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/lit/ - Literature

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1721074 No.1721074 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite films:
Favorite musicians:
Favorite authors:
Favorite books:
Favorite philosophers:
Favorite painters:

You scared, /lit/?

>> No.1721078

man the front page was looking pretty good until this survey thread showed up

take your data mining elsewhere

>> No.1721083

Favorite films: Godfather, Fight Club, Annie Hall, American Beauty
Favorite musicians: Bob Dylan, BB King, Chico Buarque
Favorite authors: David Foster Wallace, Charles Bukowski, Jorge Luis Borges, Fernando Pessoa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Augusto dos Anjos, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Favorite books: Ham on Rye, The Aleph, Fictions, Infinite Jest
Favorite philosophers: H.D Thoreau, Gautama Buddha, Diogenes, Alan Watts
Favorite painters: Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte

>> No.1721092

Film: Pan's Labrynth
Musicians: Coheed and Cambria
Author: Lovecraft
Book: Lolita
Philosopher: I don't think I have one. Every time I read a philosophy book my worldview changes for a few days and then goes back to my weird hybrid of self-serving douchebaggery and wangst. So Nietzsche.
Painter: Either Craola or Ben Templesmith.

>> No.1721098

Favorite films:
>Anything Kubrick or Coen Brothers.
Favorite musicians:
>Pink Floyd, Iron & Wine
Favorite authors:
>John Williams, Thomas Pynchon, Junot Diaz, Flannery O'Connor, Harlan Ellison, Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
Favorite books:
>Stoner (by Williams), Memories of the Future (by Krzhizhanovsky), Flannery O'Connor's collected short stories, Dante's Inferno, A Confederacy of Dunces
Favorite philosophers:
>Baudrillard, Bertrand Russell, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard
Favorite painters:
>Picasso, Kandinsky, Dali, Ernst

>> No.1721156
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Favorite film makers: Todd Solondz, Stanley Kubrick, Sam Fuller
Favorite musicians: Radiohead, R.E.M., Split Enz
Favorite authors: Douglas Coupland, Asimov, Kafka, Solzhenitsyn, Vonnegut
Favorite books: Hey Nostradamus, Foundation trilogy, Gulag Archipelago, The Great Gatsby
Favorite philosophers: Bertrand Russell, Leo Strauss, Michel Foucault
Favorite painters: John Currin, Kandinsky, Botero, Bridget Riley

>> No.1721173

Favorite films: :>>1721118
Favorite musicians: http://www.last.fm/user/FAC-93
Favorite authors: Orwell, Wilde, Woolf, Fitzgerald
Favorite books: Homage to Catalonia, Any Holmes book, The Big Sleep, To The Lighthouse, The Great Gatsby
Favorite philosophers: Nietzsche, Saetre, Russell
Favorite painters: Van Gogh, Lowry, Picasso.

>> No.1721176

Favorite films: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Favorite musicians: Mike Patton, Jari Maenpaa, Agalloch, Buckethead, John Dowland, Ennio Morricone
Favorite authors: Huxley, Joe R. Lansdale, Carl Sagan
Favorite books: The Tempest, Ape and Essence, High Cotton
Favorite philosophers: Jeff Smith-Luedke
Favorite painters: Bacon, Dali, Ernst

>> No.1721196

Favorite films: Fanny & Alexander, Come and See, Brazil
Favorite musicians: Brian Eno, Amon Tobin, Talking Heads
Favorite authors: Thomas Pynchon, Borges, Catullus
Favorite books: Gravity's Rainbow/100 Years of Solitude
Favorite philosophers: Ray Jackendoff, Jacques Derrida, David Hilbert, Roman Jakobson
Favorite painters: James Ensor

>> No.1721244

Favorite films: Pan's Labyrinth, Annie Hall, Dr. Strangelove
Favorite musicians: Pink Floyd
Favorite authors: Gregory Maguire, Lovecraft
Favorite books: Inferno, Lolita
Favorite philosophers: Thoreau, Machiavelli
Favorite painters: Edvard Munch, Gustave Courbe

>> No.1721246

Too many too mention but I'll type just a few
Favorite films: Shawshank Redemption, Ikiru
Favorite musicians: Radiohead, Neutral Milk Hotel and other hipster bands
Favorite authors: Lewis Carroll, Hemingway, Kafka, Lovecraft
Favorite books: The Little Prince, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Favorite philosophers: Nietzsche, Albert Camus
Favorite painters: Caspar David Friedrich

>> No.1721262
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Favorite films: Cannibal Holocaust, Trainspotting
Favorite musicians: carseatheadrest, The Dear Hunter
Favorite authors: Nelson DeMile, Sartre
Favorite books: Drood, The Bible (huehuehuehue)
Favorite philosophers: Rousseau (Spelling?)
Favorite painters: Eugéne Grasset, Takato Yamamoto

>> No.1721272

Favorite film: The Forbidden Zone.
Favorite musician: Tom Waits.
Favorite authors: Hemingway, Eliot, John Knowles.
Favorite book: Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach.
Favorite philosopher: I think that's boring. Sorry.
Favorite painters: Jasper Johns, Van Gogh.

