is ruining my will to study now. Because, what's the point? Even if I win they won't give me the prize. Or at least NOT NOW, and it is now that matters.

I'm down, bros. More than usual.

>> No.17229295

Bay area?

>> No.17229354

Doctor specializing in psychiatry.
A mix of being an innately curious person with a well read family that stimulates reading. Growing up extra expenses had to be justified (do I -need- X thing?), unless it was with books.

>> No.17229355
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ESL teacher in China and /lit/ got me interested in pleasure reading about a year ago.

>> No.17229421

I'm an accountant. I got into reading because my dad would read to me as a little kid(. Looking back he picked some pretty cool books.
Being really into history helps too.

>> No.17229453

>Merchant Fleet just so I can go somewhere and do something.
They have artificial barriers of entry for the Merchant Navy now. You probably would have to undergo bullshit training.

>> No.17229456

I'm a commercial property manager at a retail store. It's okay, working with my hands leaves me enough mental energy at the end of the day to read for a few hours before bed.
how do you like it and where in china are you? I wanted to go over but the pandemic ruined that plan.

>> No.17229457

I mean, that’s pretty much the story with everything these days.

>> No.17229475

Pay is good, living is absurdly cheap, and I don't work much (and what work I do is pretty easy). Currently in Foshan (far south) but considering moving soon- it's way too hot. The borders should more or less open up in 5 or 6 months if you still wanted to try it out.

>> No.17229486

I might go teach ESL in Japan or Korea (I speak both). Have any advice if I do?

>> No.17229497

Starting a PhD soon but I don't really want to be in academia so no clue what I'll be doing in 3 years.

>> No.17229549

To people who aren't as fortunate as you I would say to learn the language as best they can before they go. Even doing like ~10 Duolingo lessons every day for a few months before you make the leap could be life changing. I'd suggest Korea if you want to be able to save a good amount of money.
Not that I expect Hydewars to change your mind, this video might give you some insight into the modern status of academia (assuming you're doing something "useless"). Starts at 3:00: https://youtu.be/ebKQq96ouao?t=180

>> No.17229551

do you have any skills? if not get into HVAC man there is a serious lack of skilled people in this trade. whether you're sheet metal, refrigeration, or whatever. pay isnt amazing, but top end guys get 35/hr with as much OT as they want. you can get pretty close to 100k/year.

t. manage an hvac company

what first got me into reading? it always appealed to me even as a kid i loved booked. i loved this book of reptiles my grandma had

>> No.17229562

ESL teacher in nippon, probably been here too long already
Read lots as a kid, not much else to do as a homeschooler without internet . But this last year /lit/ unironically got me into reading more serious literature and philosophy

>> No.17229584

Painter. my interest in history among other things led into an interest in European cultural history specifically. at some point i got "the Road" from a friend and reading it reminded me of how much enjoyment I could get out of books, so I started going balls deep into mostly classical euro/american literature and little bit of sci fi here and there and haven't looked back since

>> No.17229588
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based /lit/ full of erudite sexpats

>> No.17229596

Can you respond to this also?


>> No.17229604

>doing like ~10 Duolingo lessons every day for a few months before you make the leap could be life changing. I'd suggest Korea

>> No.17229612

i'm a 29 year old neet and what got me into reading is boredom and having to fill 14 hours a day to forget that i really ought to kill myself one of these days

>> No.17229636

Engineer. While in college (one that did not have a language department), I found a copy of catch 22 in a stairwell. Read it and loved it. Slowly started reading more and more since then.

>> No.17229650

I think I've seen that before actually, and I don't live in America so it's not that bad- in fact I didn't realise it was that bad at all over there (I'm not forced into teaching or anything, for example). I'm aware that it's not ideal though, hence why I don't intend to try and stay in it

>> No.17229651

I can't speak to Korea but like the other poster said, wherever you go pick up some of the language beforehand. Most of the people who end up disliking the job can't communicate at all which really limits your opportunities to meet people, do stuff etc.
For Japan specifically the JET Program is a better option than the other eikaiwa companies, higher paying and with better benefits.
Cost of living in Japan is something to keep in mind, but a lot of teachers get subsidized housing and/or live in the middle of nowwhere so you can save a decent amount of cash. Just hope you dont end up in Tokyo, unless thats what you want.

>> No.17229670

I always knew there were some STEMs on this site, but there are far more than I thought.

>> No.17229678

>i'm a 29 year old neet and what got me into reading is boredom and having to fill 14 hours a day to forget that i really ought to kill myself one of these days
why kill yourself life is cool lets live together fren

>> No.17229690

>Just hope you dont end up in Tokyo, unless thats what you want.
I did. Why should I not want to end up there?

