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17197778 No.17197778 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about not caring what other people think of you?

It's easy to say and all, but can anyone actually do it? I'm 18, in my second last year of university, and I'm absolutely paranoid about people calling me out for being a virgin, even though I don't particularly care for sex. The same applies to a lesser degree with jobs, friends, ability to drive, etc. I feel hurt whenever I read >cope in a reply, because it's all true. They're right!

>> No.17197787

Bro what the hell? Literally just stop caring. It's that simple.

>> No.17197802

just say you're a religious nut and are waiting for your community to arrange your marriage, probably half the kids from overseas are unironically in that situation

>> No.17197811

Books wont help, go to the therapist.

>> No.17197892

Bro you are 18.. No one cares..

>> No.17197906

Dude, you're 18, just go find something you can get very good at that will earn you lots of money, then the rest will come.
Saving yourself for marriage is unironically the best thing you can do right now

>> No.17197912
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You don't want to fuck strangers or you don't feel like engaging in promiscous sexual activity like alot of university age people, yet you still want approval and validation from these (unwise and naive) people

There has never been an easier time to have hedonistic and meaningless sex, the only people who think having sex is some achievement are guaranteed to be less than 25, have achieved dick in life and are moderately retarded

>> No.17197932

Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.17197939

catcher in the rye...

>> No.17197948
File: 27 KB, 446x556, DonaldHitler-4bb191eb1cfcea156cb739f7499f4ccf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second last year of university
Say what nigga?

>> No.17197994

The Stranger by Camus
>inb4 absolutely seething responses

>> No.17198007

You need to go see a therapist, just like I did, but I think I have an idea of what you need.
You likely don't have role models, friends, mentors, or archetypes that fit who you are and what you want to be. You see that everyone around you not only has all these things, but is also judging you by them, and you get anxious. What you need to do is create an alternative web of relationships, models, and visions of the future that will provide you with the same coherent sense of self that a lot of the people around you have. Joining a traditional faith is one very quick way to accomplish this. If you are already part of one, you should engage more deeply with it, not as private practice, but as a way of life. If neither of these paths is open to you, then I'm not sure what to tell you. I am in the same position, and I was somehow able to create the same by spending a lot of time around deeply religious and conservative people.
What you must above all do is refuse to be subverted. I am not a wignat, but I think SuperLutheran's article on the subject is spot-on: https://theamericansun.com/2019/09/19/self-defense-against-clown-world-part-i/
Do not accept their worldview. Do not accept the premises of their arguments. The moment you start thinking that you're simply coping with being a virgin, either ask yourself what is wrong with being a virgin and then watch the internal voice of subversion go silent, or remind yourself that that is not what you believe. America might be Sodom right now, but you don't have to live there in your head.
Also, when you look for a therapist, avoid CBT like the plague. Find yourself a Freudian.

>> No.17198008

3 years bachelor degree also one year younger than most people in my year.
It's also a BA and I want to teach English in Japan (which doesn't have a very good career path) because I'm a filthy weeb, while eventually trying to monetise my literary translation hobby to make ends meet so I won't be making very much money, sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.17198013

>weeb with yellow fever

lost all sympathy

>> No.17198037
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>I want to teach English in Japan
Watch this
>What are some books about not caring what other people think of you?
See pic related

>> No.17198039

Don't have yellow fever and I'm not just a weeb either. I know Mandarin and some Cantonese too.

>> No.17198054

I also dislike self help.

>> No.17198061

Dude, take advice from someone older than you. If you're going through university to follow your passion, you're gonna get seriously fucked by life, especially if you are contracting debt to do so.
Study something the world is wanting (and therefore pays well), live frugally, buy your freedom with that money and then you can follow all the passions you want

>> No.17198069

Jfc people are offering help but it's not good enough for you. You don't want solutions, you want to sulk and feel sorry for yourself.

>> No.17198074

Well good luck finding a book that tells you how to not care what other people think that's not classified as "self help"

>> No.17198253

this but myth of sisyphos

the stranger doesn't explain his philosophy just shows it

>> No.17198294

drop acid

>> No.17198308

Not caring comes with age. You're 18 and everything probably still feels very important because hormones.

>> No.17198349

When I was 18 I swear I cared incredibly little about what people thought of me, way less than I do now (23). I need to return to not caring it was very based

>> No.17200047

>What are some books about not caring what other people think of you?

Im way too lonely too care about what people think about me

>> No.17200115

Dropping acid could make it way worse. OP if you’re gonna do it have a few joints pre rolled for throughout the trip, and take at least two tabs, and fucking chug a bottle of delsym also. It’s fun

>> No.17200196

you're 18, you're hard wired to care what people think about you. Here's the secret, everyone around you is too worried about what other people think about them to think about you. The most liberating feeling in the world is when you finally realize that no one actually cares about you besides a few people who think positively of you. You'll figure it out in a few years. By 25 you'll probably be okay. Just allow yourself to breathe, don't fight the feeling just to try to understand it.

>> No.17200242

>smoking a ton of weed during a trip
Best way to have a bad time in my experience