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File: 238 KB, 540x681, Antifa Kurds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17217810 No.17217810 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to me why Nietzsche hated alcohol so much? He said it is along with Christianity the greatest cause of corruption (although he said this in praise of Islam). I know he had a delicate stomach but claiming Dionysian and all, it seems a bit strange

>> No.17217821

There was a George Floyd memorial in Syria? Was it Americans who made it or Syrians?

>> No.17217823

Because he didn't like it.
And he was strong.
So therefore.
Alcohol bad.
And for weak sickos who will die sad and alone and crying from their weakness.

>> No.17217832

You sound like you watch School of Life videos

>> No.17217833

he hated any simple pleasures like family, married life, a drink with a friend, he was an autistic retard. Probably wanted to be a tranny.

>> No.17217843

based rebels

>> No.17217860

Was he a pole after all?

>> No.17217876
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>> No.17217906
File: 86 KB, 600x800, 98FC5128-C084-4D81-A45F-5A5E391A1649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean alcohol really does sort of corrupt relationships and people. It’s extremely addictive and society supports that. You say less, connect less, spend more, and get more depressed and anxious over time. It’s associated with fun and relaxation but it’s literally a carcinogen. Took me a long time to see it for what it is, and a few rounds of sobriety. This Naked Mind helped me understand this sort of larger perspective on alcohol. You really do see this over the longer span of time rather than the short term.

t. person who binge drinks and has seen the effect it has had in his relationships and how alcohol has effected everyone else and who still gets shit for not drinking from everyone.

>> No.17217929

He unironically just didn't like it. Although being an alcoholic does obviously fuck you up.

>> No.17217938

>Live dangerously!
>b-but please don't drink alcohol uwu
Fuck this faggot LARPer

>> No.17217950

>here's your ubermensch

>> No.17218059

>buying the image
Do you also think smoking weed is tough?

>> No.17218068

The Dionysian became the will to power for him over time. Alcohol is a physical substance that gets in the way of the will to power on many occasions.

>> No.17218072

he was an incel, that's why

>> No.17218082

drinky is based, simple as


>> No.17218087

A lot of intelligent people dislike drinking. Why do you give a fuck what others are doing though? Do you think if you copy his actions you will become better?

>> No.17218095

He wants you to get drunk on life not on wine.
Pretty based position ngl.

>> No.17218112

Jesus drank.

You've just been refuted. Have sex and go to bar.

>> No.17218123

It gets rid of your problems temporarily but only makes them worse. If you are in shitty circumstances you should feel bad and feel the need to change them.

>> No.17218137

no that's weed

>> No.17218144

>The most general formula that lies at the basis of every religion and morality is, “Do such and such, don’t do such and such—that will make you happy! Or else . . .” Every morality, every religion is this imperative—I call it the great original sin of reason, the immortal unreason. In my mouth, this formula changes into its opposite.

>> No.17218153

Assuming you can understand life without ever drinking wine.

>> No.17218156

the organ of divination is the liver
alcohol messes with the liver
you can't be a prophet and drink

>> No.17218233

wine is virgin
watered wine is chad


>> No.17218247

it probably was because krauts were always drunk (then and now) and acted retarded and disliked them and disliked everything that was german-like

>> No.17218637

"God", "immortality of the soul", "redemption", "beyond" -- Without exception, concepts to which I have never devoted any attention, or time; not even as a child. Perhaps I have never been childlike enough for them?
I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: It is a matter of course with me, from instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer. God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers - at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!
I am much more interested in another question,—a question upon which the "salvation of humanity" depends to a far greater degree than it does upon any piece of theological curiosity: I refer to nutrition. "How precisely must thou feed thyself in order to attain to thy maximum of power— virtue free from moralic acid?"

My experiences in regard to this matter have been as bad as they possibly could be; I am surprised that I set myself this question so late in life, and that it took me so long to draw "rational" conclusions from my experiences.

>> No.17218648

Only the absolute worthlessness of German culture—its "idealism"—can to some extent explain how it was that precisely in this matter I was so backward that my ignorance was almost saintly. Indeed, I can say, that up to a very mature age, my food was
[Pg 30]
entirely bad—expressed morally, it was "impersonal," "selfless," "altruistic," to the glory of cooks and all other fellow-Christians. It was through the cooking that I earnestly renounced my "Will to Live." To spoil one's stomach.

And, if you add thereto the absolutely bestial post-prandial drinking habits of the ancients, and not alone of the ancient Germans, you will understand where German intellect took its origin—that is to say, in sadly disordered intestines.

