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17198965 No.17198965 [Reply] [Original]

Did you wish Forestanon a happy new year, /lit/? He wished you one.


>> No.17199002

why he lives in the forest?

>> No.17199025

Better question is why don't you?

>> No.17199041

cause I will probably die in the forest. Its cold in here

>> No.17199049

the existence of forest anon makes me happy

>> No.17199091

I don't want to turn this thread into political shitposting, but I wish more people who like socialism and dislike the capitalism so much had more skin in the game and live a self-sustainable life in the woods instead of participating in the market they pretend to dislike so much.

>> No.17199194

where does his hut located? Will he be able to survive Siberian winter in it?

>> No.17199203

Somewhere in California. His hut was almost burned down by a huge forest fire - missed him by like 50 feet.

>> No.17199234
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I did and he liked it. We're practically friends now.

>> No.17199301

>few interactions on a social media
>we are friends now

>> No.17199350
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>> No.17199362

No, I did not. I don't have youtube account, or any other way to contact him. But I wish him happy new year.
Also, has he ever explained the amount of christian decorations in his hut? Is he christian, or does he just like religious art/symbology?

>> No.17199368

I think religion probably becomes much more palatable when you go 6 months+ without even seeing or hearing another human being.

>> No.17200009

Socialists tend to see these people as fascists. Anprims back in the 1990s and 2000s were treated like white men are today. As in the anprim video where the crowd just shouts 'TRANSPHOBE!'

>> No.17200035

how an anprim can automatically be a transphobe?

>> No.17200972

A lack of hormone altering drugs I suppose

>> No.17201094

I think he needs new trousers or maybe a needle and thread.

>> No.17201109

If you browse and you read this happy new year forestanon thanks for staying alive and not dying out there. hopefully no fires burn your forest again in 2021. you make the world a better place

>> No.17201560
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he needs new everything

>> No.17201692
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>> No.17201702
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>> No.17201715
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>> No.17201725
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>> No.17201729

Nah it's only the trousers I'd worry about.

>> No.17201738
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>> No.17201741

Stop shitting up a forestanon thread because you're lonely and have no one to talk to about Twitter.

>> No.17201753

sad to see people so lost in life. i wonder if he ever even thinks about where will he be 10 years from now compared to now

>> No.17201768

Forest Anon is probably happier than you or any of us on here.

>> No.17201770

I am surprised more people into this stuff don't talk about the Pennsylvania Dutch. They're the model example of resisting this system, even if they have to pay taxes.

>> No.17201784

that doesn't contradict anything i said

>> No.17201853

They're about community though. Forestanon moved out because he wants to be alone in nature, while the Pennsylvania Germans are only against technology which depletes communal reliance and encourages laziness.

>> No.17201925

Same deal. What most of you overlook is that an anti-technology movement can only work if it's integrated with actual communities. It's cool to see people enjoying time alone in nature, but the fact we have a living example of a pre-modern social community working quite well and showing its strength in the face of outside pressure is really special. They understand better than other Christians that religious practice is intrinsically linked to social structure, and that the stratification of greater society can only lead to loss of faith and trivialization of the sacred. It is no coincidence that religion died with industrialization.

>> No.17202144

>Same deal
It's actually not. Forestanon explicitly doesn't want people, and that can get you kicked out of Pennsylvania German communities.
> What most of you overlook is that an anti-technology movement
He makes YouTube videos, has solar powered lights, a radio, and all of these should be hints that your anti-tech rant is not what's going on here. The Pennsylvania Germans have the opposite motivation to Forestanon: they are only against technology that serves to eliminate community contact, while forestanon does not want to live in society any more than is necessary.

>> No.17202192

They are different motivations, but selective acceptance of technology unites the two, which is something most of us never do. I'm not saying you have to be interested in people like the Pennsylvania Dutch or monastics, but if you're really interested in de-technologization this is a very good place to look. I didn't think you would only be interested in the Walden-style existence with nature thing, since I know forestanon is more tech-skeptic than that, but I won't criticize you for it.

>> No.17202234

Except he's never said anything about de-technologization that I've seen. You seem to want to put words into his mouth, though perhaps you have some source for this. Until you provide one, that's a surface reading you had which you then linked to the Pennsylvania Germans. Considering you thought he had the same deal going on as the "Pennsylvania Dutch" I'm thinking you're informed on neither.

