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/lit/ - Literature

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17202153 No.17202153 [Reply] [Original]


Any progress on your novels?

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17202160
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>> No.17202183

I haven't written shit in months. The last good thing I wrote was the first edition of the sticky info of this very series of threads.

>> No.17202321

Just write. It doesn't matter if it's good or not.

>> No.17202347
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>> No.17202371

>Any progress on your novels?
No. I've been crippled for a month due to a particularly heartbreaking situation. I have written a few decent poems though, and submitted a couple to contests

>> No.17202396

Which contests did you participate in?

>> No.17202422

I’m 20K words into my 6th book. Aiming for around the same word count as my previous books. Which is usually around mid 40’s- 50k.

>> No.17202431

So far just Crosswinds poetry contest, and Discovery poetry contest. I think my poem for the former has a good chance of placing, since it's actually quite good. I read the winners for the last couple years and wasn't too impressed, so I'm hoping that my judgment on my own poetry is decent

>> No.17202943

What do you think of this romance story idea? It'll capitalize on the BLM trend

Handsome black man has many women interested in him, white women, Hispanic women, Asian women, but in the end he rejects all of them and chooses that black queen and all the other race women are jelly

>> No.17202966

Delete this image animefag.

>> No.17202974

Romance works involving black minorities are to be expected in my forthcoming works. Stay tuned!

>> No.17202990

Yeah, the black bull is going to sell like hotcakes. I was watching TV yesterday and I saw an advertisement for the Bachelor. The guy that everyone wants to marry is a black man, for the first time
Aren't black people inherently minorities? Except in places like Africa I guess

>> No.17203003

If you post in this thread you are a tranny, pedophile or both

>> No.17203012
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What even is a power fantasy nowadays? Because apparently, the two stories I’m working on are power fantasies, and the group I told it to, said they were that. Which left me confused as fuck.

>> No.17203022

What are the stories?

>> No.17203402

Shared universe cape punk.

First story is about a sociopathic sister taking care her younger brother, while she comes to terms with herself and what she is.

Second story is a soon to be teenage father trying to secure a stable financial future by trying to secure a position in heroes hierarchy.

>> No.17203412


hey, that's probably more contribution to the world than 99 % of people in these threads ever will amount to.

>> No.17203420

I would post my writing in these threads, but they always have eye-wateringly awful OP anime pictures of lolis and shit, so I always hide them. OP, eat my filthy asshole.

>> No.17203821


ye i fucking hate this OP that keeps being the one to create the new threads. I guess someone else needs to step up. Be the change you want to see and all that. I just wanted to throw in with you cause i hate this loli postin fucker.

>> No.17203977

Either post work or leave. We don’t need your grandstanding on how you hate anime on a anime website.

>> No.17204028

>read 600 pages of academic texts now starting...12 days ago?
prereq reading for finishing the manuscript more properly. i have enough written that i know the characters and general storyline well. now with a more solid academic foundation the writing process will be more expedient when i'm not constantly stumbling over myself and writing around or using placeholders for crap i either don't know or don't know well enough to write about.
going to continue stoodying until the 15th, where i will resume writing and only consult references as needed. feels on track, mang. also been thinking about the story and presentation more and have a much better idea of how i want it to be.

>> No.17204331


lol, this is not an anime imageboard. things change, friendo. we've had this discussion before. Lolis could be considered criminal in my country so... you're a disrespectful fuck is all. Have a decent day.

>> No.17204365


good work, anon! Research always pays off, i've noticed. It gives you ideas you wouldn't have had before and it adds to the realism of the story. A lot of the times i don't even use the things i've researched, but it still feels good to be able to answer the questions that no one will ask if someone was to ask about something you've chosen to omit.

>> No.17204889

Progress is rather slow but I like to tell myself it's going well.
Something I like doing is using my tendency to talk to myself while trying to sleep by recording myself speaking the words that I want to write in my novel, then listen to that same audio and edit it while writing (since I babble and repeat my own speech alot while talking).
I'd like to know what other techniques anons use.

>> No.17204967

I found a video of black women flirting with black men and learned some black slang for Blackula
> shady as hell
> cuffing season
> really? but say it in a black way
> pick me
> thirsty
> boo boo
> don't tell me bout x
> he my man

>> No.17204995

I’m the poor sap from >>17202729
I thought I would give this place a try. No context, just a random passage from the sci-fi I’m working on:
“Tryg?” Kimber whispered from her side of the bed.
“You know we have to tell them.”
He turned on his side to face her. Her eyes were deep in thought, her face determined.
TryggR sighed, “why does it have to be us?”
“Because you were the one who was there, idiot.”
TryggR turned again to face the ceiling. He staired at the walls, unblinking before answering. “If Zer0 wanted to say something, he would. It’s not our place to butt into his business.”
“And what is he supposed to say to getting his ass slapped so casually? Really, what do you do in that situation? A person you do not know well who you are supposed to be working with, is making jolly good conversation with you, plants a hand on your molasses, and continues on with their day as if that’s normal? I mean, Zer0 is a smart guy, sure. You know as well as I do that the dude doesn’t get basic social etiquette though, and that’s like... I don’t even know how I would handle that situation in that moment.”
“You would pull out your pocket blaster and shoot them, Kim,” TryggR glanced over, “you would shoot them.”
Kimber went on, “she knows what she’s doing, too. She doesn’t pull this crap around Obsidian and Sumac for a reason, she knows she can get away with it around the others because frankly-“
TryggR rushed his finger over his mouth to create a big shush. This only encouraged Kimber to raise her volume.
“-oh you are thinking it too, they’re pussies. That’s what this program trains them to be. Lay down at any point of authority, only they go full horse breaker because why would people like us go on suicide missions otherwise? It’s mind-fucking-control bro, we’re bottom of the barrel do-what-we’re-tolds.”
“Not everyone can be as outspoken as you,” he was rubbing his hands into eyes at this point. There would be no getting out of confronting this. It was a matter of when to give in. He turned his back to her and continued, “I wish you would be less judgemental. You think we’re better than everyone else.”
“I’m only vocalizing it. You can pretend you hate yourself, but I’m not going to fake humility.”
“So,” TryggR changed his tone, “we’re going through with it? You’ll talk to Obsidian-“
“-while you gather the rest to attest for Lump’s behavior. I know you wanted to get her booted a long time ago.”
Tryggr nodded, “but we didn’t have the right opportunity.”

>> No.17205016

Kimber began twirling her hair. “You know, I still don’t get that. I mean about not exposing Lump to the boss before.”
TryggR chuckled to himself, “and that’s why I’m the brains, and you’re the broad. You don’t get how people work. They’re too guilty of creatures to impose any worry onto others. You have to abuse them a few times for them to think of taking a swing back. This whole thing with Lump? It obviously went under Obsidian’s radar and no one wanted to risk how they would look if they were the ones to step up about the harassment.”
Kimber turned her head. “You know you contradicted yourself?”
TryggR shrugged.
She continued, “you said if Zer0 really wanted to, he would have said something. Now you’re saying everyone did want the harassment to stop, but wouldn’t for... a variety of reasons I’m too exhausted to try and repeat.”
“It’s hard to explain. You can want something but be held back by fear. Or maybe it’s not fear, it’s rationality? You can rationalize yourself out of a want. If you really want it however, you will see to it that it gets done,” He took a breath, “I’m sorry, that doesn’t make much sense. I’m rambling now.”
“I get what you mean though,” she nodded, “I think we should sleep now. We’re tired.”
He repeated, “we are tired.”
be harsh with me please

>> No.17205029

You idiot, none of these are “black slang” except boo boo and he my man. Anyone in Gen Z who has a social life uses these. Go outside.

>> No.17205032

I remembered your autism the other day and it made me smile. Keep at it anon.

>> No.17205076


It's up!

>> No.17205088

Mmnmm, dat where you be wrong, boo. I be watching all the videos that pop up when I's search black snl on YouTube and only black actors be allowed to talk like that. All the other people, deys be talking like normal English


>> No.17205141

You do that AAVE and Ebonics have their own sentence formats and grammatical structures, right? Don’t pull a DFW, please actually study it before writing “how black people talk” otherwise you’ll sound cringe.

>> No.17205181

I don't need to take a course on AAVE. I simply transcribe black speech on YouTube directly to text in Blackula. The black words are authentic.

Additionally, I have no interest in learning AAVE

>> No.17205193

so far it's given me a lot more insight and ideas for small details to include that can really enhance everything. I think a lot of historical fiction reads cheaply because the authors were too lazy to research with real autistic level depth. Especially generic fantasy shit set in the middle ages or renaissance Europe. Even fantasy writers ought to do more research.