German intellect is indigestion; it can assimilate nothing. But even English diet, which in comparison with German, and indeed with French alimentation, seems to me to constitute a "return to Nature,"—that is to say, to cannibalism.

>> No.17218651

Why is there a George Floyd memorial in Syria?

>> No.17218655

Alcoholic drinks do not agree with me; a single glass of wine or beer a day is amply sufficient to turn life into a valley of tears.

Although I admit that this knowledge came to me somewhat late, it already formed part of my experience even as a child. In order to believe that wine was exhilarating, I should have had to be a Christian—in other words, I should have had to believe in what, to my mind, is an absurdity.

Later on, towards the middle of my life, I grew more and more opposed to alcoholic drinks: I, a vegetarian, cannot with sufficient earnestness advise all more spiritual natures to abstain absolutely from alcohol. Water answers the purpose.... I have a predilection in favour

of drinking from running brooks. In vino Veritas: it seems that here once more I am at variance with the rest of the world about the concept "Truth".

>> No.17218663

Imagine worhipping a convicted felon that died of a drug overdose.

>> No.17218669

Here are a few more indications as to my morality. The first principle of a good digestion is that the stomach should become active. All those interminable meals, which I call interrupted sacrificial feasts, and which are to be had at any table d'hôte, are strongly to be deprecated. Nothing should be eaten between meals, coffee should be given up—coffee makes one gloomy. Tea is beneficial only in the morning. It should be taken in small quantities, but very strong. It may be very harmful, and indispose you for the whole day. Remain seated as little as possible. All prejudices take their origin in the intestines. The real sin against the Holy Spirit. Wine and Christianity the two great vices of the German

>> No.17218670

The true definition of a martyr.

>> No.17218686
File: 37 KB, 498x400, 1592483354031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the genealogy of morals very much. He should have stuck to being a historian and tread in Jakob Burckhardt's footsteps instead of writing cringe manifestos.

>> No.17218690

A delusional Syrian retard. Idlib is mostly under Al-Qaeda control so eventually someone tore it down. https://youtu.be/fniZjwE-LNM
Take the Islampill
Because if he drank he would get too sad about that one girl he used to stalk. Nietzsche was a retarded polish loser who ate fruits and masturbated all day

>> No.17218694

>God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers - at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!I am much more interested in another question,—a question upon which the "salvation of humanity" depends to a far greater degree than it does upon any piece of theological curiosity: I refer to nutrition. "How precisely must thou feed thyself in order to attain to thy maximum of power

>> No.17218698

>blaming alcohol for your inability to moderate
every time

>> No.17218768

>hates fun
like pottery

>> No.17218793


Globalism is a cancer

>> No.17218815

>pic related
based as fuck

I think he disliked the immediacy of it and that, like christianity, it makes you okay with the way things are instead of motivated to make things the way you want them to be. You will find plenty of nerds and incels here who feel the same for lack of people to drink with.

>> No.17218821

>Have sex and go to bar.

if you don't make your own moonshine in your bathtub then you should be shot. go nurse another overpriced cuck IPA you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.17218852

The moderate, secular Syrian rebels virtue signalling for western backing. Anti is over there too

>> No.17219367

>And, if you add thereto the absolutely bestial post-prandial drinking habits of the ancients, and not alone of the ancient Germans, you will understand where German intellect took its origin—that is to say, in sadly disordered intestines.

>> No.17219536
File: 50 KB, 449x599, 449px-Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If one seeks relief from unbearable pressure, one is to eat hashish.

>> No.17219592

It's a shitty graffiti.

>> No.17219609

Alcohol is for degenerate retards. This is the unequivocal truth; has nothing to do with moderation. You're just in a different phase of addiction

>> No.17219627
File: 57 KB, 1100x619, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I got black out drunk I pissed in the keg and didn't tell anyone. I lost many friends.

>> No.17219705

Poles are worse drunks than Russians

>> No.17219836

100% chance the guys in the left pic are Jewish

>> No.17219839

Alcohol temporarily lobotomizes you
No one with a high IQ enjoys alcohol

>> No.17219980

>FDR? Churchill? Degenerate retards, unlike refined geniuses like me who don’t drink alcohol

>> No.17219988

Humans are able to exist today because one monkey ancestor developed a gene that allowed them to eat fallen fermented fruits from the forest floor

>> No.17219990

Like Baudelaire, he believed that the highest beings get drunk off their own mind. Alcohol on the other hand degrades it.

>> No.17220002

Nietzsche was a literal virgin mentally ill faggot, and by reading and memorising his neurotic ramblings, you will become exactly like him.

>> No.17220053


>> No.17220846

Alcohol reveals weak character.