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17195661 No.17195661 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is negative dialectics?

>> No.17195665

neti neti

>> No.17195693

When you negate/abstract all particular properties and end up with an empty nothing.

What is an apple? It's definitely not this shade of red, because there are other shades of red on other apples. It's definitely not this size, because there are apples of other sizes. Etc, etc...

>> No.17195703

So where is the concrete?

>> No.17195706

dunno man, read it and find out

>> No.17195722

I got this from Hegel, which is the second moment of the dialectical movement. But I just googled the term and Adorno's work appeared, if that's what you want to know I have no idea. Sorry anon, forget what I said.

>> No.17195771

In Hegel, concreteness is in the third moment, the synthesis/positive reason.

>> No.17195930


>> No.17195948

Negative Dialectics is Adorno trying to save the conceptual concept and thrust of Hegel's work without its metaphysical or meta-historical baggage, basically taking everything good in dialectics and reappraising it and honing it. Especially Hegel's idea of negativity, and any ways of thematising the generation of new and authentic negativity (as opposed to false negativity, etc., so you see that even thinking in these terms already allows us to thematise a distinction between "actual negativity" and "merely apparent, and thus possibly even more threatening than no, negativity").

>> No.17195953

Some pretty simple stuff. No big deal really

>> No.17196251

what does negative mean?

>> No.17196826


>> No.17196832

Like positive but spicy

>> No.17197135

Nothing doesn't exist, so every negation leads to an affirmation.

>> No.17197156

Lmao philosophers certainly have too much time

>> No.17197158

Opposite of positive dialectics

>> No.17197864

negation is not abstraction. abstraction would be simple affirmation of what something is, once you enter this, you should also be able to say what it is not, and define against other things, the ground holds these things against each other.

>> No.17197873

sartre said negation can only lead to affirmation, through praxis, when it transforms (negates) matter. adorno wants to avoid action. as if thought would be just an instrument of critics

>> No.17198913


>> No.17199798

Everything that exists for human beings is an element of Spirit. Hegel means it metaphysically because his Spirit is the world, but left Hegelians usually mean it non-metaphysically, i.e. a kind of Kantian sociology: everything is Spirit because all human thought, even about the "objective" world, still takes place within Spirit.

Whether you are a metaphysical Hegelian or not, Spirit derives and develops its ideas by interacting with itself. Society reacts upon itself dialectically, the "movement" of Spirit is dialectical, in the sense that Spirit is always taking issue with itself (or aspects of itself), finding new aspects of itself that are incompletely or poorly posited, requiring a newer, better conception. Posited = positive, and critiquing a posited (and previously taken for granted) element of Spirit = negating it. Negating the negation = integrating the critique of the negation in a new, better, more complete positing (positivity), which presumably will be subject for further critique in the future as Spirit rolls on dialectically.

It's less spooky than it sounds. "Progressive critical hermeneutics" could be another term for it if you're a left Hegelian.

>> No.17199818

Or progressive critical sociology*. But there was a desire to preserve the Hegelian legacy. For example the early Frankfurt guys really wanted to see Europe and the Enlightenment as positive, progressive moments in Spirit, to be integrated and moved beyond, not discarded. Hence "Dialectic" of Enlightenment.

>> No.17199826

Think about it like negative numbers

>> No.17199897

Ok so what is Adorno's negative dialectic then?