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17224287 No.17224287 [Reply] [Original]

>book contains even the slightest criticism of capitalism
>immediately drop it and never come back to that author

>> No.17224293

you will never be rich

>> No.17224301

Whenever I’m trying to enjoy something and I ask myself “what would Marx or my revleft comrades think of this?” and the answer isn’t an immediate “they would approve of it,” I will drop it and feel terrible

>> No.17224312

after all capitalism makes us all richer because we get the opportunity to eat mcdonalds. Nevermind the holocene extinction, nevermind not being able to live working a single job. those things dont matter.

>> No.17224313

>defend capitalism
>braindead faggots automatically assume it's because you want to be rich too
Why are you guys like this?

>> No.17224314

I do it too but not because I like capitalism or anything. I do it because it’s such a tired criticism at this point and it’s almost always 1) extremely vague and 2) from a progressive point of view.

>> No.17224321

because the only function of capitalism it to get rich you fucking idiot

>> No.17224329

Kill all Jews in Minecraft and our problems will go away.

>> No.17224332

How do you infer from that that I wish to become rich myself? Oh right, it's because mongoloids like you don't have any value and just support what would be the most beneficial thing to do for themselves. Bet you're on welfare too

>> No.17224339

This. It's not about the term itself, but what its use entails in 2020 years anno domini.

>> No.17224342

It also helps poor people become not poor, especially when there aren't c*ntr*l b*nks thieving enormous quantities of wealth from the workers

>> No.17224350

what about niggers in roblox?

>> No.17224352

>be happy
>some dick comes up to me and tells me I shouldn't be happy because im not rich
thats you

>> No.17224354

Fascism is the only way mankind can survive. Capitalists (Jews) and communists (Jews) need to be purged.

>> No.17224383

Imagine being this much of a simp for megacorporations

>> No.17224397

what kind of retarded bullshit have you been reading anon? is it just the jews or something more original for a change?

>> No.17224407

what if we combine the two and make jewish fascism?

>> No.17224412

yeah it's totally fine to print so much money that the currency of the people is devalued and to just GIVE IT TO RICH PEOPLE totally fucking fine
being against this means you're hitler
can't ever speak out about this

>> No.17224418

Do you seriously think that Jews are the only greedy people in the history of mankind? I knew nazis are retarded, but not this retarded

>> No.17224422

I didn't say a single fucking thing about jews you gigantic fucking piece of slimy flailing horseshit

>> No.17224427

well you're a somewhat normal person talking like a /pol/tard, what a surprise (central banks are not the problem though, they're not the ones giving out bailouts)

>> No.17224430

They literally print shitloads of money, which devalues currency for workers, and LITERALLY give it to rich people. Yes they are the problem

>> No.17224452

Then it seems like you have a problem with contemporary authors, not critiques of capitalism. I'd recommend putting down the YA and reading more classics or books by conservative or traditional writers.

>> No.17224456

central banks are financial institutions that have nothing to do with the kind of worker-fucking decision making you're referring to, just blame the corrupt lawmakers and we can both drink to that

>> No.17224457

Ask yourself why they print that money in the first place. It's not like abolishing A central bank would cause the reasons why it exists to disappear. You have the bank inside of the hands of the rich who use it to their utility. It's not like taking away a pistol from a murdered stops murders. He will just get a new one. Plus, I hate this ignorant hatred around Central banks and not about their current use. Having a good banking infrastructure can make flow of money easy and make sure to regulate any financial irregularities that can lead to crisis.

>> No.17224461

>Ask yourself why they print that money in the first place.
because it makes their friends unbelievably rich, are you fucking retarded

>> No.17224466

They are literally unsupervised(by design) orgs that can print money whenever they want, they control the entire money supply of your country, you are a fucking retard if you think they aren't robbing you

>> No.17224467

Daily reminder that not reading contemporary authors is top pseudery

>> No.17224472

ok anon, you're on a right path all things considered, you'll get there no doubt

>> No.17224479

I guess you still are also still running windows xp

>> No.17224482

I am not on any path, i have just recognized a thieving disgusting institution for what it is

>> No.17224489

I live in a mixed-economy country

>> No.17224501

aren't we all

>> No.17224584

you've had about 100 years of young people critizing our economic system. what new ideas have you come up with that weren't talked about a century ago?

>> No.17224595

Our most recent luminaries have determined that billionaires aren't oppressive if they're black or women and so on

>> No.17224599

capitalist realism