>> No.17229693
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Unless you're physically infirm you have NO excuse to not try and copy forest anon if you're just going to kill yourself anyways.

>> No.17229696

Because it's absurdly expensive. You're going to either be poor or commuting several hours daily. Maybe both.

>> No.17229715

Well, I already live in New York so maybe I’ll be used to it. Would Osaka be any better?

>> No.17229731

It would probably be better but likely not by too much. You'd be best off finding a midsize town somewhere semi-close to a major centre. That way you could just take a 45 minute train to a big city instead of being stuck in one paying out the ass.

>> No.17229738

>Because it's absurdly expensive. You're going to either be poor or commuting several hours daily. Maybe both.
Selling ass and sucking dick should be enough to cover expenses though.

>> No.17229745

All the big cities are going to be expensive, some less so but Osaka is up there. Just depends on what you want, I live within an hour or so drive of a large city which gives me good access but I don't have to pay nearly as much. Small town Japan is comfier too, albeit filled with geriatrics

>> No.17229763

I work as a dishwasher in a restaurant.
Been reading all my life, family always encouraged me to do so

>> No.17229779

I see. I had figured I would go to the city first and if I stayed longer then move out to a smaller area but thanks for the advice.

>> No.17229792

I made $130k CAD last year welding for 8 months. You're welcome, bottomfeeders.

>> No.17229818

How long was your education/certification process? What's the work life like?

>> No.17229876

Crypto rich. Read all day.

>> No.17229906

I work as a nightguard/logistician at a chicken feed plant/mill. The hardest part about my job is not falling asleep. I am also a full time welding student.
I started reading very young and cannot remember a time where I wasnt working on finishing some book or another. Eventualy genre fiction evolved into literature and esotericism.

>> No.17229923

How much sugar we talkin

>> No.17229958

I am desperate to find a job which affords me a life of some sort of adventure, never mind a romantic adventure like all the soldiers and sailors whose books we read.

>> No.17229972

Over $2 mil. I want to write a sci-fi novel like Gene Wolfe.

>> No.17229983

Working the warehouse/truck delivery life. lately I've been getting a decent amount of drive time along with a guaranteed 1 hour lunch, so I can be reading on a reg basis.
been reading since forever, my parents took me to the library since i was very little reading almost anything i can could get my hands on .

>> No.17229991

mommy pays for me to live

>> No.17230003

How did you achieve this? No idea about crypto desu
should everyone be putting some cash in on it?
good luck on the novel btw

>> No.17230010

Idk I just bought crypto and didn't panic sell and over time it paid off. Thanks. I'm shit at writing, will prob take years to hone my craft but I've got time.

>> No.17230138
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This so much.
>"There's a whole world out here, and every acre of it is worth going through"- Forest Anon

>> No.17230147

From where did you get the initial cash?
I supose you had savings, right?

>> No.17230150

Financial planner. My mom read to me every day and I just never stopped. Thanks mom

>> No.17230184
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>> No.17230203

I just know that some day there will be a very useful book written by and/or about him.

>> No.17230249

5-figure savings from years of working and not spending much. Bought ETH at below $10. Rode 2017 bull run and held through the crash. I'd say buy some BTC/ETH/LINK now if you have any spare cash, things are looking good for awhile.

>> No.17230259

...Your mom still reads to you every day?

Thats kind of based.

>> No.17230272

I wonder how much of this is really true and how many of you poor losers are simply fiction writers

>> No.17230278

What did you major in to get into that? I'm an English major with a linguistics minor here, and at this point, I really wish I could do what you're doing.

>> No.17230408

I work for the NSA. Just keeping tabs.

>> No.17230437

Chemical engineer.

Dunno, I guess my parents always encourage it and I was good at reading even in preschool. As a child I became more introverted and it was a place to escape to. Later as a teenager I became extroverted and kept reading a ton and more and more seriously.

>> No.17230720

Thank you, I primarily want to learn it to help the environment. You really helped my mood with your kind words.

>> No.17230742

Back-up QB for an NFL team. My dad used to read for me when he got back from work.

>> No.17230786

I write for a living :^)
student now, and I got into reading because my mom read to me when I was young. Everyone should read to their kids, it does so many good things for them.

>> No.17230829

I majored in political science, as I said in a later post. My concentration was in early and classical political theory, so it was essentially just political philosophy. I studied it because I enjoyed it, not for and job prospects.

Unless you are looking to work in some highly technical field, the best skills you can have early on are writing will and being personable without sperging out. The willingness to put in hours and to follow through on what you say you will do will put you in at least the 80th percentile of workers, probably closer to 90th. No reason that you can't do that with an English degree.

