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/lit/ - Literature

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17199827 No.17199827 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck was this guy's problem? Why did he live such an unhappy life, and what can I do to make sure I don't turn out the same way?

>> No.17199836

There is no escape

>> No.17199844

Basically, start with the Greeks but also make sure you end it there. Ignore all of modern philosophy and commit yourself to action, not to thought.

Never listen to a philosopher that killed themselves.

>> No.17199856

Hold out for a Katherine, dont settle for an Edith. Also, beware of cripples and deformed people as they are snakes.

>> No.17199861

Seriously, where did he go wrong? Was it because he was shy and introverted? Was it because he never learned to drive? Was it because he married a woman he didn't really love? Was it because he never really stood up for himself outside of his work? Was it because he had an absent and loveless upbringing? Was it because he cared too much what others thought? Was it because he didn't care enough what others thought? Was it because he was never proactive, instead just going wherever life took him? Seriously, what the fuck went wrong? Would this have been cured by pic related?

>> No.17199873

>Also, beware of cripples and deformed people as they are snakes.

He was too passive. You've got to rage against the dying of the light.

>> No.17199896

>Never listen to a philosopher that killed themselves.
Is this phrase the final result of 2 millenia of philosophical thought?

>> No.17199955
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>start with the Greeks
>Never listen to a philosopher that killed themselves
Who's gonna tell him

>> No.17199964

yea also dont read jews

>> No.17199982

>Was it because he married a woman he didn't really love?
It was this. Almost all problems in his life stem from this. The two months when Edith was in St Louis were some of his happiest, and being with Katherine was his happiest. It all stems from Edith, she took advantage of his passivity and destroyed his career in its infancy.

>> No.17199988

>Is this phrase the final result of 2 millenia of philosophical thought?

>> No.17199989
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What the fuck was this guy's problem? Why did he live such an unhappy life, and what can I do to make sure I don't turn out the same way?

>> No.17200006

If I remember correctly, Stoner starts off as practically an NPC, much of his life passes in a blur and only later on does literature unlock the fully dimensional Anon within him. He makes the mistake of marrying Edith while still in NPC phase. And he bonds with Katherine through literature, his actual passion. So figure yourself out before you trifle with a ho.

>> No.17200045

The part when Edith, who had never really cared about her daughter, suddenly takes an interest in her upbringing and slowly takes her away from her father just because she is jealous of their relationship boiled my blood. The daughter became an alcoholic later because of his weakness to tell Edith to fuck right off
Fundamentally he was a weak man and a coward that didn't stand up for himself. He didn't go to the war, he let Edith mess up their daughter, he let her kick him out of his study, he let that manlet faggot cripple bully him for all his life and he let him drive away the only woman he ever truly loved.

>> No.17200114

To be fair Stoner does the same to Edith.

>> No.17200220

The truth is we all live unhappy lives. Stoner pretty much did the best he could with the cards he was dealt. You put up with life's bullshit and try to enjoy the good times when you can. Thats all you can do.

>> No.17200253

You either go to war and die, or you stay home and a woman kills your soul.

>> No.17200280

>The truth is we all live unhappy lives.
That’s not true anon, you’re coping

>> No.17200287

What are you doing here if you're happy

>> No.17200354

posting and loving it

>> No.17200372
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>> No.17200387

Having fun

>> No.17200397

Don't ever cheat on your wife. I don't care if you wife is a bitch. I don't care if she's a whore. Don't have extramarital affairs. This worthless piece of shit had my sympathy up until that point.

>H-he was just trying to find his happiness!
Yeah by having sex with your student? Real virtuous and Stoic-like...

>> No.17200411

t. wife

>> No.17200426

>He was too passive. You've got to rage against the dying of the light
Unironically this

>> No.17200441

more like,

t. Grace

>> No.17200568

Cringe and bluepilled. Stoner did much wrong, but he was right to cheat on his wife.

>> No.17200580

Why are euro hours so full or retards today?

>> No.17200800

Autism, passivity, and worst of all, mistaking infatuation for love. Naivete is the big killer here

>> No.17200807

No different than all the black fathers. Raised like shit, raises his children like shit. Cycle continues. No sympathy from me.

>> No.17200816

Euro hours? I'm a mutt and I've been up posting for 4 hours

>> No.17201050

Cringe and bluepilled. Black fathers who run away from responsibility are the Nietzschean ideal, you are just too dumb to realize it.

>> No.17201237

>not cringe and bluepilled
Pick one

>> No.17201852

shut up pierre