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17222691 No.17222691 [Reply] [Original]

How do people individuate according to Jung?

>> No.17222722

Integrate your shadow to start. If you're extroverted then start to look within yourself, if you're introverted then do the opposite. Tbh Jung said that you don't even need to worry about that shit until you're like 40. Youth is about developing the ego, defining yourself. Read, make money, fuck bitches, then worry about your soul when you're about to hit middle age.

>> No.17222730


>> No.17222865

>If you're extroverted then start to look within yourself, if you're introverted then do the opposite.
Isn't the shadow a repression of the psyche due to "moral problems"? What does it have to do with introversion/extroversion?

>> No.17222967

The shadow is any part of the Self that you don't identify with. It really doesn't have anything to do with good or evil. In fact sometimes "good" characteristics can be cast into the shadow. For example if you're a very aggressive, violent man then your capacity for empathy and kindness may be part of your shadow because your ego rejects these as being "weak" attributes. Similarly an extrovert identifies with external reality; the objective, outside world. He lacks a connection with the internal world of the psyche, and therefore must reconnect with this inner world if he is to individuate.

>> No.17222979

So if I hate trannies and niggers I need to find the tranny and nigger inside myself? Cringe. Sounds like jewish subversion MK Ultra shit

>> No.17223037
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>I need to find the tranny and nigger inside myself?
>jewish subversion MK Ultra
That's your shadow

>> No.17223047

But if the aspects of the Self that you do identify with (the ego?) and the shadow are in contradiction, how could this assimilation of the shadow even take place?

>> No.17223090

Black skin is an external quality not a quality of the psyche. You need to ask yourself what exactly is it about niggers that you hate? Pinpoint these specific qualities, then look for these same qualities in yourself. If you are being honest you will probably find that you are more niggerish than you first realized.
I know lobster man is a huge meme around here but this video should answer your question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6VRWX1Sz5s

>> No.17223969

This is amazingly wrong. The Shadow is the part of your personality you don't like to acknowledge, usually for moral reasons. It's the shallowest part of the personal unconscious. The Self goes much deeper, and embodies the entire personal psyche.

Integrating the Self makes you a complete human being. Integrating the Shadow is just the first step on that path.

>> No.17223985

What does jung say about eastern practices which simply abandon a formation of self? It seems that instead of growing your definition of self to encompass all off your facets as jung does the east simply does not define themselves at all.

>> No.17225224

He says that Westerners should stay the fuck away from Eastern practices.

>> No.17225366

I believe the potential to every possible action resides within every human being. So when I see something violent (like gore or some shit) I feel in myself the potential of doing the same thing to anyone gratuitously. I see myself and everyone (though most people I know probably are not aware of their potential for evil) capable of the worse evils imaginable and sometimes I despise myself for the shit that comes to my mind.

I haven't read anything by Jung, any suggestion?

>> No.17225396


Man And His Symbols is a good start if you haven't read Jung before.

>> No.17225432

Anything you are unconscious of is part of your shadow, it has nothing to do with morality or good and evil, I don't know where you're getting this idea. The self is the totality of the human psyche both conscious and unconscious, so naturally any part of the self you don't identify with/are aware of will remain in the shadow. Try reading Jung instead of watching 5 minute youtube clips about his work made by 19 year olds.

>> No.17225623

>Try reading Jung instead of watching 5 minute youtube clips about his work made by 19 year olds.

>> No.17225633

So your shadow has the opposite cognitive function of your consciousness?

>> No.17225662

Let go of your fears and prejudices and fully engage in hot gay group sex. Once you lose your identity in the collective unconscious of steam and sweaty, burly male bodies and servers connection by plugging every bodily orifice you will find your Self and be born anew in a baptism of hot semen.

>> No.17226221

Why? In what way are we different?

>> No.17226238

No, shadow is what you concieve as 'wrong' and is part of you. Contrast with the anima which is what you think belongs to the opposite sex but is not something villainous (although it can be villainous, like thinking of your pecky mother and how she controlled your life and delegating that facet of your personality to the anima)
The shadow is like evil you.

>> No.17226250

it's all about that racial soul man

>> No.17226278

i supposed shadow can be positive and cheerful if you're depressed and angry? is anima something you're naturally attracted in opposite sex?

>> No.17226464

I'm >>17222865. I was basing that off this passage from Aion:
>The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge, and it therefore, as a rule, meets with considerable resistance.
You are correct that the shadow is composed of the aspects of the Self that are not present in ego, but I would doubt that the shadow encompasses *all of it*. For one, the anima/animus is another part of the unconscious that is normally in the unconcious, and looking at the passage I quoted above (and another one I couldn't find), it seems Jung means by shadow those aspects of the Self that are repressed specifically because they are deemed in one way or another "bad" (which is why he says it is a "moral problem", and somewhere else I'm sure he said it's akin to "the knowledge of good and evil".) So if the shadow are those aspects of the unconscious that the person deems "bad", then I'm not sure introversion/extroversion would also fall into the category of the shadow. To be sure, for a person with a dominant introverted function, extroverted functions are unconscious (and vice versa for the extrovert), but it doesn't mean the person is repressing those extroverted functions because he believes they are "bad".

>> No.17226473

Question mark

>> No.17226506

>So if I hate trannies and niggers I need to find the tranny and nigger inside myself?

No there's only one cure for this and it's called a 9mm Parabellum.

>> No.17226514

If you think being positive and cheerful is wrong then yes. Say a man who hates positive people. He then disregards his own positive parts and thinks of them as 'not him'.
Naturally attracted depends. It's more attributes you give to the other sex. If you think all women are controlling and manipulative you won't be attracted to that. If you think the quality of being spiritual is womanly you'll maybe be attracted to that. It's more about what you think as 'not manly' or 'not female...ly'

>> No.17226569

Yeah, i think my shadow is very ambitious, narcissistic, sexual and aggressive.
Is there a way to know what kind of anima you've got?

>> No.17226652

Write your dreams down and go talk to a jungian therapist. It's a very personal thing. When you'll know it you'll know it.

>> No.17226928

is there a way to integrate shadow? just to try to act like opposite day?

>> No.17226965

Of course there is a way. And it's different for everyone.

Do you think your shadow is different than you?

>> No.17227171

Well, i'm a neurotic so i think i keep it repressed. Im afraid to even look through the keyhole.

>> No.17227213

Reading Jung actually made me realize some of my own complexes and made me a calmer, psychologically healthier person as a result. I would recommend giving it a try.

>> No.17227271

I had a Jung phase but it made me realize that without good therapist im doomed.

>> No.17227438

I have a theory that the reason we see so many trannies nowadays is something about our society that makes it difficult to integrate our animus/anima. Am I on to something or am I retarded?

>> No.17227455

I think it's more of a anima possession like you merge with it.

>> No.17227578

Transgenderism obviously involves dysmorphic anima/animus. It has little to do with their integration imo. It's more that the person's anima or animus has been distorted on an unconscious level, so he/she doesn't even know it. It's no surprise that this is on the rise, given that a lot of recent popular media or even art (not to mention academic literature, though these perhaps have more of an indirect effect due to the narrow readership) has been aiming to tear down "traditional gender roles", not knowing that these "roles" have their roots deep inside the mind, so that you can't merely do away with these "traditional roles" without severely disrupting the person's psychological health.

>> No.17229209