>> No.17230833

Based. Only thing more based than a clipboard QB is a specialist position like punter or longsnapper. Good job security for working 8 plays a game and without too much scrutiny.

>> No.17230895

delivery driver
Amos Daragon when i was a kid
when a job pay well and basically hire everyone with a minimum of qualification theres always a catch

>> No.17230918

unironically about to apply for a job with a glowing organization. any glowies in the thread? I know talking is discouraged. is DC really that bad to live at entry level pay? is doing a 5 year bid with a alphabet agency total shit w/r/t work/life balance? if I get a clearance I figure I might be ok for job work in the private sector come my late 20s.

>> No.17231037

Yeah, I typed out my question when I saw the first post and realized you'd answered my question in the second post. My bad! What kind of organization do you work in if you don't mind my asking? NGO, government, etc.?

>> No.17231111

Software engineer. I studied science in school and just sort of fell into the field. I make good money and I do maybe an hour worth of real work a day. I try to spend the rest of it reading. The book that did it for me was 1984 in college.

>> No.17231127

neetbux and meme internet coins

>> No.17231133

I work in administration at a specialist hospital.
I read a bit as a kid but when I was 15 I started getting panic attacks so I would skip school and just read books instead.

>> No.17231189

I actually was really into maps and cartography as a kid. I would study them, copy them, make my own, etc etc. This slowly transitioned into a reading habit, since I would try to get more context for my maps.

I'm a baker right now, which is very rewarding and enjoyable but the pay is really not ideal.

Have any of you anons with a useless humanities degree ever decided to go into the military as an officer? It's something I am strongly considering.

>> No.17231688

I'm trying to teach myself how to use it but I don't know if my database is fucked up or if I'm not yet able to use the analyze options I need. Can you recommend some literature or videos?

>> No.17231697

Sheet metal fabricator/welder
If not counting reading for school/uni it was to save mobile data on my breaks lel

>> No.17231852

Courier. I found ratty paperback copies with bad cover art of Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Sons and Lovers, and 1984 in some of my highschool classes, fortunately decided to read them despite only Catcher eventually being part of the curriculum, and realized that good fiction is a lot better than lefty boomer teacher propaganda selections had led me to believe

>> No.17231864

Landscape gardener.

My family has always encouraged me to read books because my family is very intellectual but I only really became interested in it when I was a NEET and became interested in increasing my knowledge.

>> No.17231987

It depends on the place you're at

I get buried in deadlines, it's a miracle i make them from time to time.

My best advice is to learn another program like SAS instead

>> No.17232003

Was meant for >>17228223

>> No.17232039

>another program like SAS
Is it easier? I'll probably use like 1% of any statistics software, so what's important to me is accessibility.

>> No.17232062

Ah fuck that then, I hate deadlines. Because I'm doing research most of the time I set my own deadlines and I try to put in heaps of buffer room so I always look good. Although honestly with how often something unexpected happens having that buffer space is necessary anyway, such is the nature of research.

>> No.17232135


>> No.17232184

I’m an EE student working as an intern right now, and I got into reading philosophy because 4chan told me to and I’m a sheep.

Also anyone here know anything about patent law? I want to go to law school after I graduate but is there a big demand for EE patent attorneys?

>> No.17232525

>ruin your eyes with welding
>can't read

130k won't be enough

>> No.17232975

Where should I look to learn about raising capital?

>> No.17233037

Bless you fellow HODLer. I'm late to the game, but better late than never, I suppose. Hodl. Never sell.

>> No.17233045

Histology (cancer stuff). Looks like I'm the only med-fag. Interesting. Although, I do tend more to non-fiction, rather than "Literature", pre se.

>> No.17233063

PhD student at a top university. Had a scholarship that wasn't much, but enough for everyday expenses, but I mixed up the date to reapply (it was 5 of November, but I wrote 5 of December on my planner) and lost it. I have enough money stored to get by until April, after that I'll probably beg until July.

>> No.17233064

No worries anon. I work for a large US city.

>> No.17233075

What field?

>> No.17233092

My delightfully money-grubbing buddy was a Chem Eng. up to a Masters and worked at some big corps for several years, but is now going back to school for Patent Law, which should tell you something. No good designing a gizmo if China, or a Happy Merchant can steal if from you and you can make more off one case than you can "working" as an Eng. for a year, or more.

>> No.17233222


>> No.17233456

>that retarded meme again
They invented safety glasses you know

>> No.17233656

yes but don't you have to see that first flash on each weld with your bare eyes?

