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/lit/ - Literature

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1719023 No.1719023 [Reply] [Original]

Curious to know /lit/'s recs on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer-related books that would fall under 'classics' / must-reads.

>> No.1719026

try Maurice by EM Forster

>> No.1719025
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>> No.1719036

How about More Ice by I'm a Forester

>> No.1719041

Sonnet 20, SP.

>> No.1719045

Samuel R. Delany incorporates a lot of gay themes into his sci-fi.

>> No.1719048
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i think you mean Delany incorporates a couple of SF themes in his gay writing. read "Dahlgren" and try to deny it.

>> No.1719058


Whatever you say, dickfist. Either way, Delany is one of the best Sci-fi gayboys.

Also OP, when it comes to gay lit, just fucking google - there's scads of it. Wilde, Genet, Gide, Whitman, Proust, fucking hell the list just goes on and on.

Actually, a lot of frenchies in there. Are any of those guys heterosexual?

>> No.1719060

Orton Diaries - Joe Orton.
Queer - William Burroughs.
*The Sluts - Dennis Cooper.
Gary Indiana - Three Month Fever.
*Go Tell It on the Mountain - James Baldwin
Jean Genet - Our Lady of the Flowers / Querelle of Brest
Quentin Crisp - The Naked Civil Servant
Scott Heim - Mysterious Skin
*Georges Bataille - Story Of The Eye

They're my favourite books that fit into those categories. I wouldn't ever really have thought I'd read that much queer fiction - and that listed is just the stuff I thought was really decent. Need to read some more MASC stuff.


>> No.1719062
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>Classic LGBT literature
>a universal LGBT experience
hey fabby tell us how bad it is to be enslaved by the straight man again...

>> No.1719064


Queer books, not queer writers. I couldn't consider anything Wilde has ever written as a classic queer/gay/yada book.

>> No.1719069
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>my face when fags baww about NAMBLA while proudly claiming pederasts like gide and wilde as their own

>> No.1719071

wait so fags actually complain about getting replacement parents for the ones that made them gay in the first place? what spoilt attention-whores.

>> No.1719079
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MFW sexually active gay men pre 1950 are pedos but not equivalent hetro male logic

>> No.1719081

Also I'll add Rimbaud's collected works (Picador)

>> No.1719097


Don't forget Burroughs - He liked to fuck the young 'uns in north africa as well. He was also a brilliant writer, but Wilde wasn't. Gide fucking rocks though. The Counterfeiters is a must-read.

>> No.1719104
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>brilliant writer
>not brilliant writer

>> No.1719113


I'll admit that with ease; burroughs was a pervert young-ass lover.

Males have always loved young lovers, especially if you rewind 30/40/50 years - it doesn't discriminate sexuality. It's relatively new fashion to be disgusted by that kind of lechery.

>> No.1719117

do i have to be a young lover to mend my heart /lit/? i cant see what else i can give an adult...

>> No.1719127

Wilde isn't even gay you fucking tards he had a wife and kids

>> No.1719130



>> No.1719149

What about Transgender lit?

>> No.1719166

I would say Ayn Rand. That dude had some issues.

>> No.1719223

You and the guy who was looking for Jewish lit should team up and have a Chabon book club

>> No.1719272


some fags get married .

>> No.1719399

yeah but my point is you're all being very closed minded in writing him off as "LGBT" lit and imo sexualities shouldn't have existed for a good decade or three

>> No.1719423


>> No.1719489

speaking of

>> No.1719508

not read it, but my ex-girlfriend who i still have feelings for guize >>>/adv/ rated Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, and she had good taste in literature

>> No.1719530

we really ought to get together a recs list for lez lit. this thread gets made every other week and the boys have their shit on lock but it's always weak on the lesbian-focused/authored stuff

>> No.1719547


The Picture of Dorian Gray is one big gay fest, and The Importance of Being Ernest is the most obvious metaphor for homosexuality you can get without actual buttfucking. Also, due to Wilde's personal life and the circunstances at the time he wrote it, his letters in De Profundis are very relevant to gay history.


>> No.1719551
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Anything by Jean Genet, especially The Miracle of the Rose and The Thief's Journal.
He also made an interesting gay short movie in 1950, A Song of Love : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9g5uv_jean-genet-un-chant-d-amour-part-1_creation

>> No.1719554

yeah but writing his literary input off as "gay" is worse than never reading it because he's gay

imo sexuality is dead and for barbarians

>> No.1719565

Butch ol' Oscar? Big, bearded, bonking, butch Oscar, the terror of the ladies, 114 illegitimate children, world heavyweight boxing champion and author of the best-selling pamphlet 'Why I Like To Do It With Girls'?

/lit/, you offend me.

