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File: 26 KB, 220x345, 220px-Francesco_Petrarca00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17212339 No.17212339 [Reply] [Original]

>Petrarch was a nu-atheist who avoided arguing with the church, pursued a life of pleasure and resurrected poetry in western Europe
You can't make this shit up, the man that brought poetry back to Europe and paved the road to Shakespeare didn't even believe in the Christian God. You dumb faggot incels don't stand a chance because even back in its heyday cucktianity was loathed by the brightest minds of the middle ages. How does it feel to base your whole life on coping?

>> No.17212364

>humanism is nu-atheism
Is this another episode of pagan cope for being insignificant and not even being true to their own traditions?

>> No.17212381

Read Petrarch's life and you'll find out he didn't give a flying fuck about God

>> No.17212407


What a load of bullshit
t. atheist

>> No.17212424

Boccaccio and Chaucer were also obviously critical of the church.

>> No.17212431

Why so venomous?

>> No.17212453

The quality of bait is going down.
Petrarch was very devout, and ended up living a semi-monastic life. By the way, I can recommend reading The Solitary Life (or whatever the translated title). It is a masterpiece of living in semi-isolation, away from distractions and exaggerated pleasures, and being at peace with God.
When you combine that with having a waifu, he could be an inspiration to many anons.

>> No.17212500

Atheists, pagans, and Jews latch onto anything unsavory from the church's history that they can uncover, either from their overlord propagandists or enemy sources (e.g., a pagan going to a Jew to uncover attacks, usually slander, against Christianity). They do this because they are nihilistic rebels who are unwittingly helping our enemies.

Reminder that there's always a personal component. Everyone is angry. They say they aren't, and that they're really just laughing at you, but everyone is mad, including you. This is what 4chan discourse lowers you to

>> No.17212515

>Petrarch was very devout
Cope, as soon as the pope Clement VI who threw parties and squandered money on intellectuals died and a new stricter Pope replaced him Petrarch left Avignon and went wandering around Europe. He obviously disliked christian dogmas.

>> No.17212533

Oh yeah, everyone is a dupe except you. Christianity is the biggest religion in the world, the most influential countries are still beholden to it. This isn't ancient Rome, you aren't being persecuted anymore, even though your mythology dictates that you must be a man against the world. It's a very effective trick.

>> No.17212568
File: 90 KB, 960x621, 1594894320840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I give off the impression that I had a victim complex, worm? I never said "pagans, atheists, and Jews" were worthy or great opponents, just opponents all in league with each other.

>it's the largest religion in the world
And how many people truly practice it, or know what it teaches? What do you mean by "beholden to it?" No, Christianity has basic strictures that keep us in line, but the spirit of the age more or less interprets the Bible as it wishes; before, Christianity would have been nationalistic, anti-gay, and anti-"women's rights." Now, it has transformed into the diametric opposite with the help of "cultural revivals" AKA degenerations.

And yes, everyone but me is a dupe. I am a man against the world, it's a very effective truth.

Yes, but was he an atheist? To be critical of dogmas and the church is one thing, and to be an atheist is another.

>> No.17212586

Here have the very last poem of his Canzoniere.

366 Vergine bella, che di sol vestita

Most glorious Virgin, you are clothed in glory
and crowned with stars; you pleased the highest Sun
so very much He hid His light in you;
you are the theme to which love drives me on.
But how, without your help, can I begin,
and His Who, loving, hid Himself in you?
(I call on her who always answers to
the prayers of faithful men.)
Our Lady, if the extreme
of human misery can always turn
your eyes to us in mercy, hear my prayer;
succour me in my war,
though I am dust, and you are heaven’s queen.
Virgin most wise; yes, counted in the number
of virgins who were prudent and so blest,
indeed the first, and with the brightest lamp;
O solid shield to shelter the oppressed
against the heavy blows of death and fortune,
so that we triumph and not just escape;
cool shade against blind ardour flaring up
in foolish mortals here;
O Virgin, turn those eyes
(those eyes which saw in sorrow cruelty
marking the limbs of your beloved Son).

“on my uncertainty,
who turn to you with nowhere else to turn.
Virgin most pure, perfect in every way,
daughter to your own Son as well as mother,
who light this life down here and grace the other,
through you your Son, Son of the highest Father,
(O window letting through the light of heaven!)
came down to save us in these latter days,
when out of all the women on this earth
you were chosen alone,
O truly blessed one,
to turn Eve’s mourning into happiness.
Make me, you can, more worthy of His love,
you who are blest for ever
and crowned already in the realms above.
O holy Virgin, full of every grace,
who scaled the very height of lowliness,
who came to heaven, where you hear my prayers,
who bore the fountain of all holiness,
the Sun of justice shining bright and clear
through all the error which obscures our world;
in you three names, each glorious, are combined,
mother, daughter, and spouse,
Virgin most glorious,
queen of that King Who has undone our bonds
to make this world of ours happy and free,

within Whose sacred wounds
I pray you calm my heart, who give true joy.
Virgin, alone and unlike any other,
who with your beauty took the sky by storm,
whom no one ever equalled or came near,
through holy thoughts and actions you became
a living temple to the one true God,
so fruitful were you in virginity.
You have the power to fill my life with joy
60 since, Mary, when you pray,
Virgin of clemency,
where sin abounded graces more abound.
I bend the knee to you within my mind,
I pray you be my guide,
and turn my crooked path to some good end.
Bright Virgin, you whose light shines out for ever,
most constant star of this tempestuous sea,
a guide to trust for every faithful helmsman,
consider in what fearful jeopardy


>> No.17212595

>brought poetry back to Europe
It never went anywhere though.

