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17198770 No.17198770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that opposes the idea of a communist state not from the economic angle but from the angle that it's impossible for such a state to exist without eventually clamping down on personal freedom?

>> No.17198832

Why would that be limited to communist states?

Jack Ma seems to be a refreshing reminder that there are some things money can't buy. No one in the world would die for Jack Ma. No one in the world would die for Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Bloomberg. Donal Trom on the other hand could certainly get at least ten thousand boomer conspiratards to fight to the death to defend him. This is a serious asset that he will not make use of because he's a retard.

>> No.17198837

my diary desu

>> No.17198853

>No one in the world would die for Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Bloomberg
Says you. I'm pretty sure 50 billion Americans living between the poverty line would sell their lives for a couple of mill to their family

>> No.17198858

>totalitarian state disappears dissidents

Also, he has a tiny face, so Charlie Kirk is probably next

>> No.17198859

>Why would that be limited to communist states?
Could this happen in USA?

>> No.17198865

>it's impossible for such a state to exist without eventually clamping down on personal freedom.
Retroactively affirmed by Classical Greece. Plato's Republic is totalitarian and socialist by our standards. However, these books are not opposed to the idea. Maybe Communism is really based and redpilled?

>> No.17198872

>Could this happen in USA?
Check out what Epstein has been doing for decades and all he had to do was bribe a few people.

>> No.17198875

There's Bakunin's booklet, "Marxism, Freedom and the State".

>> No.17198880

>leftism proves yet again it doesnt work

>> No.17198884
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>> No.17198886

you'd be surprised about the billy g fan club

>> No.17198888


>> No.17198893
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Road to serfdom is what you are looking for.

Our freedom of choice in a competitive society rests on the fact that, if one person refuses to satisfy our wishes, we can turn to another. But if we face a monopolist we are at his absolute mercy. And an authority directing the whole economic system of the country would be the most powerful monopolist conceivable…it would have complete power to decide what we are to be given and on what terms. It would not only decide what commodities and services were to be available and in what quantities; it would be able to direct their distributions between persons to any degree it liked.

>> No.17198896

>without eventually clamping down on personal freedom?

There is arguably no country in the world, where you have personal freedom.

>> No.17198899

People are never free to begin with, for they are governed by self-interest.

>> No.17198904

>Is governed by his instincts like a sheep
>Doesn't embrace his instincts and make them work for himself
Redditor detected

>> No.17198916

This. The only country in the world to even legislate free speech is the USA, where law is regularly disregarded. Check COINTELPRO, MKUltra etc. The USA has been assassinating and crushing political dissidents of all stripes for decades, it's just that nobody cares about that.

>> No.17198930
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Even on a local level the USA is quite "unfree". The Puritan mentality is strong in that country.

>> No.17198938

That guy looks like a legit ayy lmao. Must be a hybrid between a gray alien and a Chinese woman.

>> No.17198953

Communal morality is also a form of freedom IMO, so I don't take as much of an issue with it. Personally, I find moralism obnoxious and annoying, but it's a different thing from curtailing civil liberties. At least, it used to be a different thing.

>> No.17198957

>muh personal freedumbs
A joke. Not even the US has these things that they claim to have. They don't mean anything. China realizes they are a joke while pushing onward and raising up the Chinese people. Meanwhile burgers are brainwashed in believing they have muh personal freedumbs while they get their blood sucked out of them. The Chinese people aren't brainwashed, you and all of the burgers are.

>> No.17198958

You should hear him speak - he's certifiably retarded.

>> No.17198966

No, they all oppose it from the economic angle. Sorry.

>> No.17199349

a lot of stuff that looks good in the abstract becomes shit in the application. the philosopher king sounds great, but good luck finding someone who could live up to that ideal

>> No.17199371
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1-8 of those rules could be condensed into "don't be an antisocial nigger" there's nothing unfree about living morally and respectfully

>> No.17199379

All these are quite reasonable for a public park imo, especially not doing fucking engine work.
Also fuck China.

>> No.17199386

NH here. Expanding local experience in some Massachusetts or LA suburb to the country as a whole is absolutely retarded. If you dont like a shit-town like that, you can move to places where open container and open carry are allowed, and cops dont pull over people with tax payer stickers on their car.

