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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 253x394, Watchmen,_issue_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17223596 No.17223596 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /lit/, I have not read a single comic in my entire life.
Is there a chart that can tell me which, if any, are worth reading?
Am I missing out or are comics just a waste of time?

>> No.17223611

Find a character you like. Google the best comic/series for that character. find some more characters you like in those comic books, and repeat. While reading, if you like the art, find more works by that artist.
Watchmen is a meme, its more a meta-comic than anything else. Its still worth a read though.

>> No.17223613

Goodnight Pun Pun

>> No.17223618

For serious and occasionally funny and heat wrenching look no firther than the works of Garth Ennis
Adult stories for an adult audiance Id start with his Nick Fury Series My War Gone By

>> No.17223631

20th Century Eightball is pretty good, not superhero more neurotic

>> No.17223634

Read your country's comics.

>> No.17223639

Start with Miracleman or swamp thing if you want moore

>> No.17223645

Thank anons.
I was looking for a comic as /lit/ as possible, I don't feel like reading anything like Marvel and the like.

>> No.17223715

Check out 80s vertigo comics. Most /lit/ picturebooks burgers have produced.

>> No.17223720

>I have not read a single comic in my entire life.
>Is there a chart that can tell me which, if any, are worth reading?
Go to /co/mblr
>Am I missing out or are comics just a waste of time?
The latter (unless you’re reading asterix comics, which are based)

>> No.17223735

Batman and Conan are the only ones worth reading.

>> No.17223742

Eiland is pretty amazing, not sure how available it is these days.

>> No.17223752

I recommend Maus for first time comic readers. Watchmen is another must read comic. In terms of /lit/, I say there's something Shakespearean about Carl Bark's Donald Duck.

>> No.17223784

>Am I missing out
Generally, no. Asterix and Tintin are great and there are a few decent anglo comics like Watchmen and Transmetropolitan

>> No.17223907

Comics are not literature. Literature refers to a text-based medium. Comics are not a text-based medium. Comics are image!-based medium. You can make a comic without text but you can't make a comic without images. Comics and literature are distinct media.ncomics are not a genre of literature. Please stop posting about them here. There is another board specifically for comics and animation. Please go there instead.

>> No.17224103


>> No.17224106


>> No.17224115

Try Sandman

>> No.17224124

read the ones by Hermann Huppen

>> No.17224129
File: 650 KB, 1600x2058, scrooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the crown jewel of Euro duck comics made by an American?

>> No.17224161

just skip all that garbage and read hentai

>> No.17224165

anything from the british invasion
or just ask >>>/co/

>> No.17224168


>> No.17224399

for the most part they are not worth reading. I loved them until highschool and have a massive collection but other than hellboy I dont care for them at all

>> No.17224416

If you're looking for something /lit/ish check out animal man by grant morrison, swamp thing by moore, or sandman by gaiman.

>> No.17224424

probably the moby dick of comics, more naive and mature than all the other contriving faggots

>> No.17224433

Almost forgot, read cerebus, it's probably the most autistic comic of all time so you might enjoy it

>> No.17224835
File: 522 KB, 1112x1480, meanwhile_in_france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are those artsy 60s/70s Euro comics, mostly from France, like Moebius. These are worth it for the artwork alone.
Some Manga are worth it as well, like Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, or Kabu no Isaki.

>> No.17224852

v for vendetta
sandman collection
swamp thing

>> No.17224887

All-Star Superman, What's So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?, Superman for All Seasons
Batman: Killing Joke
Dark Knight Returns
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader
Batman Year One
Elseworlds: Batman Holy Terror
>DC Universe
Kingdom Come
Hulk Gray
Planet Hulk is a decent series
>Mike Mignola
Hellboy (entirety)
>Grant Morrison\
Flex Mentallo
Animal Man
The Invisibles
The Filth
>Alan Moore
V for Vendetta
Swamp Thing
From Hell
>Neil Gaiman

>> No.17225575

throw in whatever happened to the man of tomorrow for supes

>> No.17225614

why /lit/
wouldn't it make more sense to ask /co/?

>> No.17225828

Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths by Shigeru Mizuki
WWII on the jap's side. Funny, depressing, crude

>> No.17225834


>> No.17226092

That’s a great way to get into capeshit, which is a terrible way to get into comics.

>> No.17226657
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Tintin is based

>> No.17226963

Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Neil Gaiman, and Grant Morrison are the most /lit/ comic book writers you're likely to find. At least as far as superhero comics go.

>> No.17227051

Read Moore and all the rest that came from the British wave during the 80s, which means you'll go through Gaiman's The Sandman. Also read Saga and Hellboy since Moore loves them, the Maus comic is another one worth checking out, so is Ditko's Spider-Man run, another favorite of Moore's. From Hell and Moore's Swamp Thing run are easily the greatest comics out there, V for Vendetta is also great, and so is Promethea. If you aren't scared of the whole 1000+ pages long aspect of what he considers his greatest work, that being the novel Jersualem, then I would also recommend reading that. It's brilliant.