>> No.17205262

In my next black book, I'm going to model my characters after Dule Hill and Kerry Washington from Psych. Their speech patterns are indistinguishable from white Americans. I wonder why the SNL actors have a different speech pattern


>> No.17205294

pls fix

>is making jolly good conversation with you, plants a hand on your molasses,
weird phrasing, doesn't seem to fit context

>TryggR rushed his finger over his mouth to create a big shush.
weird phrasing

>They’re too guilty of creatures to impose any worry onto others.
weird phrasing

>“It’s hard to explain. You can want something but be held back by fear. Or maybe it’s not fear, it’s rationality? You can rationalize yourself out of a want. If you really want it however, you will see to it that it gets done,” He took a breath, “I’m sorry, that doesn’t make much sense. I’m rambling now.”
tired rambling is one of those things that is realistic but not interesting to read

also fix the capitalization of the quotes

>> No.17205476

The entirety of this work has phrasing like that but I can absolutely tone it down/work on it. Thank you for your honesty. Oh and I definitely need to fix the quotations, I always do rush work and come back to fix spelling errors. Thank you again.

>> No.17205507

pretty cunty move to ask for feedback/help when you haven't even done basic editing

>> No.17205508

That's a power fantasy?

>> No.17205550
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I honestly think it’s because both stories are heavily character driven rather than plot driven that they call it a power fantasy.

>> No.17205562

Do what I do. I hate my own writing, but I write just to write. You don’t have to like your own prose or story. You do it because if you don’t, you won’t get better.
I could see how the top one would be a power fantasy but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. They both sound like they would fill a reader with hope. Are they YA?
Perhaps, but I thought posting raw instead of revisioned material would make it more authentically from me

>> No.17205570
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You ever just obsess over all the little mistakes/things you said/thought in your 18 year life span and look back in disgust, obsessing over them by writing your entire life story in a night? to record all of it so you never forget?

>> No.17205571

I've been questioning something about my new project, and I'd like some advice but I don't know how well I can ask this question without having to explain all my plot to you.
I'm writing a quick summary of my protagonist's life as my intro chapter, going from the streets selling drugs at 15 to deciding to get his life together and getting serious about his future until he's 19, where the plot really starts. I don't plan to be this more than 5K words at most. I realize it's a matter of how well you do it, but do you guys think it's that's an alright into or should I just start when he's 19 and let his background be explained later? I kind of need to establish sympathy quickly.

Also, this has nothing to do with my writing, but I feel like an idiot for having realized 50% into the book that I've been reading an abridged version of The Count of Monte Cristo. I felt something was strange, but now I feel like I wasted time reading something incomplete.

>> No.17205576

Why is there a 5k limit? Are you writing for a contest or class assignment

>> No.17205579 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1521x1140, M.F.S.E.T.R.A.P.Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Hey! Hey didn’t you buy a dove from me earlier, said the short blonde boy skipping to-
wards him. Durant smiled, his biggest smile yet. “Why, indeed, and quite the good purchase it
was! What is your name by the way, my dove?” He stared normal for a second, but then his mind
stumbled too, but he resolved to answer it anyway. “Oh.. what, why name is Cael mister!” “Why
he said “Oh”, just like her, the same exact length, the same exact tone.” “Well Cael, he said
drawing him forward, perhaps as he felt simply from his energy. “This is the goddess I purchased
it for”, he said gesturing to Dara, who was utterly confused by the chain of events.
“Oh hello there Dara!”, he said immediately shaking her hand.” “Interesting”, he thought
most cunningly. “He seems more comfortable around women.” Dara’s trance was broken, and
she seemed happy by the boy’s giddy voice. “Did, you like the bird”, he said his done up hair tilt-
ing to the side as he talked to her. “I take quite good care of them, don’t you think!” He was con-
“You and Dara have something in common”, he interrupted. “Hmm?”, the boy looked at
him perplexed like the birds he sold. He extended his arm to Dara yet again, not even seeming to
have to move a muscle to pull her up, despite her weight she seemed light as a feather. “It’s a se-
cret, no one but me has ever seen it”, he said sternly but tastefully. “Though we will be safe in
the Inn.”...

>> No.17205586

Mostly out of both a fear that readers will get bored considering this dude's past is not the main draw of the story and a personal desire to get to the main story points quickly. And just in case, the 5K word limit is for my first chapter only. I publish in sites and patreon, so I'm trying to write in such a way that I can upload 1K words a day almost every day while still keeping a fortmat that's fit to evetually turn into a book.

>> No.17205590
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“Hey! Hey didn’t you buy a dove from me earlier, said the short blonde boy skipping to-
wards him. Durant smiled, his biggest smile yet. “Why, indeed, and quite the good purchase it
was! What is your name by the way, my dove?” He stared normal for a second, but then his mind
stumbled too, but he resolved to answer it anyway. “Oh.. what, why name is Cael mister!” “Why
he said “Oh”, just like her, the same exact length, the same exact tone.” “Well Cael, he said
drawing him forward, perhaps as he felt simply from his energy. “This is the goddess I purchased
it for”, he said gesturing to Dara, who was utterly confused by the chain of events.
“Oh hello there Dara!”, he said immediately shaking her hand.” “Interesting”, he thought
most cunningly. “He seems more comfortable around women.” Dara’s trance was broken, and
she seemed happy by the boy’s giddy voice. “Did, you like the bird”, he said his done up hair tilt-
ing to the side as he talked to her. “I take quite good care of them, don’t you think!” He was con-
“You and Dara have something in common”, he interrupted. “Hmm?”, the boy looked at
him perplexed like the birds he sold. He extended his arm to Dara yet again, not even seeming to
have to move a muscle to pull her up, despite her weight she seemed light as a feather. “It’s a se-
cret, no one but me has ever seen it”, he said sternly but tastefully. “Though we will be safe in
the Inn.”...

>> No.17205650
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>I could see how the top one would be a power fantasy but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad
Is the first story a power fantasy? I always viewed it more of introspective story.
>They both sound like they would fill a reader with hope.
From a certain point of view, they might bring hope. But both Main Characters are morally gray, willing to do some morally reprehensible to achieve their goals.
>Are they YA?
I don’t know, possibly? I ain’t certain yet.

>> No.17205668

Hey anons how’s this short story come off? Going for a vaguely La Fontaine/biblical/Arabic feel

The prince and the white raven

once there was born a prince with three natures
pridefull, mindfull and blessed among creatures
the prideful prince saw palace as prison
his father spoke, “I shall not imprison
you my son, go into a distant land
but take from me this gift into your hand”
and he was given a raven stained white
“may its flight be to you a guiding light”
the prince placed himself in a foreign place
where unknown was his custom and his face
he ate as they ate and drank as they drank
and forgot his noble birth and his rank
the prince came to such ugly poverty
he begged for stranger’s food and property
one saw him, wearing false gold and a wig
“ poor boy, come with me and tend for my pig
come and I will pay you a proper wage”
daily he placed himself in the pig’s cage
and was paid so poorly he ate the filth
fit as feed only for pigs without guilt
but the white raven cried out “return home
do not wander, do not waver nor roam “
his heart was pierced and he ran from that place
he cried out in the dark night and saw space
the white raven flew past constellations
each star causing such strange contemplations
and the raven cried out “ I see him there
your father in a garden, this I swear.”
he hurried to his father while yelling
“I seek you, let me into your dwelling!”
he reached the King and they met in embrace
the attendants gave him new robe as grace
the Prince’s joy poured forth as many tears
“i was Wrong, for just as a moth who nears
the flame for love of the fire am I
let me never leave your side ‘least I die “

but this tale leaves one thing left to mention
the prince had for the father a question
“why were you in the garden all alone?”
the Father said “I shall make all things known
among the quiet stars and singing birds
I sent out to my sons my many words
but many married to melancholy
rejected bird song and stars in folly
but the hour has come, leave them to roam
we must return to our Holy Home

>> No.17205752

>Is the first story a power fantasy? I always viewed it more of introspective story.
It could be both. Going off what little you’ve said about it, I assume the girl is in a bad situation to be raising her little brother and not her parents. I assume she rises out of that situation or at least betters it as she accepts her sociopathy. Accepting sociopathy takes one into a place of god-complex to an extent, at least from mentally healthy individuals who don’t know anything about how a mentally ill person’s brain works. That’s why your beta readers might view it as a power fantasy.

>> No.17206118

I like it anon but I feel like it could be longer, the plot feels like it... jumps?

>> No.17206127

Thanks anon, I usually write really really long poems but I’ve been trying to control the tendency.