Epstein was blackmailing the most powerful people in the world for the Mossad, its an extreme case. Not saying the US is by any means uncorrupt, but it doesnt kidnap celebrities for weeks and put thumbtacks under their nails and make them appear weeks later to praise the central governments small business policy.

>> No.17199443

Love how there's someone grilling in the background

>> No.17199461

Incompetence is a detriment to every political system, that does not even need to be said, nor is it an effective argument against any political system.

>> No.17199462

No, they were doing it quite willingly. These people want to fuck children, and they want to fuck you over. They aren't being forced to do either by anyone. The blackmail is just to keep them under control because they're psychotic retards who will bite the hand that feeds if given the chance.

>> No.17199692

>a communist state

All states clamp down on the allowed freedoms. People that allow states are content to be the child under a parent’s rules. Not free.
Communism is supposed to be that child leaving the parents rule. Free.

>> No.17199719

>t. anarchist retard

>> No.17199732

What is?

>> No.17199753

your free voluntary people's commune with its voluntary people's militia, elected specialists etc

>> No.17199764

you know what? props to china for actually killing their billionaires instead of just sucking their stupid dicks.

>> No.17199776

I love that this report is framed as Jack Ma being a brave dissident speaking out against CCP authoritarianism, when really he was angry that the PBC are in the process of breaking up the Ant Group's monopoly on e-commerce. Fuck him.

>> No.17199777

Fucking based. I would never betray the CCP.

>> No.17199804

>Is there a book
heaven on earth - the rise, fall and aftermath of communism
though that's not really what this thread is about. please contain your discussions about the dangers of communism to /pol/ and /his/.

>> No.17199822

It sure doesn’t act like a state, does it?
Call it a tribe or canton. They’ll be neighborhoods, cities, continents, but who will tax you? Who will force you i to conscription? It won’t be like China

>> No.17199828
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>props to china for actually killing their billionaires instead of just sucking their stupid dicks

>> No.17199840

>chinese billionaire
can we stop calling china communist

>> No.17199865

You don't know what communism is

>> No.17199875

t. amerimutt
I will enjoy watching the rise of China during the rest of my years all the while America rots and retarded burgers cope.

>> No.17199881

Should've kept his mouth shut instead of biting the hand that feeds him. Billionaires and their God complexes everybody.

>> No.17199885

We do.

>> No.17199912

bootlicker American neoliberal faggot

>> No.17199918

No you don't anarchists are dumb radlibs fuck off butterfly

>> No.17199920

Based China arresting a billionaire. Long live Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Though Deng Xiaopeng Thought Xi Jinping Thought! Let one thousand socialisms bloom!

>> No.17199932


>> No.17199939

What happens when one free voluntary people's commune is running short on resources that another free voluntary people's commune adjacent to it has but is unwilling to give up on? Do they go to war? Perhaps maybe form alliances with other free voluntary people's communes for the sake of effectiveness. This, of course, will necessitate the pooling of resources and the revolutionary people's voluntary free cooperation, perhaps enforced by the free voluntary people's militia or the free elected committee on revolutionary morality.
Of course, none of this refers to a state, no - as everyone knows, a state has to be big. Tribes and cities can't be states. Why would they be able to do so? Free voluntary people's communes will only become states once one of those communes consolidates its hold over the others through warfare or diplomacy - which of course is also inevitable.
This and I am not even a leftist lol. At least MLs know what's what.

>> No.17199942

What about Switzerland?

>> No.17199953
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You’ve no imagination whatsoever

>> No.17199954

Where are places with open containers allowed in the US? Except the strip.

>> No.17199960

I think Xi took particular umbrage at this statement because it was precisely that state financial system which gave Ma the startup capital for his company.
Serves him right for still living in China after getting rich instead of moving to a fortified island compound in the Antilles. Every other Chinese rich man has the good sense to get out.

China is like Russia in that its oligarchs who are ostensibly part of the private sector are actually part of the state apparatus. You're only rich because you serve a function for the government and once you've overstayed your welcome you wind up dead under mysterious circumstances.

The American government in contrast has the poor sense to let its billionaires run it rather than vice versa.

>> No.17199990
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Um excuse me, real communism has never been tried. In my utopia everyone would just get along and share with no need for a state, I can't fathom how such a system could ever go wrong.

>> No.17199999

This is only radlibs

>> No.17200026

im not a communist, but i can recognize that a country with more class inequality than the US is not communist

>> No.17200046

You don't just snap your fingers and then you have communism lmao.

