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File: 119 KB, 540x388, Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17225072 No.17225072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about recovering masculinity? I think one of the biggest reasons Islam is getting one up on the west is the decline on masculinity. What are some tradition guides to it?

>> No.17225089

Those men are from the same decade.

>> No.17225100

The Bible, and nothing else. Steer away from Hellenistic poison. Just look at other anons, do they look like anything good? This is what you get by starting with the Greeks.

>> No.17225104

Better complain about it on twitter

>> No.17225111
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 41rtwpO9McL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recovering masculinity
You never had it

>> No.17225112

The thing about masculinity is that you have to define what masculinity is first.

Is it a Roman conception of masculinity (being an ascetic, serious man who respects the traditions of your ancestors) is fairly different from the "American 1990's one (being a promiscuous man with large muscles who drinks a lot).
I think the Roman one is better, by the way.

>> No.17225127

ngl the dude on the right looks pretty comfy

>> No.17225148

One looks like he was acting in a movie, second looks like he was shot for a commercial.

>> No.17225175

Masculinity is a dialogue between the cultivation of strength, and self-control.

To be a man, it is one's duty to self-improve and develop skills while not succumbing to temptation of power of lower-order pleasure.

Socially balanced women will recognize and appreciate that.
Socially imbalanced women will lack the appreciation of that balance, preferring bestial men who are abusive and impulsive demonstrating only power, or weak and effeminate men who lack the will or strength to defend her.

>> No.17225190

Take the time to be hateful so that your contempt may fall on all things that deserve it. We should not live in a default permissive and celebratory mode. We should guard ourselves against criticism through exemplary conduct and thought and only practice indulgence with loved ones and friends in moderation

>> No.17225199

The second guy is closer to the role of the "gentleman" which is older and more traditional than the first guy, who was primarily influenced by imagery in advertisements and TV to be that way

>> No.17225204

Don't lift books, lift weights you faggot

>> No.17225208

And I almost forgot. Don't fucking start smoking.

>> No.17225215

go back

>> No.17225222

>Islam is getting one up on the west
in what?

>> No.17225230

Numbers and zeal

>> No.17225233

Hard times create strong men
Yada yada yada
Comfy times breeds faggots

>> No.17225248

You’ll never be a real woman

>> No.17225255


>> No.17225266

Sun and Steel by Yukio Mashima

>> No.17225332

You'll never be a real man

>> No.17225351

Fuck off onions, he looks like a traditional jewish merchant. 109.

>> No.17225359

Must be a satire account. Both of these are pictures of modern men one is just hot the other is not.

>> No.17225384

I'd rather be a comfy faggot than a cancer ridden publicist with a repressed sexuality desu

>> No.17225422

Which is the problem inherent.
You shy away from struggle, as if there is anything greater worth your time.

>> No.17225454
File: 232 KB, 600x948, sbe-1896-men-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it, men were "$oy" well before your LARPing "real man" came about.

>> No.17225458

Lol as bad as dandies were they didn't let women vote

>> No.17225463

Jordan Peterson lol

>> No.17225472

Aggression is a sign of low IQ. The civilized intelligent man is "$oy"

>> No.17225494


> Statue Twitter Post

OP will never not be sucking cock. Not once.

>> No.17225501

That's well incorrect, cilivilized just means you have better technology for aggression and a more centralized tribe

>> No.17225511
File: 272 KB, 648x367, yuki_disc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself twitterspamming immigrant

>> No.17225516
File: 21 KB, 220x219, ancepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the war with Troy was a very comfy time

>> No.17225527

Not even the church fathers?

>> No.17225580

Even the Church Fathers were okay with philosophy, so long as it built virtue. Ignore the guy you are replying to and read Aristotle in addition to the Bible (Douhay-Rheims or the Orthodox Bible).


>> No.17225603
File: 95 KB, 657x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17225651
File: 100 KB, 397x500, 6516516515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17225782
File: 290 KB, 531x710, Savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was a very feminine guy, at least in the depictions.

>> No.17225803

Step one to recovering masculinity is to stop using Twitter. I don't care that you think you're following MaScULInE tWaTtEr. Twitter is literally the lowest IQ social media website on the internet. Stop getting ideas from Twitter.

>> No.17225813

>Twitter is literally the lowest IQ
Masculinity is feature of low IQ males so OP should keep using twitter?