>> No.17206170

>not using your crippling heartbreak to fuel your writing


>> No.17206322

what's your guys go to word processor? I tried focuswriter but it's actually buggy dogshit.
I hear Scrivener is nice, kinda over google docs/word unless for edits.
Something with a clean UI/dark mode would be ideal

>> No.17206418

I use focuswriter with dark theme
No bugs

>> No.17206438

/wg/, I just realized that on a good week I only write 2500 words spread out over 4 days. As it happens I'm not having a good week, but I need to qudruple my pace when in reality I'm quartering it.

I don't know how I can do that. I don't even know if I CAN do that

>> No.17206461

I started the book today. Not quitting this one, it's just too good to do that although I know I'm gonna reread what I wrote and be like 'wtf is this bullshit'
But this is the most confident I've felt in something that I've written in a long time and while I don't know what this story is going to turn into I can feel that only something good will come of this

>> No.17206469

I believe in you and I’m proud of you :)

>> No.17206524

A strange chill came over Jabari and he turned back to Lupita. He gasped. The change! She looked healthier and more beautiful than ever.

“Jabari! Oh, my love! Come over here,” said Lupita, waving him over. “When it starts getting cold, there’s only one thing on a cuddler’s mind – cuffing season.”
“What’s cuffing season?”
“Cuffing season is the time when single people, like me, look for a short-term partner.”

She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

“Don’t be so forward,” replied Jabari. “Besides, I’m only interested in courting.”


Lupita smiled at Van Hassain in an odd manner, not befitting a lady. Her eyelids were half closed, and her voice was husky.

“Pick me, Professa,” said Lupita. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get a man.”

Van Hassain furrowed his eyebrows.

“I’m just asking upfront, ‘You looking for a place to stay?’” said Lupita. “Hey, I’m just asking. I don’t think there’s any harm in asking.”

The old doctor turned to Jabari with a stern look.

“She is dying,” Van Hassain said. “It will not be long now.”
“Jabari, darling, you’re my guy. You’re my man,” said Lupita. “Give me one kiss, and I shall go to heaven happy.”

>> No.17206538

A few suggestions:

- Plan ahead/outline so you know what happens bit by bit and don't need to sort out loose plot points.
- Write without distractions. No music with lyrics, no interweb. Not even clicking different computer windows.
- 1000 words one day isn't necessarily 1000 words another. 1000 words of fluff, scenery, or description isn't 1000 words of action or active progression which isn't 1000 words of solving theorems.
- Don't feel the need to constrain yourself to a linear narrative. Write the scene you feel like. Write flashbacks, skip the boring parts, get to the good stuff.
- Be alert and in a positive state of mind. Fatigue and depression seriously affect productivity.

>> No.17206574

I’m wondering, what do you plan to accomplish with this? To publish anonymously online? To appeal to black people in particular? I am not sure why you would go out of your way to write a black story when you are not black. Is it genuine at all or are black people just a joke to you? Is it all for the keks?

>> No.17206620


this. just keeping at it is more important than any other measurement. As long as your mind is turning things over and trying to figure things out you're working. Word count doesn't matter as long as there are SOME words being put down on a regular basis. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.17206629
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Something that people didn’t notice is that we human are very expensive and nature had to pay the price for our existence just see the amount of forest compared to human population, so many land had to be cleared to sustain our living either for food, shelter, or life quality stuff, the higher the standard the higher the price of a single human being. Despite being so expensive to maintain what do we do in our lifespan? Study for 20 years then work a mundane job for 40 years then die? You call that a life worth living? What nature have to say about a life like that? Supporting a human life just so he could have a mundane life? What can nature get from that, beside being stripped alive for nothing.


Rate my schizoid writings.

>> No.17206634

>another lockdown
>still haven't written that novel I said I'd do

>> No.17206651

Sounds like the perfect time to finish it.

>> No.17206667

I don't want to create a thread for this, and since you guys write, you should read a lot of books.
I'm looking for a book
I remember the story is about a guy that saved some money that can let him live to a certain age, so he retired, and play cards all day.
But when he reached the age, he spent all the money so he decides to kill himself, but failed to do so.
So he ended up being a little crazy or retarded. I forgot.
That's about it. All I remember.
Anybody have any idea what is the title of the story/book?

>> No.17206689


these thoughts are normal for young people to have, but thinking you're actually contributing with something new to the existential discussion is naive. Discuss this with your friends and on here but don't think you're the next Nitch. More like Kaczynski, and we know how he was the proto incel alt-righter lost soul who didn't know how to deal with change.
The world today is better than ever but we're straining it. We will overcome this in one way or another, either by becoming more restrictful or by millions dying off from famine, war and natural disasters. Mankind won't be extinct though, just culled.
Having a job is good since it keeps depression away. And yes people had stronger ties before with the family and the clan, but look at how that's going for the middle east. Inb4 hurr durr murrica fucked it all up. Yes, that's part of it, but not all.
I don't support everything Pinker says, but if his statistics are true (which i believe they are) we're living in the most peaceful time on earth for humans. If we can extend that to other species aswell... that would be great, m'kay?

What i'm tryin to say is - chill. Play some vidya. Go outside. Overcome anxiety and talk to people. By only thinking, you're staying in your echo chamber and not getting proper perspective on the world. Normies aren't that bad, really. And they'll make you feel good about yourself since a lot of them are a bit dense. Have a good day anon!

>> No.17206704
File: 196 KB, 850x2200, wg-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to write a screenplay on a Russian girl who volunteers in WWII and ends up fighting at Stalingrad. Pic related is meant to be a dream sequence towards the beginning, not the actual start of the screenplay itself. Is the allegorical nature too on the nose? Maybe it should be a little longer.

>> No.17206721

I'm going to publish it on Amazon KDP and yes, to appeal to black readers. It's not a joke or just for keks. I fully intend to capture a part of the new growing black literature market, for at least as long as the BLM fad/movement lasts.

> why you would go out of your way to write a black story when you are not black
you don't know whether I'm black or not

>> No.17206749

You wouldn’t have to study how black people stereotypically speak of YouTube if you were black, c’mon now.

>> No.17206760

Barack Obama in Hawaii and Indonesia. He didn't meet other black people until college

>> No.17206794

“Poor Lupita,” thought Jabari.

Though death would soon take her soul, it left peace and stillness. Her eyebrows were relaxed, the lines of her face tranquil, and her lips plump. Jabari tilted his head and looked more closely at her lips, which were oddly seductive. Light purple specks floated in the air. He craned his face a little closer to hers …


Lupita’s demeanor suddenly changed. Her jaw unhinged and her mouth gaped open. Jabari’s face was only an inch away from drawn back pale gums and sharp, long teeth. And yet, he couldn’t move.

Van Hassain caught Jabari by the neck and dragged him back. He stood between Lupita and held Jabari away.

With his left hand, he brandished a wreath of South African germaniums and with his right, a crucifix.

“The power of Black Christ compels you!” cried Van Hassain.

Lupita’s eyes glazed over, and she returned to her previous tranquil state. This time, her breathing ceased.

“It is all over,” said Van Hassain. “She is dead.”

>> No.17207126

How do I scare people with my writing?

>> No.17207239

that sounds really cathartic

>> No.17207261

Too ESL. Please do at least some cursory editing before asking others to do it for you. If you can't see why your writing is so obviously ESL, it's time to do some studying.

>> No.17207278

Hmmm, in the original novel, Van Helsing has a gold crucifix. I'm going to change it to something quintessentially Black. Onyx crucifix? But there's maybe an indigenous African mineral or material that would work better

>> No.17207292

>write thing
>two days later, looks fine
>two months later, all the cringy flaws are crystal clear
shame it takes such a long time

>> No.17207314
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>write thing
>reread two years later
>expect cringe
>it's actually fucking good
>a lot better than what I'm writing now
>mfw I realize I hit my peak and started to decline

>> No.17207343

this probably hits worse than >>17207292

>> No.17207395

How does one make a good micro short story, /wg/? The only good one I can recall is Hemingway's baby shoes one, but all else just seem to be "and then this happened". Like narrative aphorisms, if that makes any sense.

>> No.17207408

holy fuck, that's an achievement. How many words?

>> No.17207646

In a year you'd have a 100-130k word novel draft ready for editing while writing as a hobby. That'd perfectly fine. Unless you want to make a living churning trash on Amazon, don't worry too much about keeping up with what others do.

>> No.17207883


>> No.17207889

What should I do with this story I wrote? I think it's mostly aimed at a female audience so I don't think Royal Road is right for it. Don't want to put it on Amazon because things just get lost on there. Is there a site like Royal Road for women?