>> No.1721665

Favorite films: DarkStar,Robocop,Goodfellas
Favorite musicians:currently Ahab,Inquisition(col) and d.isembowelment
Favorite authors:Harlan Ellison,Kurt Vonnegut,Stephen King(for old times sake)
Favorite books: IT,Redneck Manifesto,
Favorite philosophers: I don't really feel that philosophers should be a favorites category and I am not truly fond of any philosophers I have read.
Favorite painters Joe Coleman

>> No.1721684

Favorite films: >>1721673
Favorite musicians: Iannis Xenakis, Stockhausen, Ensturzende Neubauten, Led Zeppelin
Favorite authors: William Burroughs, Pynchon, Henry Miller, Faulkner, Steinbeck
Favorite books: see above
Favorite philosopher: Lao Tzu
Favorite painters: Max Ernst, Dali, Bosch, Louis Wain

>> No.1721686

Favorite films: Synecdoche, New York and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Favorite musicians: David Sylvian, Agalloch, and dalek
Favorite authors: Rawi Hage, Paul Auster, Vladimir Nabokov, and Franz Kafka
Favorite books: Deniro's Game by Hage, Invitation to a Beheading by Nabokov, and Une Saison en Enfer by Rimbaud (French title cause I prefer the original french to any of the translations I've been able to find.)
Favorite philosophers: Camus and Hume.
Favorite painters: Honestly cannot think of any painters, but Ken Lum and Luanne Martineau are two artists I love.

>> No.1721688

Favorite films: anything directed by Lynch, Irreversible, I stand alone, The Idiots, Happiness, Naked Lunch, Slaughtered vomit dolls,...
Favorite musicians: The pixies, The Dillinger escape plan, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Cripple Bastards, The Berzerker,...
Favorite authors: Ducasse, Burroughs, Garcia Marquez,...
Favorite books: The ego and its own, the world as will and representation, the genealogy of morals, civilization and its discontents,...
Favorite philosophers: Schopenhauer, Artaud, Stirner, Spinoza, Wittgenstein, Nietzsche,...
Favorite painters: Dali, Beksinski, Hieronymous Bosch, Wayne Barlowe, Giorgio de Chirico, Goya...

>> No.1721693

Favorite films: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, American Psycho, Caligula, Network
Favorite musicians: Queen, Bowie
Favorite authors: Wilde, Camus, Dostoevsky
Favorite books: Lolita, Dorian Gray, Paradise Lost
Favorite philosophers: Wittgenstein, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Hume, Foucault

>> No.1721730

Favorite films: Casino, Casablanca, Unforgiven
Favorite musicians: Nick Cave, Mark E. Smith
Favorite authors: Seamus Heaney, Pablo Neruda
Favorite books: 20 love songs and a Poem of Despair, The Road
Favorite philosophers: Derrida, Locke, Hobbes
Favorite painters: Picasso, Appel, Turner

>> No.1721742


as >>1721078 said, take your data mining elsewhere

>> No.1721779

>Favorite films:
Fight Club, The Blues Brothers, Up, The Painted Veil, Black Swan, The Baader-Meinhof Complex, Sanjuro, Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction

>Favorite musicians:
Joy Division, Streetlight Manifesto, The Chameleons, The Blood Brothers, Crsytal Castles, Gang of Four, John Coltrane, Duke Jordan, Dizzy Gillepsie,

>Favorite authors/poets/playwrights:
Albert Camus, Kurt Vonnegut, Franz Kafka, Alan Moore, Allen Ginsberg, Thom Gunn, T. S. Elliot, Edward Albee, Eugene Ionesco, Tristan Tzara

>Favorite books:
The Plague, Mother Night, The Stranger, The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka,Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, The Master and Margarita, The Sun Also Rises

>Favorite philosophers:
Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Siddhartha Gautama, Mikhail Bakunin, Soren Kierkegaard

>Favorite painters:
Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, George Grosz, Hannah Hoch, Pablo Picasso

>> No.1721789
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>Slaughtered Vomit Dolls

>> No.1721792


Camus isn't a philosopher you dumb cunt.

>> No.1721808
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Yeah, this is what I said. Any problem?

>> No.1721810

Favorite films: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Star Wars
Favorite musicians: Devin Townsend, Mastodon, King Crimson
Favorite authors: Camus, Hemingway, Homer
Favorite books: Moby Dick, Godel, Escher, Bach, An Eternal Golden Braid, The Odyssey
Favorite philosophers: Stirner, Nietzsche, Rand
Favorite painters: I don't like visual art much.

>> No.1721822

Favorite films:
>Before Sunrise, The Squid & the Whale, Good Will Hunting, Science of Sleep
Favorite musicians:
>Elliott Smith, Okkervil River, mewithoutYou, Paul Baribeau, Grateful Dead
Favorite authors:
>Ellison, Borges; comics: Ellis, DeMatteis, Milligan
Favorite books:
>The Invisible Man, Lolita, Franny & Zooey
Favorite philosophers:
>Popper, Camus, Kierkegaard
Favorite painters:
>Caspar David Friedrich, Klimt

>> No.1721824
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I can't tell if your a bad troll or just silly.

The Myth of Sisyphus?
The Rebel?
Resistance, Rebellion, and Death?
Lyrical and Critical Essays?

There's more, too.

>> No.1721835

Popper sucks. I just had the need to say this.

>> No.1721838
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Favorite films: Dark City, The Shining, Star Wars V
Favorite musicians: The Foo Fighters, Alice in Chains, Coldplay
Favorite authors: Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Lovecraft
Favorite books: The Drawing of the Three, Something Wicked, Choke
Favorite philosophers: Hume, Kant
Favorite painters: Munch, Gorey

>> No.1721843

Favorite films: A Single Man and anything Coen Brothers
Favorite musicians: Leonard Cohen, Morrissey, Rufus Wainwright, Tchaikovsky.
Favorite authors: James Joyce, mainly and mostly.
Favorite books: Doctor Faustus, Dubliners, and various others that are nonfiction.
Favorite philosophers: The ever cliche 16-year-old girl fanbased Nietzsche -_-
Favorite painters: Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka

>> No.1721845

All of /lit/
rolled into one tiny thread

>> No.1721860

Castiel? I didn't know you visited /lit/, or liked Okkervil River.

>> No.1721869

I usually check /lit/ every few hours and though I haven't listened to Okkervil River in a while (it's late night driving music for me), Black Sheep Boy is one of my favorite albums of all time. I'm really just a lurker though, I have little to contribute.

