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17208323 No.17208323 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly is he so big on Islam when he is very clearly a Christian?

>> No.17208327


>> No.17208330

white guilt

>> No.17208360

He reminds me of every teacher I had in highschool. Probably why they used his videos every damn class.

>> No.17208367

Greene is the visceral definition of a pseudointellectual

>> No.17208375

social norms of the type and people who he surrounds himself with. just like anyone else. just like me and you.

you are not immune to propaganda.

>> No.17208382

atheists have cognitive dissonance. For instance they hate judeo christians, because they are those people and atheists hate themselves, but love jews since atheists created 2 WW, and have to embrace islams on their humanist side.

>> No.17208384

>women and men shouldn't be held to a different standard than each other!
>... or cheerios! Men and women are essentially consumer products!

>> No.17208822

Not sure what islam has to do with it. Especially since polygyny isn't allowed.

>> No.17208829


>> No.17208976

>comparing the physical union of two conscious creatures to eating cereal
This is what materialism will do to your brain

>> No.17209043

He's a Christian, not a materialist

>> No.17209051

Saying you’re a Christian doesn’t make you one. His worldview is clearly materialistic.

>> No.17209058

BTFO, cuckoldry of this tier is only possible by christcucks

>> No.17209067

He is not a Christian, Christians believe you will go to hell if you have sex with more than one person and don't deeply regret it.

>> No.17209086


>> No.17209092

Brought to you by CrashCuckHistory

>> No.17209112
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>> No.17209121

It's not Christianity when it doesn't fit the definition of it. He is nominally Christian at best (if that).
Some faggots on an internet forum are hardly a source for Church doctrine

>> No.17209145
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>Some faggots on an internet forum are hardly a source for Church doctrine

>> No.17209309
File: 57 KB, 768x432, ted-kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's oversocialized.

>> No.17209350


>> No.17209663


>> No.17210115

i miss when john green posts were common

>> No.17210148
File: 67 KB, 1280x805, GEMELLINE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17210157

>I'm a Christian because I say so, simple as
that's not how it works buddy

>> No.17210281

Pr*testants are not Christians.

>> No.17210472

Every church is around 50% socialites 30% LARPers who just like the aesthetic 10% tryhards who mostly care about their status in the community, and of the remaining few who are actually spiritual in any meaningful sense there's no telling how many are off in their own little fantasy universe. Not that the rest of the world is any saner, but I do think it's important to be realistic about these things.

>> No.17210946

How can anyone take christcucks seriously in the 21st century lol!

>> No.17211039

>judeo christians

>> No.17211064

>zoomers are shown John Green videos in class nowadays
What the fuck, I'm so glad I'm as old as I am.

>> No.17211153

>very clearly a Christian

>> No.17211167

>judeo christians

>> No.17211192

Not my pope, the catholic church was infiltrated by communists, just look at Alice von Hildebrande's work to expose them.