>> No.17208150

>make a reddit account for the first time ever
>go to the subreddit about tips for getting your work published
>see a guy write a post saying "im black and I hear the publishing industry is racist and I'm worried"
>reply with "don't worry about it, most people aren't actually that racist these days and there are tons of black authors
>get downvoted to hell and banned for racism denial

These people are fucking insane and I'm a fucking retard for going on reddit in the first place.

>> No.17208171

Why do people always cop out and go for royal road and whatnot instead of actually trying to get their stories published? I've had two shorts published, one in a very respectable journal, I got paid for both and I've never pandered.

>> No.17208180

I publish there because I don't know how to get published any other way, desu. But considering I posted a chapter yesterday and literally have ZERO fucking views on it, I'm really reconsidering if it's worth posting there at all.

>> No.17208189

You're not the Wish Mountain guy are you? If you are I think you're going really overboard with the chapter merging into one chapter choice you did. If you aren't then post your work faget.

>> No.17208311

Not me. And I might do at some point but right now I don't think it's ready to be subjected to the harsh criticism of this place

>> No.17208350
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>I don't know how to get published any other way

Here are 500 literary journals ranked by prestige.

Each journal has different submission windows and requirements you'll need to check, such as word count. This is generally how your manuscript should be formatted:

Most of these journals showcase short fiction they've published on their websites, which you can read for free, to see the sort of themes and quality they expect. You should really try and keep up to date with these and read shorts periodically to see who's up and coming.

Generally most journals have adopted submittable. Once you submit your manuscript and cover letter, it appears on your submittable page where you can track its progress and withdraw it if it's a simultaneous submission. Pic related is my current submittable page, where I'm hoping to have my third story published, and which I'll pad out later with another ~10 submissions.

If you want to write take it seriously or nobody will ever know who you are. Agents and publishers are much more likely to take people who have had writing published in decent journals and developed a reputation. I learned all this stuff online a couple years ago so you really should apply for yourself. Royal Road and self publishing on amazon just feels like such a cop-out and waste of potential to me.

>> No.17208429


>> No.17208681

>tfw a professional footballer liked my poem on instagram and followed me.

>> No.17208726

>r8, h8, evalu8

Last night I dreamt she was here again, and I took her to the hotel restaurant we once passed by. Endless rows of windows shone into the room, glittering over chandeliers and dust in the air, sparkling in her hair like the sea at night. The sun was warm on my back and soft on the fine hairs of her cheek. She took her seat — by my side.

I clasped her hand and felt the warm blood rushing underneath. So many words, so many years pent up in the tips of my fingers, so many apologies pressed in the strength of my grip. But she wasn’t hurting. And we had time, still. We had time together again.

The waitress came out from the bar’s shade when I let my fingers go. The waitress, in black apron, sneered at us. I saw a shadow creeping up to her neck from the corner of my eye. It turned dusk. The sneer grew to a full-toothed grin. The shadow clawed and gripped at her cheeks. Then it was night. I seized her hand blindly in the dark, but it was only vein and cartilage and bone, damp and cold and pale.

When I woke up, I wrote it all down again and tore it to pieces. It was three in the morning.

>> No.17209003

I just don't think my stuff would be published, it is too niche and personal. I don't think there is really a clear market for it so it would be ignored.

>> No.17209348
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>try and figure out how much I've written in the last few months
>find a picture saved on Sept 30, 25,691 words
>this is right after the inciting incident
>at the time was hoping to finish the draft by around 100k words
>pic related, today
>not done
hopefully by 200k. pray for me anons. and then editing

>> No.17209370

What do I read if I have no idea how to write a good plot with consistent pacing?

>> No.17209512

I made an account with the idea of convincing conservatives to act like apes as a health fad and before I got bored I got followed by some pro BJJ dude. Sports celebs are weird online.

Needs context, I think. Don't really care for the conclusion, and the third paragraph tries too hard, but the first two are good.

There is no cure for "the great swampy middle," which has a name because it's something people deal with. You're better off experimenting than looking for a prescription. ASOIAF takes a convoluted glacial plot and makes the pacing work with screenwriting tricks like ending every chapter with a cliffhanger. Some authors try to write from the least-interesting POV, so people are more absorbed with the mystery of what is going on in the "interesting" ones and keep turning pages to find out. Really I think that's the key, whatever you're writing, is to keep some tantalizing mystery about the central conflict unwritten for a while. That's when slow pacing becomes "suspense," and you just have to figure out how much of that you like.

>> No.17209529

A night like any-other, hot pink lights
Blinding bright behind the smokey people
Who sit in velvet seats engaged in vice,
And burn their minds with bloody hot thongs.

>> No.17210475

How much English grammar do you need to know properly(and not by instinct) to write prose?

>> No.17210844

You should have a 99% accuracy rate. If someone repairs cars at a 50% accuracy rate, they're not a mechanic. Someone who has errors in 50% of their sentences is not a writer.

>> No.17211258


>> No.17211308

I use focuswriter and it's fine. What problems do you have with it?

>> No.17211339

I double-checked that calculation today and realized that based on how long this book has taken me, my pace is actually half that because I keep getting burned out from 500 a day

fuck, I'm a mess

>> No.17211342

don't worry about grammar bro. readers aren't aristocrats anymore

>> No.17211356

This is a good point. People are very willing to look past awkward grammar if the story is comeplling and the ideas are worth something.

Perfect grammar will not save a bad story.

>> No.17211423

A lot of self published books are around 40k words. You don't need to make your book that long

>> No.17211431

>skip the boring parts
your book shouldn't have boring parts

>> No.17211447

read what you are writing now in two years and you'll probably disagree

>> No.17211488

I need a beautiful love poem for my book.
But i don't know anything about poetry.

>> No.17211498
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Thinking about writing a romance for my own enjoyment. Two young artists end up roommates, one pursuing her dream of becoming a prima ballerina and attends the Pacific Northwest Bellet School, the other attending a local university and wants to be a writer. When the Corona virus hits, both of their dreams are put at a screeching halt. Tensions rise with the protests occur, and CHAZ follows. The writer, unable to travel home do to money and the ballerina school being shut down over covid, the two have no choice but to spend quarantine in their apartment together as the world seems to fall apart around them. It’s in the writer’s pov and essentially a focus on the ballerina.

>> No.17211526

Do you know anything about ballet? Or do you plan to do research on it while writing?

>> No.17211547

Do you know anything about love, anon?

>> No.17211552
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Do you?

>> No.17211562

Both my mother and I were ballerinas, I know quite a bit but of course I’d do research where it is do and ask my mother when needed.

>> No.17211574
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>> No.17211582

3 hours of work dragging shit out for an Instagram photo, then she reads for 30 minutes before packing it up so it doesn't get rained on

>> No.17211636

Sounds good then. You know what would be funny? If the writer and ballerina finds themselves on opposite sides during a BLM protest. They recognize each other's eyes behind their masks. Imagine the tension when they go back to their apartment after the late night. How would they reconcile their friendship? And could true love be realized by two people who are so different? The writer is redpilled, but is forced to hide his powerlevel due to the leftist nature of the liberal arts. Nothing in his writing suggests that he would be against leftist ideology either. As long as they dont confront eachother about the night they met lit with flames of burning buildings, they could probably pretend nothing changed and keep acting as they are. Until something happens...

>> No.17211767

Actually we had a really dry summer in the PNW this year and lock down started in April so they’d have plenty of time to make a balcony bed to have romantic quarantine seggs on. I think it would be funny to spring an unexpected weather change on them at some point though, and they’d rush to pack up their blankets.
ahaha I’m sorry I think I have you the wrong impression, I’m a poc myself and the writer is more of a self insert. I spent a lot of time with the American Indian movement helping the blm movement when it first started, and the ballerina is based on many women I befriended and started crushing on. I don’t think most of /lit/ would like it because it’s definitely going to touch on indigenous and black relations from our point of view, but like I said before I’m writing it for me and my own comfort.
>tfw no ballerina gf with sengahasse twists

>> No.17211785

my book is 150k words long because that's how many words I need to tell the story. I can't make it shorter without cutting things

>> No.17211794

I don't get how people who write with a word goal in mind work.

how do you know how many words it's going to take you to tell a story before you've even written it?

>> No.17211840

You don't.

Aim to write a lot so you can exhaust every idea you have until there's nothing more you can say. Then you edit and remove what you don't like or what's unnecessary.

>> No.17211889

Hmany chapters do you have out? Are you consistent on the time and the day you release your chapters.

>> No.17211896

How many*
I'm so tired.

>> No.17211907

I'm going to give myself a stroke over this.

I just can't write fast enough to meet my needs. It's getting to the point where I'm actually considering abusing stimulants to meet my needs. It's not like I expect to have a full life after all.

