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/lit/ - Literature

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1720015 No.1720015 [Reply] [Original]

My earlier thread went all right, but not too fantastically. I am looking for help on deciding what books to buy; I have thirty dollars. I'll tell you some things I liked and what I've purchased so far, and you can consider these or just recommend what you've enjoyed yourself. I am also considering my friend whom I trade books with, so I'll list her likes as well.

I liked:
>The Vivisector, Patrick White; Beloved, Toni Morrison; The Fountainhead (inb4 shitstorm); Chekhov's short stories; BNW and Island, Huxley; Vonnegut; E. E. Cummings; Camus

She likes:
>beatnick shit and The Perks of Being a Wallflower; also Vonnegut and Bukowski

I am probably buying:
>Siddhartha, another play by Shaw, Immortality by Kundera, No Longer Human by Dazai, and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Vonnegut.

Recommend, insult, have a party -- just post in my thread, please. I know I'm a casual, man.

>> No.1720018

that pic promotes rape culture

>> No.1720022


>actually believes there is such a thing as "rape culture"

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.1720023

>The Perks of Being a Wallflower
>Catcher in the Rye: The Sequel

>> No.1720025

Alright, this thread is going places!

>> No.1720027


The joke is tasteless, but it doesn't actually promote rape. You best be trolling.

>> No.1720033

no you shitheads

everyday this country loses a little bit more of its moral fiber

you guys aren't doing much to help the cause by making rape "just a joke"

btw even if it is just a joke and im totally wrong its not funny

>> No.1720041

Yeah, she likes that too. I read it to appease her and could not get into it, though I didn't hate it with a burning passion. Just disinterested. I thought Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters was all right, though.

>> No.1720045

ITT: OP is slapping himself for using that particular pic unrelated.

For what it's worth OP, I think God bless you Mr. Rosewater is one of Vonnegut's best.

>> No.1720048

I never thought it was funny either, Fagulous. But I have fapped to it. C'est la vie. It's just another of /b/'s visual abortions - deal with it.

>> No.1720049

Vonnegut seems the obvious choice because of the overlap. Are you dating that chick? Are you trying to? If so get Vonnegut so you can discuss it whilst in mid-coitus.

I've only read 4 book by him so i can't say a lot except I think he is very overrated (and his son was my doctor).

Cat's Cradle
Welcome to the Monkey House
Sirens of Titan (was just okay)
and obviously Slaughter House 5 but I assume you've read that already.

>> No.1720053


Help "what cause"?

What's with this vague shit about the country "losing its moral fiber"?

Bad things happening to people has been used as humor for thousands of years, including forms of rape. You are just a reactionary idiot. Showing a tastless and disturbing picture doesn't mean people who see it are going to go out in public and rape someone one day. Rapists don't commit crimes like that because of "rape culture" or pics like the one in OP. They commit crimes because of aggression, or because of errors in communication where they don't understand what they're doing is wrong. You are just quick to anger over stupid shit on the internet.

>> No.1720054

Fabulous ruins yet another perfectly good thread.

>> No.1720057

well i don't really like women anyway

but i dont think that they should be raped

>> No.1720060

Random anon here, I did a high school analysis of Vonnegut's Player Piano, and the teach went on a red ink spree that essentially amounted to 2deep4u.

>> No.1720061

>perfectly good thread
>/b/tard humor and relationshit issues
i mean, if you think that

>> No.1720068

>rape culture

>> No.1720065

So you're friend with a hipster?

Good for you.

>> No.1720069

Nope. I am pleased. My last thread died due to inactivity. If that guy wants to bamp my thread with nobility I'm all for it.

>> No.1720072

Please leave, you are not contributing.

>> No.1720080

thinks im funny

and i would contribute if you gave me the chance but you just keep yelling and saying mean things

>> No.1720084

That's the first thing I've said to you, tripfag. No one wants you here.

>> No.1720090

I'll give you the /b/ humor, but what relationshit issues? You're the only one talking interpersonal relations, guy.

I'm not trying to date her (I would never date an girl who listens to Bright Eyes and cries over The Perks) but we've been friends for a few years and she's the only person I know who reads. She owns Sirens and Cat's Cradle, and I gave her Slaughterhouse. What was the Monkey house like?

>> No.1720099

I'm sorry for ruining your thread i'm a bad person

>> No.1720105

I am. Flannel and ITAOTS and all. She's not so bad.

>> No.1720110

It's a collection of his short stories, all of which are worth reading.

She cries to The Perks tho? Sounds like an easy lay to me haha.

>> No.1720111

Don't worry about the /b/ humor, man. Fabulous humor is even worse

>> No.1720112

You didn't ruin my thread. Keep posting. I need your bumps. Contributing would be nice too, but isn't mandatory. Remember:

>Recommend, insult, have a party -- just post in my thread, please

>> No.1720121

i'm so glad this ended on a lighter note!

>> No.1720174

That sounds fantastic then. I'll probably pick it up to share with her. And she probably would be -- she's cute, too -- but I think of her more like a cousin or such.

>Sorry for the delay, she called me. I hope you shall all come back and continue to assist me.

>> No.1720204

bump to front page.

>> No.1720211

maybe you could give me her number? as a token of gratitude? haha

glad to help, i'm an aspiring librarian like everyone who posts in /lit/

>> No.1720229

Sorry, man. She's going through that staple "I'm a bisexual let me flail my tongue at girls" phase right now anyway. I doubt you'd have much luck.

Thanks for the information, though. Good luck being a librarian, it seems like a cool job. I lost my virginity to a librarian... but that's a story for another board.