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17213611 No.17213611 [Reply] [Original]

Say one good argument against god existing, you can't. Even smart men like Plato tried and he failed so hard that Christianity became the biggest religion in the world.

>> No.17213685

The universe does not logically depend on God to exist, be orderly, and functional. The universe just "is" as it always was.

>> No.17213716

>The universe does not logically depend on God to exist, be orderly, and functional. The universe just "is" as it always was.

>> No.17213740

There's no good arguments either for or against God. All beliefs regarding God come from an individual's feelings.
Having opinions about unknowable things is just pointless

>> No.17213752


>> No.17213753

Christianity is Platonism for the masses. Plato's forms resemble the later christian "god of the geometers", as a unified source of the inifinite divine. You are a retarded christcuck larper and should read some books, unless if this is a baitpost, and in that case, well played.
Regardless, it's a dogmatic presupposition based on the desire for something to guarantee presence.

>> No.17213773

I think there is this fundamental feeling that god is present in our lives. All knowledge is empirical, so why do we discount this feeling?

>> No.17213786

>Say one good argument against god existing, you can't.
A divine and just creator wouldn't have made someone as dumb as you.

>> No.17213802

No evidence.

>> No.17213803

refuted by vertical causation

>> No.17213813

Explain. You can’t just reply with “wrong” you faggot.

>> No.17213816

lmao, imagine being this dumb

>> No.17213828

When did Plato argue against God?

>> No.17213837

The feeling - which is by no means universal: even the most devout believer often feels nothing like it at all - only tells us that we feel that God exists. In the same way, a schizophrenic may feel as though he knows people are watching him, he may even be certain of it. But it doesn't give him much to work on in terms of assessing its veracity.

>> No.17213841

Anon... I

>> No.17213854

How can I know God without another telling me of him?

>> No.17213858

god is dead anon, accept it already

>> No.17213869

good luck utilizing your feelings as a source of knowledge unless you're a woman

>> No.17213885

You literally cannot refute the argument from motion.

>> No.17213893

I don't think it's a fundamental feeling. Plenty of people don't feel God. I don't, even though the idea makes sense logically to me.
People believe in what makes them happy, and then they say that this happy feeling is the "Holy Spirit" or "God." This feeling justifies their belief.

>> No.17213895

it is clear that you do not know the feeling, so I guess I was wrong about the universality, but if Christianity was just a stupid schizo thing it wouldn't have changed the world so much. There is something transcendental about it.

>> No.17213898

Religions started somehow, generally with a burial and afterlife metaphysics

>> No.17213909

also, god is in everything, so if you only praise pussy or some other basedshit like that, you are still praising the lord - everybody worships something

>> No.17213923

But lots of religions have changed the world substantially.

>> No.17213937

And yet they all try to answer the same questions and all try to get to know the creator and have conclusions derived from their relationship with him and truth

>> No.17213938

>Even smart men like Plato tried

>> No.17213947

>but if Christianity was just a stupid schizo thing it wouldn't have changed the world so much [citation needed]
you don't have to justify you being religious anon, pretty much everyone accepts it but don't try to convince others of your baseless bullshit

>> No.17213950

look at

>> No.17213955

And all offer different answers. What criterion do we have for determining the correct one?

>> No.17213961

baseless bullshit? that is where the real citation is needed.

>> No.17213963

Yeah I've been Catholic once and I like mysticism I understand the idea. I just don't understand your certainty.

>> No.17213973

well, sorry I am a bit tired, but the truth still stands

>> No.17213977

so God is a social construct to better understand or manage death?

>> No.17213985

God is not a social construct. People are his construct.

>> No.17213986

In order for the world to be considered orderly, it must be subject to a system of order.

>> No.17214001

meant for >>17213685

>> No.17214002

Fundamentally they offer the same. Objective truth, objective morals (which many are similar conclusions or variants). It's farther down the conclusions that you find differences like assumptions of math (Sumerians were more astrological, pagans used their fingers and toes in a materialist sense).

>> No.17214025

Your relationship with any field of truth is continually founding. We don't call science a total social construct considering it has some material explanatory power. Similarly and your relationship grows with the foundation of reality you grow in your spirituality towards him.

>> No.17214028

God sustains all existence. This doesn't mean he takes the form of contingent things. That would devolve into Spinozism

>> No.17214031

>Fundamentally they offer the same. Objective truth, objective morals (which many are similar conclusions or variants).
There are also irreconcilable, fundamental differences. They are offering different Truths.

>> No.17214036


>> No.17214042


>> No.17214048

What's irreconcilable among them? I generally argue nothing is, one either founds the other or they're entirely disjoint but not contradictory

>> No.17214051

Yahweh, the Jewish God? There's a great argument, namely that the earth is much older than He said and all the animals did not come out of a boat 4,300ya

>> No.17214060

Not him but necessaarily to create an unordered set you need an ordered set even in math

>> No.17214062

There's no practical consequences whether you believe God exists or not. It's just psychological tricks for the mentally unwell.

OP, don't ever waste my time with such stupid bullshit again.

>> No.17214070

Then how can you say anything about anything much less a creator of the world?

>> No.17214081

t. Pagan who lost his whole tribe because some other tribe burned his dionysian animal sex cult at a stake because his ethical values were trash

>> No.17214085

This statement is based off of your individual feelings.

>> No.17214098

muh logical fallacies

>> No.17214100

A simple argument is that saying God exists, does not give you any valuable answers. Because if you insist that the Universe must have a creator since existence cannot have come out of nothing, then you must agree that God himself could not have come into existence out of nothing.

So did God have a God that created him aswell?

>> No.17214112
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>There's no practical consequences
>It's just psychological tricks for the mentally unwell.
So, there are psychological consequences?

also, this is you in the pic

>> No.17214117

Then where does order come from?

