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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 220x293, baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17189785 No.17189785 [Reply] [Original]

>If there is any glory in not being understood, or in being only very slightly so, I may without boasting say that with this little book I have at a single stroke both won and deserved that glory.
Meaninglets better swerve. There are good arguments against obscurantism in philosophy, but what charges can you lay at art's edifice? The artist is under no obligation to fulfill the puerile needs of that last vestigial holdout: the reader. An artist diminishes himself when he finds himself kowtowed the expectations of the general public. The final insult to a lifetime of injury is that it's the insipid "reader" who gets the final say. Revolt, revolt!

>> No.17189820

Am I ever going to make it if I have a similarly shaped skull?

>> No.17189880

I wanted to answer you with the head of Baudelaire photoshoped as a lightbulb and as a hot-air ballon and say you were going to make it. I'm too lazy so just imagine it.

>> No.17191194

I haven't looked into the philosophy but there is much discussion about authenticity. I feel like even the knowledge of a possible audience poisons some work

>> No.17191263

>that last vestigial holdout: the reader
obscurantism =/= the writer not knowing what the words he's using mean
Bau isn't even that difficult

Art without an audience is the exact opposite of authenticity.

>> No.17191272

Especially today, where every genre is supposed to be directed at a specific market, and every book has to come out labeled and attached to a specific selling genre. Also, new labels like YA do bot even refer to a specific aesthetic or content, just to who you're aiming to sell it to.
The fear of being lost in the sea of books published every year will also play a role, forcing one to tailor its book to the taste of its potential readers more than he otherwise might have.

>> No.17191366
File: 6 KB, 185x293, 414Y0F7498L._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this. The only reason to write is to try to have at least one reader who think what you wrote is worthwhile.
Valery on Mallarmé in Variétés :
>Je disais quelques fois à Stéphane Mallarmé :
>"L'un vous blâme ; l'autre vous nargue. Vous irritez, vous faites pitié. Le chroniqueur, à vos dépens, amuse aisément l'univers, et vos amis hochent la tête...
>Mais savez-vous, sentez-vous ceci : qu'il est dans chaque ville en France un jeune homme secret qui se ferait hacher pour vos vers et pour vous ?"