>> No.17211937

How fast do you write?
If you can't write as quickly as you would like, just write down the ideas for later. You have years ahead of you.
Train to write faster. You might even have to use diction if it's that important to you.

>> No.17211941

This is a nice meme. But I've been abusing caffeine for over a decade to get myself to be more productive, but it just makes me more active and effective at procrastination. Also makes me horny for some reason and I end up jerking off and then I don't do anything productive until after I sleep and wake back up.

>> No.17212021

It takes me about 1.5-2 hours to write 500 words most days. It's not that I'm a slow typist its that I'm slow to compose sentences and often go back and rephrase things multiple times as I'm writing. diction software wont help and will only make things worse because I happen to have a speech impediment likely rooted in the same tendency. There's a lot of stammering involved

Im beginning to feel like my body just decides to start producing a highly pleasurable, addictive and nootropic stimulant every few years and that my whole life revolves around those times. I can't enjoy something as simple as being happy because I know what it's like to feel so much happier and more energetic and creative.

Is it even possible to be addicted to dopamine itself? because I feel like I've got that.

>> No.17212029

Can I share the opening paragraph to a short story?

>> No.17212044

Do you think you're bipolar or are a manic? I'm like that and have days where I'll feel fucking amazing and everything makes sense, then I'll return to a state of being depressed and hating everything.

>> No.17212056


>> No.17212113

I'm certain I'm somewhere on that spectrum, but I'm not sure where. My psychiatrist and psychologist refuse to diagnose me with bipolar because my unlike with bipolar disorder my "manic" phase actually really is better off than my "normal" state in every conceivable way. No delusions or erratic behavior involved. One psychologist suggested cyclothymia but there was never any follow-up and I don't know enough to point to it and say "that's the bitch"

>> No.17212127

This post is severely triggering my fight or flight instictints.

>> No.17212191

My bad

Want to talk about it? Maybe we can help eachother out of this hole

>> No.17212193

crashes periodically, lost a total of 3 pages.
the version I used had no spell check.
I'm not a huge fan of the format either, but I've only used it and word/googledoc so I'm wondering what people like the most.

>> No.17212259

What operating system are you using?

>> No.17212292

I'm starting to think that the capacity to be a writer is completely and utterly out of my hands.

there's a spark inside me that I have no control over. If is a writer and when it flows through me so am I. When it doesnt I can try to write, but I'm slower, less creative, less enthusiastic, and wrose

trying to be all that without the spark is killing me

I crave death

>> No.17212315

Write if you have something to say. When you have something good or important to say, there would be no barrier strong enough between you and getting those words down.

>> No.17212406

I'm just so tired of feeling so inferior to my past self and knowing I don't have any way to get back to it

>> No.17212411

You are better than your past self. Since you're here now, and he's back there. He's dead.

>> No.17212428

Your past self was probably emulating the styles of authors he'd read recently. You probably just haven't been reading the same shit. Go reread stuff if you want to remind yourself.

>> No.17212434

the better me died so the worse one could live, and now the worse me has to struggle ten times more to fill a tenth of the better one's shoes

>> No.17212445

That's right. Your past self is dead. And you were the one who killed him. You couldn't keep your end of the bargain. Unable to live up to your former self's ideals, he had to die so that you could continue, otherwise you would be forced to face the fact that you failed.

>> No.17212446

that's not a bad thing. old me got more done and was happier with his life and his work everyone is worse off because I'm the one who lived

>> No.17212461

maybe I should just kill myself to assuage the guilt. hope that maybe in the next life I won't be there to hold him back

>> No.17212468
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People who wax poetic about the struggles of being a writer are cringe, and NGMI.

>> No.17212472

Giving up again? Why is that your go-to choice?

>> No.17212480

This you brah?

>> No.17212499

because trying leads to the state I'm in now

>> No.17212514

Not really. You're just trying to cope and justify your decision to give up since you don't want to try. You don't want to put in the work and write.

>> No.17212562

>Have to write a personal statement for my MFA application
>500 word limit

I'm fucked lads

>> No.17212701

windows 10, my computer is admittingly 7 years old but it was a top of the line when I built it.

>> No.17212712

I get like this sometimes too. Quit being a bitch. Clean your room, go on a walk, take a cold shower. You still have time in this world. Although its dogshit sometimes, other times are worth living for.
Get your shit together.

>> No.17212902

I've also been using Focuswriter on windows 10 on one of my laptops. Never had any of the issues you describe.

I also enjoy writing in markdown editors like Ghostwriter, but you may not be fond of that.

>> No.17213053


>> No.17213073

are you black or brown

>> No.17213085

Laugh all you want, it's the best one in my country and churns out debut novels like nobody's business. I'll play the game, get my manuscript published, and do a masters in English Lit afterwards for a comfy private school gig

>> No.17213084

Going for an MFA is what will fuck you, anon.

>> No.17213097

I’m brownish, people often think I’m Mexican or Romani if that helps at all. Why do you ask?

>> No.17213102

because the only people that use poc are brown people who work with blm, but are not accepted as "black"

>> No.17213112


Private school teachers have lower hiring standards and corresponding lower salaries than public school teachers. I hope you're basing your future employment plans on reality and not a fantasy based on old novels

>> No.17213121

Yeah, my uncle teaches in a private school here and earns substantially more than public school teachers. There are private schools, and private schools.

>> No.17213127

ok, I suppose you could do worse employment-wise

>> No.17213131

poc is short for “people of color” it’s used for black people too if it’s not a black-specific context. For example, when a black person is talking specifically about a black-specific experience they had, they might refer to themselves as black in that sentence but if it is an experience universal to people of colour, they might refer to themselves as a poc in that context. Of course that’s not all the time but that’s what it’s usually like in groups of different types of non-white people.

>> No.17213144

I've only ever seen poc used when a non-black but also non-white writer is sympathetic or an ally to blm, but also wants to conceal their true race

>> No.17213155

I just want to talk about books all day until I can write full-time. Wouldn't go in for it if I didn't get into once of the better schools though, I don't want to deal with brats all day. I might look at editing a journal or something instead. I've already made peace with the fact that my fiancé will bring in more money than me unless I miraculously produce a bestseller, lmao.

>> No.17213181

realistically you'll most likely settle for a regular teaching job at a regular school, unless your gf/wife is ok with you a househusband who makes $20,000 a year writing the odd novel or journal article

>> No.17213196

Well that is strange. How much exposure do you have to non-white people? I spent a lot of time in a majority non-white mixed race area and this is always how I’ve seen it used.

>> No.17213201

No chance of that. Worst case scenario I'll go to my uncle's liberal arts-type school, since I already had a placement there. But my gf took the finance route so for the next few years at least she's given me free reign to write and study as much as I want, which of course I'm grateful for

>> No.17213219

> How much exposure do you have to non-white people
over 50% of my coworkers were black. I got covided out a job before blm became popular so I don't know how they reacted to that. However, they always referred to themselves as African American or black, I've never heard the term poc in real life. I've only seen people write that on the internet

>> No.17213234

What a bizarre conversation thread. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.17213245

sounds like your plan is on par with "yeah I'm going to win the lottery" but good luck with it anyway

>> No.17213263

reeeee you can't write about poc issues

>> No.17213269


>> No.17213275

There are multiple books by different authors with the same titles for some of the books in green... can’t you provide the authors?

>> No.17213280

Maybe it is! Hahaha. At least I have the luxury of not needing to have a plan, except to get a novel published. I have no responsibilities other than to write. Truly I'm blessed with my fiancé. Having a safety net opens up so many opportunities that it's like life is on easy mode. When I was working full time I was always too tired to write, but since leaving my job in July I've had three stories published in great journals and an article in a national newspaper. No wonder so many great writers were independently wealthy before making it big. Anyway, it won't last forever so I've been really pushing with the novel and shilling out for various beta readers and editors to help polish, and craft my query letter. Here's to all of us making it!

>> No.17213293

'poc' make their own issues, and the ludicrous affirmative action nonsense is such a scourge on modern publishing that I find myself generally opposed to multiculturalism.

>> No.17213317

>over 50% of my coworkers were black
If there weren’t also nbpoc (non-black people of colour) around that makes more sense, yeah. When I say I spent a lot of time around different types of poc I mean my friend group is a sadi, 2 Asians, a blasain, a few black folks and a few pacific islanders & First Nations people (I was living in the north east). So that’s when all the differentiation comes in (bipoc, poc, nbpoc, ect). It can get get confusing but it’s all around a good time.
Some people don’t know about these terms so when they ask I’m not gonna be like “f u go get educated” or something. Plus it retains to my story, which I quite enjoy getting feedback or questions to.

