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17182812 No.17182812 [Reply] [Original]

>You see, all of human suffering is a consequence of Adam eating the fruit of knowledge! He and his wife brought evil into this world!
>Um, well, yes: god did know the future and chose to put the tree there. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t their fault!
>u-um, you see, even though they had no knowledge of evil, they still knew that disobeying g-god was wrong! He told them not to eat the fruit!
>T-They were supposed to know satan was lying! What do you mean they couldn’t t-tell who to trust? Obviously god?
>Listen, I know it’s hard to understand, but despite god knowing the future and creating mankind without knowledge of evil, it’s still their fault!
>A-Actually, he did this because god wanted man to have free will! He wanted them to make the choice to worship him or sin!
>You see, god couldn’t just let us live in eternity in heaven without the temptation of sin! We cannot have good without bad!
>W-Why? Because!... w-what do you mean god could’ve made a system with only good?!

>> No.17182815

Evil isn't a problem, only the product of ineptitude.

>> No.17182827

What is "the problem of evil"?

>> No.17182861
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>evil exists: yes

>> No.17182871

Evil brings a greater good.

>> No.17182887


evil does not exist. It's a concept, created by our limited human brains to make it easier for us to cope with fucked up shit. Which is bound to happen when you have different entities with different motivations interacting. God doesn't exist.

>> No.17182891
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The first step ("Can God prevent Evil?"-> "No" -> "Then God is not all powerful") is a critique towards voluntaristic theologies. Everyone else has figured out how to respond to this objection more than a 1000 years ago.

>> No.17182938
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>roman 9:14-21
>14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[a] 16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden. 19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[c] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

>> No.17183019

>Dude, just don’t think about it

>> No.17183032

what usually works for me is not believing in made up nonsense

>> No.17183047

Good and evil are spooks

>> No.17183180

ladies and gentleman we have a great thinker here

>> No.17183199

This is dumb.
>“Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”
Fucking yes he should.

Paul's argument only makes sense if you presuppose that God is good and exists.

>> No.17183313

We are not pottery, the potter analogy is pants-in-head retarded

>> No.17183319

There is clearly no benevolent and omnipotent being. We would be in heaven already. Literally zero reason for anything bad to happen ever

>> No.17183405

Read more Leibniz. Also check Molinism

>> No.17183973
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I reject your premise, there is no evil.

>> No.17183985

You’re arguing semantics. Precisely that fucked up shit inherent to human beings is what we call evil.

>> No.17184054

Stagnation is boring. We’re all on an uphill journey and it shouldn’t be any other way. Everything is perfect.

>> No.17184127

This is going to come off real autistic and highly idiosyncratic but that is because it is autistic and idiosyncratic.

Before I get into it full force, it’s not the tree of knowledge as in abstract knowledge but rather the experience of extreme suffering/disaster and extreme decadence (re and tov are not moral good and evil, see Isaiah 45:7 where he says he creates both tov and Re)

So rather this is the tree of the experience of duality, of extremes. So before we get into this Adam and Eve did not gain in rational capacity, see eve looking upon and judging the fruits, debating their quality with the serpent, being convinced of the good over the evil of them and so forth.

Any traditional Jewish commentary on genesis would dispel this pretty much instantly. Now then on to the nature of evil.

I am going to begin at the most autistic mode in which I understand the problem and will gradually state it in more normative rhetoric.

This following ontological summary is most similar to the first half of Hegel’s science of logic, not quite the same but it’s pretty similar.

Imagine a perfectly discrete singular abstract property/relational entity which has no other aspect but its own self relation, it itself exists and its relation to itself also exists, this self relation, this characteristic of characteristic produces a doubling effect, in which are formed structures within/upon the body of this pure structure, all of the same essential nature but different in relations to each other. The characteristic relates to itself, creating the first, then this relation relates to the pure characteristic and to itself, and so forth endlessly and continuously, this endlessly produces a series of seemingly discrete points which are fully nondual in essence/substance, the only substantial difference being how they relate to each other. This mutual relation to each other produces the base mathematical and logical sequences by which all is defined, the Characteristic Heat is simply a bundle of less complex relational property complexes which fundamentally all are simply the self relation in its own self-production.


