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1719143 No.1719143 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna get into Mysticism. I know nothing. How do I start? I know this is pretty broad but any advice/ reading recommendations would be helpful. Thank you.

>> No.1719145

>I wanna get into Mysticism. I know nothing.
That's a given

>> No.1719153
File: 10 KB, 200x200, wizardly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Disregard sanity, reason and logic
2. Truly believe that everything has some divine cause
3. Apply your fucktarded backwards world view to life
4. See hidden meaning in meaningless randomness
5. ???????
6. Profit!

>> No.1719155

could you possibly be saying that only by naturalising mysticism can one truly explore the mystical cause that'd be a smart thing to say ja

>> No.1719154

Am I just asking a completely retarded question?

>> No.1719159

I think you're on the wrong board.

>> No.1719180

this thread is pretty funny

>> No.1719182

>only by naturalising mysticism can one truly explore the mystical
Not only. Not sure whether ideally, feels like that would contradict what's at the heart of mysticism, could just be dogma though. Mysticism and enlightenment are for me the logical extremes of what can be shown but not said.

Try something like the Tao Te Ching OP, I wouldn't class it as hard mysticism or anything but it might be a good gateway drug.

>> No.1719187

Oh, well I guess I have read that.

>> No.1719191

would a concept like "trance" suffice here. naturalism as in, the key to draw you back from teh trance. cause being all mystical all the time isn't healthy.

>> No.1719197
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>could just be dogma though
think hard about this one

>> No.1719198

btw you silly, mysticism, materialism, any metaphysical hues are applied to the second order description of the thought system.

this is to say once you think of it as "MYSTICISM!!!" when asked what you are doing, you've already lost the game. all such reflections should be clear as to the real world target of their reflection.

>> No.1719200
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i just realized
you are one delusional fuck

>> No.1719205

"Mysticism" is kind of a broad term, OP. Can you be more specific?

>> No.1719203

not if you think under a hegelian dialectic

bored, please talk to me, what does this mean ^ its in the book i have

>> No.1719202

OP here

Throw me a bone?

>> No.1719208

Here you go, moonbat. More batshit nonsense than you can comfortably read in a life time. Don't get lost and remember, there's no place like home.


>> No.1719210

no actually

relations are external

please talk with me, i hate my parents and im sad, i just want to go home

>> No.1719220

Fourteenth century for Christian mysticism. Tons of super crazy writers: on the girls team you have Julian of Norwich, Angela of Foligno, Margery of Kempe, Catherine of Sienna. For the boys there's Meister Eckhart, Bonaventura, Jan Van Ruusbroec, etc. Secularly the period birthed the Canterbury Tales, the Divine Comedy and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, so you know it was a sweet artistic climate.

>> No.1719225

OP here

I've actually downloaded that and read some of the lives of the saints, cloud of unknowing, and this other text where the guy hung out with st. Germain and explored some lost civilizations.

I just want to hear want you fine folk would recommend.

Knowledge that isn't scientific? Shared beliefs that determine how people think/live. I don't know. The more I say the dumber I sound.

>> No.1719228

>would a concept like "trance" suffice here
I prefer the more general term of 'detachment', which exists on the spectrum of attachment -- nonattachment -- detachment. It represents things like "trance" where the individual or mystic rejects a naturalistic ontology and seeks refuge completely in the ascetic, metaphysical ideal e.g. mountain yogis or whatever they're called. You detach yourself from the world, in other words.

On the other hand, you've got nonattachment, which is the sort of ideal for stuff like Zen, where you function in the naturalistic world but you also have this metaphysical doctrine at work at the same time. So you will have a Zen master who is capable of functioning perfectly well in day-to-day society.

Now, as far as I am concerned Zen and other non-attachment belief systems seem to answer your concern
>naturalism as in, the key to draw you back from teh trance

But taken one step further, I think it's fair to ask whether we can achieve the "have your cake and not eat it yet eat it" of Zen under a wholly naturalistic ontology, without metaphysical stilts. This is a pretty interesting question, and I don't have an answer for it yet.

>> No.1719229

if all of you keep ignoring me will i eventually just like, stop existing

i don't want that to happen

>> No.1719233

Thanks, I've heard of a few, will check out.

polite sage

>> No.1719236

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike
The Secret Doctrine - Madame Blavatsky
The Divine Pymander - Hermes Tsimegistus
Principia Discordia - Malacylpse the Younger
Code of the Illuminati - Abbé Barreul

These are a good start and fairly well-rounded towards western education.

>> No.1719243

are you like banned from the chat again or what

>> No.1719240

how about julius evola

>> No.1719239

pretty monistic of you cutie

i will talk about anything just please i will wikipedia every other fucking word

>> No.1719246 [DELETED] 

>You detach yourself from the world
but mystics have an ontology. it is just diluted and unformed.

all of this is put much more clearly in neuropsychological terms when that study develops further.

ontology != that which is. ontology is the categories with which the world is divided.

but you see, that very description of ontology is itself not ontological or metaphysical. it is rather, a knowledge of the body by its movements.

>> No.1719250 [DELETED] 

metaphysical multiplicity => different circuits of attachment to reality
ontological multiplicity => different analytics

>> No.1719256

Deep as a saucer, that is. Did you read special books to become a cryptic long-winded asshat, or were you born that way?

>> No.1719257

i don't even go there anymore but yeah im b&

i still hang around after the day crowd clears out but dont tell the master

>> No.1719262


>use Buddhism to justify sedentary existence

>> No.1719271

okay dude try not to fixate on the one word there and maybe engage with what's being said although I will watch my use of 'ontology' in future thank you

>> No.1719269 [DELETED] 

and i guess naturalism is just metaphysical transparency. it is the world, naively.

the different circuits should be obvious in this way

the world
i look at the world
at this point i diverges into a spirit (product of evolutionary dealings with other complex organisms, possibly natural events too, but at this point LOL the distinction should be obviously silly)
or an organism, produced by the science of the body.

>> No.1719277
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>> No.1719280

if it's deep as a saucer then i've succeeded. because, as you know, the moon in the water etc

>> No.1719289
File: 35 KB, 181x188, weabbyshitifoundonv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you lose this one?

>> No.1719292 [DELETED] 

the 2nd line is the indexical i btw. just shows that how the expression CAN be read as naive naturalism.

>> No.1719297

no candy for you.

>> No.1719299


>> No.1719301

i have some jolly ranchers fab, want some

>> No.1719303
File: 84 KB, 679x569, poofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, even my belief attributions are passive as fk. this is the ultimate zen guys.

>> No.1719308


your ontology is overly charged bitch.
there is only one category

>> No.1719309

I doubt it. I am trying to get some points across without the bother and time of writing them in 1, 1.001, 1.010, 1.1, 2, 2.0202020200222011 propositions but apparently this joker wants to be a hardass on every point I make for convenience in between taking the time to point out that, holy shit the map of the territory is itself a map, and the ego is an evolutionary product. Truly revelatory stuff.

>> No.1719312


>delete retarded comment
>flood with new posts

>> No.1719319

in the performance of that ontology, a world is disclosed
metaphysics...i'll have to look into that one. but basically it is a 2nd order reflection. ontology is first order structure.

>> No.1719320

>the map of the territory is itself a map
herp derp at night idiot's delight. I meant *is itself territory

>> No.1719325

>the ego
no you silly. looks like you'll never make it out of the forest.

>> No.1719329

peanut gallery need not comment.

>> No.1719334

the cartesian subject, the 'I', the soul, call it whatever you want