>> No.17212604

"The dark ages weren't real" is a Redditor meme to make Christianity look better.

>> No.17212612


I find myself, alone, without a tiller,
already conscious my last hour has come.
And yet my sinful soul still trusts in you;
sinful (who could deny?)
yet able still to pray
your foe may never hold me in derision.
You know it was because of sin that He,
Almighty God, to save us,
took human flesh in your virginity.
What tears, O holy Virgin, I have scattered, “what pleadings, and what prayers, and all in vain,
except to bring upon myself disaster!
From when (by the great River) I was born,
and searching high and low and up and down,
my life has not been anything but trouble.
Mortal beauty, and words, and gestures! All
combine to sink my soul.
Holy, life-giving Virgin,
do not delay: I fear my time has come.
My days, in wretchedness and sin, and with
an arrow’s rapid flight,
have flown away: all that remains is death.
She never knew the least part of my trouble;
and yet the same events, if she had known –
now she has come to dust, and plunged in grief
the heart that in her lifetime had to mourn –
would still have happened; for her changed desire
would have meant death to me, ill-fame to her.
Now you, O Queen of Heaven, our heavenly goddess
(if it is fit and right Virgin, to call you that),
see everything, and that which none can do
you can achieve, who are so powerful;
and that is: end my sorrow,
to your own honour, and to save my soul.
Virgin, in whom I always put my trust in my most need, be willing now to aid me,

now I have come to this, the final pass;
forget me, but remember Him who made me;
no merit of my own, but His own image

I bear, may move you to regard a man
Medusa and my error turn to stone
which drips with useless drops;
Virgin, may holy tears,
wholly repentant tears, brim my tired heart,
and issue in such weeping finally,
unmixed with earthly mire,
as mine was first, before my lunacy.
Kindly Virgin, the enemy of pride,
be influenced by our common origin;

have mercy on a humble, contrite heart.
Since I can lavish such great love upon
a little quantity of mortal dust,
how will I love your glory from now on?
If I arise from this most wretched state,
helped, Virgin, by your hand,
then I shall consecrate
to you, and purify, thought style and wit,
my language and my heart, my tears, my sighs.
Lead me on better paths,

and graciously accept my changing ways.
The day is coming now, more near, more near,
time runs so very fast,
Virgin without compare;
and thoughts of dying sting me, and remorse.

Commend me to your Son and His great grace,
truly both man and God,
that He receive my final breath in peace.


>> No.17212618

Muh heckin indoor plumberino

>> No.17212623

Literally calling his Laura as if Medusa for distracting him from the Virgin Mary and the church and saving his last poem as a beg of forgiveness and devotion to God and Mary.

>> No.17212627

This is some pretty good cope, anon. But you have much to learn before surpassing the anon that claimed Newton was gay and the Jew saying Paul wasn't Christian.
First of all, you have no idea what the word dogma means in the Church. Second, someone liking parties is hardly atheist for that reason. Third, Petrarch was himself quite autistic with periods of reclusion. Fourth, you obviously have never read his works that are filled with Christianity.

>> No.17212662

Yeah a lot of his poems post Laura’s death (and even prior speak of praise and heaven but especially after) we see much of his thoughts on heaven, god and basically Laura is the prototypical Beatrice

>> No.17212671
File: 5 KB, 205x245, wef2323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The dark ages weren't real" is a Redditor meme to make Christianity look better.

>> No.17212829

Now that OP has been btfo, we have a more pressing question.
How would you rate Laura as a waifu?

>> No.17212831

>those people aren't REAL christians
Every damn time

>> No.17212912

Hey I just wanted to say quick shoutout to my homie Satan, keep up the good work man. These christlings' faith and understanding is so fucking diluted that 90% of them probably can't even name three or four books of their bible.

>> No.17212942

I see you've studied the Vedas

>> No.17212956

More like atheist cope for only having Neechee and Dawkins in their libraries.
LARPagans would argue all Christian texts are actually just pagan rip-offs.

>> No.17212970

Yeah, atheists just try to convince themselves every Christian was secretly an atheist. It's actually dumber and more desperate than pagan cope.

>> No.17212983

High but not as high as Beatrice, she peaks at 359 Quando il soave mio fido conforto

>> No.17212985
File: 45 KB, 450x213, 6a00e552e3404e8833014e8bb91d1b970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool of Petrarch, but what have New Atheists done in service of art?

>> No.17214329

She's literally Sade's ancestor by blood

>> No.17215209

what is the point of this thread? did you hear about petrarch now in college or what?

>> No.17215245

Not all of us and angry incels. I'm an athiest and am pretty peaceful, wishing all those who believe in something the best, as well as those who don't. Whatever makes you happy and makes you a better person is a good thing.

>> No.17215783

I'd understand the concern if he was her son, but 15 generations removed makes them 1/30000 blood related (a bit higher with remote cousin marriage) and it isn't like she raised him. Besides, evil sometimes just suits women.

>> No.17215812

he publicly supported an autist who wanted to unify Italy, recreate the Roman Republic, and abolish the Catholic Church. And when the autist was imprisoned he petitioned the pope to let him go. He would send him secret letters praising his work lmao. Imagine being a cuck to organized religions in the year 2020

>> No.17215996

did he actually wear that thing on his head tho