>> No.17202245

Man,I remember this guy. I wish him the best luck. I see he's getting good in making videos. Also, nice musical tastes

>> No.17202255

He said Ellul is one of his favorite authors right?
Chill dude. I don't get why you're angry

>> No.17202262

happy new year, forest anon. Prosperity to you and your mice buddies

>> No.17202288

I'm not angry, I'm pointing out the flaws in a theory you seem to have made for yourself and then ascribed to two very different modes of life which have fundamental disagreements on basic tenets. People can point out why you're wrong about something without being angry at you.

>> No.17202297

We want to change society, not live outside of it, retard. Also, how we personally live doesn't matter.

>> No.17202333

Whatever dude. I don't care anymore. I told you I thought so because Ellul is one of his favorite authors and he's said to have those beliefs himself. Can you tell me this is wrong? There is no "theory" here. I told you what I thought and why, I have no desire to argue or prove myself right. I hate talking to people like you who jump down your throat over pointless shit when you have no desire to argue in the first place.

>> No.17202494

>Ellul is one of his favorite authors and he's said to have those beliefs himself. Can you tell me this is wrong?
I can tell you I've never heard that and you're not providing where he said it or why he cites other authors as his fave and why he quotes more regularly from other authors.
>There is no "theory" here
There is. What you thought is based on the premise that forestanon and the Pennsylvania Germans are doing the same thing, but Pennsylvania Germans are not based in any tenet on technology, but rather in Ordnung based around communal consensus. That's why there are communities which entirely embrace technology and ones that still won't let anyone wear anything dyed anything other than black: not because of technology but because the community has not approved it. I don't see why you seem upset over this conversation, or why you believe this needs to be some emotional conversation.

>> No.17202505

I genuinely hope this guy dies an excruciating death. His whiny nasally voice and DUDE WEED attitude make me wish I could personally end his life. I hate him. He seems like such an annoying shitty person. I hate his voice. I fucking hate this asshole.

>> No.17202524

You could just not frequent his channel or threads about him. Pretty sure your chances of running into him or ever hearing of him again would be basically nil if you did that.

>> No.17202542

Imagine being this mad at a guy who likes being alone and feeding birds.

>> No.17202559

Then stop posting about him. The only time I hear about him is when one his sycophants starts sucking his dick on /lit/.
I hate the guy solely because of his voice. From that alone I can tell he is a supreme piece of shit.

>> No.17202566

>Stop liking what I don't like
Kek, are you ever on the wrong website

>> No.17202570

Stay mad.

>> No.17202589
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keep crying nigga

>> No.17202654

Toxoplasma Gondii

>> No.17202860


>> No.17202865

The reason I brought up the Pennsylvania Dutch in the first place is that regardless of whether you like it, all movements that run counter to technology are related, and are sensible to discuss in context to one another. Even if they have a different ethos at their core like Ordnung for an amish society or simple personal freedom/closeness to nature for an individual, if you're interested in one you ought to be interested in the other, because our ability to participate in these things is rapidly dwindling, and asking ourselves how the freedom to do this could survive is an important question. My point isn't that these two things are the same or carry the same motivation, but if you're worried about tech and government impinging on our freedom of lifestyle (which I assume quite a lot of people ITT are, even if you specifically aren't), it's an example worth looking at. If you don't care, then, just ignore it. You don't have to like everything.

>> No.17202891

Personally I always thought his voice sounded pretty hot.
You probably frequent /pol/ often don't you?

>> No.17204406

Except forestanon doesn't seem to be anti-tech at all, and the Pennsylvania Germans are only superficially anti-tech and that superficial position is based in something which is definitely antithetical to forestanon's way of life. It's a very superficial comparison which ignores the major motivations of both. I don't think your idea that they're the same or carry the same motivation holds water. I think the introduction of being anti-government too is more about a theory you would like to expound upon into which you're trying to fit both forestanon and the Pennsylvania Germans. I get that you want to talk about these things, but they're only very tangentially related, and forestanon would go batshit insane if he had to live in a community based on the motivation the Pennsylvania Germans operate by. It seems like shoehorning both into a theory which appeals to you. I really don't think people who are concerned about greater powers impinging on their freedom of lifestyle would be at all happy in a Pennsylvania German community, because without submission to the Ordnung, you aren't considered part of the community at all.

>> No.17204458

I was going to tell OP to be careful about spamming forestbro because even though I like the man himself, 4chan has a natural aversion to ecelebs and shills (generally a healthy thing to have) and the very format of posting "are you keeping up with forestbro??" is going to seem presumptuous and irritate people by default.

This is what always turns communities gay by the way. A huge part of the population is cult prone and desperately seeking authority figures or celebrities to organize their lives around. At first, when a notable figure is just doing his thing and people are watching without having to take a stance on it other than enjoying it, these cult prone sorts are indistinguishable from regular people. But eventually a line is crossed when the more devoted and invested followers seem to demand similar devotion and investment from the normals, and the normals respond by shrugging it off, which the invested people take as a threat or insult.

