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17201214 No.17201214 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is he seen as a Nazi icon?

>> No.17201222

>hey zis guy was smart
>he was also German :)

>> No.17201226

will 2 power
also he said some rather racist and antisemitic stuff along with the antiracism and philosemitism

>> No.17201234

He was a contrarian.

>> No.17201247

Because he believed in the re-establishment of aristocracy, and anything right of ineffective liberal "conservatism" is fascist.

>> No.17201253

>Why the fuck is he seen as a Nazi icon?
by who? retards? why should you care what they think?

>> No.17201271

He grasps the facts correctly, i.e. agrees with anti-Semites on them. He just says
>that's the game, playas!
and urges them to learn from it. It's the anti-Semite's *valuation* of Jews that Nietzsche opposes.

If you think anti-Semitism is just crazies inventing canards, well, sorry, but your parents put those presents under the tree and took that bite out of the cookie too.

>> No.17201275

the ubermensch and will to power concept

>> No.17201281

The Nazis liked him so he is a Nazi :)
same for
they are Nazis by association.

>> No.17201283

How much of that was product of the time? If he also had anti racist and pro Jewish statements, maybe his more bigoted statements were just reflections of the norms of the era.

>> No.17201284

He was a racist/antisemite by the standard of our time. And even by the standard of his time it's questionable. The main difference is that what antisemites consider to be faults of Jews and other races (such as greed, cruelty..) he sees as positive qualities.

Also he's not anti-moralist. He defines himself as a moralist. His morals are just defined by himself.

>> No.17201293

That's not how it works you mingmong.

>> No.17201295

I'm rather more antibagel than N, that quote he has about 'The J certainly could take over if he wished to but he doesn't' strikes me as sort of ignoring the amount of influence they had gained by that time. I'm not like Fuhrer levels though, I think he was mostly a nut.

>> No.17201303

so he thinks jews are strong, cunning, smart, etc and thinks they dont actually control the world but should because they have the traits to do so?

>> No.17201305

that literally is how it works, you nigger.
>He was a racist/antisemite by the standard of our time.
He literally called anti-semites idiots.

>> No.17201316

>How much of that was product of the time?
Virtually none since he purposely went against his time

>> No.17201317

>but should
Not should, he thought they could. Iirc what he hoped for was for the J to merge with various 'strong' euro races to create a better race together. He contradicts himself about this in other places though claiming that racemixing always dilutes strength.

>> No.17201329

Think he means more thinking jews have innate traits (even if you think these are postive) at all would be considered anti-semitic in our day.

>> No.17201331

Dont listen to this idiot >>17201317
he has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.17201340

I can go find quotes for both those things if you want

>> No.17201355

>he hoped for was for the J to merge with various 'strong' euro races to create a better race together.
find a quote for this then please.

and this
>r places though claiming that racemixing always dilutes strength.
afterwards if you can

>> No.17201371

>In an age of disintegration where the races are mixed together, a person will have the legacy of multiple lineages in his body, which means conflicting (and often not merely conflicting) drives and value standards that fight with each other and rarely leave each other alone. A man like this, of late cultures and refracted lights, will typically be a weaker person: his most basic desire is for an end to the war that he is.

>The fact that the Jews, if they wanted (or if they were forced, as the anti-Semites seem to want),
could already be dominant, or indeed could quite literally have control over present-day Europe – this is established. The fact that they are not
working and making plans to this end is likewise established. Meanwhile, what they wish and want instead, with a unified assertiveness even, is to
be absorbed and assimilated into Europe; they thirst for some place where they can be settled, permitted, respected at last and where they can put an end to the nomadic life, the “wandering Jew” –; and this urge and impulse (which in itself perhaps already reveals a slackening of the Jewish instincts) should be carefully noted and accommodated – in which caseit might be practical and appropriate to throw the anti-Semitic hooligans out of the country. Approached selectively and with all due caution, the way it is done by the English nobility. It would clearly be unproblematic for the stronger and more strongly delineated types of new Germanism (the officers of noble rank from the Mark, for instance) to get involved with them: and it would be very interesting to see whether the genius of fortune and fortitude (and above all some spirit and spiritedness, which are in very short supply in the place just mentioned –) could not be added into, bred into, the hereditary art of commanding and obeying – both of which are classic features of the Mark these days.

>> No.17201386


>> No.17201391

Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.17201397

So you got part and chapter sections listed in your little website as well?

>> No.17201422

Not him but he specifically mentions breeding Prussians with Jews to create a superior type.