>> No.1721890

Favorite films: MP's Meaning of Life, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Memento
Favorite musicians: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Roots
Favorite authors: Murakami, Vonnegut, Kafka
Favorite books: Cat's Cradle, Kafka on the Shore, The Castle
Favorite philosophers: Diogenes of Sinope
Favorite painters: Leonardo DaVinci

>> No.1721891

Favorite films: the kind that kill people
Favorite musicians: the ones that kill people
Favorite authors: the kind that kill people
Favorite books: the ones with killing people
Favorite philosophers: the ones that killed people
Favorite painters: fuck paint

>> No.1721892

Favorite films: subjective
Favorite musicians: subjective
Favorite authors: subjective
Favorite books: subjective
Favorite philosophers: subjective
Favorite painters: subjective

...it's true. I really couldn't name my favourite's. It depends on the stage in my life and my moods.

Bentay selects

>> No.1721895
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Favorite films: Nashville, Moon, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Orson Welles' The Trial
Favorite musicians: Captain Beefheart, Skip Spence, Beck, The Beach Boys.
Favorite authors: Nabokov, Kafka, Carey
Favorite books: Ada, Pale Fire, The Trial, Theft, A Confederacy of Dunces
Favorite philosophers: Jung I guess
Favorite painters: Mondrian, Caravaggio, Gorky, Balthus, Dali, Magritte

>> No.1721906

Favorite films:Man on Fire, Fargo, Pulp Fiction
Favorite musicians: David Bowie, Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton
Favorite authors: Flannery O' Connor, Richard Wright, Ernest Hemingway
Favorite books: The Sun Also Rises, Native Son

>> No.1721910

Everyone already knows that you big dumbass. We want to know the now.

>> No.1721938

lol what the fuck's a Tió doing here?

>> No.1721941


Ask anyone who isn't a 16 year old ignoramus such as yourself. He wasn't a philosopher. Palahniuk writes existential novels. Is he a philosopher?


>> No.1721945

he did philosophy on the side

i bet you're just being funny or something but i want to let that poster know that there are rational people on /lit/ like him and me

>> No.1721956
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I'm not Catalan, I just think they're cute.

>> No.1721961

Favorite films: John Carpenter's The Thing, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
Favorite musicians: Circle Takes the Square, Junius, Kwoon, Mihai Edrisch
Favorite authors: Roger Zelazny, Robert Louis Stevenson, Gene Wolfe, ALbert Camus, Voltaire
Favorite books: Latro in the Mist, The Stranger, The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea
Favorite philosophers: Bertrand Russell
Favorite painters: Gustav Klimt

>> No.1721977

Cute? lol
Most of our culture spins around shit or shitting. I don't think any other culture has ever given so much importance to shit.
And about the pic I'd say that's not really cruelty. The trunk is already dead.

>> No.1721986

Favorite films: Planet of the Apes, Pulp Fiction
Favorite musicians: Rush, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Other Prog, 90's Alternative, Dadrock, etc.
Favorite authors: Orwell, Fitzgerald, Bradbury, Stoker.
Favorite books: 1984, Animal Farm, Dracula, Farenheit 451, Anthem, Gatsby, dystopian stuff.
Favorite philosophers: Rand, Kant. Not because I agree with their shit, I just enjoy reading about it.
Favorite painters: Kandinsky. Not kidding. Saw some of his shit when I was a kid and instantly liked it.

>> No.1721988

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a parody, otherwise the person who made it is insane. Well, I guess the fixation on shit explains a lot of Dali's imagery..

>> No.1722042

Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Full Metal Jacket
Roger Waters, Bob Dylan, Frank Zappa
Pynchon, Dick, McCarthy
Vineland, Illuminatus!, VALIS, Blood Meridian
Van Gogh

>> No.1722056
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seems like a cool guy...
>Van Gough

>> No.1722059

>David Lynch films
>Robert Anton Wilson

You're a cool guy.

>> No.1722062
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Whas wrong with Van Gogh? :c

>> No.1722089

Favorite films: 2001 - a space odyssey, Star Wars (the old ones).
Favorite musicians: Pink Floyd, Sigur Ros, M83.
Favorite authors: None in particular.
Favorite books: The Strangest Man, by Graham Farmelo. Ehm. Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman.
Favorite philosophers: None. Bertrand Russell, maybe. He was cool. Oh, and John Locke.
Favorite painters: Grieg, Tidemand, Gude.

>> No.1722091

I just don't understand the appeal of his work, or the post-impressionists/impressionists in general. The only one I find that impressive is Redon. Their subject matter and direction is kind of weak, and I'm not into brights or pastels.

But your other things are all really cool. Nice to see another Lynch/ Dylan/ PKD fan.

>> No.1722093


Oh snap motherfucker, I meant Munch, not Grieg.

>> No.1722098

I just like him because he painted pretty colorful introspective things

>> No.1722103

Grieg was a better composer imo

>> No.1722109

>Their subject matter and direction is kind of weak
oh are you fucking serious.

>> No.1722114


I mix him and Edvard Munch sometimes. Doesn't help that I'm tired as fuck.

Sorry about that.

>> No.1722119

No no don't fight <:C

>> No.1722128

Favorite films: Wicker Park, The Assassination of Jesse James, Princess Mononoke, Brick, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Mystery Team, Conversations with Other Women
Favorite musicians: The Get Up Kids, The Gaslight Anthem, The Decemberists, Death Cab for Cutie, Frightened Rabbit, Frank Turner, Eisley, Jimmy Eat World, The Forecast
Favorite authors: Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, Thomas Hardy, H.G. Wells, Walter Scott, George MacDonald, Jane Austin, William Thackeray
Favorite books: David Copperfield, Till We Have Faces, The Woodlanders, Don Quixote, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Orthodoxy, Surprised by Joy, Lilith, The Pickwick Papers, Under the Greenwood Tree, Great Expectations, Kenilworth, Silas Marner, A Canticle for Liebowitz, Walden, The Once and Future King
Favorite philosophers: Kierkegaard, Aquinas, Augustine, Boethius, Thoreau
Favorite painters: Caspar David Friedrich, Ivan Shishkin, John Constable, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, John Bauer

>> No.1722156
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>Palahniuk writes existential novels.