>> No.17233950

I teach university mathematics. It is absolutely hell. Students are entitled and lazy. We are constantly being micro managed. There are a lot of conflicts between students and faculty on one hand and between faculty and management on the other. It is truly a scam.

>> No.17233984

>what first got you into reading
unironically i started lurking this board and anons were talking about interesting books and things that sounded like deep shit and i wanted to understand them better. this website has had some bad effects on me but for some things i am grateful that i ended up here

>> No.17234019


>> No.17234051

Is Real Estate a good line of work?

t. college anon wondering what to do with his life

>> No.17234058

Special Forces Operator.
I started reading when I was a kid.

>> No.17234180

Do you want to be a salesman?

>> No.17234239

Maybe if you have chinese-tier safety standards

>> No.17234311

>Is Real Estate a good line of work?
Anyone can get a real estate license. When you first sign on as an agent, they expect you to work for your friends and family. No friends? No family? Looks like you're just working for free.

You have to build the client list.

>> No.17234416
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I work in a pathology laboratory but applying for med school next year. I'll be a few years into my 30s by the time I become an MD, but I suppose it'll be worth it. At this point I cannot see my future self doing anything else.

I first started reading proper books at 15 to fit in with my more precocious friends. LARP becoming reality.

>> No.17234436

Engineering student at a prestigious uni. Never had a real job, unless you count stuff like some minor consulting projects in trade school and uni. My parents not only are able to provide me with plenty of comfort, but are eager to do so while I'm getting my education, so I'm in no hurry to start working either.

I don't really know what got me into reading. I remember that mom did a very clever thing when I was young, and she would read WITH me in bed instead of just reading to me; not only that allowed me to be an early reader, but very likely helped me get into reading. Besides reading comic books, encyclopedias or popsci texts, I didn't care much about reading as a your kind, but I really enjoyed writing cringy short stories, poems and school mock essays. I as I grew older, I'd read more and more scientific texts and nonfiction, but I never really care about reading as a hobby until I was around 14. That was when I started reading with the sole intention of being a pretentious pseud, but I ended up memeing myself into enjoying fiction.

>> No.17234439

Meme author.

>> No.17234710

No, Texas Triangle. I like San Francisco but find most of the people in the Bay Area annoying so I could never live there. There's more than enough of a tech economy here for me to find all the development talent I need.
You don't really need to learn about it - it's fairly straightforward. You can raise capital through equity (percentage stake in business) or debt (loans). What makes either one right depends on the business and your goals. Look up startup incubators in your area. They will have tons of resources and meet-ups to help new founders get a handle on the financial-side of things.
Depends on what you want to do. IMO the best gig in real estate is getting hooked up to an investment/development firm and working on their financial team. No sales necessary and your pay/bonus is awesome. And the skillset/relationships you build makes it extremely easy for you to stake it out on your own once you have comfortable savings to live off of.

>> No.17235100
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I sit in my room and think about how retarded everyone end everything is.

>> No.17235535

What exchanges do you trade on? hardware wallet or just use coinbase or whatever?

>> No.17235645

im bullish on crypto long-term but BTC still seems like a bubble waiting to burst. most people buy it thinking it'll only go up but bitcoin's only intended function is to replace fiat money. nobody's going to use money that's just going to go up and up. other blockchains actually provide much more innovation and value that's not just "use this instead of money" with things like smart contract.

>> No.17235669

Data for advertisement. I’ve been reading since I was in school, so school I guess

>> No.17235694

Threaten my parents with suicide.

>> No.17235765

I'm a journalist.

My parents encourage me to read.

>> No.17235799

If she did it wouldn’t just be kind of based, it would definitively be based.

>> No.17235865

There's no reason to get arc flash if you're not retarded. Safety glasses block out UV light and you shouldn't be looking at the arc without a shield on anyway

>> No.17235882

Forklift driver, in night school for electrical engineering.

Always read since I was very young. Always enjoyed it. Not so much escapism but broadening your horizons.

>> No.17235887
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I'm a high school teacher (history and English)

I had a great primary school teacher who lent me books

>> No.17235910

Based and same.

>> No.17235915

I went to a welding school for 8 months before working but you could probably teach yourself with youtube videos and forums for troubleshooting. You just need to practice a shitload until you can't get it wrong. In Canada for structural you'll do a CWB test to get started and then you can start working. I started an apprenticeship with the Boilermakers union straight out of school.
Work is tough but you usually get a sense of accomplishment when its done. Right now I'm working in a shop using an orbital welder for nuclear work but it's relatively new to me. I'm usually climbing through small holes and welding using stick or tig on boiler tube or outside in the wide open welding storage tanks out of a manlift.