>> No.17201428

here is the pdf I copy pasted the passages from

>> No.17201468

He was not anti-racist, he was anti-materialist. He believed in spiritual races and disdained scientific, biological racists. Anyone who spoke today of race as he envisioned would certainly be branded a racist.

>> No.17201476

He accepts all the criticism antisemites put on Jews such as being schemers, greedy, untrustworthy, cruel but that leads him to a conclusion completely opposed to the one of the antisemites. He thinks those features are the features of a higher people.

>> No.17201498

No that's not quite correct. He definitely ascribed to the conception of biological races. Generally he followed the fashion of his day on the conception of heredity you can find in Zola's books.

>> No.17201519

Nietzsche’s biggest gripe w Jews is that they made suffering virtuous, which carried over to Christianity and which is his biggest gripe w Christianity

>> No.17201565
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Due to his sister who was the actual anti-semite

>> No.17201579

God bros why cant girls dress like this anymore

>> No.17201606

She's hot af. Would burn 6 million Jews for.

>> No.17201615

lol Nietzsche was a materialist you retard.

>> No.17201632

>bend your incapacitant brother's work towards your own purposes for the rest of time
based and will to power pilled

>> No.17201705

Gr8 b8

>> No.17201757


>> No.17201758 [DELETED] 
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Nazis had the wisdom to learn from everyone.

>> No.17201772
File: 56 KB, 711x681, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your parents put those presents under the tree and took that bite out of the cookie too.

>> No.17201797

>He defines himself as a moralist.
"We amoralists" is one of his most repeated phrases.

>> No.17201810

O_O He doesn't know...

>> No.17201840

there's nothing within this passage that necessitates biological predisposition of races/ethnic groups (whether he actually believed in them or not), as it can be just as easily explained with respect to cultural groups. the point stands

>> No.17201851

Keep reading section 200 m8... he goes on to say how race mixing can bring about "amazing, incomprehensible, and unthinkable ones ... destined for victory".

>> No.17201862

He is vague to the point of annoyance about whether it's biological or cultural, he sometimes describes biological traits(the blonde beast etc) and sometimes it is clearly cultural
As I said he contradicts himself a lot about this

>> No.17201991

That's in the same section though, it's not a contradiction. He ends the section with "these types belong together". He's not saying that mixing "always dilutes strength", he's saying that it creates a confused and conflicted herd, but also creates Caesars and Leonardos.

>> No.17202011

that’s because he’s being metaphorical. Nietzsche didn’t think philosophical concepts corresponded to reality, he thought they were metaphorical descriptions we could use

>> No.17202030

>a person will have the legacy of multiple lineages in his body, which means conflicting (and often not merely conflicting) drives and value standards that fight with each other and rarely leave each other alone. A man like this, of late cultures and refracted lights, will typically be a weaker person:
It's true he says typically here so maybe that is how we're supposed to read it, the majority are confused but it can produces a few rare individuals from which a new 'breed' or 'race' can spring forth. And in the section about Jews he specifies certain types of combinations that might mix well, as you point out too. Also the use of 'in his body' makes me think that this is at least partly biological for him.

>> No.17202037

>in which case it might be practical and appropriate to throw the anti-Semitic hooligans out of the country
ironically we have anti-Semitism to thank for our current subjugation to (((them)))

the final solution is to assimilate them. they grow stronger when you oppose them

>> No.17202045

>there's nothing within this passage that necessitates biological predisposition of races/ethnic groups
Idiot. The warring 'biological predispositions' are the whole topic of the passage, and it's short. Stop posting for a few days

>> No.17202069

>It's true he says typically here so maybe that is how we're supposed to read it,
The sentences are grouped together in a section for a reason. You can't just read one sentence and take that for the whole of the argument. This is a basic skill required for reading comprehension, particularly Nietzsche, since he often uses multiple voices, some of which he argues with.

>> No.17202082

The real reason is that his sister was a nazi supporter and also in charge of Nietzche's literary estate. She went in and edited his writings to fit her views. What a bitch.
Not only that but nietzche's glorification of war and aristocratic values could be seen to more or less fit into nazism's militarism and racial elitism even unedited.

>> No.17202084

why are threads made about this retarded tranny everyday

>> No.17202095

Wow same intense gaze. Where the fuck is my anti-Semitic 19th century gf

>> No.17202102

It sure would have been nice if he started his sections with a direct summary statement.