>> No.1722409

Favorite Films: Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fiction, Manhattan

Favorite Musicians: Cage the Elephant, Tom Waits, Florence + The Machine

Favorite Books: Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut), Choke (Chuck Palahaniuk), A Scanner Darkly (Phillip K. DIck)

Favorite Philiosophers: -

Favorite Painters: -

>> No.1723081

>cripple bastards
that's fucking awesome, dude.

>> No.1723095

Favorite films: ugh idk lots
Favorite musicians: idk ne
Favorite authors: idk ne
Favorite books:idk ne
Favorite philosophers:idk ne
Favorite painters:idk ne

>> No.1723120

Films - Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Midnight Cowboy, Dr. Strangelove, Ugetsu, goddamn do not get me started film is my real passion.
Musicians - Beach Boys, Beastie Boys, Lil' B, Steve Miller, Esham, Sam Cooke, People Under the Stairs, The Cranberries, The Cardigans, Freddie Gibbs
Authors (poets?) - Conrad, Vonnegut, ee cummings, Edgar Lee Masters
Books - Heart of Darkness, Slaughterhouse 5, Spoon River Anthology, Reservation Blues
Philosophers - n/a, I can think critically for myself
Painters - Oh god, Kline, Caravaggio, Gericault (haterz gonna hate), Ensor, I should stop before I don't go to sleep.

True taste award here.

>> No.1723125

Totally forgot about fucking Bosch for the painters. Fuck. Him, Ensor, and Kline are my top three.

>> No.1723198

Favorite films:Taxi Driver, Star Wars, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs
Favorite musicians: Pink Floyd, Nick Drake, Nirvana, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix
Favorite authors:Lovecraft, Poe
Favorite books:A Clockwork orange, I am Legend, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Favorite philosophers: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Socrates/Plato
Favorite painters: Rembrandt

>> No.1723332

Favorite films: Amelie, Fight Club, The Rocky Horror Show, Princess Mononoke, 28 Days Later
Favorite musicians: Bloc Party, The Smiths, Radiohead, Death Cab For Cutie
Favorite authors: Bret Easton Ellis, Daniel Handler, Joseph Heller, Terry Pratchett, Graham Greene, Neil Gaiman
Favorite books: The Beach, Catch-22, The Phantom Tollbooth, Less Than Zero, Fight Club, The Trial
Favorite philosophers: Diogenes, Kant,
Favorite painters: Munch, Botticelli

>> No.1723348

Favorite films: Shawshank Redemption, Hair, Milk
Favorite musicians: Iron Maiden, Radiohead, Queen
Favorite authors: Christie, Dostoyevsky, Murakami, Dick
Favorite books: Dostoyevsky's The Idiot, Murakami's Underground, Christie's Nemesis
Favorite philosophers: Kant and Kierkegaard
Favorite painters: Bosch, Mucha, Dali

>> No.1723355 [DELETED] 




>> No.1723363


>Listens to the Beastie Boys
>true taste award here


>> No.1723386

Favorite films: Bicycle Thieves, Gummo, Citizen Kane, Aguirre: The Wrath of God, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Favorite musicians: Arcade Fire, David Bowie, The Beatles, Radiohead, Guided by Voices
Favorite authors: David Foster Wallace, Franz Kafka, Marcel Proust, Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, Albert Camus
Favorite books: Infinite Jest, In Search of Lost Time, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1984
Favorite philosophers: Wittgenstein, Nietzsche
Favorite painters: Monet, El Greco, Bosch, Ernst

>> No.1723425

Filmmakers: Tarantino, Kubrick, Jarmusch, Lynch
Bands/Artists: Kayo Dot, Ben Frost, Boris; http://www.last.fm/user/Kristman
Authors: Kafka, Nabokov, Chekhov, Capote
Books: The Great Gatsby, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Perfume
Philosophers: Undecided
Painters: Venosa, Rembrandt, Beksinski, Picasso

>> No.1723431

Favorite films: Seven Samurai, Dr Strangelove
Favorite musicians: Tom Waits, Eric Bogle, Paradise Lost
Favorite authors: Russian canon, Steinbeck, Dickens
Favorite books: War & Peace, Grapes of Wrath
Favorite philosophers: Nietzsche
Favorite painters: Turner. (There's nothing wrong with a fucking pretty picture, most modern art is terrible)

>> No.1723437

Do you actually enjoy being depressed or something?

>> No.1723439


He's on /lit/, right?


>> No.1723441

lol'd. I'm no fan of mindless escapism, I wouldn't say i'm a fan of depressing things per se, I do like realism in my cultural pursuits, certainly.