>> No.17200048

Why are they unwilling? What’s the urgency of the resource? What else can they do but bargain with something. In times of famine, do families decide to eat one of their own?
>form alliances
Yes. Everyone meets and for s various alliances. The farther away resources would slow, stop and pick back up again as need arises. No one’s hoarding anything since they can’t make monarchs of themselves by doing so. So resources aren’t usually in short supply to everyone like they are now.
You only imagine the statist world where resources are choked off from people and you see their poverty and assume the world isn’t rich and plentiful still.
In direct democracy no one is able to “consolidate hold”. It’s all about persuasion. The charismatics and the friendly will become captains among lieutenants

Try reading up on it some. It does get a little complex

>> No.17200059

>implying China is communist
The proletarian billionaires

>> No.17200060

Homie China is kidnapping billionaires. That’s real communism, and it’s fucking cool

>> No.17200065


>> No.17200073

Communism is when you force capitalists to obey the will of the state
Uphold Mussolini thought

>> No.17200082

*snaps fingers*
>money is gone. class is gone. state is gone. holy shit communism!
Why don't you go over there and teach them how to do real communism anon?

>> No.17200085

Look at this Anglo bugman
How can you seriously claim to be an anarchist while being a University professor? Lmao.

>> No.17200089

epstein wasn't blackmailing anybody, if you have a pile of money there is no shortage of americans who are willing to climb over each other to satisfy your every whim

>> No.17200101

Yeah the country with over 1000 billionaires and a majority private economy, which is becoming increasingly private every year, is peak communism

>> No.17200106

I don't have to, China is capitalist so they will inevitably fall to proletarian revolution due to their own contradictions, no matter how much red paint they put over it.

>> No.17200116

Communism is a process that is built by us and also at the same time builds us it isn't something that is pre-existing and just out there.

>> No.17200126

Your real problem is thinking Marxism is anti-capitalism. Read Marx.

>> No.17200132

disgusting little goblin

>> No.17200133

The complexity is mental gymnastics. "Withering away of the state" is literally the exact opposite of what happens every single time communism is tried at a national scale.

>> No.17200136

Also China already had their revolution they have their DoP.

>> No.17200152

You mean they have an oligarchy, easy mistake to make

>> No.17200153

you're absolutely right that incompetence hurts all political systems. but you're absolutely wrong that it's not an effective argument. I would rather not have all or most aspects of my life controlled by incompetent retards, so I oppose political systems where that has a high chance of happening.

>> No.17200154

I have read more Marx than you. Yes he saw it as a necessary process, that doesn't mean China isn't capitalist or that they won't fall to worker revolution. Stop getting your info from memes please.
>inb4 muh building socialism 2500 bro
>"Communism is for us not a state of affairs
which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence."

>> No.17200160

Engels On Authority

Do some reading you dumb radlibs

>> No.17200172

Holy fuck we have way too many Marxoids infesting this board. I saw the same thing happen on /his/ and when arguments stop popping up about whether X state is socialist or not a board is lost.
It's been fun, see you guys.

>> No.17200176

>But the necessity of authority, and of imperious authority at that, will nowhere be found more evident than on board a ship on the high seas. There, in time of danger, the lives of all depend on the instantaneous and absolute obedience of all to the will of one.
Communists reinventing monarchism while trying to explain how things will actually work, you can't make this shit up

>> No.17200182

IDK much about Switzerland. I know in some places women couldn't vote until the 90s, which is kinda based.
quads of truth
>Why are they unwilling? What’s the urgency of the resource? What else can they do but bargain with something. In times of famine, do families decide to eat one of their own?
Do you really need me to explain this to you? Scarcity forces tough choices. Also, yes, historically families do eat one of their own during famines. Typically this is penalised - for example during the siege of Leningrad, the armed forces would execute cannibals.
>Yes. Everyone meets and for s various alliances.
Alliances breed hierarchy, butterfly. One side always benefits more from an alliance than the other, no matter how mutually beneficial such things may be.
>The farther away resources would slow, stop and pick back up again as need arises. No one’s hoarding anything since they can’t make monarchs of themselves by doing so. So resources aren’t usually in short supply to everyone like they are now.
No idea what this even means desu.
>You only imagine the statist world where resources are choked off from people and you see their poverty and assume the world isn’t rich and plentiful still.
How are you going to distribute resources? You do understand that contrary to your earlier suggestion that communes would be small and localised, efficient distribution of resources requires an expansive, broad and centralised apparatus, right? Such an apparatus, even if somehow we should consider it not to be a state, will naturally evolve into one very quickly.
>In direct democracy no one is able to “consolidate hold”. It’s all about persuasion. The charismatics and the friendly will become captains among lieutenants
I don't get it. You just explained how people can consolidate their control over groups even in direct democracy, though? Even the Kronstadt commune had a leader. With the introduction of the internet, information technology and mass literacy, this will only be more true.

