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/lit/ - Literature

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17224333 No.17224333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post lewd pics to fap too, lewd comments, jokes, commentary, book critique etc, w/e you want about this slam pig

>> No.17224338

This isn't a shitposting board. Excuse yourself.

>> No.17224348

Perverted trips..

>> No.17224351
File: 43 KB, 960x502, silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you a hall monitor in primary school? Get rekt faggot, nobody likes you. That is why your jannies application was rejected

>> No.17224437

>some eceleb gets their novel published
>/lit/ is seething

>> No.17224470
File: 1.22 MB, 870x975, NoHoneyWrongOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is seething? I made the thread because I have seen good ones on /tv/ I enjoyed about her. She is an author so I thought it would eb interested to see if one on /lit/ would be as funny and witty as /tv/.

Any book or author you ask about here is going to have all the things I mentioned talked about in the thread anyway so instead of pretending I was asking about some hyper specific topic about her or work would be disingenuous and I hardly know anything about her to be able to come up with some one anyway.

I just wanted to see what /lit/ thinks about her and see how entertaining the thread will be in comparison. Have you ever considered you don't correctly interpret reality because of your biases or some kind of personality disorder?

>> No.17224540

No, and I hate jannie I just don't want /tv/ plebs ruining this board any more

>> No.17224570

nobody has read her book though. any meme or joke you are going to get is going to be about the same shit you'd find on /tv/

>> No.17224576


>> No.17224578
File: 452 KB, 565x384, SoyOverdose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well let me tell you how much I feel sorry for you that you don't get to dictate what can be posted on this board. Not at all you wanna be jannie nigger, kys

>> No.17224741

You are what’s wrong with this board

>> No.17224756

Lindsay admitted the publisher wouldn't touch her novel unless she changed the race and/or gender of a character.

>> No.17224808

Nobody cares.

>> No.17224814
File: 22 KB, 460x595, vaxxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I revel in it. Fuck this board it is infested with faggots and trannies like you


>> No.17224840
File: 131 KB, 1222x1540, EmbcX63XMAIgGai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go pick up a good book instead of getting your panties in a twist about some lukewarm YA book by some e-celeb, this is pathetic

>> No.17224916

OP here. So this board is a bunch of humorless pseud pricks who never even read the book or the thread before spewing mindless diaherrea drivel of their face hole. I figured it would be the case but wanted to give you a shot to see if we could share a few keks together

>> No.17224965

>my off topic thread didn't take off
Don't you have better places to be? like spamming /a/ or something?

>> No.17224994

is this ironic? i genuinely can't tell with all the pain in your voice

>> No.17225347

>Post lewd pics to fap too

>> No.17225363

trolling is a art form autistic faggot

>> No.17225567


>> No.17226627