You can see the process right here
is the initial "fuck off with this shilling already"
are not seeing >>17202505's point that the OP does sort of constitute shilling given it's technically off topic and similar to an eceleb thread

The division is already created, now people reading along will naturally take sides either with the "lmao >stop liking what I don't like, stay mad buddy" group (>>17202566 >>17202570 >>17202589) or with the technically correct opposition. It doesn't matter if the group is strong, the division is what matters, and where there is division, 4chan onlookers will side with the anti-shills by default. Especially when the shill brigade begins to take on definitely features like anti-/pol/ (>>17202891), because now anyone who is pro-/pol/ will associate the shilled figure with that view.

This happened to Gregory Sadler too. What sparked the hate for him wasn't anything he did, it was that people who liked him more than the average /lit/ user kept spamming him with presumptuously phrased OPs about his genius or how we all love him. The very structure of this thread, now that the pro-forestbro group is in defensive posture and writing paeans about their leader, is presumptuous by the standards of average 4chan sensibilities.

All unfortunate, given forestanon seems to have been some random nice dude who just liked /lit/ and wanted to keep in touch with it. Just saying where the winds are blowing. This is the Sadler tipping point.

>> No.17204504

I assumed people here would be somewhat interested in anti-tech things given the topic, but, well, perhaps not.

>> No.17204512

that guy is just an autist tbqh

>> No.17204542

no one cares

>> No.17204562

>What sparked the hate for him wasn't anything he did
I thought it was the stuff about his kid, the weird standoffish replies, and the adjunct meme

>> No.17204573

While I do somewhat agree and you make good points there's really only ever a good 3 people on /lit/ who dislike forest anon. But you are correct about the edgey contrarian types who start disliking someone once they are overall liked by a board. Still I wouldn't overthink it that hard.

>> No.17204586

To add to this anon's comment I think the main thing that made us dislike Sadler was he was insecure and couldn't take constructive criticism without perceiving it as an attack.

>> No.17204619

No one cared about the adjuncting or even the tranny kid until something spurred them to, by giving them a reason to hate/mock Sadler. His bitchy behavior on Youtube replies did contribute but the main thing was typical 4chan contrarianism, just people sick of seeing him being spammed, and looking for a fun thread harassing an eceleb/shill. If he were just some guy nobody would care, but the presumptuous shilling made him a "thing" that could be targeted, it provided stakes.

Maybe I am overcautious. Just giving my two cents since I like forestanon himself.

You're making my point for me. I don't care about you, but by being a little bitch like this, you're creating a binary. There are now stakes and sides. If you even mildly agree that shilling an off-topic guy is bad, you are now on the side that gets "no one cares lel u mad bro" said to it by little fags. It's fun to hate little fags. You see how the cycle starts?

>> No.17204692

>Maybe I am overcautious. Just giving my two cents since I like forestanon himself.
It's a valuable two cents though because you're not wrong. I *probably* wouldn't dislike paperbackdreams or Q so much if it wasn't for orbiters spamming them. (Bad example on my part though because I dislike her for so many other reasons, but still) But forest anon doesn't get posted here that often compared to them in my opinion. But you're very right about being careful to keep it so.

>> No.17205652

There probably are anons who like anti-tech, but there are also pro-nature anons and pro-hermit anons and other things people get out of it (some might even be here for books). But Pennsylvania Germans aren't pro-nature like forestanon, nor are they individualists or anti-society. They don't mind running puppy farms because they believe that man has dominion over all animals and they really don't see a problem with a lot of things pro-nature anons might have real problems with. Hunting and other worse things that most people would consider animal cruelty, or things like deforestation to them are seen as natural rights. I think you're seeing what you like in both forestanon and the Pennsylvania Germans when it might not be there in reality. People can have a very idealised and superficial view of Pennsylvania German life, but the communities themselves see that as English ignorance. They also do a lot of things with tech which nature lovers would not be pleased about such as most communities which allow machinery insisting on running it on diesel, when less polluting ways of running the same machinery are the norm outside their community. It's not the shining example of anti-tech that you think it is, and it doesn't really take the nature loving point of view that forestanon seems to have either. People don't bother to look beyond the picture postcard three line summary non Pennsylvania Germans came up with.
Like I said, I think you're seeing things in both that you like and discounting any evidence to the contrary, so you give them different motivations than they actually have and instead ascribe them motivations that you would like them to have instead.