>> No.17200216

You are the one that is getting memes. Anti-China sentiment is perfectly in line with the Western bourgeois states. Radlibs are controlled opposition.
And the people of China highly approve of the CCP, if anything. China takes a lot of class analysis to understand and dumb journalists and radlibs don't have the nuance to understand China.

>> No.17200225 [DELETED] 


>> No.17200232

to be fair you have to be very intelligent to understand why a capitalist economy that is becoming more capitalist each year is bringing about communism

>> No.17200236

The United States literally has the Patriot Act

>> No.17200238


>> No.17200246


>> No.17200264

There is no specific "anti China sentiment" I'm against all bourgeoise states China is no exception. Imagine picking a side in an inter-imperialist conflict and calling yourself a Marxist. And no I don't browse meme pages I actually have to you know, work. I'm on lunch break right now. I'm a communist because of my class position and I'd assume you're not based on the talks I've had with previous Deng beetles and how 90% of you are middle class kids.

>> No.17200283

Yes Marx was not an "anti capitalist" in that sense but he showed how capitalism would inevitably crumble and China is no exception. Lmao. You're not making any actual arguments.

>> No.17200286

I'm not picking a side in an inter imperialist conflict. China is not imperialist. China has their DoP.
You are a radlib.

>> No.17200291

The beast is two headed
Its name is state-capitalism

>Alliances breed hierarchy,
Justifiable ones are fine, anon.
>one side always benefits
It will be more or less equal, but yes, the white nationalists canton won’t be getting away with much shit. Not just because they’re a minority but because they’re repugnant to the majority.

Small gatherings for direct democracy, but populations will be much like they are now. How will they operate big machines to transport goods and supplies? Please.
>expansive, broad and centralised apparatus
Operated by people. Experts. What, the infrastructure workplaces are going to be the new state?
>I don’t get it
I guess because you didn’t know anarchism is about challenging unjustifiable hierarchies and not abolishing them all

>> No.17200297

>. China has their DoP.
oligarchy of upper party members and billionaires*
you keep getting confused about that it's weird

>> No.17200299

It would not "crumble" but be transcended.

>> No.17200300


> People that allow states are content to be the child under a parent’s rules.

Petulant mindset of marxists on full display, literal man-children

>> No.17200306

She is an anarchist aka radlib not a marxist

>> No.17200321

>I'm not picking a side in an inter imperialist conflict. China is not imperialist. China has their DoP.
Yes exporting capital all over the world, backing anti-communist dictators(Duterte)..definitely not imperialist.
>You are a radlib
I'm not actually I've been involved in communist organizing since I was a teenager.

>> No.17200327


Thanks for the correction, dutiful simp.

>> No.17200353

Anyway Dengoid I have to leave now so have fun calling me a radlib CIA asset.

>> No.17200393

China is anti-interventionist they don't give a shit about another country's ideology just what benefits them. They put practicality over ideology as opposed to radlibs such as yourself.
>I'm not actually I've been involved in communist organizing since I was a teenager
That's very cute but you have accomplished nothing and seeing from your posts you put ideology over practicality. You are a radlib.

>> No.17200399

this is why communism will never work

>> No.17200408

A lot of their members come from humble backgrounds if anything. Also class is something much more than how much money you have. The CCP has many factions and it takes a lot of nuance that radlibs and journalists don't have to understand how they operate.

>> No.17200429

Warren Buffet and Obama came from humble backgrounds too lol. It's an oligarchy, and you're either retarded or a shill to try to argue otherwise, the average prole there has fuck all power

>> No.17200477

Actually it seems more to counter Hayek. The domestic Chinese economy is much more competitive in many ways than in the West and deflationary for consumers as a consequence. Mr. Ma was moving to try to monopolize power but was prevented from doing so by pollical actors. If Amazon could get into finance similarly I doubt the American government would stop them.