>> No.17213328

Everything is fine as long as your wife is ok with it. It's like a reverse Bezos and his novelist wife. They divorced but she got a trillion dollars so it all worked out for her anyway

>> No.17213359

Is it for UBC? I'm currently doing my application at the moment, even though I don't have a BA. Just gonna rely on the strength of my portfolio and give it the old "fuck it."

>> No.17213377

I think the issue is I've become unironically racist. I have plenty of time for minorities and judge all people on an individual basis, but I'm convinced that black people on the whole have a lower IQ and impulse control and a higher propensity for violence. Likewise that Asians have high standardised IQ but lack creativity.

>> No.17213391

Join the club. You've simply started acknowledging your own observations.

>> No.17213393

No it's not, but best of luck anon. I'm likewise hoping my portfolio will be strong enough to swing it. How are you getting on with yours?

>> No.17213395

well, you're not wrong

>> No.17213414

Thanks, anon. I just came up with this plan a few days ago, and the deadline is the 8th. I got kicked out of uni for not going, but my high school grades were great. Considering just leaving out my uni transcript. As for references, I know a few best-selling authors, one of which worked as the editor for my first two books, so I should be good on that front. Beyond that, it's just a matter of selecting the right stuff for my portfolio. I've had scores of micropoetry published, but I don't know if they'll count that for the Poetry section. How's yours going?

>> No.17213416

Is bizarre though to think that if I voiced such views I'd be ostracised. It's manifestly obvious that, while there are always exceptions to the rule, different races have generally different strengths and weakness. Why does acknowledging that make me Hitler? Why do we pretend mud etchings on tablets and the Benin bronzes are masterworks on par with Tolstoy or Michaelangelo?

>> No.17213427

I'm going for prose fiction, been waiting to hear feedback on some pieces I submitted but places are filled as and when so I'm just going to go for it. I'm really pleased with my portfolio selection, only references they're asking for is an academic one so that's fine, it's just the personal statement that's screwed me over. Think I more or less have it ready now, though.

>> No.17213460
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>P.O.V is a one-shot character that will make background appearance but will never be POV again.
>His chapter pretty much establishes the conflict of the story in it’s entirety and totality and essentially spoils the story’s ending somewhat.
Should I just leave it out or include it?

>> No.17213479

anon, word of advice: you can believe that stuff internally all you want but racism isn't about belief, it's about how you interact with the world.

Personally, I have a lot of racist views that I'm not very proud of believing, but I don't see how expressing them or acting on them could do anything except hurt people for no reason, especially when these things are more statistical differences than individual ones. What I do is keep the thoughts to myself, try to be nice to people, don't let the beliefs impact how I treat them and pay close attention because I know that it's hard for people to be self-aware about their intentions

frankly, it can be hard to be a good person when you feel like your only choices are delusion and reality, but it's key to remember that just because a statement is true doesn't mean that truth is useful.

>> No.17213487

I assume his chapter isn't the final chapter or close to it which is why spoiling would be a problem.

However, I don't think that's as much of an issue as you think. Depending on how you execute it, you can probably make it not so bad. Chad Readers like me will always be trying to predict the ending based off what has happened so far, so having a chapter that kind of hints at something might throw us off. I think it would only add mystery, rather than kill the ending. Again, depends on your execution.

>> No.17213500

Are you guys really faggots or is this a joke

>> No.17213513

I’m the original person you’re responding to and lol r u good? I don’t know how to help you. Just stop being racist ig

>> No.17213514

>Likewise that Asians have high standardised IQ but lack creativity.

nice meme. this is just whitecope.

>h-heh, these people may have superior intellect, b-but they're less creative!

By what fucking standard? Hollywood is constantly remaking the same IPs over and over again while Asians in Japan are innovating and making compelling content that most of the people on this board enjoy no matter what race they are.

>> No.17213526
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What do you think? Should Van Helsing (Van Hassain) use a bronze crucifix to ward off Dracula (Blackula). Some academics are saying that Africans discovered that tin + copper = bronze concurrently with the Asians and Europeans. Maybe I should look for a natural gemstone or mineral from Africa

>> No.17213530
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please refrain

>> No.17213536

>Why do we pretend mud etchings on tablets and the Benin bronzes are masterworks on par with Tolstoy or Michaelangelo?
Yikes fampai, if you’re actually interested in learning I suggest getting into African and indigenous American history. Natives had advanced medicines and concepts and there are a variety of cool African ancient peoples. In search of black history with Bonnie Greer covers a few of these societies, it’s a comfy podcast listen if you have the time. Though, judging by your posts I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to look into any of this.

>> No.17213537

or maybe Tanzanite, which is only found in Tanzania and a few locations in India


>> No.17213539

I've seen enough webms on /pol/ to believe the Chinese lack empathy.

>> No.17213555

>I assume his chapter isn't the final chapter or close to it which is why spoiling would be a problem
It’s the prologue. So the first chapter more or less.

>However, I don't think that's as much of an issue as you think. Depending on how you execute it, you can probably make it not so bad. Chad Readers like me will always be trying to predict the ending based off what has happened so far, so having a chapter that kind of hints at something might throw us off. I think it would only add mystery, rather than kill the ending. Again, depends on your execution.
The issue, or what I think the issue is, that the POV character pretty much has an accurate assessment on the conflict and it (almost) plays out how he expects it to. I thought about rewriting the story, in its entirety from a different perspective to include a decoy protagonist, with interludes in between to other the actual protagonist, but I’m on the fence.

>> No.17213556

>Advanced medicines
>and concepts
What concepts?
>cool African ancient peoples
Like the Carthaginians, who burnt their own children alive? The Egyptian (Copt) empire, the sumerians etc were clearly advanced, but how did Africans go thousands of years in a land of staggering abundance, staring at the sea, and never once dream of a sail?

>> No.17213561

Hm... It's as if everything Hitler said was right.

>> No.17213562

hey, they had bronze

>> No.17213569

>Yikes fampai
Kill yourself you little fudge packer.

>> No.17213571

Ok, here's what I'm going to do. Tanzanite crucifix, bronze stake

> With his left hand, he brandished a wreath of South African germaniums and with his right, a tanzanite crucifix.
> “The power of Black Christ compels you!” cried Van Hassain.

>> No.17213600
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But nothing remotely close to this

>> No.17213642

antihistamines for starters, hygiene being recorded as high including oral hygiene which plaque wasn’t recorded on indigenous Americans until after reservation diets (that were forced European cheap foods), surgery including brain surgery, I could go on.
As for concepts, Scientists are just now suggesting there is in fact a soul that disappears after someone is deceased which indigenous Americans have been telling us from the beginning. They also have been telling that diet is directly a part of mental health and now everyone just now agrees gut health is what predominantly what causes depression in otherwise mentally healthy people.
>Africans go thousands of years in a land of staggering abundance, staring at the sea, and never once dream of a sail?
There is Genealogical evidence of Africans being in South America before Columbus set foot on shore.
I’m not going to sit here and spoon feed you though, stop being lazy and put in some effort if you actually want to learn about these things. Universities will literally email you their research if you just ask.

>> No.17213644

if another tribe attacks or you get hungry for an antelope, you'll wish you had bronze instead of a pretty picture


>> No.17213649

Does my heart good to see people coming out of their slumber. You'll start to notice a lot more soon, don't try to suppress your own thoughts for being "bad" or "incorrect".

>> No.17213650

wait I found a better quality clip


>> No.17213661

I would rather die than live in a world without beauty

>> No.17213678
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Anon, Black IS beautiful.

>> No.17213683

don’t respond to the wh*te, it doesn’t want to expand past what it’s amerifat public education system taught it.
>it can’t enjoy the beauty in spirituality and nature
subhuman desu

>> No.17213725

>American public education system
I think you're incorrect there.

>> No.17213733

any tips on writing male/male romance as a straight man?

>> No.17213742

Try getting molested.

>> No.17213791

think heterosexually but substitute males for females, taking the pov of a female or a male it doesn't matter

>> No.17213797

How do you guys format text messages, private messages, etc., in your prose? The standard advice I've seen is to treat it just like spoken dialogue (i.e. in quotation marks), but it simply doesn't look right.

>> No.17213834

Internal monologue like American Psycho when he get confused for being someone else?

>> No.17213836

I've read YA novels with texting. They make those messages a different font and embed it, like if you took a screenshot of the text

>> No.17213940

Hang out with gay guys, do interviews, consume mlm content created by actual men who love men. If you can write straight romance, you can write any romance just by tweeting the genders on the character.