>> No.17235971

Please do not do that to your parents

>> No.17236007


>> No.17236985


Parents got me a kindle in high school.

>> No.17237061

That you K.R.?

>> No.17237448

Regulatory affairs for medical devices.

Parents forced me to as a kid. Ended up liking it after a couple of years. Stockholm syndrome I guess.

>> No.17237592

Enterprise dev. I was actually a lit major in college. Haven't read much fiction since then desu. The Dresden Files and a bunch of manga is about it. Most of what I read these days is non-fiction. Stuff like Bertrand Russel's History of Western Philosophy, Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, and the Great Courses series on audible.

My older sister was a voracious reader and she's a professor now, so I suppose I've always associated a reading habit with intellectualism. But again, the only thing I read these days for leisure is essays. Fiction is kind of a slog to get through.

>> No.17237639

Anyone here have a job that actually makes them feel like they’re doing something with their lives?

Mine makes me feel like I’m wasting mine.

>> No.17237693

I don't, but my current job is relaxed enough that I don't feel like I'm killing myself with stress. Being a software consultant is a nightmare. Quit my last job when my Indian bitch of a manager put in word to not hire me after working at my last company for 1.5 years and extend my contract another 6 months. Mind you, this was after they fired like 3 other contractors.

Currently, I'm in a fairly easy govt software job that pays below market but has pension and other benefits. Way less stress and gives me tons of time to focus on other things like my ideas for stories or my dnd campaign.

>> No.17237706

Scientific information analyst, although i don't see the connection to what got me into reading, which is that I had a good English teacher in high school.

>> No.17237801
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>> No.17237806

>I'd like to be a journalist, except that I absolutely loathe the media. There are a handful of journalists I respect and the rest of scum. I want to be one of the good ones, but it just seems impossible to get your foot in the door these days. If you manage it, you have to sell your soul, which I'd rather not do.
There's space in local media, where it still exists. Local papers are less driven to cater specifically to one political tribe or another because their audience is more strongly defined by geography.

>> No.17237814

Personally, I think it would be much more preferable to be a journalist or column writer on some sort of niche interest. People make a living of it. Exactly how? I don’t really know.

>> No.17237858

Hey, that IS pretty based

>> No.17237998

Did he by any chance go to Villanova for undergrad and Penn for law school?

>> No.17238026

>Local papers are less driven to cater specifically to one political tribe
Sure, but they also are few, far between, and dying since there is so little advertising revenue for them.

>> No.17238059
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Severely mentally ill. I'm too scared and nervous to work.

I used to read for something to do. But really started reading when into sociology and social theory I have a drive to understand just for fun.

>> No.17238086

Good story, you should write a book about what you discovered about knowledge

>> No.17238090

alex rider, artemis fowl, hatchet

>> No.17238119

>alex rider
if you didn't also read CHERUB you missed out on the good shit

>> No.17238168

Software eng., parents pushed me to read so I wouldn’t end up retarded and so initially I just read random fiction I found pleasing (Crichton was great) but around mid 20’s I began reading philosophy, history, psychology and higher brow fiction. Besides the banal “entertainment value”, the curiosity and natural interest in the topics I read about, it’s a way to connect with people - the authors - on a very deep and meaningful level. Carefully reading the meticulously articulated thoughts of a chosen intellectual, and attempting to formulate responses, at times going off topic and writing out thoughts on tangential topics - is good.

>> No.17238179
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>nice to know there are other civil servants here.

>> No.17238344

>Sure, but they also are few, far between, and dying since there is so little advertising revenue for them.
I know; I work for one.

>> No.17238365

>Parents forced me to as a kid. Ended up liking it after a couple of years. Stockholm syndrome I guess.
Based parents not giving a fuck about your stupid kid self.

>> No.17238531

I work at a plant nursery. Grow plants, tend plants etc. Outdoors all day, all weather.
My reading habit formed due to being an unhappy child and wanting to find an escape from the world around me. It's still a reason I read now.

>> No.17239128

Sous chef
I was very into reading when I was younger then fell off in high school and college. I started again once I graduated college and began working in kitchens. I realized that kitchen work is pretty blue collar and if I didn’t read I’d end up a much weaker person. I read a good amount of cookbooks of course but try to keep my palette more holistic

>> No.17239217
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Studying in college right now, got fired from my shitty table cleaning job cause they couldn't afford keeping me due to COVID.
Been reading all my life, but for some ungodly reason I was thrown away from it for a year and a half and came back a year ago, mostly due to interest in philosophy and literature.

