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/lit/ - Literature

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17208850 No.17208850 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most PROBLEMATIC literature?

What the book that's so toxic it makes verified blue check marks gasp? What book exudes heterosexuality and casual gun ownership?

>> No.17208862





>> No.17208865

the bible

>> No.17208867

dumb dubu poster

>> No.17208969

looks like real anguish, I wonder why? Why does it make me hard?

>> No.17208973

>Why does it make me hard?
high test

>> No.17209012

The Thief's Journal

>> No.17209020

if you're really good at foreplay you can really fuck with a girl's hormones during sex and make her cry. Shit's amazing.

>> No.17209024

the commies made her watch the execution of her parents

>> No.17209314
File: 22 KB, 251x395, Ways_That_Are_Dark_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the book that's so toxic it makes verified blue check marks gasp?
Pic is a semi-fair semi-diatribe against Chinese people. From my (rather limited) experience of living in China as a white foreigner, it hits on several points that still ring true despite being written in 1933. One of the most common trends among China apologists is their claims that all of the societal ills in contemporary China can be directly attributed to the rougher communist days under Mao and the like, but this book completely disproves that argument. Regardless of the nuggets of truth throughout, Twitter leftists would definitely start convulsing after only a few pages.

>> No.17209326

Based. The Yellow Peril by Revilo Oliver is good too

>> No.17209335

Not the "most", but Michel Houellebecq is pretty seethe-worthy.

>> No.17209352
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>tfw no academically-minded self-aware /lit/ Mongolian gf

>> No.17209366

Women like this are the real threat to my Aryan bloodline, good god

>> No.17209385

she is crying because she's happy
you would be killing once

>> No.17209408

>engages with arguments
>unbothered by inflammatory language
>no ego-invested backlashing
>intellectually charitable
This is a dangerous woman.

>> No.17209656

Celine and Houellebecq. Bernhard would make lefties cry but they’re too stupid to read him. Specifically this quote from Old Masters would cause immense buttblast: This is actually one of the most repulsive characteristics of our age, that it is always claimed that the so-called simple and the so-called oppressed people are good and the others bad, that is one of the most repulsive lies I know.

>> No.17209691


>> No.17209838

The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

>> No.17210106

Celine absolutely. Mainly his pamphlets, which (I believe by his own request) are difficult to get a hold of, but any talk of his work is always overshadowed or burdened with a tedious discussion of his ideological vitriol.

>> No.17210129

Apparently Heidegger is rarely taught in PhD programs now. People learn Heidegger’s phenomenology through other writers instead. Pretty retarded imo. Anyway Heidegger triggers many leftists.

>> No.17210504


>> No.17211071

After mainly working with Chinese people for several years, I read it as it comes in the based-and-redpilled type of list about China. It can be quite funny and shows that the stereotypes (built on reality) haven't changed much in spite of all of cultural destruction under Mao.
The author is also a next level weeboo, war crime denial tier (even those that actually happened).

>> No.17211172

>I believe by his own request
At the request of his widow, who died last year. Reedition is under way. I follow a bit the editorial scene in Paris and there will be delays because of the choice of who edits it (not the publishing company but the book editor). There have already been two changes for the job.
It will most likely be some kikery of talmudic proportions with Celine's text taking 1/5th of the page, surrounded by "commentaries". To the point it will still be better to get hold on one of the earlier editions, or a Canadian one (because of copyright differences, they were not banned in Canada and received small editions there).

>> No.17211453

lel. I spent a few weeks in China and after reading this I retroactively noticed a few connections. I've been something of a Sinophile for a few years now so I still plan on moving to China in a few months to be an ESLfag. If anything this books is just pointing out some of the negatives I can maybe expect to encounter.

>> No.17211683

Rainbow Six, by Tom Clancy.
A /pol/ish groups of operating operators stop terrorists and fight for something else than Israel. Filled with advanced /k/ autism, masculinity is 100% positive, includes casual sexist and homophobic banter (may confuse with other Clancy's novels on that point). Basically a heterosexual male fantasy.
Celine's Bagatelles pour un Massacre.
Anti-Semitic, anti-bourgeois, anti-anglo rants written in a style perfectly combining ultra realistic talking speech and schizo manifesto. Unironically the greatest pamphlet ever written in any language on any subject.

>> No.17211709

I started reading Trifles for a Massacre once and wondered whether I had the wrong pdf. It's a...play? Anyway if someone could post links to legit copies of all of Celine's anti-Semitism I would suck your dick no homo

>> No.17211722

>Rainbow Six, by Tom Clancy.
I remember liking this as a kid. I should read Tom Clancy again, I'd probably like it even more now

>> No.17211860

I've seen somewhere that she looks like female wojak once and I can't usee it

>> No.17211906

my diary desu

>> No.17212137

Why the fuck would you want to move to China? The people are exceedingly obnoxious without redeeming qualities or they're automatons.

>> No.17212254

Provided you live in one of the few high tech cities or small town with a middle class, it can be comfy. The country as a whole is a shithole, but there are many nice spots, accessible to salaries of westerners.
The Chinese are often shallow, materialistic, and rude people (I mean even more than the rest of the world) but you avoid some other type of idiocy more common in the west. It's a matter of what type of bullshit you find more tolerable. Don't forget the great firewall too.
People on 4chan shouldn't be that concerned about having automatons around. If you have much social life in the first place.

>> No.17212727

fanged noumena

>> No.17213531

I don't get it, isn't the book just "IT'S THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOS" at the end of it?

>> No.17213764
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>> No.17214026

Oliver always talks about Jews w/r/t ethnic issues because it's relevant. Their favorite thing in the whole world is demographic warfare

>> No.17214088

>People on 4chan shouldn't be that concerned about having automatons around.

Shit man, even the Mexicans in the US have too much of an authority driven slave mentality for my tastes. I can't imagine living with people whose entire culture revolves around it.

>> No.17214138

tell us how

>> No.17214153

Give us the deets, I want to lick some tears

>> No.17214212

>Their favorite thing in the whole world is demographic warfare
It's why they're obsessed with racemixing porn, they want others to destroy their genetic lineage and racial unity for however many generations it takes to for stable ethnic groups to form again.

>> No.17214214

red scare loves him and hip twitter leftists regurgitate whatever those bimbos say, though this isn't the majority of leftits

>> No.17214352
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>>17212254 kind of nails it. I have the opportunity to make really good money for relatively little work if I go to China. I've been there once before and it was more than tolerable (I don't have high standards to be fair). Assuming I don't get royally fucked by a shady employer, a distinct possibility, I'll be able to earn loads of money and live really cheaply (free housing too!) in an incredibly hectic and exciting country full of weird things to see. Since I was a little kid I've always managed to scurry off somewhere to poke around and investigate. At risk of sounding like a woman I'd definitely say I have a bad case of wanderlust- especially for shit hole-ish places.

>> No.17214730

Turner Diaries, no doubt