>> No.17227070


I quite like Jeff Lemire too. I suggest checking out both Essex County and The Underwater Welder.

>> No.17227095


>> No.17227185

Flex Mentallo but no Doom Patrol? C'mon man

>> No.17227548

2000 A.D. is bretty gud. Especially early issues, find a a collection of old Judge Dredd, Halo Jones, or Strontium Dog ones.

>> No.17227968

If you want /lit/ comics, then ignore everyone telling you to read superhero and pulp stuff. Inio Asano, Taiyou Matsumoto, and Alan Moore all have some good stuff. Also Asterios Polyp, Maus, Daytripper, Duncan the Wonder Dog, and Vehlmann's Beautiful Darkness.

>> No.17227985

If you read one comic, read Cerebus

>> No.17227993

Look at the charts here

>> No.17228007
File: 142 KB, 839x1280, 6cb58ab6045176c286faa17069a8ed2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only comic worth reading is Faust

>> No.17228241

If you're a myth nerd I heartily recommend Walt Simonson's run on Thor as well. It was the first time the marvel Thor felt like a god instead of just another superhero.

The battle of Loki, Odin, and Thor against Surtur is incredible.

>> No.17228521

batman court of owl

if you want something long, ultimate spiderman by bendis

>> No.17228543

Where can one find a good translation of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou?

>> No.17228570
File: 276 KB, 468x710, miracleman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you read Miracleman yet /lit/

>> No.17228587
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>> No.17228602

Read Hunter X Hunter, the only comic worthy of being called /lit/.

>> No.17228719

just read watchmen. its the peak of comics and is a great ambitious story that achieves more than most lit whilst being engaging at every moment

>Watchmen is a meme, its more a meta-comic than anything else
this, is a meme. watchmen is about so much more than the commentary on comics thing. reducing it to that is an insult

>> No.17228865

really based rec anon. ennis's best work imo.

Here's my personal recs:

>Alan Moore's Swamp Thing
>Wars Gone By
>The Incal
>Calvin and Hobbes
>Corto Maltese
> Lone Wolf and Cub AND Samurai Executioner
>All Star Superman

>> No.17229072

Don Rosa's pretty good, but he's no Carl Barks

>> No.17230012
File: 273 KB, 730x699, 23ECE80E-8DD5-44F1-922E-7A838928310B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has mentioned R. Crumb
For shame, most based cartoonist alive

>> No.17230021
File: 416 KB, 1876x2560, 813QeqvijfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need friend

>> No.17230180

>animal man by grant morrison, swamp thing by moore, or sandman by gaiman.
I read all of these.
DON'T read cerebus. It is bullshit.

>> No.17230217

I really wanted to get into Spider-Man but the old series are too corny. I feel like they haven’t aged too well.
A friend recommended me Spider-Man: Blue and it’s probably my favorite comic out of all I’ve ever read. The Stracynski run is pretty good. And Civil War is a nice run. The While Spider-Man has too many ups and down to really recommend a starting point.
Tom King’s Mister Miracle is great too.
Gaiman’s Sandman is also quite nice.
Marvels is nice too, the art is really nice.
Out of all these Sandman is the longest tho. But it’s worth it.
I’ve read some transmetropolitan. I liked it but haven’t read comics in a while ever since I retook literature.

>> No.17230231

Ultimate Spider-Man has too much 2000s vibes. I read it a couple of years ago and it was oh so cringey

>> No.17230296

>If you read one comic, read Cerebus
Cerebus is SHIT.

>> No.17230373

largely a waste of time, but you could try FROM HELL
skip the capeshit, even the ones that start well devolve very quickly

>> No.17230607

Alan Moore and to a lesser extent Grant Morrison are worth reading.
There's other stuff that's fun (Garth Ennis' Punisher Max, Prophet, ONeils The Question, etc) and a few that are pretty good artsy shit (Jimmy Corrigan).
But really only Moore and Morrison use the medium to it's full potential.
Oh and Neil Gaimans stuff is pretty good, I'd put him under those two.

>> No.17230661

Check out Kravens Last Hunt
Great Spider-Man comic

>> No.17230686

Foolkiller from the 90's was excellent, great breakdown of what it means to be an antihero.

>> No.17230698

The first chapter is phenomenal; incredibly autistic yet great. Shame the rest don't measure up.

>> No.17230704

Synder bat is bad, except for Black mirror. Morrison's batepic is the best bat run so go for that

>> No.17231201

>that achieves more than most lit whilst being engaging at every moment
kill yourself dilettante.

>> No.17231278

Thanks anons, I have written down most of the recs of the thread.
We really should do charts of the most /lit/ comics and manga for people who want to get into them.

>> No.17231570
File: 718 KB, 2250x3000, from hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Hell is good. Moore at his best.

>> No.17232828

also already mentioned here >>17228587
also you are a faggot and should kys