>> No.17205710

Your examples are good and I agree. Just not sure what theory of mine you are talking about. I'm someone interested in how modern humans can live detached from the whole technological apparatus, an interest that lots of people on /lit/ share. The amish are a good example not because their society provides true freedom or nearness to nature, but because it doesn't force you into the web of technical acceptance that mainstream society does. I've never had to defend myself over something so simple before, so I think the guy above might be right. There is no point I am trying to make, besides that they are similar in this one aspect of separation from the mainstream technical milieu. Please try and really grasp what I am saying by this if you plan to respond. That is all I am saying here.

>> No.17205739

Op here I'm back after 10 hours. What the hell are you guys on about? Did you leave forestanon a nice message in his yt comments? He reads them all and I think it's good for mind.

Kind regards,

>> No.17205754

First thing tomorrow, I have to call the loan officer at a mortgage company to get her to stop an appraisal that I accidentally signed for. I'm going back and forth between two different lenders to get the most favorable terms and best rate. This is my current preoccupation right now, and I think most of you know where this is going.

But I'm not going to say I wish I could move to the forest and drop it all. And this isn't just because I know I would get a (deserved) "then do it faggot." It's not that I wish I was in this guy's position. Dropping it all and moving to the forest? I sincerely couldn't. It's not who I am, and I would regret it immediately. It certainly wouldn't make me happy.

But being someone who is materially successful, and who can ably navigate 21st century life, but who derives little joy from it -- seeing this kind of guy's adventures is a real fucking mystery. I'm not even jealous. I just don't understand what kind of creature this guy is. It's like he's a different species. Sure, watching the video brings a smile to my face, and I wish him all the best.

But from where I'm standing, this guy is further away from me than a legitimate Yanomami tribesman. The savage didn't make a choice regarding his life's character. Neither did I. But forest anon did, and I'm at a loss to understand him.

>> No.17205798

He overreacts but he did get some really stupid questions in the comment section. It's YouTube though. You have to prepare for that.

>> No.17205831

this is a good thing because anarchism and leftism in general is ruined and filled with trash. it helps to set us apart and through that preserve fidelity. if something is accepted are as a valid view and taken as 'leftist' chances are it is going to be castrated liberal apologetics.

but also this >>17201741, you made your point but it ruins lit to attract twitter users.

>> No.17205849

should take up knitting, get some sheep.

>> No.17205860

Agreed, community is really important and proves the value of the ideology, but I don't think forestanon is concerned with this.

>> No.17205863


> We want to change society, not live outside of it, retard.

You're calling that anon a retard when he's giving you a solution for how to fulfill the power process and find fulfillment. Instead you're going to be forever bitching and moaning while the world moves completely indifferent to your dreams. Sad!

>> No.17206094
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>> No.17206098

That was from the friendly cabin mice i think. In a moment of unfriendliness

>> No.17206123
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Lmfao I remember that.

>> No.17206202

I want to be forest anon’s forest wife so badly. Tell me the chances.

>> No.17206224

Are you a tree?

>> No.17206229

They punched Zerzan at one talk

>> No.17206237

ask him for his email or something anon it doesn't hurt to try

>> No.17206352
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Why do you want to impose your own views and beliefs on everyone? Do you think everyone will share them?
Do you actually think you know better than them, you impudent fuck?

>> No.17206407

>This happened to Gregory Sadler too.
That's Dr. Gregory Sadler to you, Anon.

>> No.17206467

Some people are just anomalies

>> No.17207313

>what theory of mine you are talking about.
That forestanon and the Pennsylvania Germans share the same motivation, and they're primarily anti-tech. I don't think that holds water. I think you'd get a better response if you started an anti-tech thread, though you might also be flooded with Uncle Ted fans in one of those.
I just think that forestanon is much more about the nearness to nature and escaping society rather than anything anti-tech. I also think your views on Pennsylvania German views of tech are a bit off. There are communities where buttons are considered technology and they will come down on members who use buttons harder than mainstream society can manage for tech. They have their own mainstream and they are really rigid about it in most communities. I get the point you're trying to make, but the kind of peer pressure in Pennsylvania German societies is orders of magnitude more severe than it is in mainstream society. For people looking to escape technology, they're going to be surprised how much technology the Pennsylvania Germans might allow, but they also might not be aware that things they wouldn't count as tech (buttons, insurance) don't exist in communities which still allow diesel engines. If you're looking to escape mainstream society, for whatever reason, it might also not be what you're looking for because of its communal consensus being so rigid that they'll consider you basically a nonperson for violating any community norm.