>> No.17239247

Investment banking

>> No.17239251

Disability and traveling

>> No.17239305

Based, I was a dishwasher for years. Plato got me into reading

>> No.17239326

Fuck you and your front of the queue bullshit.

>> No.17239343

I get to the front of the queue if I look miserable walking in. Has nothing to do w my disability

>> No.17239681

See how there are no wagecuck replies ... are all homeless or dead by now.

>> No.17240024

Jesus anon how do you have time to post here.

>> No.17240587

Hard graft that. Do you chop veg and prep too?

>> No.17240792

Aggresively Mediocre and Overwhelmed Public Defender. I don't know how I got into reading, but I have always loved stories and books. I can remember being too young to read and walking around with Goosebumps books pestering relatives to just read me a damn chapter and feeling immensely freed once I finally learned to do it myself. It has just always been there. My Dad is the only other person in my family that reads, and then only John Grisham novels and books by Bill O'Reilly that start with "Killing...". My Mom refuses to buy me books for Christmas because she "feels bad when there are just little packages under the tree." There would not have been books in my house growing up if I had not demanded them. I spend holidays politely listening to the rest of the family talk about sports and how masks give you cancer and wondering if I should just spend the time getting drunk or hold out until "the company" all go home and I can pack a bowl.

>> No.17242070

A school friend and I got into a dick waving contest about who could read the biggest/oldest book. It ended with him reading The Illiad and me reading the complete works of shakespeare. We must have been 16 or 17. I dont know what he went on to do but i've read ever since.

Im a physiotherapist in a hospital and lead a team, teach etc. Pretty nice job in non-covid times, you help people understand and use their bodies and solve very real, non abstract problems. Can feel like a bit of a conveyor belt at times as there are always more patients, but at least you never waste a day.

>> No.17242672

He makes threads and posts on here for an advertising agency. Probably spends most of his work time shilling on /v/ and /b/.

>> No.17242961
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kinda just living on my moms money lol, some tutoring for weed cash. half my time is spent working with horseys but thats for free

>> No.17242975

Plastic surgeon. It’s pretty nice, but I hope to retire in about 5-10 years.
Got into reading when I was 14. I didn’t like reading in my native language and I started learning english to make up for the lack of vocab in my native tongue.

>> No.17242990

>half my time is spent working with horseys

>> No.17243001

>gets to work with horses all day
What's the procedure you perform the most of, on average? Lip fillers? Boob jobs? Liposuction?

>> No.17243003

>how retarded everyone end everything is.
shut up retard

>> No.17243010
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simply living the lit life. so glad i dont have to wageslave to sustain my meat temple

>> No.17243019


>> No.17243087

im a jewish studies major working towards my degree atm, not really much else going on. I got into reading at like age 8 with the phantom tollbooth

>> No.17243115

Did Pinecone get the description right in V.?

>> No.17243144

Huh? Sorry I don’t get that

>> No.17243149

now kiss

>> No.17243162
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>> No.17243174

In V. by Pynchon there's a chapter where a character gets a nosejob and he describes the procedure.

>> No.17243180

Neet, currently coasting off savings and living with parents. Graduated uni with a BS in psych last may. Had originally planned on joining the military at or around this time, but recently found out I was medically exempt. Now I've no idea what to do.

Started an Intro to Philosophy txt book I picked up for cheap soon after graduating. I've read 50 or so other books since than. It's a nice change of pace.

>> No.17243191

>interest in history and politics from a young age

>> No.17243194

Haven’t gotten my hands on that book, hope to read it though

>> No.17243201
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>> No.17243204
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software engineer.fit
grew up with family reading a bit. Started LOTR when i was /fit/ and then went to lit

>> No.17243400

Who dosen't?

>> No.17243416

How is archaeology? What is the pay/job security/hours like?

>> No.17243425

What's the problem with that?

>> No.17243772

I design parts. I guess if I had a degree I'd be a mechanical engineer.

I got into reading in high school when I was failing English and was warned by the teacher I'd spent too long on academic probation and would be kicked out if I did not get a good grade on the test for the book we were reading. I read A Canticle for Leibowitz on a Sunday after procrastinating all weekend. Aced the test on Monday and realized I could devour fiction. After that I would read every single book until I dropped out of college once I got this job. Now I just have a thirst for knowledge. I read a little of everything, almost nothing fiction though. I've been reading a lot of history and anthropology the past three years.

>> No.17243835

Stats degree?

>> No.17244093

I started studying CE this year
but I don't know if I made the right choice
I feel empty

>> No.17244116

He’s on the wrong board. It’s something they do on that cesspit /int/. Apparently saying “though” is onions or something. It’s a horrible meme they try to make work but it doesn’t work.