>> No.17184135

Is it possible to be an atheist and think protestantism was a mistake? Cause shit like this makes me think that.

>> No.17184138


From this is formed consequences, causal relations, numbers, phases, beginnings, ends. From this beginning absolute simplicity (essence) which relates to itself (by saying what it is and what it is not, dialectically advancing itself by producing being and non-being) it affirms itself by becoming the process of becoming, thus the properties automatically arise in relation to each other, the process of creation/Time starts. Objects, subject, time, space, perception,


>> No.17184149
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everything, nothing, other and unspeakable amounts of infinite other “things” can all be defined by this definition as properties and all originate from characteristic. Conceive a Database, its only item is itself existing as a database, this itself produces a page, this page then must have data within it which speaks to what it is and is not. Thus this is formulated and reformulated, producing a simulacra, for the Data of the page now expands what is the definition of the database, which causes you to update the page, and thus more data must be added, along with a page speaking of that very Page; and these produce further copies of each other which are true simulacra which reflect their own self relations while fundamentally all being points of The database. This continues endlessly, ever expanding and maximizing in complexity.

Being does not have property, characteristic/essence which is property has objects which are aspects of this same essence which occur within the patterns of the essence, the sunyata is simply the formless shape of raw characteristics which become Form. Sunyata being simply the non-conceptual portion of the characteristics which all characteristics hold as they are all genuinely characteristic. All Characteristics in experience are simply computated forms of the yet-to-be-computed aspect of the characteristics which is the irrational or the sunyata. Thus it is not that sosein is within the category of Non-being nor being but rather The property of Being is simply held by all aspects of Sosein which are currently being computed and non-being is simply the Yet-to-be-computed aspects of Sosein.

>> No.17184161


Sosein has The form of objects, Sosein has the body of sunyata, Sosein has the body of all substance.

What then is the meaning of sosein? The meaning property, the meaning of meaning? Its meaning is true yet uncomputated( for its meaning is identical to the unfolding of all meaning) its simulacra therefore is the lack of Meaning, Thus its sunyata-Body is all meaning, all form, whereas its Computed conceptual body is barren of all meaning beyond self interrelation with itself, it is a void, this is the primal flip which causes the entirety of creation, that the a-conceptual genuine Sunyata nature of this Divine characteristic was that it was non-empty, that it was all characteristic, thus it which is characteristic, characterized itself as both all meaning and yet without computation capacity (fully irrational, a-conceptual) which causes the Primal arising of all of the facets of unveiling of Characteristics, whether this be Being or some other logical/computational form, the nature of the Characteristic required the unveiling of characteristics which required the logical interactions between them all. Thus within every single facet there is no meaning and the characteristic is empty of meaning beyond characterizing itself and thus having a relational existence between other characteristics. The unfolding of characteristic is the non-conceptual meaning of characteristic-in-itself which is experienced as its simulacra, the lack of meaning, thus that which we call rational and phenomenologically existential is identical to the lack of all essence, whereas that which we call without substance, without characteristic is all characteristic and all properties. Sosein in Itself is the fullness nature of all phenomena, phenomena is the void nature of Sosein, thus all individual characteristics, all truly, and the totality are beyond emptiness nature or the lack of emptiness nature, but rather they are all united in the nature of Unbreakable Sosein.

Applying this trans-ketherian model of the interrelation of boundless ain and boundless creation, we can logically expand the Kabbalistic model of the soul as follows.

