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File: 23 KB, 300x453, the-subtle-art-of-not-giving-a-f-ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17198219 No.17198219 [Reply] [Original]

Got this for Christmas. I don't want to read it. Any good?

>> No.17198227

>Has fuck in the title for shock factor
Immediately discarded

>> No.17198256

>doesn't even print the word out in full
when will whichever generation who made this decision die already?

>> No.17198343

Normie tier "self-improvement" from a serial grifter. Its almost as bad as Peterson.


>> No.17198390

I don't know and I don't want to know.

>> No.17198407

I watched a video from this guy on youtube without realizing he was the guy who wrote this book. it was kind of interesting.
My guess is the book will be a kind of cringy intro to stoicism or something of the sort. But might still be not the worst.

>> No.17198419

>Uses fuck in the title
>Censors it like a pussy
Why are normies like this?

>> No.17198424

Mark Manson wrote a decent book before this (Models) but this was absolute garbage.

>> No.17198433

Faggot read for faggots

>> No.17198435

Take the authors advice, the book is shit and you shouldn't give a fuck about it. I'd toss it, or use for toilet paper when the supply lines finally collapse.

>> No.17198449

so that their book can be sold in stores

>> No.17198455
File: 120 KB, 1080x1504, kw1qfrofacv21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk but going by the title it's just this meme

>> No.17198724

Stoic philosophy classic

>> No.17198748

I love that photo

>> No.17198821

I have that book, couldn't finish it.

>> No.17199043

Even worse, they censor it with a splash (alternatively a bullet hole) so it looks "badass" when they are censoring something this trivial.

>> No.17199083

Was better than I expected, but I didn't expect much. You should read Ernst Becker's Denial of Death instead.

>> No.17199085

I mean, the only good thing I took away from it was to time how long some things take, which seems really dumb but I'm a dumbass so it worked for me.

>> No.17199727

Yes, it wasn't as bad as the stupid title

>> No.17200151

You can take this from a zoomer who read this book as my first outside of school.

I've been reading a lot since then, but i started out with this since the title basically screams "i'm not boring", which, with my simultaneous assumption of books being something inherently boring, caught my attention.

He explains things somewhat cringy and reddit, but also somewhat easy and hard to misunderstand. It's a book where you don't have to reread sentences and can sort of take it on "auto-pilot".

To be completely fair, it's not too bad. And that's probably why it's massively popular right now.

Why i can appreciate it especially, and why it's worth appreciating for the enitre /lit/ community, is that it actually gives you motivation to keep the habit of reading. He gets into some existential and stoic thoughts and bashes all the happy motivational crap which is usually found in a lot of self-help books. I liked it.

It's a pretty good catalyst for getting into books in the digital age, but i would never buy it if i was already into reading.

>> No.17200177

>You can take this from a zoomer who read this book as my first outside of school.
Your thoughts on the subject are worthless and unneeded.

>> No.17200200

Well i mean i went from finding books boring to reading Dostoevsky, Seneca and Nietzche. You can say what you want, but this book was a part of getting me there.

>> No.17200205