>> No.17202104

I know right? It would be 10,000x times hotter when you got her naked

>> No.17202341

this, he was never anti anything

>> No.17202380

Exactly. Her upper shoulders are showing so there's still some kind of sex appeal but then to get her naked you'd have to tear off this giant dress and fight through the ruffles to find her dainty little woman body (which again is rare today since 90% of women are overweight but in denial)

>> No.17202384

He hated Wagner who was antisemitic it was more a middle finger to Wagner than actual love for jews. Slave morality and Christianity came from the jews and he knew this.

>> No.17202386

I said "necessitates" regardless of what he actually believed. Everything he said could be just as easily applied with respect to culture as biology. Can you read?

>> No.17202391

He only said those things to rebel against his father figure (Wagner). Basically an adult child.

>> No.17202395

Having some mystery and hoops to jump through makes it more exciting. It feels like an actual reward, like something to work for. If they already show skin or have nude pics out there then there is no intrigue, mystique, or challenge

>> No.17202401

I just realized who it is who looks like Nietzsche and Lisbeth
Win Butler

>> No.17202408

Or has had some other dude's weiner up her. Especially a black dude's

>> No.17202420

>The purification of the race. There are probably no pure races but only races that have become pure, even these being extremely rare. What is normal is crossed races, in which, together with a disharmony of physical features (when eye and mouth do not correspond with one another, for example), there must always go a disharmony of habits and value-concepts. (Livingstone113 heard someone say: 'God created white and black men but the Devil Created the half-breeds.') Crossed races always mean at the same time crossed cultures, crossed moralities: they are usually more evil, crueller, more restless. Purity is the final result of countless adaptations, absorptions and secretions, and progress towards purity is evidenced in the fact that the energy available to a race is increasingly restricted to individual selected functions, while previously it was applied to too many and often contradictory things: such a restriction will always seem to be an impoverishment and should be assessed with consideration and caution. In the end, however, if the process of purification is successful, all that energy formerly expended in the struggle of the dissonant qualities with one another will stand at the command of the total organism: which is why races that have become pure have always also become stronger and more beautiful. The Greeks offer us the model of a race and culture that has become pure: and hopefully we shall one day also achieve a pure European race and culture.

>> No.17202498

an odd concept of purity he has. I think the word 'harmony' might better apply, a harmony of the qualities in a race, absorbed from mixing, and whittled by selection and endogamy.

>> No.17202787

Stop posting retard

>> No.17203004

He actually did that for Human all-too-human, Dawn and Gay Science. Beyond Good and Evil isn't actually aphoristic and each chapter (as in the nine chapters of the book) is meant to be viewed as a whole.

>> No.17203162

>Why the fuck is he seen as a Nazi icon?

>influenced Hitler
>influenced Mussolini

>> No.17203275

Post real proofs, not a subjetive theory, you moron.

>> No.17203279

He was leftist icon though.

>> No.17203330


By that metric orthodox Jews are anti-semimitic

>> No.17203636

It's a translation, after all.

>> No.17203687

>no proto-nazi queen Amadala looking gf

>> No.17203757
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>> No.17203773

t. someone who read Nietzsche

>> No.17203815

he uses "reinen" which is literally "pure" or "clean"

>> No.17203881


You will never understand Nietzsche if you think of him as an “existentialist” railing against “nihilism” or whatever (which is only ever discussed as an empty abstraction anyway), and not as a radical historicist seeking to revitalize a kind of anti-bourgeois aristocracy. Nihilism is the loss of any distinction between people, where everyone is “leveled” and interchangeable with every other person. No greatness arises because no distinction or “distance” can arise between people, which is why the charismatic race of Übermensch (warrior-poet) has to re-establish inequality by instrumentalizing politics as a medium of aesthetic vision. They subjugate a captive population and force them to recognize their sublime “posthuman” transcendence. The “far-right” understands Nietzsche better than any other group because they recognize that the whole aim of Nietzsche’s project is to revive slavery and rail against bourgeois society as a suppression of human “essence”. Anyway it is hard to interpret Nietzsche because he contradicts himself every other aphorism anyway lol

>> No.17203889

Was he? Academics were about ready to throw him down the well of ancient history after WWII, until they realized he could be used to promote their ideals. Many of the postmodernists and post-structuralists who cited him had the tendency to either mask certain aspects of his philosophy (e.g., by covering it up as sabotage from his sister) or blow him out of proportion until his philosophy is reversed / non-sensical (almost any democratic reader of Nietzsche does this at some point). I understand that there is something called "Left-Nietzscheanism," but to me, this crowd has always misunderstood or misappropriated him.