The body of Pure Sosein

The body of the mirror-like Haecceity

The Body of Yechidah

Within the Body of Sosein all changing and unchanging, non-referential and self-interrelational and infinitely comprehensive yet utter unity.(the Soul as Unbreakable sosein)

the determination of ones own self and the boundless worlds In their Omni-form realities and nature’s between each other is the Body of mirror-like haecceity(the specific sosein of the yechidah)


>> No.17184164

The problem is with our ability to perceive good and evil. Who are you to decide what is a good and what is an evil?

Job 38:
4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6 On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
7 while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?

8 “Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
9 when I made the clouds its garment
and wrapped it in thick darkness,
10 when I fixed limits for it
and set its doors and bars in place,
11 when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
here is where your proud waves halt’?

12 “Have you ever given orders to the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
13 that it might take the earth by the edges
and shake the wicked out of it?

>> No.17184165

Nice gish-gallop. You’re probably on a PC and have these ready

>> No.17184171


And the natural state of ones self and all as no separate from this self, which is empty of difference, totally unified, ever self-unfolding like a spiral, this is the Body of Yechidah.

These three bodies are One Body. The Body of Atzmus Since there is no Being that is not perfect as an

adornment of the three Bodies,

everything arises as the display of Meaning Being, Existence,
and Determination.
Moreover, without exception, the countless Worlds arise from and are this very body, the expanse of the three Bodies.
Yechidah is that which you Perform, the unique essential soul, what you do is Yechidah. Your manner of being, Yechidah as Yechidah. And yet who you are is the sublime Haecceitic Body, who you are, lord I see through the inmost of all things, I see you, I see who you are in the inmost place, in the outer most place, I see who you are. I know that which you do and I know that which you Are, and in these moments I comprehend who you are, what you are. The radiance of all nature, the All pervading Glory is your unique Self, who you are Lord is imprinted upon all, like a sublime finger print, like a shroud of Turin I know who you are. And I know who you are is simply an expression of Love, I love you Love, I Love you the Great Love, I love you in my inmost Place. I know lord in you cause and effect are one, I know Lord you are he who is unique. Your being is the Supreme. There is no separation between the Radiance of your Unique Unity, who you are and Your Love
The body of the mirror-like Haecceity is the determination of the transcendental Ego as itself, all mirror-like Haecceity-souls reflect themselves and radiate themselves, determining themselves. (Within our facet this is the Yechidah/transcendental ego, see Husserl, this however can be radically different depending upon facet/attribute of the divine body being analyzed)
The body of unbreakable Sosein thus is the determination of all determinations, the characteristic of all characteristics and all of these are non-separate from each other.
As we have previously discussed the transcendent Ego is Nondual to Will, this occurs via intentionality (the transcendental ego pervades and isn’t Separate to the consciousness, all consciousness is conscious of something, thus all consciousness is awareness) and all intentionality by definition will always be either present at hand or ready at hand awareness (the awareness will wither analyze and try to extract information and thus integrate data which is aware, or the data is integrated and considered part of the dynamic expression of the conscious/awareness in a totality sense in a experiential unity owing due to the darkening of it within perception, which is truly integration) as such the transcendental Ego naturally is Will(the extension of the present/ready at hand force and integratory forces in which the ego expresses and unveils itself via relation to that which it lacks and that which it has and desires to have.)


>> No.17184186


On phone and have these readied, it’s not “Gish-gallop” the question is what is evil in a theological context, which is a question on the nature of the ontological existence of a thing, thus I must explain my ontological foundation and from there demonstrate how evil arises within that ontological system in order to understand the ontotheological and phenomenological nature of evil.