>> No.17244139

I am a budget analyst and I have an economic degree. I regret not getting an engineering degree for the sole reason that all the adventurous jobs that let you go across the world and actually do something all demand engineering education now and I didn’t realize that when I was young. I just started reading when I was young honestly. There’s no particularly exciting story about it.

>> No.17244142

I am on covid bucks and I want to go back to work this sucks so much.

>> No.17244312

I work at Target. 13 hours this week. Killing myself tomorrow.

And I guess Marilynne Robinson got me into non-pulp shit.

>> No.17244347

I stack shelves
I got into reading after realising how clueless I was about the world and how much of a boring one dimensional person I had become

>> No.17244496

I'm a delivery boy. Got into reading somewhat around my early twenties only because I felt that consuming what the algorithm fed me would only make me stupider by the second.

>> No.17244620

Please do not kill yourself

>> No.17245025

Graphic designer

Harry Potter tbqh

>> No.17245185

Electrician, loved reading as a kid but started reading again in late 2019 when i realized i was on my phone/computer too much.

>> No.17245188

TTT trash.

>> No.17245199

To his my little pony collection

>> No.17245204

Prepared to be mocked for being a worthless loser.

>> No.17245216

Nice LARP, but video game streamer doesn’t count as critics skills operator.

>> No.17245228

>Aggresively Mediocre and Overwhelmed Public Defender
I hate that I have retards like you as colleagues in this profession. You should just quit and go be a prosecutor.

>> No.17245240

Your meme is never going to land

>> No.17245246

For a living I’m an Airline Pilot and DPE which means I make good money and haves lots of time in between, even with a family which means I can read a fuckload a day.
I first started reading shitty game books and teen lit so hey hey, everyone starts somewhere.

>> No.17245252

Live with parents, work overnight 24hrs/wk, 2 12 hour shifts. Just got to work. I usually read ~ 6 hours of my shift

>> No.17245374

I could really care less.

>> No.17245384

Good. You are already have the weak-willed loser mentality. That’s all you basically need to teach overseas.

>> No.17245393

Customer Service
Read Roald Dahl as a kid, got back into it at 21 or so after reading A Clockwork Orange by based Burgess

>> No.17245650

Don't touch Duolingo with a 10-foot pole. Just pick up a basic grammar and read, read, read.

>> No.17245666

I am praying for you. Please do not kill yourself. This may mean nothing to you, but I am devoting all my prayers and love towards you this evening. God bless you.

>> No.17245711

When was it exactly that an English teacher stole your girlfriend? You seem to harbor a lot of resentment for them for seemingly no reason.

>> No.17245715

>When was it exactly that an English teacher stole your girlfriend
The absolute state of this cope.

>> No.17245720

>Killing myself tomorrow.
Don’t do that

>> No.17245730

I mean, you’re free to explain away your seemingly baseless hatred for English teachers via any other reason. Right now, it just sounds bitter and strange.

>> No.17245731


>> No.17245748

The utter state of your insecurity rooted in your mediocrity. Nothing baseless about you and your colleagues being losers

>> No.17245910

soon to be in private equity after graduation, any good books for how to join the elites?

>> No.17245918

You’ll never be truly part of them and they will always know that and will never fully accept you. Just find books that explore accepting being the Other

>> No.17245924

okay - any good books on how to be the best pet then? I just want to be part of the winning team

>> No.17245927

The Talmud

>> No.17246034

It’s wild that you can’t simply answer the question but expected I guess. What do you do? Just curious.

>> No.17246054

You okay? You going to cry?

>> No.17247065

I get a few hours to myself, or I stay up late lo, like I'm doing right now, even though I have to go to work at 9:00 tomorrow.

>> No.17248260

Going to university and realising how little I knew is what got me into reading voraciously.

>> No.17248372

I live with my mom, sheltered by the fact that I've been in the psych ward three times in the last year and might not be quite right in the head or able to hold down a job for very long

>> No.17248527

I work as a coordinator for a water Hygiene company. It's incredibly easy and very boring, but I work from home so I can just listen to music or podcasts all day and stroke my dog. I got into reading at the age of 20 when I started using Twitter and didn't really know what anyone was talking about or what they were referencing. This made me realise I was basically stupid and that I needed to start reading. that was 6 years ago and I've read about 230 books since. I'm probably still stupid, but I know a lot more than I did back then.

>> No.17248554

Hopefully you don't. Work is an absolute nightmare, and you aren't wrong for not deluding yourself otherwise. The only solice in modern life is trying to find meaning and joy outside of the thousands of hours we are forced to waste doing something we don't care about.

