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/lit/ - Literature

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17213154 No.17213154 [Reply] [Original]

How many books should you read at once? Only one?

>> No.17213161

Around 22 at the same time, learn braille. You have 20 fingers, and two eyes for a reason.

>> No.17213267

You think yeu can only read one book per eye?

>> No.17213274

Three. One poetry, one history, one philosophy.

>> No.17213337

>he doesn’t use his penis to read 23 at once

>> No.17213357

>He doesn't add his two testicles to reach the mighty 25

>> No.17214976

I'm reading 7

>> No.17216500

What about toes?
Also how do you read separate books with two eyes?

>> No.17216522

>He doesn't use tongue-braille to top it at 26

>> No.17217680

I read just one.