>> No.17225823

I really don't get why this is such a point of seethe. You can be the hypermasculine chad if that's what you want. No one is stopping you. If someone whats to be more feminine, what's wrong with that?

>> No.17225824

jesus was not feminine in reality

>> No.17225829

They did it mainly to convert those pagan pigs.


>> No.17225832

Not saying he is wrong, but bitching on twitter is very feminine as well

>> No.17225836

what are you scared of dying?

>> No.17225845

not true at all

>> No.17225874
File: 93 KB, 712x600, 712px-Giacomo_Casanova_by_Anton_Raphael_Mengs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is Casanova. An old time adventurer, criminal, and get rich quick schemer who traveled through Europe and had sex with more woman than everyone ITT combined.

>> No.17225881

>dude lung cancer is manly

>> No.17225935


It is absolutely true. Criminals tend to have a 10 IQ points deficit in comparison to non-offenders, but specifically with violence, people with 120-129 IQ are 2.25 times less likely to commit violent offences as people with 70-79. In the 100 to 119 range the differences are less pronounced.

>> No.17225943

The key word is offense, obviously wwii would not have been possible without bug brains

>> No.17225959

I'm fine by dying in the heat of battle like a true warrior and being greeted by Valkyries in the great hall where Odin and all my brothers await me. Where the brave live forever, battle and feast until the day of the Ragnarok.

You don't go to Valhalla if you die of lung cancer, anon. It is that simple.

>> No.17225965

Posturing, inferiority complex and generally just projection. There's a good chance the dude behind that tweet looks more like the one on the right.

>> No.17225996

so intelligent men can't be aggressive?

>> No.17226006


I would imagine that there is a huge difference between the propensity toward violence of individuals, which is a marker of low IQ, and the propensity for violence of societies through military institutions (which I'm not wise enough to diagnose, tbqh).

>> No.17226028
File: 99 KB, 1080x1192, 20210102_125452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why of course im both these men, how could you tell?

>> No.17226033


As character traits, no, not really. However, a rational man would understand that circumstances might justify the use of violence on occasions.

>> No.17226085

I want to live around beauty, not disgust.

>> No.17226098

based and BwO-pilled

>> No.17226107

Is Left truly the best counterexample he could find?

>> No.17226110

The universe doesn't owe you nothing, much less the world and society.

>> No.17226119

Ask your dad

>> No.17226133

Which is why I must influence the universe by seething.

>> No.17226142

Replying to the image:
We have replaced Don't Draper with the kid from the infamous elevator scene in which Don tells him "I don't think about you at all", after the kid says he feels bad for Don.
If you've seen the show, I don't think I need to explain it any further.

I can't think of any books which will help you become a man, only books which will make you a better man, if and when you become one.

>> No.17226155


>> No.17226172

Call of the fucking Crocodile.

>> No.17226180

>I think one of the biggest reasons Islam is getting one up on the west is the decline on masculinity.

>> No.17227482

What does presenting in a masculine fashion have to do with aggression. There are more feminine men with antisocial attitudes galore, look at twitter.

>> No.17227516

>Masculinity is feature of low IQ males
it's a feature of all males

>> No.17227538

the small steal small and the big steal big petty criminality is easier to spot

>> No.17227735

he got those ᵗᶦnʸ ᶠᵉᵉᵗ

>> No.17227770

Random Twitter bullshit is all this board is left with, fuck me. Yes you white marbled pompous fag, your two stock photos are clearly representative of both the past and present. It's not even that I disagree too much in spirit, but dear Christ online reactionaries are fucking embarrassing

>> No.17227814

>What does presenting in a masculine fashion have to do with aggression.

Honestly? Not much, I was replying solely to the claim that aggressiveness isn't a marker for low IQ, it very much is.

>> No.17227878

>greek bust twitter account
All those guys are feds btw

>> No.17228105

dying is fine, but dying a blatantly early death from a painful carcinogenic takeover because you didn't have enough self control to not smoke a pack a day (or more) is pretty lame

vices are nice and all but succumbing to them to the point where the destruction outweighs the fun is retarded. i smoke maybe 10 cigarettes a month

>> No.17228118

Fucking embarrassing, you'd have to be a teenager to think this way. And I say this as a regular smoker of 10+ years. I wish I never started, and I suggest NOONE in this thread ever starts either.

It is not cool. It is a waste of money and health and I probably have a death wish.