>> No.1723455

Favorite films:
>Eternal Sunshine, District 9, Clint Eatwood movies
Favorite musicians:
>The Black Keys, so Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney
Favorite authors:
>Vonnegut, R. Jordan, Martin, others
Favorite books:
>Count of Monte Cristo, Grapes of Wrath
Favorite philosophers:
Undecided, Nietzsche is a forerunner
Favorite painters:
>Picasso, Rembrandt

>> No.1723459

> R. Jordan
and to think I could have loved you

>> No.1723473


Well shit

>> No.1723732

>>as I said a few hours ago

there i fixd for ya

>> No.1723742

Favorite films: Titus
Favorite musicians: Destroyer
Favorite authors: Fitzgerald & Woolf
Favorite books: Orlando & This Side of Paradise
Favorite philosophers: D&E
Favorite painters: David Caspar Friedrich

>> No.1723750
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Favorite films:
>Vertigo, Rear Window, That Obscure Object of Desire, City Lights, Sansho the Bailiff, Taxi Driver, White Heat, Rio Bravo, Crimes and Misdemeanors
Favorite musicians:
>Probably King Crimson or Pink Floyd, but I rarely listen to music.
Favorite authors:
>Fyodor Dostoevsky, Stendhal, Alexandre Dumas, Jim Thompson, Agatha Christie
Favorite books:
>Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, The Red and the Black, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Collector, An American Tragedy, The Killer Inside Me, And Then There Were None
Favorite philosophers:
>Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer
Favorite painters:
>I don't know enough about the medium to have a favorite.

>> No.1723764

Films: Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Alien, Darkon (fantastic documentary), Spirited Away (inb4 weeaboo)
Musicians: Bill Evans, The Doors, Gorillaz
Favorite Authors: Haruki Murakami, TC Boyle, Vonnegut, Hemingway, Flannery O'Connor
Books: Norwegian Wood, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Snow Crash, Catch-22, The Woman in the Dunes
Philosophers: CS Lewis? I don't read much philosophy. I did like No Exit, so maybe Sartre.
Painters: Dali

>> No.1723771


You seem like a cool guy. I hope the GIANT WASP doesn't kill you.

>> No.1723779

Film: Synecdoche, New York
Musicians: Sonic Youth
Author: Tolkien
Book: Catch-22
Philosopher: Camus
Painter: Dali

>> No.1723786

I don't get it why would anyone be scared

Favorite films: Harmful Insect (Gaichu), Le feu follet
Favorite musicians: James Dean Driving Experience, Ous Mal, Cars Get Crushed
Favorite authors: Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Sartre, Yasunari Kawabata
Favorite books: Journey to the End of the Night, Nausea, Snow Country, Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!
Favorite philosophers: none
Favorite painters: Edouard Manet

>> No.1723787

Favorite films: Herzog, Bergman, Kurosawa, Forman... etc...
Favorite musicians: Juana Molina, Mogwai, Autechre, Felt, Television, Steve Reich...
Favorite authors: Hesse, Borges, Joyce, Pessoa, Flaubert
Favorite books: Siddhartha, Cities of the Red Night, Brave New World, Decameron, Vedas...
Favorite philosophers: Schopenhauer, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Kant, Buddha, Pyrrho, Plato, Zeno, Heraclitus
Favorite painters: Rothko, Gauguin, Kahlo, Redon, Goya, Leonardo da Vinci

>> No.1723790

Fuck, I now love /lit/. Second ever visit here and Schopenhauer is a pretty regular addition to pretty much everyone's list. Fuck yeah.

>> No.1723799

Favorite films: Shooter
Favorite musicians: Wagner
Favorite authors: Ayn Rand
Favorite books: Anthem, Atlas Shrugged
Favorite philosophers:Ayn Rand, Jesus
Favorite painters: Manet

>> No.1723803

Favorite films: Big Lebowski, Wizard of Oz.
Favorite musicians: Lee Perry, Sizzla, Ramones, Stooges.
Favorite authors: Dante, Chretien, Blake, Kafka, Gogol.
Favorite books: Golden Ass, Cellini's Autobiography, The Trial, Book of Lieh Tzu, Tao te ching, SCUM manifesto, Beyond Good and Evil, Gargantua & Pantegruel, I am Legend, Man Without Qualities.
Favorite philosophers: Heraclitus, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Deleuze.
Favorite painters: Bosch, Michelangelo, Van Eyck, Klee, Blake.

>> No.1723804

favorite films: after-school specials and kung fu movies
favorite musicians: the jesus lizard, leonard cohen
favorite authors: vonnegut, fitzgerald
favorite philosophers: russell, montaigne
favorite painters: warhol and picasso

>> No.1723805

Favorite films: Anne of Green Gables
Favorite musicians: Tom Cochrane, Neil Young, George Canyon, Celtic Woman
Favorite authors: HG Wells
Favorite books: HG Wells' Books, The Republic, East of Eden
Favorite philosophers: Plato, Jesus
Favorite painters: Don't have any

>> No.1723807

>Celtic Woman
I lol'd all over myself

>> No.1723810

Favorite film: The Dark Crystal
Favorite musician: Amy Winehouse
Favorite author: John Barth
Favorite book: The Left Hand of Darkness
Favorite philosopher: Paine
Favorite painter: George Mead Moore

>> No.1723812
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>> No.1723815

Favorite films:
Wristcutters: A Love Story, Mr. Nobody, Howl, The Good Dictator

Favorite musicians: Cole Porter, Guy Mitchell, Miles Davis, Bartok, Tchaikovsky

Favorite authors: Sartre, Zola, DF Wallace, Steinbeck, Kerouac, Joyce, Gogol.

Favorite books: The Wall, Tortilla Flat, Notes From Underground, The Plague, All Quiet On the Western Front.

Favorite philosophers:
Camus, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Ortega y Gasset

Favorite painters:
Valtat, Matisse

>> No.1723818

I'm not saying you shouldn't like Celtic Woman, it just amuses me that you do.

>> No.1723886
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>You scared?
Why should I be? Miffed perhaps...

