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/lit/ - Literature

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17195319 No.17195319 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s top 100 novels for 2020

What went so right?

>> No.17195336

Whenever there is a Proust thread there is at most half a dozen people that have actually read ISOLT, I have some doubts about how it got so many votes.

>> No.17195404

>ZERO (0) E.T.A. Hoffman

>> No.17195421

im surprised hitchhikers guide to the galaxy made the list considering how much this site claims to hate plebbit
i wonder what buttercunt voted for

>> No.17195462

>hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
Didn’t know I was on plebbit

>> No.17195524

Yeah a whole heckin four (4) people thought it was great!

>> No.17195610

Pedro Páramo is one of the greatest novels to have ever existed. It's a shame that so little people have actually read it. Juan Rulfo deserves better.

>> No.17195616

>all that russian pseud shit in the top ten

did redd*t stuff the ballot or what

>> No.17195626

are you a newfag? this place has been sucking ruskie dick since its conception

>> No.17195630

>Dosto in positions 2 and 3
What went so right? Literally nothing.

>> No.17195638

Yes! The good DeLillo book

>> No.17195642

what an unbelievably based chart, rolling

>> No.17195648

damn I've already read it, reroll

>> No.17195660

i've read 19/100

>> No.17195699

43 but there are quite a lot of my large blind spots on this list that I should really get around to fixing

>> No.17195965


>> No.17195985


>> No.17195994
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>i guess i wasn't /lit/ the whole time

>> No.17196010


>> No.17196026

i've only read 11 but Mason & Dixon, Libra, and Ulysses are all on my desk right now I swear

>> No.17196110
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>> No.17196154

The Recognitions is usually always top 25. tf is it

>> No.17196163

You should have voted for it

>> No.17196199

I've read 22 of them

>> No.17196265

>top 100 books
>only 32 books have double digit votes
perhaps one of the most meaningless polls ever created

>> No.17196273

Not to mention that the whole last third is separated by a single vote and then by alphabetical order. Should be a top 50 at the very most

>> No.17196315

>Claude SImon
>Patrick White
>John Cowper Powys
>Hermann Broch
>John Hawkes
>Halldor Laxness
>Ford Madox Ford
>Gertrude Stein
>Henry James
>Thomas Bernhard
>Robert Musil
>Henry Fielding
>Francois Rabelais
It's cool to see these writers on a /lit/ chart but I literally never see them talked about here

>> No.17196332

Patrick White is talked about in every Australian thread (mostly because he's the only good thing to come from here) and there are plenty of ''why is James so dense'' threads but otherwise I agree

>> No.17196347

>he hasn't read Ulysses yet
What are you doing? Go read it immediately so that you can stop missing out

>> No.17196385

Wasn't this the poll only for "novels"? So no philosophy works?

>> No.17196394

JR is better

>> No.17196395

yeah that's what the title says

>> No.17196652

I’m shittin on these

>> No.17196824


>> No.17196835

Similar participation level to the 2014 and 2015 top 100's

>> No.17196865

When/where was the vote for this?

>> No.17196924

On lit. In 2020

>> No.17196935
File: 13 KB, 260x383, t100_novels_bloodmeridian_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this board had the biggest hardon imaginable for Blood Meridian?

>> No.17196936


>> No.17196937

>barely any people actually participate
>my picks still don't make it in

>> No.17196944

>gets 6 and 36

Well? Which one is it, cocksucker?

>> No.17196950

I quit browsing after the Horia Beleca fiasco. I'd never seen such insane abuse of janny privileges.

>> No.17196953

06 is the get for six you fucking retard

>> No.17196969
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forgive me, anon

>> No.17196994

Go back to basedddit

>> No.17197047

kek'd and filter'd

>> No.17197519

The pollster fucked up by only having the voting thread bumped for less than a week, and at the same time that people were voting for the top books of 2020 list separately. That being said, I actually find this list interesting.

>> No.17197537


>> No.17197540

It did. Then the zoomers arrived in 2016 and BM slid in the rankings. We also got too many maximalist garbage like The Tunnel on the lists.

>> No.17197574

/lit/ more like /shit/ lole

>> No.17197719

Ok rolling. What is Lolita like? Is it that high due to memes? Is it really worth reading? I dont really want to

>> No.17197732

Also second question, is Divine Comedy worth reading as a translation? Since its a poem

>> No.17197881


>> No.17197895

>translated poem still rhymes

>> No.17197910

Seeing Stoner so insanely high on every top 100 makes me physically cringe every single time.

>> No.17197946


>> No.17197971


>> No.17198067
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>> No.17198161

why? I've only ever heard good things about it

>> No.17198244


>> No.17198427


>> No.17198428


>> No.17198522
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>what went so right?
some effortposting, shilling, a decent amount of rigging, and filtering shitposts

>> No.17198790


>> No.17198811

>moby dick at 77
>next up is 42
This board really loves that book lol. Though I guess we could sort of add up the big two for Dosto and Tolstoy and they'd be similar

>> No.17198987

There is not a single serious reader who can honestly say Stoner is even comparable to (let alone better than) journey to the end of the night, the magic mountain, one hundred years of solitude, in search of lost time or Anna Karenina just to name a few masterpieces that consistently rank lower in these lists.

>> No.17199007


>> No.17199068
File: 2.11 MB, 2381x6000, Top100_Novels_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read 41 of them and have a few of the others in progress, pretty happy with that.