>Our freedom of choice in a competitive society rests on the fact that, if one person refuses to satisfy our wishes, we can turn to another
And the goal of any business is to dominate the market and get rid of any competition or control over it

>> No.17200505


> Is there a book that opposes the idea of a communist state

Take a walk outside. No book necessary, reality has an anti-communist bias

>> No.17200506

He doesn’t even know what petulant means. Be slow with him.
>rad lib
Anarchist suffices

>> No.17200511

this guy is a complete moron who is completely unaware of chinese military actions lol.

"no military ambitions" bitch they've been stealing SCS islands from other powers there for thirty years lmao. you fucking moron.

>> No.17200525

>Our freedom of choice in a competitive society rests on the fact that, if one person refuses to satisfy our wishes, we can turn to another.
Sorry anon, but there are only two sellers of that product that you want to buy, one of which was a company that was run by a man who quoted rap lyrics 15 years ago in a highschool assignment wherein one had to discuss a rap song, and the other was forced by the government to sell his company to Blackrock Financial.

Remember the Six Million™!

>> No.17200527

>Justifiable ones are fine, anon.
You've just opened Pandora's box, an*rchist.
>It will be more or less equal, but yes, the white nationalists canton won’t be getting away with much shit. Not just because they’re a minority but because they’re repugnant to the majority.
as are anarchists lol.
>Small gatherings for direct democracy, but populations will be much like they are now. How will they operate big machines to transport goods and supplies? Please.
How will they, really? You need to harvest raw materials, move them to facilities, process them in those facilities, move them to factories and have the materials made into machines, goods and supplies. This can hardly be achieved by one "small gathering". What happens when "small gatherings" choose not to go along with this type of thing? Who runs things and organises things? How do you get a reliable and consistent production model when everything is subject to debate and change.
>Operated by people. Experts. What, the infrastructure workplaces are going to be the new state?
Yes? Do you know how much power there is in controlling infrastructure? Why do you think this is the prerogative of states today? If you gave me control over all of a state's infrastructure, this means I would hold it hostage by default. Sabotage or even inaction would rapidly result in disaster, starvation, death etc.
>I guess because you didn’t know anarchism is about challenging unjustifiable hierarchies and not abolishing them all
This is a stupid cope non-answer. Most anarchists sing a totally different tune, but sure, let's go along with this - what makes your vision more compelling if you can't even achieve the stupid egalitarian dream? "We want to tear down bourgeois civilisation, anon!" So do MLMs and fascists. "We are going to give power to the people, though." Which people? Liberals say the same shit about representative government, MLMs about communist bureaucrats and you say it about charismatic or sly demagogues. None of these actually "empowers the people" - they empower a small segment of the population which at least theoretically acts on behalf of the rest. In short, the exact same principle behind hierarchical ideologies like monarchism and fascism etc. but more obscurantist and cucked.

>> No.17200562

jordan peterson could do it

>> No.17200817
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>Homie China is kidnapping billionaires. That’s real communism, and it’s fucking cool

>> No.17200842

>No one in the world would die for Jack Ma. No one in the world would die for Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Bloomberg.
Mercenaries exist.

>> No.17200864

Mercenaries technically only die for money, anon. Even then, they rather try to fight and live for money, not die.

>> No.17200930

>Mercenaries technically only die for money
Now look at the names quoted and try to think of what they have in common.

>> No.17201017

Mercenaries, historically, are less reliable than national armies. They are more likely to flee or turncoat.

>> No.17201026

Yes it is

>> No.17201051

Now read what I wrote again lol

>> No.17201174

>50 billion Americans
Based retard

>> No.17201183

Imagine thinking you're oppressed because you can't act like a degenerate in a park

>> No.17201285
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>> No.17201607

Lit has terrible moderation too compared to other boards

>> No.17201875

Hayek, in that book, argued for a social safety net

>> No.17202163

>basedjack and pajeets
wow terrifying

>> No.17202178

Lmao, implying this board hasn’t been plagued by annoying rightoid idpol faggots for the last 4 years

>> No.17202236

>we fought nazism and fascism just to end up with this gook totalitarian regime that doesn't care about anyone
lmao fuck spineless liberalism

>> No.17202258

the good thing is the gooks will get rid of western leftoids first like you