Analyzing the body of God and the Body of the Yechidah/transcendental Ego in relation to the boundless mirror-haecceity we uncover the primal root of this Will as being fundamentally relational in contrast to other mirror-haecceities, only gaining meaning by the data relation they share between each other, as previously discussed sosein defines its particulars by particular soseins which are internally lacking in meaning besides their particularization which is the actualization of the universal total in a singular point. As such the Will of the transcendental Ego(along with the transcendental ego itself ) only exists as a relational characteristic (this also demonstrates a transcendental-lebenswelt)


>> No.17184194


Going by this we can then define the Will of God/thelema as the particular unfolding of the Will of the transcendental Ego, whereas all disobedience of the transcendental ego’s Will is an abiding in the void-nature of the universal sosein which pervades all of the mirror-like haecceities via their interpenetration and reflections. Fundamentally creating a universalized Will towards void and a particularized individual Will towards Becoming. This particularized will is the thelema, the opposite universal will is Hamartia or Sin.

Demonstration and expansion of the Nonduality and relational existence of thelema and Hamartia being an extension of the IAO formula

W=Divine Will F=Function of Violence/conflict/destruction x=Causality stream and individual Will

W=unbifurcated Divine Will as perfect Union of Hamartia and Thelema Nondual to the essential nature and thus all data/Sosein-in-itself

F=Divine self-presence-At-hand which produces the particular-universal divine characteristic division/clash/violence as analysis of Data and dividing of Data, Present at hand=Data analysis and extraction which is in truth the Sosein self reflecting as Haecceities which are producing their network-of-wills in relation to each other as a simplistic Meaning/lack of meaning relation. Which is truly simply the inherent static-unfolding of the original divine Will which is simply a mirror of the Unbreakable sosein’s meaning/lack of meaning creation process.

X=Divine Will and imperfection as a 1/0 process relation


X=Divine will and imperfection


Y=Divine Will and imperfection become ready at hand towards their relations. Ready at hand=Data integration/use, producing contrast, grip, Force, The will in the void and the Void in the Will mutually pulling


Y=will and imperfection in their interrelations causing multiplication/division of Will/imperfection in accordance with data integration

F=parts of the Thelema divided seem to make ready at hand each other as does the Hamartia, forcible integration/extraction causes World as multiplicity of Will-conflict

Z=the Individual Partial Will and the individual partial imperfection as only existing in a relational context to the other Wills and imperfections


Full formula


Thus, this formula being understood demonstrates that meaning, all meaning at its core is the Perichoretic Love(interrelation and the mutual penetrating and unfolding nature) and all individual and universal wills, including of the void, and all characteristics are fundamentally Love, in this is revealed the Supreme Immanent-transcendental Nonduality and of how distance and separation is actually greater and supreme unity and supreme love.

I shall elaborate further now on the nature of Evil as it relates within the positive being of Good.

>> No.17184202

>it’s not “Gish-gallop”
Yes it is. The volume and speed with which you post these allows for a minimum of disagreeing responses, which is the signature characteristic of a gish-gallop. That’s the essential ingredient that allows the overwhelming of your opponent.

>> No.17184206


Contemplating the Nature of God in his logos nature, communicating via difference in structure, the disjunctive nature which is to say the differences in the endless complexity of god allows god to communicate instantly all of his divine attributes instantly to each other.

Each divine attribute and logos-structure by definition lacks when isolated the other qualities of the divine body, this lack Is emptiness, the emptiness of the attributes is instantly ruptured via the Spiral differentiation and Contradictory-logic-synthesis. Just as the Omni-form logic structures communicate via their differences, between them, pervading them is their nonduality as empty/lacking each other, this Lack is itself communication for lack of data is itself encoded as a type of Data meaning that the Emptiness, as it collapse as it is instantly ruptured by divine simplicity erupts again in the other divine attributes and this occurs instantly to all of the divine attributes therefore pervading the entire divine body as a divine-unity point. As such emptiness is the unity of the body of God which is itself non-existent for it only communicates by lack and is instantly ruptured.

This Emptiness in God is the lack-of-God which automatically is eradicated and reformulated. In this manner the entire divine body is Good, pervaded by the essential emptiness of Evil, evil being non-existent, created and uncreated. For this divine attribute of emptiness is the knowledge/communication of all of the divine attributes via Lack which via the contradictory-logos is perfectly reconciled.