>> No.17214126

>So, there are psychological consequences?
Comfort, a barrier against the existential pain of knowing we all will die one day, and we exist in a reality where we are forced to pretend things make sense, even tho they don't, and worse yet, we are shunned by society for speaking about this because it makes us all uncomfortable

>> No.17214128

There can only be order but the order is degrading in relation to distance from truth or God

>> No.17214133

Nigga, all science uses feelings lmao

>> No.17214143

If existential pain is all there is then why do people experience fulfillment at all? Are you suggesting you can get pleasure from pain? Should we only punish good people legally? I don't understand your framework

>> No.17214154

unironically read Lacan

>> No.17214166

Prove your statement.

>> No.17214168

If order can degrade, the how can there be only order? Wouldn't disorder take its place?

>> No.17214174

I don't think existential pain is all there is, rather, all there is RIGHT NOW at this moment in time, where we find ourselves in a position where we are conscious, but we do not yet have the answers we seek.
The fact that fulfilment exists in some form hints that if we did have all the answers, perhaps we could be fulfilled.
My framework is that we don't have the answers, so we make up some to ease the pain of living on a rock in the middle of who the fuck knows where, hoping that one day we will. I don't see virtue in just believing in God as a way to cope, but if you do then do it, just don't force me to play along

>> No.17214185

No because order never degrades completely. A null set can be derived from an unordered set but an unordered set isn't random.

>> No.17214190


>> No.17214207

Most people do not believe in God "just to cope". God has changed the world and keeps making it different all the time, if you don't want to see it - ok, you'll never see the full picture. You need to see more than just the object - a cop is not just a dude with a gun.

>> No.17214216

you are the biggest idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot

>> No.17214219

Nevertheless, if a thing may be called partially orderly, by virtue of its distance to Truth and God (systems of order) then it must also be called partially disorderly because of its distance from Truth and God (systems of order). Therefore, there cannot be only order, but also disorder.

>> No.17214227

I don't think a cop is just a dude with a gun, and I think we'll never get anywhere until you define what you mean by ''God''

>> No.17214230
File: 282 KB, 1439x770, Screenshot_20210105-224342_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody can force you to do anything (gratefully or hopefully) but everyone necessarily seeks answers. We get lost along the way but there is no direction but truth. It can be a personal truth like lying to fulfill a goal but you seek the truth in that goal. You can't do anything else. A great verse which helps me all the time in picrel. Not only do you want to do right, you can only do right just some right things are more universal than others. As long as you do right you will not be punished (an example would be a famous mafia drug trafficker is even appreciated even if his truth isn't as universal but he must do a lot of right thing [take care of citizens in cities, give money etc] in order to get there). There's simply only truth and may you find what works for you and grow in it as you'll only grow in God but pick wisely.

>> No.17214243

You can't define disorder except by it being the absence of order. You can define order itself though. Another example, you can define light by photons or heat by temperature but you can't define darkness/cold except by the absence of those.

>> No.17214259

i love god

>> No.17214275

>You can't define disorder except by it being the absence of order
OK, and? Your the one trying to assert there is only order. You're refuting yourself.

>> No.17214277

Read Spinoza

>> No.17214278

omg, you are cringe

>> No.17214290

Order is just existence preservation from a creator. Photons and temperature are materially measurable.

>> No.17214297

Do me a solid, define order for me.

>> No.17214308

meant for >>17214277

>> No.17214316

meant for >>17214278

>> No.17214318

Existence preservation from creation. We know creation is definitionally monistic or is having one source so at the point of creation everything was one. The degradation of it is in the splitting of things from one. Order is being closer to universality or one

>> No.17214320

I wish the OPs in these threads would start by defining by they mean by God before rambling.
For all I know God to you is some magical mechanical chicken living in Saturn, and shitting out Suns

>> No.17214372

Sure, whatever, now with consideration for your post, tell me why >>17213986 is wrong.

>> No.17214390

Well definitionally it's proper. For x to have the attribute of being ordered it must be an element of order. It's not very informative but it's true

>> No.17214395

So why were we arguing in the first place?

>> No.17214433

I didn't reply to that I replied to this >>17214117

>> No.17214492

Funny how that works.

>> No.17214508

I can screenshot if you want but I don't see how our conversations would clash considering it seemed the person you responded to said order doesn't exist and I tried to argue it did.

>> No.17214516
File: 126 KB, 1440x393, Screenshot_20210105-232723_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17214641


>> No.17214665

2.5/10 bait.

>> No.17214771

Interesting video. I’ve been going down the YouTube atheist rabbit hole recently.

>> No.17214779

You don't have to prove that God exists, theists have to prove that good DOES exist. It is literally impossible to disprove a deist type god because he doesn't effect anything.

>> No.17214785

Nigga you wasted your own time by reading the thread.

>> No.17214803

He probably means Euthyphro which argues against God as the arbiter of morality rather than against his existence (though it makes his existence superfluous).

>> No.17214823

I see that's his early dialogues though and he didn't really take a position but was just highlighting Socrates and his elenchus

>> No.17214849

There's no proof that He exists. Why Him and not Allah or Zeus or whoever the Zoroastrians worshiped?

>> No.17214860


>> No.17214872

God is very clearly made in the image of man, not the other way around

>> No.17214876


>> No.17214879

based, christcucks will ignore though

>> No.17215104

God never gave me shit so he isn't good. It throws out the concept of the Judaic god which is the only one you actually care about so stfu. Your Jew either doesn't exist or is evil.

>> No.17215223

Two things:

1. Christianity is platonism for the masses.

2. Something being big and common makes it automatically wrong.

>> No.17215270

But it does depend on God

>the universe just is