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/lit/ - Literature

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17189699 No.17189699 [Reply] [Original]

Since the other thread was deleted for no reason, let's continue the discussion of this book and the ideology.

>> No.17191129

modernist garbage, read Evola

>> No.17191180 [DELETED] 

Reported. Fuck fascists.

>> No.17191183

Very funny ironic post anon

>> No.17191190

>a materialist political scheme
>as spiritual doctrine

>> No.17191632 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17191843 [DELETED] 

I reported you for announcing a report.

>> No.17192201

>the other thread was deleted for no reason
No, there was a reason. You posted wrongthink. Janniggers and Trannyfly constantly delete rightwing threads. We recently had multiple threads about Hitler's favorite authors deleted.

>he hasn't even read the pamphlet in OP's pic related, yet he feels the need to be a snarky know-it-all

>> No.17192217

Would you guys say the book serves as a good introduction to the fascist doctrine?

>> No.17192237

The guy is literally t. fascist - the official philosopher, and this is his main text apart from the Mussolini book that he ghostwrote, so yes.

>> No.17192268

Excellent, thanks anon

>> No.17192294

Just wanted to say extremely based thread.

>> No.17192296 [DELETED] 
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>Reported. Fuck fascists.

>> No.17192450

But you have no proof I reported anything, that's merely and unselected box

>> No.17192871

>We recently had multiple threads about Hitler's favorite authors deleted.
I remember, those were actually good threads.