>> No.17203973

Nietzsche says the Jews as a people are closest to becoming overmen because they have survived the way theyve been treated, and that no group is superior to them.

>> No.17204012

Which passage(s)?

>> No.17204027

he said something bad therefore he is a racist Nazi

>> No.17204064

>Academics were about ready to throw him down the well of ancient history after WWII, until they realized he could be used to promote their ideals
Why are modern academics so disingenuous?

>> No.17204283

>Nihilism is the loss of any distinction between people
When Nietzsche speaks of nihilism he is pretty clearly referring to a belief in nothingness, that nothing matters. The slave revolt and the Christian morality the slaves designed to support it created nihilism by reversing the natural order and placing "life’s center of gravity in the “beyond”—in nothingness" which, to be redundant, supported the morality and the reign of the slaves. He was certainly rallying against this; by reinstating the natural hierarchy nihilism will vanish as life will be embraced.
Anyways I agree with the sentiment that he was primarily a historicist and it is a mistake to view him as an existentialist, but it cannot be ignored either. He was a historicist, and a poet, and a philosopher, and a philologist, and an existentialist. He fought the existential dilemma of nihilism, but his primary means to do so wasn't more existentialism.
The "far-right" may understand Nietzsche better, but not the Nazis. They clearly misunderstood his writing, they didn't get what the übermensch was and even mistook the "blonde beast" for their Aryan poster-boy and not a lion lmao. Also they were not master moralists nor did they promote it, they were just as much creatures of ressentiment as their enemies.

>> No.17204320

>Aryan poster-boy and not a lion lmao
idk about that

>In the Latin malus (which I place side by side with μέλας) the vulgar man can be distinguished as the dark-coloured, and above all as the black-haired ("hic niger est"), as the pre-Aryan inhabitants of the Italian soil, whose complexion formed the clearest feature of distinction from the dominant blondes, namely, the Aryan conquering race:—at any rate Gaelic has afforded me the exact analogue—Fin (for instance, in the name Fin-Gal), the distinctive word of the nobility, finally—good, noble, clean, but originally the blonde-haired man in contrast to the dark black-haired aboriginals. The Celts, if I may make a parenthetic statement, were throughout a blonde race; and it is wrong to connect, as Virchow still connects, those traces of an essentially dark-haired population which are to be seen on the more elaborate ethnographical maps of Germany with any Celtic ancestry or with any admixture of Celtic blood: in this context it is rather the pre-Aryan population of Germany which surges up to these districts.

>The profound, icy mistrust which the German provokes, as soon as he arrives at power,—even at the present time,—is always still an aftermath of that inextinguishable horror with which for whole centuries Europe has regarded the wrath of the blonde Teuton beast (although between the old Germans and ourselves there exists scarcely a psychological, let alone a physical, relationship).

>> No.17204372


>> No.17204384
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>Also he's not anti-moralist. He defines himself as a moralist. His morals are just defined by himself.

>> No.17204490

The antichrist not sure the passage but the audiobook is like less than 2 hours bro

>> No.17204501
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, thusspakecassettetape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nietzsche audiobooks

>> No.17204506

>if you dont suck jew dick you will have no place in history


>> No.17204516

Dont listen to the memes multitasking is the key to the world

>> No.17204526

im not even hating, the concept just makes me lol and I cant explain why

>> No.17204541

I also listened to tractatus logico philosophicus by wittgenstein on 1.5x speed on youtube

Now that may have been a mistake

>> No.17204694

A quick scan of the PDF doesn't bring up a single mention of the overman. I also don't recall him ever saying that in any other books (although it has been years since I read most of them). I can only assume you're referring to §24 in Antichrist where he calls them a remarkable people and the exact opposites of decadents because of how strong their will to power is. It's true that he had a lot of respect for them, but he also calls them the greatest slanderers against life and blames Christianity on them. The type of philosophy he had in mind for the overmen wasn't exactly Judaism either.

>> No.17206006

The Nazis weren't that big on Nietzsche actually. His reception was lukewarm.

>> No.17206479

the man himself

>> No.17207602

Yeah I should’ve been more specific, I did completely neglect the moral and religious sides of nihilism and only focused on the historical and sociological side: the triumph of the slaves in the form of bourgeois modernity, which was always idealized as the end of both mastery and slavery in society and morals.

>> No.17208250

saying someone is good at something doesnt mean you are not against/racist to them. Hitler also thought the jews were exceptionally good at what they do, but I think he might also be a little anti-semitic.