>> No.17214130

>realise if I make main character in book I'm writing female it'd solve a bunch of things- not necessarily "problems", but would probably be better overall that way
>added bonus of having woman as MC = more likelihood to get published (though that's not my main motivation)
>however also means relationship with every male character (e.g mentor, friends) would now have some romantic tension, which i can't be bothered dealing with at least at this point (1/4 way through book currently but it's unlikely to be the last)
any thoughts?

>> No.17214144
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And then they kiss

>> No.17214199

delete the whole explanation of brandon's personality, its not good and this seems like an intro chapter so why are we being told so much when the dialogue is fine to tell us who these people are.

unless you're pulling this from somewhere in which case its ass

>> No.17214274

years ago had an idea to wirte a short story, ended up writing the cringiest version of a fight club monologue. Probably it will die.

>> No.17214315
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I pulled it from my current project, its actually from the second chapter. The first one is about Billy bullying some goth.

Makes me sad u didn't like that line, all the "bl-" sounds feel nice in my mouth when reading it.

>> No.17214375

underage trash

>> No.17214402

Gonna have to agree with >>17214199
But also the “brother” part just for personal reasons, other than that I can feel the homo tension there. Good job

>> No.17214424
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>another short story finished
will edit when I wake up and that's another one in the stack

>> No.17214435

This is what I like to see

Keep it up

>> No.17214440

How many words can you faggots type write in a hour. I'm averaging about 300 words every 20 minutes. Of course, if I don't know what to write, it could stagnate to 100.

>> No.17214447

In my case it consists only in particular scenes, short fragments of time that makes me cringe to unthinkable levels. And if had to write them down like they are figured in my mind it would be repeating some sentences over and over again until the words start to lose sense and all that remains is cringe, on its mos pure and absolute state.

>> No.17214461

Depends if I’m on speed or not

>> No.17214486

I write probably 700 words per hour (give or take 2-300 depending on how I feel).

>> No.17214519

Question. If I'm writing fantasy, can I post about it here or does it belong in /sffg/?

>> No.17214530

idk I’m in the same boat as you

>> No.17214534

thanks bro you too

>> No.17214539

I used to write really fast as a kid, but not anymore. On bad days I'll struggle for 100 an hour, but on really good days I can do 1000. That usually burns me out though and I'm out after 2000 or 3000 words.

>> No.17214579
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finished 158 pages of Blackula

>> No.17214589
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>page counter bottom-right on the left page

>> No.17214658
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shit you're right, makes my books look so amateur

>> No.17214717
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Amazon publishing? gib

>> No.17214732

This except EVN/JRPG tier writing.

>> No.17214764

just post it here, no guarantee you'll get a reply in either so may as well

>> No.17214773

Pretty much agree with everything that other guy said. Only other change I'd make is to try and come up with a more creative way of saying, "Her eyes were deep in thought, her face determined."
Other then the awkward examples listed, though, the dialogue is alright.

>> No.17214793

Interesting anon. Did you commission someone to make that cover for you?

>> No.17214812

Knowing nothing about your plot or style, starting out with him at 19 sounds better to me. Especially if you're going to release it episodically.

>> No.17214841
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>> No.17214868


>> No.17214917

Will I get replies if I write on Royal Road then? I honestly just want feedback to get over cringe writing and I can't read my own stuff to do that.

>> No.17214968

I thought that the "but it[referring to the rain] refuses you" was a bit awkward, but other than that, I enjoyed reading this.

You might think this is incredibly autistic, but here's why I thought the phrasing is weird. If it's not raining, the rain isn't there and thus can't do anything to you. If it was raining, you could describe this as the rain denying you the pleasure of going outside and enjoying your day. That makes more sense because it actually is raining and we are anthromorphizing something that is actually there. Saying that the non existent rain is refusing you of itself happening is strange.

>> No.17214975

Thanks for the chapter!

>> No.17215028

No that's a good point, and I appreciate the feedback, thanks!

>> No.17215045

Editing my manuscript. It's hard because I'm making time to foster a cat. But I'm thinking I'll come in with my phone later and write on that. Are there good options for hooking a keyboard to my android phone?

>> No.17215049

Communicating you want heavy feedback should be good. Some ESL people may pop in there with short compliments, but expressing your desire for improvement should convince others to help you.

>> No.17215052

Getting a wireless keyboard is not an option right?

I don't know if it'd work, but you could probably try getting a usb to micro b(or whatever connector your phone takes) adapter.

>> No.17215107

Not currently, but I could buy one.

I'll do some research and see if I can find a good keyboard or a connector for my phone. I found a lead for this company, Anker. I'll post here if it works out.

>> No.17215115

Anker isn't bad at all. I'd trust them over any other chinkshit.

>> No.17215195

are there any poetry magazines that arent gay and pozzed?
do you think they're on the lookout for fake poc names after Yi-Fen Chou?

>> No.17215228

Is Royal Road actually worth using at all? I don't intend to post anything for at least a year or so until I'm fully finished my first book but is there much benefit over doing that instead of going to a publisher if I prefer publishing stuff all at once?
In my experience no, and I doubt they'd care

>> No.17215238

How to describe music or instruments? In a scene I'm writing, they play some classical music and I'm having trouble figuring out how to describe it. Thinking about even just handwaving over that part, but that's such a copout.

>> No.17215264

If he gets into a magazine that pays him or if they eventually pay him, they'll be annoyed if his name is Daniel but his penname is Tyrone Deshawn LaKeisha Freeman or Weichan Liu Zhang

>> No.17215266

Unless your work is either fantasy, cyberpunk and includes litrpg mechanics, don't bother.

>> No.17215273

True, I guess it depends on the original name. I think saying it's a pseudonym is probably fine but like you said if the name is "oriental" or whatever and his isn't it might be bad... unless you use another pseudonym
Makes sense. I've only skimmed but I have to say I don't like the look of most things on there in the first place

>> No.17215277

There's a lot of vocabulary dedicated solely to describing music. Sadly I know very little of it.

>> No.17215323

This. Requesting feedback in the forums seems to work for most people too. There are a lot of users willing to do very in-depth analyses even on crappy texts.

>> No.17215327

Wireless keyboard is such a meme. Got one some years ago and wasted the keyboard's worth of money on batteries in just one year. Into the trash

>> No.17215351

>litrpg mechanics
What does this mean?

>> No.17215361

I meant that if they pay him, they'll need his real name to write a check to him

>> No.17215447
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>try to write a bit profound story about the nature of evil, humanity, hope, and redemption
>the only thing the readers care about is "does X end up with Y or not"
I know I shouldn't care, but it's so damn crushing

>> No.17215481
File: 54 KB, 595x667, Untitled 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering if a prologue is even worth it at this point. Anyways, here it is, any opinions on it? I'm at the point where I'm going to scrap it.

>> No.17215540

take this with a grain of salt because I am absolutely smashed, but the first two paragraphs are great. Your prose is elegant, but I lost the ability to tell what was happening by the middle of the second to last paragraph. Also, you don’t need that “it was late” in there, that’s something that you would get in a funny context, by that I mean repetition for the obvious is funny. You just don’t need reiterate here, it distracts from the tone.

>> No.17215583

Enjoy lads, the formatting is dogshit but I can't be fucked fixing it now lol. Tell me if you like it.

I don't personally like it but I can appreciate that it's written well if that's any use. Just not for me.

>> No.17215597

why would the lone survivor of a disaster want a leadership in an organization? Why were they hiring already

And yeah the prose goes from very good in the first 2 paragraph and gets progressively sloppier as it goes on. I assume you got tired. There are a few verb tense issues, missing words, incorrectly used clause openers
> Already (a) deal breaker
> If only ... nor

>> No.17215696

>And yeah the prose goes from very good in the first 2 paragraph and gets progressively sloppier as it goes on. I assume you got tired
Pretty much what happen. I started strong but the further I went the more untenable it got, which got me wondering as to why I’m writing the prologue in the first place. When it was nothing more than a 1,200 word info dump to give a clearer context for the conflict of the story.

>why would the lone survivor of a disaster want a leadership in an organization?
For the pay raise and economical stability and future career prospects. The entire story after the prologue is the Lone survivor story and POV.

>I don't personally like it but I can appreciate that it's written well if that's any use. Just not for me
Thanks, is there anything specific you didn’t like, or was it just the story in general?

>Your prose is elegant, but I lost the ability to tell what was happening by the middle of the second to last paragraph.
Thanks for the compliment, and don’t worry about, and don’t worry about losing track, I was losing sight on what I was doing with the prologue.

>There are a few verb tense issues, missing words, incorrectly used clause openers
>> Already (a) deal breaker
>> If only ... nor
Thanks, I knew something was off but I was extremely tired to notice.