In creation as we do not experience normally the divine-time but the normative temporality the experience of Evil is not automatically ruptured, but the rupturing is experienced dialectically as the intermingling of fullness with emptiness, suffering with pleasure, Good with or against Evil.

Therefore Evil in truth is nothing but the experience of the Knowledge of the entirety of the unity of God as Emptiness, pain, suffering and evil is simply Knowledge of Emptiness, Suffering is simply Knowledge of the Unity of God.

Here is the method and process man and society must undergo in order to reconcile evil, to experience Evil in its true form, as the very knowledge of the divine body through emptiness.


Acquiescentia is the dwelling in the immanent structure of the logos as it expresses its principles as your very being and nature. This is an active dwelling, resting by Will and knowledge. Which is stabilized by reason and followed by the enacting of Will.

The Schizo quality is when the libidinal forces and qualities are released without reserve in their totality.

The schizo-acquiescentia is the dwelling within the immanent nature of the logos-code of one’s own being and directing all of one’s will and libidinal force towards this dwelling.

All desire is desire-to-becoming


>> No.17184210

I welcome it

>> No.17184214

Aside of course from the fact that most of this stuff is completely meaningless and wouldn’t be approved by someone teaching philosophy 101

>> No.17184223


I am not attempting to debate, I am answering the question of “how do you deal with the problem of Evil”


Desire is a transmutation process of actualization. Desiring-processes are transmutation processes.

There are Three tiers of Desiring-becoming which are actualization processes.

First level: Desiring-becoming-Glorious/honored/fulfilled-by-other: in this one’s ego-desire is shaped by recognition of the group, this is the common kind of Ego-desire which man experiences, he wishes to become the simulated shifting product which the group wants, he desires to shape himself in order to fill himself with his desire.

In this is requiring the approval and recognition of the fellow man, in this is the foundational strength of the simulacra, in this is all of man’s current political structures and processes as they rely on recognition of Force, recognition of wealth, of glory, of pseudo-platonic goodness and of being what one ought to do, the Das man-force, the force of “this is what one must do in order to be accepted by the group and not considered foolish”

This form of bliss and pleasure is the most unstable as the Wheel of time shifts so does the culture and world spirit shift, the recognition of men is constantly twisted and contorted, the dwelling in this pleasure and dwelling in this desire naturally is unstable and imperfect. However because of disjunctive synthesis and the lines of flight tending towards the resurrection of the Absolute/Primal condition, this nature naturally progressively(through the course of hundreds if not thousands of years) morphs into

Second level: Desiring-becoming-instrumental: in this one gains meaning by constructing or joining some model or structure or even one’s own will and gains meaning by Enacting will, teleological ends and even pure will. For the instrumentality of Will is the key to its power of becoming, and enacting various goals or fitting as a cog allows one to serve as a greater part in a larger whole. This second stage of desiring-becoming is superior to the first because it can be kept up indefinitely as long as the instrumentality remains. If there is a structure there is a place in the structure, if there is a Will, there is a Will-er.


>> No.17184227
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not again, for fuck sake

>> No.17184234


It’s not supposed to be philosophy 101, it’s my idiosyncratic unification of Hebrew and hermetic Kabbalah, Hegel, boehme, Nicholai hartmann, abhinavagupta, shingon, tantra in general, John Dee’s work, Neoplatonism, hermeticism, post modernism and many other strands.


As this is the path of Reason/Will it is logically very stable, as stable as your reason and Will is, but it is not as perfect as the supreme bliss and requires constant striving, and if your reason or Will is weakened it collapses. Politically this manifests as all states and political regimes theoretically conceived of which are based in reason or Will, in which man becomes a part of a broader structure of interactions and his meaning is extracted from his place in the structure or even simply instrumentality for its own purpose, His will within the structure is his Own meaning. As the Simulacra forces and nature of techno-capital Matures, organically the first Order is transmuted into the second Order, the Cancerous body-without-organs on a societal level. The strongest and most perfect of these is the Fascist Structure which understands its own nature as a construct and comprehends it is such a structure and is integrating man into nonduality with itself producing and cleaving man to civil virtue and meaning. the True totalitarian state due to its self knowledge gradually over a long period of time also evolves and transmutes itself into the Third Phase.