>> No.17228131

Smoking is awful for you. Granted, a lot of things are, but smoking fucks your lungs up really bad, you don't want that. It's not really about dying, more like avoiding unnecessary pain and health issues. You can smoke if you want but don't make it a habit, and if you're the type to get easily addicted just don't do it.

>> No.17228142

god I hate that cunt. fucking whining that culture didnt stagnate during his favourite periods. what a pathetic cunt.

>> No.17228144
File: 1.36 MB, 1543x1080, men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masculinity never went anywhere, the expression of masculinity has changed.

what a stupid image

>> No.17228146

>Is it a Roman conception of masculinity (being an ascetic, serious man who respects the traditions of your ancestors) is fairly different from the "American 1990's one (being a promiscuous man with large muscles who drinks a lot)
Both of these are good

>> No.17228152

Who is the cute twink on the left?

>> No.17228160

/lit/ posters showing that they're not the brainless trash found on most other boards.

>> No.17228194

Does this person realize that the guy on the left is both alive and significantly more famous than whoever is on the right?

>> No.17228201


>> No.17228207
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, uncle ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17228230


>> No.17228271


It's a distribution, there will always be outliers. And once again I think there's a difference between an elaborate scheme to bomb folks and outbursts of violence due to poor emotional control. IQ tracks the second accurately, the first one... probably not.

>> No.17228310

Poor emotional control is often just increased susceptibility to apprehension, i.e. Also differing values, one man will say it is worth fighting for someone disrespecting you but you're a cuck to die for a flag, someone else with more IQ might say the reverse

>> No.17228318

That is I mean greater emotional control is often just fear. People with higher IQ are often more anxious about offending or asserting control, let alone hitting someone

>> No.17228333

yeah, why do they make such feminine depictions?
is it just to accent His lovingness? that's a non meme q from an admitted pseud.

>> No.17228339

Also people with higher IQ are probably more likely to commit different types of crimes that don't involve violence (organised crime, white-collar crime)

>> No.17228351

Yes in part because they're scared of confrontation

>> No.17228430

Hmm I love discussing books on a literature forum. So much book discussion here

>> No.17228445
File: 998 KB, 1280x1807, kaname swimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're one step closer into making pic related a reality.

>> No.17228613

anon i think you're a bit behind the times

>> No.17228650
File: 111 KB, 774x1024, HilmaafKlint-GroupXNo.1-edited-774x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon balancing his inner masculine and feminine.

>> No.17228666


>> No.17228705

Based, truly and purely based. What did you read to gain this knowledge, I want to read it too.

>> No.17228735
File: 19 KB, 467x314, cvmbukg922341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17228749

I only saw a grand total of two passing (exceedingly so) traps in my life, both from Latin America.

>> No.17228786

>The Bible, and nothing else. Steer away from Hellenistic poison.
Cope. The New Testament was written in (bad) GREEK. By this line of reasoning Christianity was doomed from the start.

>> No.17228851

>promiscuous man with large muscles who drinks a lot
Cringe. Drinking interferes with your gains. You should also retain your semen for stronger lifts.

>> No.17228857

This. Being proud about smoking and thinking it's 'cool' means you're sacrificing years of your life to line the pockets of cigarette executives.

>> No.17228872
File: 245 KB, 540x573, what happened to men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to men

>> No.17228884

>20th century career slave
Lmao where do these retards get their definition of tradition from?

>> No.17228895










>> No.17228922

Are you a homo who wants hot men to look at?

If you're not, then what do you care that masculinity is dead?
Less competition.

I wish for a world of trannies, homos and soibois. I wish to be the only man left.

That's what I wish.

>> No.17228937

just me and me bitch sitting on da veranda
Just me and me bitch sittin on da veranda
just me and me bitch steeeloooo ceeelooooo
Just me and my dym bagz bitch

>> No.17228939

>If you're not, then what do you care that masculinity is dead?
They're projecting their own lack of masculinity. Literally no one else cares this much.

>> No.17228947

I want a strong man to pump me with his seed

>> No.17228948

a stoic

>> No.17228973

>what masculinity is first.
A certain level of testosterone in blood, that affects behaviour in a certain way.
Hormones are one of the biggest drives of human behaviour.

>> No.17229100

Nothing happened, the one on the right just happens to be a Jew. I also doubt whoever is beyond that account is a paragon of masculinity.