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/lit/ - Literature

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17222142 No.17222142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Name fifteen literatures

>> No.17222215
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1. Crime and Punishment
2. The Stranger
3. War and Peace
4. Nausea
5. Un Homme qui Dort
6. Thousand and One Nights
7. Ghazals of Hafez
8. Lolita
9. Beowulf
10. Cyropaedia
11. Great Expectations
12. Les Misérables
13. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
14. Diwan of Imam al-Shafi'i
15. Old Man and the Sea

First ones that came to mind OP, read 8/15 of em in full and diary of a wimpy kid isnt one of em since im not gonna buy the newer volumes

>> No.17222551

Beezus and Ramona.
Ramona the Pest.
Ramona the Brave.
Ramona and Her Father.
Please Look After This Bear
A Bear in Hot Water
Paddington Goes Underground
A Shopping Expedition
Paddington and "The Old Master"
A Visit to the Theatre
Adventure at the Seaside
A Disappearing Trick
Ramona Quimby, Age 8.
Ramona Forever.

>> No.17222567

Latin Literature
German Literature
English Literature
the scientific literature
jury nullification literature
cunny manga

>> No.17222569
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1. German literature
2. American literature
3. French literature
4. British literature
5. Swedish literature
6. Spanish literature
7. Danish literature
8. Italian literature
9. Swiss literature
10. Austrian literature
11. Polish literature
12. Russian literature
13. Greek literature
14. Romanian literature
15. Hungarian literature

>> No.17222576
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>> No.17222586

>The Bible
>The Death of Ivan Ilyich
>In Cold Blood
>Confederacy of Dunces
>Jackie Chan