Films: Most genres, many directors, and only the best they have to offer. Kurosawa however is a tough one though. All of his films are excellent. Ran and Ikiru especially. But I have a soft spot for Nights of Cabiria
Musicians: Again, most genres, but so much is just plain dull. Well, its like an iceberg, with only some much visible and I've only sampled a light dusting of snows worth. To many to mention, I'll just say I like inspiring sounds over "rocking out" or the beat driven dance drivel.
Authors: I have none. Doesn't seem right. On a personal level, I really liked Douglas Adams, and Thomas Paine. Good men. Dawkins too.
Books: Depending on the genre. I used to read a lot of fiction, but it was all contemporary and fantasy driven, junk mostly. Now I'm rediscovering history and politics. Paine's are still excellent.
Philosophers: Someone ITT mentioned Paine here. But mostly... My own. Philosophers come up with worldviews that we can pick and choose from on a day to day basis.
Painters: Just painters? This does narrow it down a bit. Not a whole lot of course. Style? Living or dead? Male or female? There's simply too many of them.

>> No.1724697


>Paine and Dawkins

Angsty, 12-year-old atheist detected.

>> No.1724704


boring cunt detected

>> No.1724747
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Incorrect. I was angsty when I was a christian (reading the mostly bland fantasies) I wrote a paper in college about Douglas Adams, and found the final step to reasoning my way out of childish dogmas.
But whats you beef with Paine? If only we ever had such a man for president! Instead we drown in moderates and Tories!
Christfags. Such children ruin this world.

>> No.1724769

Mostly terrible film taste. If you can't name the director who took OP's picture you don't know shit about film.

>> No.1724777
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Tyler Perry, obviously.

>mfw I am sophistomacated, faggots

>> No.1724789
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Let me guess. Its the Russian again, isn't it?

>> No.1724832
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Films: rocky, empire strikes back, jeremiah johnson

musicians: bach and fairuz

authors: dostovesky and le guin

books: brother karmazov, Judges

philosophers: plato, aristotle.

painters; velazquez

>> No.1724933

I'll give you one for each:

Favorite filmmaker: Terrence Malick
Favorite musicians: Do Make Say Think
Favorite authors: Vladimir Nabokov
Favorite books: "The Sharks" by Björneboe
Favorite philosophers: Peter Wessel Zappfe
Favorite painters: Camille Pizzaro

>> No.1724951

Favorite films: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, The Social Network
Favorite musicians: Radiohead, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Danzig, Anamanaguchi
Favorite authors: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Favorite books: The Brothers Karamazov
Favorite philosophers: Nietzsche by default because I can't think of anyone else I'll admit to reading.
Favorite painters: Dali, Ernst, Kandinsky (don't really like Picasso, however)

>> No.1725869

who took it? it's pretty shitty, thought it came from some random hipster flickr

>> No.1725876
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>Favorite philosophers: Peter Wessel Zappfe

>> No.1725916
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films: Pan's Labyrinth, Fight Club, The Mission, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, American Beauty, Gattaca
musicians: Glen Gould, Yoko Kanno, Jacques Brel, Philip Glass, Joe Bonamassa
authors: Victor Hugo, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Charles Dickens, Umberto Eco, Lewis Carrol
books: The Little Prince, The Bible, House of Leaves, Lord of Flies, The Story of Art, Dune
philosophers: Diogenes of Sinope
painters: Bouguereau, Audrey Kawasaki, William Blake, Hieronymus Bosch, Yoshitaka Amano

in truth it's difficult to encompass all the artists and artworks I enjoy with this list, so I tried to pick unrelated artists and works

>> No.1725926

unfortunately film taste is for the most part, held hostage by a bunch of faggots in major production studios. Films are not as simple or cheap to produce as writing a book and certainly not as easy to distribute as a song. Thus of all the people out there who could be gods of the film industry, we only get to see an occasional glimmer. The rest of the time we're just staring at shadows on the wall of our cave.

>> No.1725929

You like Audrey Kawasaki. Marry, me, anon.

>> No.1725932

film, Matrix
musician, Beethoven,
Author, Goethe
book? a simple notebook,
Philosopher, Derrida
Painter, Dalí

I'm scared about so similar tastes in /lit/ o.o we all should improve our amater level

>> No.1725935


Pretty coherent

>> No.1725988

Favorite films: Donnie Darko, The Big Lebowski, Boondock Saints
Favorite musicians: The Who, The White Stripes, Lead Belly
Favorite authors: Kerouac, Carrol, Joyce
Favorite books: On the Road, At Swim Two Boys, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
Favorite philosophers: Thoreau
Favorite painters: Munch, Van Gogh

>> No.1726061


This thread is completely full of crap movies. Everyone in this thread is hostage to the Major Film Industry. Its only funny because we see people whose favorite books are experimental modernist masterpieces and then you would think their movie taste would also be non-mainstream experimental and post-modern awesomeness but then they say shit like The Matrix, or any major movie that came out recently.

/lit/ is so disappointing music and movie-wise.

>> No.1726071

Which is yours? I'm curious to see your taste.

>> No.1726072
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Favorite films: Stalker, Inland Empire, Irréversible, Come and See
Favorite musicians: Coil, Current 93, Arvo Part, Cyclobe
Favorite authors: Thomas Ligotti, Isidore Ducasse, Dennis Cooper
Favorite books: Les Chants de Maldoror, Frisk, Teatro Grottesco
Favorite philosophers: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche
Favorite painters: Gottfried Helnwein, Francis Bacon, Louis Wain

>> No.1726075

not all of us are hipsters. do you not think its possible that the most popular and well known films became popular because they were the best?

>> No.1726078

Don't be a prole.

>> No.1726090

hipsters are far worse than proles.

>> No.1726092

Liking Tarkovsky is hardly a qualifier for being a hipster.

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

I bet you love Palahniuk too.

>> No.1726098


I'm not a hipster, I am just a film buff, I like all genres of film although I have a soft spot of action. And I'm not really into artsy fartsy bullshit. I hate it. It is going to take me some time to write up my favorite films. I think I will review a BUNCH so that you guys can learn to open up to shit that wasn't in theatres around your block.