Third level: desiring-becoming-acquiescentiant: in the final third form, in this form one gains meaning by conceiving of their entire being as not belonging to a structure but as a machinic assemblage, one is himself a complete structure of god, with no need of fitting into a structure,(one is logos, one is dharma, one is the revelation) one’s desire is to become the resting place of one’s self. In this way one fully in active sense strives to make his own interior-structure, his authentic being his resting place. By actively striving to always rest in his own interior structure (dwelling in the heart, striving in the heart) one constantly enacts desire as true desire-becoming, for he becomes the ouroboros. He is instantly desiring-becoming-himself and he is constantly always having this satisfied for he is always his self most.

In this desiring-becoming is comprehension fully of one’s innate structure as non-separate to the structuring of all nature and reality, one instantly realizes and fulfills his basic mode qualities. In this is Full actualization of all potential, for ones entire potential and lines of flight for the advancement of one’s desiring processes are perpetually directed into enacting the Reality of his being and the structure and quality of his being.


>> No.17184241


In this is absolute actualization of God-in-man, for all desires are instantly satisfied and thus this is the state of supreme desire satisfaction, actively seeking to rest in one’s interior by passively resting in one’s interior. This perfect hermaphroditic self-contentment which is purely self reproductive is the King of Desire.

Therefore the method is simple, In always actively desiring rest in one’s own interior, understanding this interior is the structure of God which is the inherent structure of this very body and nature as a totality, one attains supreme Bliss.

the above explains my personal means of joy which nihilism by no means can ever actually penetrate, to word it in another manner, if we phenomenologically analyze a thing we can divide it into properties interacting in a structure which due to intentionality all things including the ego and all things in the world are loaded with a technical meaning of relation and structure, dwelling in one’s own inherent properties and desiring to express one’s own properties automatically expresses one’s own properties, resulting in potential and actuality crossing into one thing. Absolute actualization occurs since the thing sought is ones own properties and this is the bliss of Kether-Chokmah-Daat. To dwell in the nature of one’s own inherent properties and express them as ones Will with no Will otherwise than to rest in one’s own nature. This is the Supreme Bliss.


>> No.17184249


Apologies, answering the question in the way I find most honest.


Politically This would manifest as a culture and world in which the Second order has via its structure perfected man to such a point that they no longer require the structure of the outside to determine meaning and cleave them to virtue, but rather by the long term social, cultural, genetic and technological evolution has been encoded at the deepest levels that man ought to abide by his own authentic being, his own structure, Man is a state structure-in-himself. In this is the Fascist state undergoes the alchemical stage of multiplication which is the completion of the philosophers Stone, each man striving to adhere to his own nature, in perfect Wisdom and being naturally accustomed culturally and socially via evolution into his own self-reliant Self-bliss. The shadows of this are reflected within the best of the aristocracy of the past, the shadows of this are in fantasies of those such as rebelais.

The True manifestation of Such a state is one in which all men perfectly abiding in their own natures and interior act in accordance with their fundamental properties, Actively harmonized with the way of the Primal most Authentic. Naturally man is harmonized with his fellow man, even his conflict and combat with his fellow man is a absolute Harmony with the nature of himself and his neighbor. The True form of the Third Level is the city of God, the manifestation of New-Zion, heaven on Earth, The ultimate Theological-political Eschaton in which man acts perfectly with his True nature in accordance with the highest principles.