>> No.1719570

lol, that's what every closet case who still harbors fantasies of having some form of a semi-conventional heterosexual marriage says

>> No.1719590
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I just read this today: very good (& Tennessee Williams-approved, at least in the edition I have), but not as good as The Member of the Wedding, but the queerness is more blatant than it is there

>> No.1719591

Except sexuality has never been so damn relevant. If you're personally offended by it, then I'm sorry, but don't deny it exists.

>> No.1719603


Tell me some good lez stuff. I'm the fag who wrote the long list. I can only remember reading Colour Purple and.... the female eunich WHICH DOESN'T even count as LEZ OF COURSE


Yeah, OK, it's true. Wilde: plop him up there on the faggy literally cannon. Bitch should be more x-plicit else he don't count with me. I want hard throbbing bent cocks, not cock-tease romps with metaphors.

>> No.1719605

>Imploding you categorise pre-1980 authors' sexual orientations.

>> No.1719614

it exists only as a societal label

i know that sounds trite and bleeding heart but it's true

>imploding you should

>> No.1719626

How about a vampire novel with hot teen lesbians that predates Bram Stoker's Dracula? read 'Carmilla'. Also the snippet I read of Rubyfruit Jungle was surprisingly entertaining, though it's obviously a young adult novel.

And that's all I got -- man, that's depressing. It's not for lack of interest, but even among contemporary stuff I really can't think of any good lesbian books at all.

Likewise, I can't think of any decent transgender fiction novels unless Orlando counts.

For gay dude stuff: seconding the votes for Wilde and Burroughs. My personal favorite is Yukio Mishima though -- read Portrait of a Mask, it's short and really poetic.

>> No.1719644


There's a reason for the lack of big flopping dicks in Wilde, given the time period he wrote in. Teleny is a gay romance with explicit sex, and was anonymously written during Wilde's lifetime and was probably co-authored by him. (And a well-written tease is more exciting that outright porn to me, but anyway.)

>> No.1719653

list-fag again. Kitchen by Banana for the tranz representation!

>> No.1719817

Fun Home by Alison Bechdel if you can kick it with ~graphic novels~

>> No.1719823

OP here. I asked in the first place because /lit/ has some great lists of stuff, such as in the Wikia pages, and I have "just fucking googled" it before and am currently in an LGBT culture and lit class - I asked because I wanted to hear /lit/'s recs and ideas of what might constitute essentials. And yes, I'm aware that sexualities were chiefly not pathologized until comparatively recent times blah blah blah, but that does not mean there are not older books out there that are not relevant to queer stuff if they explore same-sex relationships, gender-variance, etc. - there certainly are. Wilde = totally relevant to this stuff, no contest. So...those who gave recommendations, thank you! Material assigned in the class I'm in:
James Baldwin - Giovanni's Room
Ann Bannon - Beebo Brinker
Radclyffe Hall - The Well of Loneliness
Yukio Mishima - Confessions of a Mask
Oscar Wilde - De Profundis

I would suggest Leslie Feinberg's 'Stone Butch Blues' in the way of trans-relevant fiction.

>> No.1719850

2nd this strongly.

though a comic book, much of the memoir is taken up with reflections on works of literature.

>> No.1719873


Thanks, I have no problem with Graphic Novels. I'll defo check out. Anyone read the Invisbles? It has a tranny in it, a tranny witch doctor, and a lesbian leader of a feminist 'terrorist' cell. Shit's so cash.

>> No.1719883

the invisibles is so dope, i love grant morrison a bunch

also, in the field of 'books about upper-class books fucking around with dudes in their youth and then settling down with chicks', you can't go wrong with Brideshead Revisited

>> No.1719889

I read it a few years ago, and I don't if it was my age, but I thought it was pretty great.

Fun Home is good too, in a different way. It has good, solid characters and is very insightful. I was also just discovering my sexuality when I first read it (I was around 14 or something), so it holds some personal value.

>> No.1719930

ahh me too

i got all WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS at the part where she realizes she's gay (as opposed to just "smarter than other girls" - lol) while looking through a book in the gay lit section of the bookstore

>> No.1719938

Lesbian, gay, bi,.... terrific?

>> No.1720283

transgender, but terrific is also accurate

>> No.1720466

Check out some Yukio Mishima, OP. Forbidden Colors and Confessions of a Mask especially.

>> No.1720737

The City And the Pillar, Gore Vidal

>> No.1721045

Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City

>> No.1721692

Some people call me Maurice
Cause' I speak of the pompetous of love

>> No.1721745

Goodbye to Berlin, by Christopher Isherwood. Strongly recommend this one.

>> No.1721781
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Kathy Acker

>> No.1723586

Olivia: A Novel by Dorothy Strachey.

Lots of hot girl on girl action, and not just a bunch of broads sitting around and talking and talking and talking, I promise.