>> No.1726099

film doesnt have a long enough history to have developed like art, literature, and music have. In the past, some of what we consider great classics were some of the most popular at the time they were made. But honestly, how many people that want to go see a movie friday night are really looking forward to Alligator Road (Brothers Quay), The Crossing (Bill Viola), or the Cremaster Cycle? Also, there is a big difference in the innovative films like the works of Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrick, and Alfred Hitchcock (all of whom I find enjoyable) and some of the amazing directors that have followed in their wake. Also, books are not very comparable to movies...as the very nature of their form of expression is different.

>> No.1726108

Favorite films: the good the bad and the ugly, dr strangelove, pans labyrinth, american beauty.
Favorite musicians: red hot chili peppers, the decemberists, the beatles, R.E.M, in flames, sibelius, scubert, david bowie
Favorite authors: philip k dick, huxley, john irving
Favorite books: VALIS, a prayer for owen meany, catcher in the rye, brave new world, flow my tears the policeman said
Favorite philosophers: after doing alot of reading and thinking, i decided the best idea is not to bother. ill leave it to someone much more intelligent than me to figure everything out.

>> No.1726109

Favorite films: There Will Be Blood, Der Untergang
Favorite musicians: The Ocean, Tephra, Blut Aus Nord
Favorite authors: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Favorite books: Crime and Punishment, Roadside Picnic, The Brothers Karamazov
Favorite philosophers: Nietzsche

>> No.1726114

>Favorite philosophers:
>Nietzsche, Russell, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Russell, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, fucking Sartre and Camus, again with the Nietzsche
>Also shit like Jesus, Lao Tsu and Buddha - what the fuck, they're no philosophers, get out.
>Grand total of four Plato - how many read the Greek texts? - one Aristotle, no Descartes or Leibniz, five Kant - can't believe you read (German) Kant and liked it - no Hegel and no fucking Heidegger.

>Favorite philosophers: Rand, Kant.
Not because I agree with their shit, I just enjoy reading about it.
>Someone ITT mentioned Paine here. But mostly... My own. Philosophers come up with worldviews that we can pick and choose from on a day to day basis.
>Philosophers - n/a, I can think critically for myself


>> No.1726122


The most popular films are popular because they had the best advertising. any movie that isn't absolutely horrible that is advertised will be a hit.

If a movie is hit-quality with very little advertising
then you and nobody else will ever hear about it.

The problem is that 80% of the films listed here have been made in the last 10 years, which means you guys have probably seen very few films made in other decades.

>> No.1726123

Favorite films: antichrist
Favorite musicians: erik satie
Favorite authors: georges bataille
Favorite books: collected poems of dylan thomas
Favorite philosophers:pyrrho, motherfuckin zizek
Favorite painters: warhol

>> No.1726124

Nietzsche is a good default for people who haven't actually read anything.

>> No.1726132

Lars von Trier SUCKS

>> No.1726139

yeah he's inconsistent but antichrist is still my favorite film off the top of my hand

>> No.1726143


>> No.1726159

No. You suck.

>> No.1726164


warhol didn't create art....he created madness!

>> No.1726172

>>No Descartes or Leibniz no Hegel and no fucking Heidegger.
what's the problem?
>>Jesus, Lao Tsu and Buddha
Yeah, they were philosophers. I know you're butthurt about religion, but they were philosophers. Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.1726182

My favorite movies:

Blow Out, Glengarry Glen Ross, Taxi Driver, Hi, Mom, Possession, Messiah of Evil, Rear Window, Barton Fink, Szamanka, Tenebrae, Torso, The Bird with The Crystal Plumage, Bell From Hell, Taste of Tea, August In The Water, Kill me Again, Red Rock West, Death Drug, Glen or Glenda, Once Upon A Time In The West, Corndog Man, Dead Alive, Brain Damage, Basket Case, All About Lily chou Chou Chou, Eureka, Man Bites Dog, Enter The Void, Syndromes and A Century, Tropical Malady, Deep Red, Annie Hall, Maniac, Freddy Got Fingered, Videodrome, The Killer, A Better Tomorrow, Millenium Mambo, Mysterious Skin, Nowhere, Cafe Lumiere, Wild Strawberries, Bad Lieutenant, Reflections of Evil, A Scene at Sea, Boiling Point, Sonatine, I Stand Alone, Sweet Movie, Bride of Frank, Kamillions, Family Viewing, Speaking Parts, The Adjuster, Riki-OH, Mod Fuck Explosion, Fame Whore, Butterfly Kiss, Freak Orlando, The Bed You Sleep In, Speaking Directly, Small White House, Dasies and Dandy Dust.

>> No.1726192

i love madness

>> No.1726193


Blow Out was just De Palma ripping off Blow-Up.

>> No.1726197



hell yes

>> No.1726206

Favorite film: "Mandingo"
Favorite musicians: the Musicians who made the soundtrack for film "Mandingo"
Favorite authors: the screenwriter that wrote "Mandingo"
Favorite books: "Mandingo the novelization
Favorite philosophers:Plato (He wrote the original "Mandingo" for the greek stage)
Favorite painters The Artist that made the "Mandingo" movie poster

>> No.1726207

>I Stand Alone
>Barton Fink
>Sweet movie
>Bad Lieutenant
Judging by this it seems like I'll have to check out a few titles from your list...

>Enter the void
And no Irreversible?
etv disappointed me... I was expecting something fucking awesome from Noe. Technically it's cool like all his other stuff, but the story... dunno I found it boring. (the "resurrection" part was nice though)


>> No.1726210

If by madness you understand faggotry...

>> No.1726214

I liked Antichrist. I like to think that was really Willem Defoe's peen.
was it really his peen?

>> No.1726215

Why are there so many people with 'bear' in their name on this board? Is it all the samefag samefagging, or is there some kind of 'joke' that I'm missing?