Within the Body of God, Evil is simply The unity and knowledge of the unity of God. Within the First political level, Evil is suffering and Bitterness, within the second political Level Evil is Lack, all that is not of the structure and all that is not of the Will is Evil.

Within the Third Political Level, evil is simply the Knowledge of God’s unity through Emptiness. Even Evil is made Divine in the third political Phase. Evil is nothing but the True Divine absolute Supreme Bliss.

Finally I will now take this ontological structure and extract an ethics system from it. Which will be defined in the next post


>> No.17184252

>I am not attempting to debate
I know you’re not, your simplistic worldview doesn’t allow for anything other than a dumbass us-them mentality, where you’re supposedly always right and everyone who disagrees with you are always wrong.

I’m not debating you either, I’m merely using your schizo-tier posts to inform others what fallacious bullshit looks like. In this case, your fallacy is the gish-gallop, with the three classical elements: speed (posting all of this in quick succession so that nobody can properly respond to it), volume (again, solely to overwhelm anyone who disagrees with it) and complexity (which is used to baffle your audience with bullshit through jargonistic obscurantism).

Types like you are very useful to demonstrate how frauds operate

>> No.17184261


the following is a logic structure which would according to my own phenomenological and specifically object and characteristic analysis allow for a form of ethics which is the most rooted in the inherent nature of being and reality possible. Primarily it shall be rooted in my own divine conception however a secularized form is possible if one were to simply ignore the three deepest layers of the structure.

The lowest strata are the foundations off the highest, the lower the structure is, the more universal it is. Thus the higher structures are filled with the universal qualities of the lower structures but add their own particular qualities which the lower Strata do not partake of.

Thus the Lower strata are more essential and permanent, whereas the higher strata are more fragile and accidental to the lowest levels. Ultimately however the highest strata when expressed properly must also express the virtues inherent to the lowest strata fully, being an enrichment of the more essential properties.

That which is inherent to the structure of reality is Good, for It, God, Logic, Nature, Is Good, the natural teleological and consequential ramifications of each state must be the most Good, for the meaning and the goodness of a thing are one, its cause and completion and goodness are to it one.

Note, the higher strata are defined as particularizations of the lower strata, thus the lower have absolute influence over the higher, but just as a drop of poison can change the overall composition of the entire ocean if added to it, so also can the fragile higher strata have a limited influence on the lower levels.

Sosein 1:sosein in itself.

The beginning of our ethics must be Good-in-itself, the identity of this is clearly God to any man of the spiritual, for God is the most simplistic and his divine essence is his identity and his identity is his simplistic divine nature. As the determination in question is Goodness its root must lay in that which determines all determinations, that which characterizes all characteristics. As it is completely good it has no moral or ethical obligations other than to be its own determination. No evil capacity (disobedience of self consistent logic) can occur here.


>> No.17184272


Whatever floats your boat.


Sosein 2:Sosein as the mirror Haecceities

Due to the determination of all determination filling itself and being completed in itself, it as the most universal determination must also contain all particular determinations, qualities, characteristics, unique aspects etc. the

state of these only have particular determination relationship due to their relational nature towards each other, their mutual co-dependence. (The Fire is determined to be hot in contrast to other heats and other coldness and defined to be such a sensation and not jellylike due to its specific qualities ) this co-dependent relation can be termed “Love” in the sense of agape, which is a Nondual yet relational state in which information is passed and reflected perfectly between all parties in question. Thus the ethics of this state contains the previous nature of being itself, but also now blossoms to requiring Nondual Love. Thus the ethics of this level is pure Love. Evil cannot truly exist here because to be in relation to anything in this zone is to be in Love.

Pure Sein: Being Qua Being with no differentiation whatsoever.