>> No.17248580

I used to be an industrial lab tech by trade, specialising in serving my community in primary resources or infrastructure. Unfortunately I inherited a double dose of my father's bipolar, and that, combined with some other complicating circumstances and issues, induced a spectacular mental breakdown a few years back. My family asked me to apply for disability and to my disgust and horror, I was actually accepted. So now instead of being a servant of my community, I'm now a parasite of it.

As for what got me into reading... I've just always done it. The parents used to read me bedtime stories and I've still got the first books I've ever bought. They were probably the first things I ever bought, ever, besides random lollies and shit. I was all of five years old. I proudly saved up my ten and twenty cent pieces and bought two picture books of fairy tales.

>> No.17248692
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Work for the government.
Father telling me bedtime stories got me into reading when I went to school.

>> No.17248723

Needed money to not starve do naturally i entered hospitality during highschool, now 25 and still doing it, don't plan on leaving desu, it's rather comfy and pays well for the level of work
Always been withdrawn and alone, don't really care and don't want to change, i like my life. So naturally, to fill my time i picked up hobbies that i can do alone like reading, painting, camping, going to the gym, etc.
I'm getting paid 80% for doing nothing right now, loving it

>> No.17248738

> no answer
> won’t say what he does
> irrelevant nobody who’s opinion can be discarded

>> No.17248997

I'm a care aid in a centre for Autistic people.

Encouraging HS English teachers got me reading.

>> No.17249168

How’s it like working with 4channers?

>> No.17249181

I’m an attorney, you dullard. Why would entertain a whiny parasite like overseas ESL teachers

>> No.17249232

> doubt
Apparently, you can’t even read because I very clearly stated that I’m not an ESL teacher. You sound like a bitter moron, frankly.

>> No.17249283

It's only happened once, and it was pretty terrible.

>> No.17249465

Could you go in further detail?

>> No.17249495

Paul Fussell's "Class" has a decent description that you can use to try and fit in. But honestly all the new money from finance and tech has very heavily diluted the influence of the actual old elite. With the Musks and the Gates of the world able to influence thought and policy as much as they can, the power of the old guard to do anything but make changes in their own more internal worlds and pet projects is very diminished.

>> No.17249512

Got laid off from meme virus as a low tier it monkey and unemployment is making me about the same amount of money.

>> No.17249523

I'm a high school counselor.

I only pretend to read.

>> No.17249700
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Working out and reading more as a New Years resolution

>> No.17249702


Guy was a massive fan of Negima! Magister Negi Magi. When I worked in his care home he was actually fairly cool with me. We traded books. I got him to read some H P Lovecraft and the V for Vendetta comic and he got me to read a few Tintins and a few Bond books.

The problems only started a few years later, when I'd moved on to Day Services. He got placed there to occupy him during the day, and on his first day he started trying to train all the Classically Autistic people to say "Nigger", and then beat the shit out of a girl for touching his fries. Never came back

>> No.17249741
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I'm doing monkey work (retail) while studying at somebody else's expense. It's all based and comfypilled.

>> No.17249747

What sort of content do you make and how stressful is your job

>> No.17249749
File: 177 KB, 436x361, 1514782569647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one

>> No.17249753
File: 13 KB, 317x330, 13716190141479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine I'll bite. What kinda videos do you upload?

>> No.17249781


Usually gaming/reaction content. Though I try to switch it up sometimes. At I’m a point where I don’t worry about following trends. Like rust is super popular right now but I’m not gonna play that.

When a game or a certain type of content is popular and it’s just not fun, that can exhausting and stressful

>> No.17249802

sup Pewdiepie

>> No.17249816

>gaming/reaction content

>> No.17249822

>Like rust is super popular right now but I’m not gonna play that.
>When a game or a certain type of content is popular and it’s just not fun, that can exhausting and stressful
Please keep this mindset. It's so awfully boring to have just about every gaming YouTuber I watch turn to the same game. It was Among Us for ages and now it's Rust. It gets really monotonous. I also feel like this practice lowers the bar for what goes for good content overall. Granted I don't think it'll last, but waiting patiently isn't one of my strong suits.

>> No.17250031

Music teacher.
I read a lot in elementary school, but then around 7th grade I stopped because I didn’t like the school library and how I couldn’t get through the biggest books within the firm two week period they asked of us. I got back into reading in high school because of my AP Literature teacher, who had us read more controversial books, such as catcher in the rye and Vonnegut’s works. Nowadays I read mainly postmodern philosophy books, but I bought Catch-22 so I can finally cross it off my list of books I need to read.

>> No.17251121


I am very philosophical about killing things