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/lit/ - Literature

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17194674 No.17194674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes we find ourselves paying attention… to the most relaxing things. Sometimes we find ourselves adding numbers, which are numbered nicely… And one wonders sometimes, why you two that.

So you can sit there…in that chair here…listening with your subconscious mind, while your conscious mind remains very relaxed and peaceful. You can relax peacefully…while you try to be aware…of the exact meaning of the words you hear…and of all the changes that occur there…in your thoughts, sensations or awareness…as I speak here.

Or you can forget about trying…to make all the unnecessary effort…to pay close attention…to everything that happens. Because you can remember that you can forget so easily… and with forgetting certain things you can remember other things. …Remembering what you need to remember…and forgetting what you can forget… It does not matter if you forget… you need not remember. Your subconscious mind remembers everything that you need to know …and you can let your subconscious mind listen …and remember while… your conscious mind sleeps and forgets… And all you really need to do …is remember that your memory is for getting …things that you thought you had forgotten.

So you can forget about trying…to make the effort…to pay close attention…to everything that happens…or does not happen…in your experience…as you listen to me…and also to your own thoughts, …or to your sensations…that change over time…or stay the same, …in an arm or an ear… (Do they say in one ear, out over there?) …and your legs or fingers.

And what about the thoughts…and the variety of images,…that speak to your mind’s eye…as I speak to your mind…to remind you that what you speak to yourself…speaks for itself…as you try to search and find that things…may seem to be one thing…but turn out to be another.

Because two and two are four, but two can also…mean also…and no two are alike. It all belongs to you

and to your own ability …to relax…those two ears too,…and to begin to know that you really don’t know…what means yes…and what means no, here…though you may try to guess…where you’re going…to go or not to go…you don’t know…that there is no …real way to know…how to let go while holding on…or to recognise…that there is nothing you need to try to know…to do or not to do… because everything you do…allows you to recognise that you already know that…I can say many different things…and there is no need for you to make the effort it takes…to try to make the effort to pay close attention…to each thing I say or don’t say, because there was a time when the effort to train the mind to stay on track…was not worth the trip that led the mind back to that time…or peaceful…calm awarness…of effortless letting go…getting low and knowing that you don’t need to try to hear or even understand.

>> No.17194695

Not literature or literature related. Enjoy getting fucked by a Janny. I also didn't read any of your shit but can tell its something you wrote and want praise for.

>> No.17194699

Don’t care, go to /s/

>> No.17194768

How could you know it is not literature without, quote: "reading any of it"?

This is a board for smart people you should go back to /b/.

>> No.17194791

Why don't you post this one Reddit if you were looking for praise? That website has an upvote function.
Just because you wrote this doesn't make it literature related, no matter how mind blowingly good and innovative you think your writing is.

>> No.17194875

You opinion does not matter and I further forbid you from posting in my thread again.

>> No.17194886

Oh man! Would you look at all the people flooding into this thread and calling your prose refreshing!
You're conceited and self-absorbed.

>> No.17194967

I'm not reading anything that substitutes ellipses for line breaks.

>> No.17194979

This text is shit.

>> No.17195039

Overuse of ellipsis is a sign of mental invalidity.

>> No.17195073
File: 43 KB, 465x382, aint read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself OP

>> No.17195084

Such nice prose! Write a book.

>> No.17195100