>> No.17208361


Nietzsche was of course very for individual exceptionalism so much so that he believed or at least deeply desired that it could somehow dismantle all of these existing power structures
As naive as it seems he wasn't so naive as to think it could be achieved without violence
The Nazis simply took this idea and tried to execute it in a more realistic way and well everybody hated them for it to say the least

>> No.17208431

they do, plenty of them do, you're just not good enough to be with them clearly

>> No.17208437

Something about Hitler taking inspiration from him drove people to believe he was a Nazi, so I heard at least

>> No.17208633

>blonde beast
He was obviously referring to blonde human hair, which he elsewhere refers to as belonging to Aryans, who move in on brown southern peoples and establish aristocracy. Don't get Kauff'd

>> No.17208734

it is but killing jews is also a spook

>> No.17208748

Yes that is the reference I was referring to. You must apply a void of all resentment to these words in order to understand that his acknowledgement of their superiority has no hate, as well as his acknowledgement of decadents has no hate. Remove all implications of resentment. You are applying slave morality to his words, laughable.

Eventually you will realize anti-semitism is a spook and each race has it's own copycat strategy of this

>> No.17208749

no it isnt, its a physical act. Maybe saying killing jews is good or moral is a spook, but the actual act of slitting a jews throat is not a spook in itself.

>> No.17208758

Coming out on top in evolution is arguably the only non-spooky activity

>> No.17208770

t. Spook

>> No.17208787

Stop invalidating my existence. im literally shacking and crying rn. I know what trannies feel like.

>> No.17208795


>> No.17208819

Based. Anti-Semitism is ordinary Darwinian competition. Everyone has genetic interests, i.e. group strategy is always preferable.
>The age of the we is ending, the age of the I is come!
Is just wrong. Fascism 4ever frens

>> No.17209097

>You are applying slave morality to his words, laughable.
You are misreading him. Nietzsche respects anyone who exhibits a strong will to power, and Jews are among the highest in that regard. Nonetheless, the overman is something quite different from either a Jew or a German, and his will to power transcends the dichotomy altogether.

>> No.17209142

You must apply a total disrespect of resentment for each and everything he says, as it was a consistent variable for what he believed. Things can appear excessively negative or positive with the passionate way that he speaks but must instead be understood as a neutral perspective.

>> No.17209284

no evidence of that, Paweł
he was just a Polaboo

>> No.17209301

>must instead be understood as a neutral perspective
ain't none

>> No.17209302

>but must instead be understood as a neutral perspective
Which I've done, unless you can provide passages that dispute me on this.

>> No.17209338

If youre caught up on the race talk you literally might not be aware of what the word neutral means
The overman is *potentially* not achievable, correct

>> No.17209387

>caught up on the race talk
It was the other anon who initially claimed that Nietzsche asserted Jews as being the closest to the overmen, and without any basis other than The Antichrist, which does not contain any such assertion.

>> No.17209400

No that was me asserting that, I was referring to your point about germans and jews.

>> No.17209436

>I was referring to your point about germans and jews
What do you mean?

>> No.17209466

The race element is not relevant to the ideals perpetuated, just a tool to comprehend the ideal. Do you imagine there is a such thing as a neutral will to power? Or must it be either positive or negative? It is very counter intuitive for most people to even imagine Nietzsche's perspective.

>> No.17209519

>The race element is not relevant to the ideals perpetuated
That isn't true. Nietzsche's "hyperboreans" referred to a specific racial type, and his overman was defined in Will to Power as possessing the greatest amount of instincts under the highest degree of control relative to the species. These terms weren't simply poetic ideals; he was (and still is) the greatest Darwinian philosopher so far in history.

>> No.17209540

Your post is true but you are incorrect in applying any degree of "meaning" to it. The overman is a man of no resistance, anything he does is not a reaction to the outside world. Again, these racial terms are merely to help you grasp the concept.

>> No.17209590

>The overman is a man of no resistance, anything he does is not a reaction to the outside world.
He isn't just this. He's a biological reality, an inevitability in evolution (which is the will to power) which is subject to entropy like everything else. He's defined by his instincts, which have a biological basis within the species, as well as his ability to control them. Man is a rope between ape and overman, and "much in [man] is still worm," and these statements are equally metaphorical as well as literal for Nietzsche.

>> No.17209603

Yes but he is superior by default, because the overman IS the overman. It is just a side effect, not the function.

>> No.17209643

this is the most based thing I've ever read on /lit/. So concise.