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17212162 No.17212162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you’re born poor, there is no good reason to keep living. Life for anyone who isn’t rich in the post-God world is nothing but incessant struggle without any purpose. You can’t even enjoy the journey towards nothingness because you’re too concerned with survival. You’re deprived of the great sensory pleasures derived from travelling the world with no concerns or living in a highly comfortable house. All you have is sex, and if you’re unattractive, then you have nothing. Intellectual pursuits may fill your time if you’re a NEET who lives with your poor parents, but only for some time until life becomes unbearable again

>> No.17212170

Go to church man, geez

>> No.17212190

second post attention whoring >>17212162

>> No.17212245
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the thuth is exactly what it looks like no more no less fate rolled the dice and you lost you're poor and you will die a nobody such is the life humans

>> No.17212253

Yup, it's honestly a wonder suicide isn't more prevalent

>> No.17212322

Journey to the End of the Night and Death on Credit

>> No.17212575


>> No.17212749

Religion, Philosophy, or just get a job? Life kinda just goes when you are doing something. Get a random job or get back to school or college.

>> No.17212769

>tfw born to moderately middle class parents
>tfw white anglo catholic dad afflicted my mother with 7 other siblings
>grew up poor as a result
lol just buy crypto bro, I'm up 149,000$ this year.

I make 22,000$ a year at my job that requires a college degree, life is a meme.

>> No.17212775

Beauty, anon, there is salvataion in art and beauty. Read Suttree

>> No.17212801

>tfw born poor
>tfw fantastic life
>tfw free champagne because dgaf if I'm crashing rich people's events
>tfw cheap travel because it costs less than rent
>tfw other poor bros willing to break into shit and leave parties wearing rich kid's mother's fur coat
>tfw rich kids constantly wanting you to overcharge them for drugs or even the promise of drugs
>tfw OP is prob middle class and just anxious about losing status from doing anything
Read Ringolevio

>> No.17212803

this, but you’ll kill yourself