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17201631 No.17201631 [Reply] [Original]

I'm building a curriculum for my little brother with autism since my family took him out of school altogether. What do you guys suggest?

So far everyday it's:
-1 chapter of How to Read a Book
-1 chapter of On Writing Well
-1 chapter of The Hobbit and writing summaries of what happened
-1 hour of math on Khan Academy
-1 hour of Chess

>> No.17201644

how old is he?

>> No.17201663

It must run in the family

>> No.17201669

16, but the autism/learning disability set him back a lot.

>> No.17201681

make him read finnegans wake

>> No.17201686

Autism is too broad to know how to help you. He could have a range of difficulties, and something that could be helpful for one might be useless in another. I presume he can read, but like >>17201644 says, age range is also a factor which would affect his ability.

>> No.17201706

That's all he's diagnosed for so not sure how to get more specific. I'm just trying to cover all the fundamentals I would want to learn as a kid

>> No.17201712

nice pic

>> No.17201730

At age five I put Ulysses in front of them. If they haven't finished it in three days off of Mount Taygetus they go

>> No.17201743
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Definitely not with Whitehead, garbage theology came out of that. All the theology they need is going to be coming from reading Heidegger's black notebooks

>> No.17201749

Maybe I misunderstood the post. Your brother was taken out of school and you're trying to give him autism?

>> No.17201743,1 [INTERNAL] 

KA is only good for computations
if you want to get him very good at math, do Gelfand + AOPS

>> No.17201776

i wouldnt use books like 'how to read a book' at his stage
give him some simple classics that you think he will enjoy so he can get into reading without feeling so presured by it,
with writing, give him some simple grammer , spelling tasks each week making sure to challange him, set him some tasks to write things that have happened in his day and give him encouraging critiqes on how to improve his writing to better detail his events.
giving him assesments on the book he reads eg what he thinks the meaning of certain chapters character motivations ect,
dont do things like chess unless he actually enjoys it. maybe some other games similar

>> No.17201785

ignore my poor grammer btw.

>> No.17201796
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This, unironically get him Loeb Classical Library

>> No.17201816

>so not sure how to get more specific.
Can he walk unassisted? Can he talk? Can he read? Can he hold a pencil? Can he write letters? Is he over responsive or under responsive and in what contexts? You've been living with him. Anon can't tell whether he has the kind of autism that means he's only socially awkward or the kind of autism that means he needs to be fed through a tube.

>> No.17201910
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solid advice, that's why I threw in The Hobbit. Not sure he likes it, might try others in pic related.
>set him some tasks to write things that have happened in his day and give him encouraging critiqes on how to improve his writing to better detail his events.
very solid, will try.
He can do all that but it's like middle of the road autism. Probably can't work most jobs, and at school he was always in special ed.

>> No.17201924
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Make him read Prometheus Rising

>> No.17201941

hmm great suggestion!

>> No.17202010


>> No.17202038

Shouldn't he be studying shit that would help him get into an university or get a job or something

>> No.17202046 [DELETED] 

homeschooling is child abuse. shame on you!

>> No.17202074

>it's like middle of the road autism
This is again not going to help work out what kind of schooling he needs, or what difficulties he has or where he might regress.

>> No.17202108

Public school is child abuse

>> No.17202146

like what?
every school is closed here lol not sure if joking
Not sure how to tailor specifically to him, but my family's hired specialists and doesn't seem they helped much. My approach is just cover the basics and let him spend the rest of the day on his interests, like animating
true. I hated school. Got my GED the day i turned 16, then got my bachelors in computer engineering. Almost every class was either online or in a small classroom, didn't waste time.

>> No.17202164

>my family's hired specialists and doesn't seem they helped much.
What kind of specialists? He might need some of them to stop regression or to get him to basic competence in a task. It could well be about maintaining rather than improving.

>> No.17202189

OP's bro prob has meme autism. That's why he doesn't know if he needs therapies or for what.

>> No.17202202

speech therapists, behavior therapists, and people that specialize working with helping autistic children. They probably did help. I guess you're right, we should get them back into the mix.

>> No.17202403

You should at least get their notes and treatment plan, so you can see where he has difficulty and what helps. There is too broad a range of difficulties he could have for us to know off the bat what he has trouble with. It could be he would have problems with understanding what "off the bat" or other metaphors mean, or it could be that he has difficulty transitioning from one task to another, or it could be neither of those things and he has difficulty somewhere else. Without knowing what exactly he can and can't manage, it's really hard to know what would count as a solution.
>meme autism
I know what you mean but I also thought of those anons with immense frog catalogs.

>> No.17202492
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>I know what you mean but I also thought of those anons with immense frog catalogs.
105 images is not "immense"

>> No.17202509

It's on the low side if anything.

>> No.17203983

Add foundational mathematics, since KA doesn't cover it I think