>> No.17199071


>> No.17199084

>There is not a single serious reader who can honestly say Stoner is even comparable to
why? what's wrong with it?

>> No.17199223

>he filtered out every non-fiction book that was voted on

>> No.17199250

Nothing wrong with the book, it was enjoyable, it's just not that great either. It felt kind of juvenile, which may explain the incredible popularity here. In search of lost time does the same thing as Stoner but better in every way.

>> No.17199269

>. In search of lost time does the same thing as Stoner but better in every way.
what is this "thing"? I'm planning to read Stoner, is it worth it?

>> No.17199270


>> No.17199282


>> No.17199308


>> No.17199402

>firsrt 20 are the same overripe garbage pseuds everywhere like to hype up
I sleep

>> No.17199428


>> No.17199444

hello newfag here. I've been periodically coming here off and on for a bit to see you guys argue about books because I think its funny. But I decided to actually start reading more this year so I grabbed some books that sounded interesting from this list. No Longer Human, Infinite Jest, The Divine Comedy, American Psycho, Being and Time. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.17199447
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>bottom 68 books with less than 10 votes

>> No.17199450

oh and In Search of Lost Time

>> No.17199488

>overripe garbage pseuds everywhere like to hype up
maybe they're just great anon

>> No.17199627


>> No.17199775

This isn't a roll thread you nogs

>> No.17199791

give me a reason to read novels? I read the first 200 pages of the brothers of kamazarov, i liked it but i didnt pick the book up since then idk

>> No.17199803


>> No.17200010

It's ok, you will enjoy it, but there are many better books out there.
The thing is the thematic, a slow narration of the ups and downs of the live of a semingly ordinary person, if you are into this kind of narrative you are better off with Proust or Balzac.

>> No.17200091

OK, thanks anon

>> No.17200281

What do you like about it?

>> No.17200290

I've read 23/113
27 if you include books I've dropped half way

>> No.17200317

How do you read 100 books in a year

>> No.17200329
File: 3.76 MB, 3500x7700, top 100 books 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can /lit/ be saved?

>> No.17200359

you don't, hence the list

>> No.17200423

The average book takes 8 hours to read. So basically 2.5 hours every day and you'll hit 100 books.

>> No.17200515


Not that interested in the other half tbqh senpai

>> No.17200545

Where is THE BIBLE?

>> No.17200720

it's the top 100 novels list. top 100 books is here >>17200329
bible is in the second place right behind mein kampf

>> No.17200729

Is there a complete download in .mobi for the top 100 list?

I have been going through older charts and getting the files off libgen, but a zip file dump would be ideal.

>> No.17200769


>> No.17200798

How Much Of Your Reading Is On Paper Versus Ebook?


>> No.17200833

I have access to good e-editions but I'm not going to bother because nobody on /lit/ actually reads, much less a hundred books, and some will whine about editions or translations. So just get the stuff you want from Libgen/Gutenberg.

>> No.17200855

I currently do, but Gutenberg used to have a page where you could download the whole English language catalogue.

They don't any more but I would love them to.

>> No.17200947

My last two digits is how many books I'm reading on that list.

>> No.17201037

>1 Mein Kamp
>2 Bible
>19 Quran

who the fuck made this

>> No.17201076

Dostoevsky over A Hero of Our Time and Dead Souls is a travesty. Russians do not not approve

>> No.17201097

>Quran, 19
Burn it down

>> No.17201103

was obviously raided

>> No.17201118

I wonder what it would look like if one had to solve and pass an IQ test before being allowed to vote

>> No.17201173


>> No.17201370
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> 10
I need to get my shit together

>> No.17201407
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Maybe because it's a fake list based on old voting. Here's the real one.

>> No.17201580

Top 10 would be sufficient

>> No.17202317

desert tales compendium is still number one which is pretty locked

>> No.17202444

Where is the real list?

>> No.17202512

No it's keyed

>> No.17202546

I hope you both choke in your sleep

>> No.17202635
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How did I do

>> No.17202647

not enough niggers here, don't you agree?

>> No.17202693

Infinite Jest is to /lit/ as Neutral Milk Hotel is to /mu/

>> No.17202736

>Neutral Milk Hotel is to /mu/
despite being great, fags memeing it made people not like it?

>> No.17202757

Could not be stated more accurately

>> No.17202759

American Psycho?
be serious

>> No.17202803

Bronze Age Pervert above Nietzsche, Kafka, and Vonnegut. "White Fragility" and "Mein Kampf" on the same list. Amazing.

>> No.17203725

Gppd taste

>> No.17203829

The Stranger being lower and lower every year on these charts is proof that /lit/'s userbase is improving in quality rather than declining. The work is good, but it's insane that it was number one in these charts many years ago. My guess it that it appeals to the average guy who just started getting into deeper works and who is also asocial and/or an atheist.

>> No.17203842

It definitely feels like we've moved from edgy teenagers to somewhat edgy college aged people. Perhaps people just don't leave /lit/ as often as they do other boards so the userbase naturally grows older.

>> No.17203854

Yeah, I've definitely been seeing less circlejerks over edgy stuff, especially when it comes to Camus.

>> No.17204578


>> No.17204583

Where is mein kampf? I voted it 10 times
t. aryan

>> No.17204590

they're probably internet boomers like me. like 20 years ago that series was memed by cool hip internet kids

>> No.17205307
File: 2.88 MB, 2380x5466, litlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your list is a bit outdated, OP. Here's the updated one.