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17191833 No.17191833 [Reply] [Original]

Here's an objective ranking of his key works from best to worst:

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from the Underground
>The Idiot

>> No.17191903
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>> No.17191937


>> No.17191952


>> No.17191961

Nah, Demons is among his worst. I enjoyed it when I was a teen but I reread it earlier this year and suddenly I started to understand Nabokov's criticisms of Dostoevsky.

The real ranking goes:

The Brothers Karamazov
The Idiot
Crime and Punishment
Notes from the Underground

>> No.17191973

why notes so low?

>> No.17191979

It's not that it's bad. It's just that the others are better.

>> No.17192016

Yes this is correct

>> No.17192042

Demons is among his best. He portrayal of the leftist psychology was dead on. He knew the end result of leftism long before anyone else

>> No.17192058

No, it's among his worst because it's too on the nose, too explicitly propagandistic. It lacks the psychological depth of some of his better work.

>> No.17192098

This. My "favorite" part is when shatov's wife comes back after years of fucking him and escaping and she's giving birth in his house and her chief preoccupation while suffering from the pains of birthing is wether shatov is truly a slavophile or not.

>> No.17192148

>too explicitly propagandistic
funny how you say that, considering that Dosto chose to have Stravogin over Pyotr as the main character precisely because he found his psychological analysis and the concept of the "absence of morality" as the supreme evil as more compelling than the troubling and darker aspects of the emerging nihilistic and radical philosophies of the time
moreover, it is very hard to justify the label "propagandistic" when the behaviors expressed by the radicals of the book so closely resemble those that indeed this plague Russia and much of the Western world at the time and even today. These discussions are also highly present in the Idiot, for example

>> No.17192176

I loved Notes from the Underground i don't know why you people rate it so low.

>> No.17192197

Why is the injured and the insulted never on these lists?
It's my favourite but I'm a midwit

>> No.17192232

Notes from Underground
White Nights

Dream of a ridiculous man


If it's not on the list I haven't read it.

>> No.17192266

If you think its propagandistic, you missed the point of it. Dosto is not making a critique of socialism, but rather a subset of nihilists that are drawn to it.

>> No.17192289

>too explicitly propagandistic
I'm gonna need an elaboration on this, I didn't get this at all from the novel.

>> No.17192328

I haven't read any of these. I was going to start with Crime and Punishment. Good. move or not?

>> No.17192336

meant good move or not?

>> No.17192341

Close. Do this instead:
>Notes from the underground
>The idiot

>> No.17193194

Yeah, it's pretty accessible, short and entertaining. I'd suggest either C&P or Notes as your first introduction. Have fun, anon.

>> No.17193284


that word doesn't mean anything here anymore. it's become just a qualifier, or an empty "or else".

>> No.17193313

Demons is his best work.

Fight me bros.

>> No.17193426

Well said, especially the Stavrogin point. The most grotesque figure in the book isn't trying to play puppet master or conjure up revolution, but he's idolized by the people who are.

>> No.17193436

Spot on

>> No.17193437

Completely agree.

>> No.17193462

*doesn't fight you*

>> No.17193493

Nah dude it was trash, worst of all those listed. Idiot best.

>> No.17194333


>> No.17194682
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bros, obviously, Notes from the Underground is his best, because the MC is literally me