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17204596 No.17204596 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start

>> No.17204609

Nice reading Mason & Dixon right now

>> No.17204642
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Do library books count?

>> No.17204656

Good on you for the pinecone but why did you pick the ugliest editions for most of them?

>> No.17204719

Had an amazon code to burn and annoyingly all the used copies on there tend not to be the prettiest

>> No.17204722

Good lord, the FULL PYNCHER

>> No.17204744



>> No.17204790

The Where's Waldo covers are the best covers.

>> No.17205062

Sweet, I read all of Pynchon's books last year and it was fucking wild. I just ordered 8 books a couple days ago, but they haven't arrived yet. I got:
Sabbath's Theater and American Pastoral by Philip Roth,
The Lost Scrapbook and The Easy Chain by Evan Dara,
and Hard Boiled Wonderland, Norwegian Wood, Wind-up Bird Chronicle, and Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. I'm a bit skeptical about the Murakami books, but they do sound interesting.

>> No.17205108


>> No.17205124

Buyfaggotry is the worst. You are no better than a woman.

>> No.17205137

I got
>Phenomenology of Spirit
>Plato's Republic
>Some historical fiction books written by Rush Limbaugh
>A book about George Washington's religion

>> No.17205138

based and man-pilled.

>> No.17205174

Murakami's books are absolute garbage

>> No.17205200

Should I go to the library? I don't want to read on a screen.

>> No.17205264

do pirated epubs count?

>> No.17205269

You wont get every book you want though, some will have to be bought or read on the screen. My library doesn't have the Pickwick Papers for example, but I'm in a sort of rural area
If you live in a city, or even a larger suburbia, you have no excuse to buy every book you want to read

>> No.17205291

He does seem to be loved and hated in equal measure. I've read plenty of people praising him and plenty shitting on him. I figured the only thing to do was come to a conclusion myself.

>> No.17205320
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Really happy someone got me the nice origami book for Christmas

>> No.17205324

Buying is fine. Showing off your purchases for attention is not.

>> No.17206222

All I've bought lately is Ice by Anna Kavan. Still finishing some books on my backlog before buying anymore

>> No.17206234

I like Murakami. And yes, you should be skeptical.

>> No.17206570
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>> No.17206579
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I just came back from Bookoff and I bought another copy of The Secret Garden.

>> No.17206586

My recent purchases since after Christmas:
>On Guerrilla Warfare by Mao Tse Tsung
>Guerrilla Warfare by Che Guevara
>Che Guevara biography by Jon Lee Anderson
>Dear Mom: A Sniper's Vietnam by Joseph T. Ward
>To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

>> No.17206592

Books I'll own but never read: The Thread.

>> No.17206607
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currently considering getting a book about late middle ages witches and witchcraft but desu i dont want to spend money learning about the infantile superhero games of ergotically retarded peasants

>> No.17206700

I got

>Girl with curious hair
>A wild sheep chase
>A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again

>> No.17206887

t. femanon

>> No.17207015

No, sometimes I just wanna take a break and read something enjoyable.

>> No.17207242
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Bought these in December.

>> No.17207270

Wild Sheep Chase is a cozy read, its sequel Dance Dance Dance is great too.

>> No.17207283

>Fjodor Dostojevski

>> No.17207585

The Red Badge of Courage
Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Plague
The Lake in The Woods
Leaves of Grass

>> No.17207961

That's fair kek. Hope you have a fun time reading