>> No.1726218

Yeah. Trier loves to make non-porn actors fuck on his movies.

>> No.1726222

It's like some kind of gay orgy you would not want to be involved in.

>> No.1726225


I don't know Irreversible just didn't click with me for some reason. Enter The Void is 100% style over substance, it is all about the visuals and basically nothing else in my opinion.

If you are interested in any of the movies I listed I can give an actual indepth review of them, or info about where you can find them up for download (as some of them are a bitch to find), ect.

>> No.1726228

That would be nice, there's a lot of movies I never heard of before there.

>> No.1726232
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I take it all of you Lars fans haven't seen epidemic?

>mfw I was watching epidemic.

Guy Maddin is also terrible, his 'style' is so fucking retarded I want to murder him. He is the Ayn Rand of artsy-fartsy film directors.

>> No.1726238 [DELETED] 

Films: Dead Poet Society
Musicians: Sigur Rós, Morphine, Grace Cathedral Park
Authors: Roberto Bolaño, Thoreau
Books: 2666, Walden, Burn This Book
Philosophers: Epicurus, Muir
Painters: This dA user named Nujabes, my old art teacher named Kabekko

>> No.1726240

No, I haven't. I didn't say all his stuff was great, but The Idiots is one of my favourite movies ever, Antichrist was creepy and surreal as fuck and Breaking the waves was a very cool tribute to Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling.

>> No.1726243

Films: Dead Poet Society
Musicians: Sigur Rós, Morphine, Grace Cathedral Park
Authors: Roberto Bolaño, Thoreau
Books: 2666, Walden, Burn This Book
Philosophers: Epicurus, Muir
Painters: This dA user named Nujabes, my old art teacher named Kabekko

i know. i know. shit taste, etc.

>> No.1726247

>shit taste
Not really, there's a lot of worse stuff in this thread.

>> No.1726251

Favourite films: The Legend of 1900, The Sound of Music, Blue Velvet, Videodrome, The Godfather I and II, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and fine, I watch a lot of chick flicks

Favourite musicians: Bela Bartok, Nick Drake, Charles Mingus, Moondog, R. L. Burnside, Lead Belly, Tiny Vipers, Howlin' Wolf, Lhasa de Sela

Favourite authors: Theodore Roethke, John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Jorge Luis Borges, Victor Hugo, Truman Capote, Li Po

Favourite books: Notre-Dame de Paris, Ficciones, Music for Chameleons, The Plague, Rabbit Run, The Decameron

Favourite philosophers: lol

Favourite painters: Hieronymus Bosch and Francisco Goya

>> No.1726256


Tell me what kind of movies you are interested in and I will tell you which on my list to check out.

>> No.1726272

What I posted:
>anything directed by Lynch, Irreversible, I stand alone, The Idiots, Happiness, Naked Lunch, Slaughtered vomit dolls,...
I like violence, surrealism, absurd, philosophic/pseudo-intellectual crap...
This kind of stuff. Also strange shit like tarantino is fine too.

>> No.1726273

Favorite films: Dollars trilogy, Django, Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey
Favorite musicians: Johnny Marr, Robin Guthrie, Hauschka, Joy Orbison, Daedelus, Flying Lotus
Favorite authors: E.M. Forster, Gustave Flaubert, Thomas Hardy
Favorite books: Spring Torrents, Sentimental Education, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Howards End, A Room with a View, The Count of Monte Cristo
Favorite philosophers: Jeremy Bentham, J.S. Mill, Epicurus
Favorite painters: Gustav Klimt

I don't know a whole lot about painters.

>> No.1726282
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>Jeremy Bentham, J.S. Mill, Epicurus

>> No.1726286

Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.1726288


Have you seen The Straight Story? Easily Lynch's best movie that nobody talks about.

>> No.1726300

Yes. They're hedonists. They identify the maximum good with pleasure. Epicurus could still be saved, but Bentham and Mill are the worst. Utilitarianism is the philosophical form of everything wrong with the world.

I've seen parts (and the end). I've heard before that's his best movie, but it sounds too normal to me. There's no madness/violence/rape there... Just human emotions, empathy and people caring about each other... I can't appreciate this kind of things since I'm a sociopath.
But, do you think I should see it? I really like (almost) all his other stuff.

>> No.1726302

not at all.

>> No.1726316


Well personally a good movie is a good movie, thats how I see it. If you only like movies in one specific area then you are very close minded. But hey,

If you like sociopathic movies, I'd recommend Maniac. You can grab it on piratebay. It is probably the best serial killer movie I've ever seen. It is made with so much care to the details of his troubled psyche.

>> No.1726319

How could utilitarianism breed with a naturalization of religion?
Isn't utilitarianism a fucking good example of colonization (quantify utility in grades and between number of individuals)?

>> No.1726323

I didn't mean I only liked movies in one specific area, I meant that I can't appreciate movies in one specific area (love).
Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check it out.

>> No.1726354

utilitarianism need not be exclusive of others.

>> No.1726569
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Well i'd tell you , but there's no point because you won't have heard of any of it.

>> No.1726740

Favorite films:
Favorite musicians: mostly turntablism and producers but if i gots to then rage.
Favorite authors: Dostoevsky, T. kaczynski
Favorite books: C&P, count of MC, Fuzzone, Technological slavery, the karamazov brothers, god is not great
Favorite philosophers: plato (alot of shit still sticks), Nietzsche, nothing from singer or pm
Favorite painters: chuck close, girtin, Daim,

>> No.1726775

herzog, kiarostami, malick, kurosowa, bunuel
ensiferum, king diamond, various jazz and folk
conrad, mccarthy, melville, camus, kafka
nietzcshe, heidegger, idk probably havent read enough
caspar david friedrich

>> No.1726778



>> No.1726783


what is OP's picture, anon?

>> No.1726797