>> No.17215716

>Thanks, is there anything specific you didn’t like, or was it just the story in general?
Just the setting mostly lol, nothing to worry about I assure you.

>> No.17215734

I don't know why people are praising this so much. The first few paragraphs are objectively clumsily structured, with a few mistakes, and I couldn't make it any further. It COULD be good, but you need to polish it a fair bit first.
>rare as they may be
Rare though they may be
>pacing his utilitarian yet busily used office
Feels unnatural. Why would utilitarian mean it's not busy? And why say busily used rather than busy?
>struck him like a freight train
>Running his fingers through his hair, which was drenched...
This should be 'he ran' otherwise it doesn't make sense. You slip between different tenses a few times in the first few paragraphs.
>he didn't know how he got... Select few individuals
Again, this last sentence is clumsy and a bit confusing. The semicolon is inappropriate. Are you telling us those habits are why he got the job? That needs to be signposted better. Are you just describing his habits at work? That also needs to be signposted better, and doesn't follow naturally from his not knowing why he got the job.

Same deal with the first sentence of the second paragraph. Tense switch and it makes no sense. Either 'settling back in his chair... He rifled through one of the reports on his desk, the SouthLawndale one,' etc, or put 'he settled back in his chair' and keep the sentence end, but as it stands it's grammatically incorrect.

>> No.17215770

Thank you friend, I’m used to writing scripts so this is all experimental for me. I had the same thoughts on that sentence, rather generic so thank you for validating that, I’ll change it.
>and don’t worry about, and don’t worry about losing track
I really do like your style though. As for losing track that’s completely fine if that’s specifically your intention, is to confuse the audience. I enjoy doing that myself but I had a feeling that’s not what you were going for. I’m interested in your story though, tell me more about it.

>> No.17215807

>Grabs red pen...
It was at times like these that Johnathan Collins regretted accepting his promotion. He sighed and sat down, only to rise again, pacing circles of worry about his office, running his fingers through his sweat drenched hair. Suddenly he paused, staring at the curls of auburn clinging to his hands. He did not know how he got into this situation. He'd done everything he was supposed to do. He had kept his head down, and spoke only with a few trusted individuals as required. But this...

He grabbed the South Lawndale report from the towers of papers teetering precariously on his desk. Exasperated, he tore through the pages once more. No room for error this time. The decision had to be bullet proof before it got sent up the ladder. Otherwise some fat ass at the top of it might come crashing down on him, hard.

The unedited report had it that a few hours prior to the incident in question [?not sure of context?] some mutant [!this better be x-men fanfic to use that as a class!] prisoners had escaped the Cook County Jail. Some local vigilantes attempted to capture them, and eventually succeeded, but all but one of those would-be heroes was killed in the effort. The survivor, some kid going by [name would be good here], demanded to be leader of the now decimated group. [? I guess there's other survivors not involved ? - Why do the police get say in this, or is this a chapter of a larger organization that John works for? ] Unsurprisingly, the citizens of South Lawndale are quite taken with him, leaving the department with few realistic options.

The easiest, of course, would be simply to give the kid the role he wanted. That's not going to sell too well upstairs. Kid's too young, and a blue boot to boot.

The only contender for the position, some broad named [x], a woman with more experience, yet nothing to show for it. She normally would get the job, no doubt, at least until someone more qualified came along.



...basically, I'm advocating shortening for impact, and bringing narrative into John's perspective, personalizing it, while avoiding anything that sounds too cliché. Also, as you can tell, I'm having a little trouble telling what's actually happening here and there, so my quick re-write may actually change the intention - so more contextual clues would be good as well.

>> No.17215822

This reads significantly better

>> No.17215847

Mind, grammatical errors (last paragraph starts with incomplete sentence, among others). Didn't port it to my WP before scrawling that out.

>> No.17215934


you are published, right? If not, you should be.

First actually good thing i've read on /wg/ in a very long time.

>> No.17215945

be my bf

>> No.17215954


handwaving over it is the better choice. I once read someone writing about a piano lesson and the teacher going "the black keys, play more on the black keys!". Don't make a fool of yourself. Describe the musicians and perhaps what instrument they're playing and that should be enough. Like, facial expressions. (classical musicians always look like they're taking a dreamy poop when they're playing)

>> No.17216116
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>Needs context, I think. Don't really care for the conclusion, and the third paragraph tries too hard, but the first two are good.
thank you a lot, anon. it's just a brief scrawl based on a dream i had.
care to explain what you meant by trying too hard? is it melodramatic?

>> No.17216133
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>> No.17216249

not OP but thanks anon
comparing unedited and edited work makes me feel like i'm learning

>> No.17216253

italics without quotation marks

>> No.17216754

The fuck is that?

>> No.17216834

"Ad Lib for Size Queens"

shawty say fuck me with the lights on
i said hey look at my 7 inch python
haters gonna hate, but bitch right now this is my song
yeah i developed schizophrenia from too many bong
did them shits when i was way too young, hun
and i be rhyming all day while you make shitty puns
back to fucking that bitch, it was an interesting sitch
I make her runny cunny feel real funny

>> No.17216885

A white person

>> No.17217013

God fucking dammit I have a guy spamming that in all my chapters over the last 4 hours.

>> No.17217030

I think I'll try writing two intro chapters. One starting at 15 and one at 19 and see what works better. It might make me understand my protagonist better, too.
Being a discovery writer fucking sucks. I wish I could plot everything from the begining, but it always ends up worse

>> No.17217118
File: 465 KB, 664x529, It ain't me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I don't know anymore
I started planning out a fantasy novel and got a bunch of ideas, characters and even the major storybeats down
But I don't want my debut to be as a fantasy writer
I wanna be a special big boy writer who writes a big boy book
But I'm a fucking moron with nothing meaningful to say
The only idea I have that I could work with is just writing a comedy about my time in the army

>> No.17217288

>nothing meaningful to say
>Was in the army
Anon, I've never been in the army. That alone means you have something meaningful to say to people. It's an experience millions haven't and probably will never have. And that goes for many aspects of our lives.
I am a teacher and that influences how I write. Even if I'm not writing about a school, I still see value in student-mentor relationships and young people learning about life and themselves.
Whether you've seen war or not, I bet you still have something to say about the army or any other experience.

>> No.17217307

That, and we haven't had a real military comedy since MASH - nation could really use one. Opportunity to get revenge by doing your nation a service it really needs, instead of just one it thinks it wants.

>> No.17217347

>. It's an experience millions haven't and probably will never have.
My country has a conscription army so most men and even some women do experience it every year. This of course leads to a certain commonly shared experience that extends over the generational gap (my father served almost 50 years ago, yet we can still speak of it and understand each perfectly) so I'm sure there'd be an audience for it.
Maybe I'll give it a try, anon.

>> No.17217425

I agree with what >>17215734 said that there are a few awkward sentences. I think it's pretty good for the most part, though, and I was able to understand everything that was happening.
The details about Cook County being poorly managed with bad leadership is a nice touch of realism.

>> No.17217487
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If anyone has any thoughts on the first few paragraphs of my short story, I'd appreciate hearing them. I'm thinking about taking the description of the motorcycle out.

>> No.17217551

I already have a contribution! After and having are redundant, either have it be "After travelling" or "Having travelled", not both.

>> No.17217624

Thanks anon, just changed it. Appreciate the help.

>> No.17217869

at my peak, around 1.8k in 40 minutes
at my worst, around 570 words in 1 hour

but unlike you guys, i have actually not written that much when it comes to stories, so you all have me beat in that aspect.

>> No.17217897

One hour I can probably do ~100-200 words

>> No.17217995

My current Word file says that I've got 462 words in 82 minutes, but I made tea and have been posting in 6 threads at the same time

>> No.17217997


i type at 90 wpm so... 5400words per hour.

only fools count words

>> No.17218114
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>writing a story that takes place over 9 months
>writing random passages whenever the mood strikes me
>the most horrifying prospect is that I'll have to create connecting tissue between these passages to finish it

>> No.17218134

new thread:


>> No.17218145

But we're not dead

>> No.17218155


>> No.17218363
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Any updates from /lit/ Quarterly?

>> No.17218459

>two new threads
>this one hasn't even hit bump limit
I don't know man...

>> No.17218610

Jesus man, you're faster than Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.17218650

But how many of those words are usable?

>> No.17218926
File: 17 KB, 220x326, NvuO6JO6kf_ac96P9ykDfnw7m27VvO9BHT1Z9L04HKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably unedited.

Reminds of this madman who couldn't stop writing. Henry darger

>> No.17219035

>would now have some romantic tension
It doesn't have to, anon.