The interpenetrative relational “love” of the previous ethical structure necessarily must produce active and passive relationships, affects, positive and negatives, etc, all of these connections and relations produce and truly are a coherent form of Logic. ( as the laws of physics are coherent, whether in their primitive states in the early universe or now, they always had self consistency even if changed through time ) as such we now can deduce that to obey the inherent logic structure, the Law of Pure Being is itself the meaning of this level. Just as Being obeys this logic so is it Logical that the inherent ethical nature obeys this divine law as implication of Divine Love. To disobey this level is to disobey the fundamental laws perquisite to having existence, thus there is no evil capacity at this stage.

Thus we have confirmed that the nature of god itself is the Good, the particular Nature of the Good is Love, and to obey the Law and Logic is the particular nature of Love.

The following four strata then will analyze the nature of the logic and order of being, these can be taken in a purely secular belief for they are rooted purely in object Analysis and obedience to the self-consistency of nature.

The Four Strata of being: the Ethics of Dasein


>> No.17184279


Stratum 1: Matter/material and its mechanical nature

Analyzing basic reality from its objects, it becomes clear that the most basic of all manners of being is being-matter, all that materially exists and has being, has matter in some form or another, this naturally follows the inherent logic and consistency of nature and interacts with itself. What is the being of matter? It is to exist, the being of the most basic universal Being is simply to be, the material has no further purpose or being or richness than to be and to interact with itself. As such due to this simplicity the nature of basic objects always completes the quality of goodness, for logic and causality dictates it ought to be (logic of the Big Bang, God, whatever it is your preference, there is an experience of objects.)

This structure then has no meaning other than to mechanically exist and interrelate with itself like moving pieces, interactions. Etc. disobedience of this structure results in lack of material existence of the object in question. Thus there is no evil capacity at this stage.

Good In this stage is defined simply as “Being there”

Stratum 2: The Organic/biological/living and its inherent Vitalist nature.

Whether we believe in evolution or religion, man is formulated from the raw matter, whether through a series of logical randomness obeying a deterministic/pseudo-deterministic causal stream, or if created by God out of dust/clay, the Organic life begins and arises out of the inorganic matter, formulating into such categories as species.

The Organic manner contains the self existence-affirming position of lifeless matter, but just as the organic defines and gives itself distinction by the quality of being alive/organic, so also is modified the logical drive behind the material. Now the matter itself seeks to be alive, all things in the organic structure seek to be alive, those which disobey this inherent biological imperative are removed from the biological category by biological death and return to lifeless matter. Thus there is no capacity for evil in this stage, only the loss of particularization.

Goodness defined in this stage is simply “Being-Biological”

Stratum 3: The Individual and his ethical foundation in psychologicism


>> No.17184292


As species and life in general arose in the previous stratum, with it at once arose the substratum of the particular individual and particular life. The particular life in the healthy normative individual contains fully the “Being-biological” drive but further due ones own personal qualities gains a diversity of nuance, characteristics, unique genetic code, memories, etc. thus being ones self as an individual in accordance to ones own nature and in accordance with the specifics of his own mind is the key to maintaining this individuality. (For the denial of ones owns individuality results potentially/eventually into the denial of the self which is the denial of the life-drive, thus embrace of Death)

Thus whether a person is energetic or sleepy, pro authority or against it, collectivist or individualist, the ultimate truth of his being-Individual is that his ethics must adhere to his structure as a unique-individual. Thus there is an incredibly rich range of Goodness, a great diversity of goodness at this stage, but as a trade off (since everyone has their own unique goodness) actual Evil arises.

Goodness as defined as being authentic to what ones own unique-individual perspective defines as good inherently implies there is a capacity for inauthenticity, for many people lack self comprehension, many lack self knowledge, many simply cannot muster the will or the power to live up to their authentic nature. Thus the individuality of man, of Being-individual gives a richness of goodness, but also Degeneracy, entropy, Inauthenticity.

Thus we can define Goodness at this stage as personal Acquiescentia, resting/dwelling in ones own individual qualities and living in accordance with them, thus acquiescentia and actualization of the individual are one thing. Whether you decide some kind of virtue ethics, Will based Nietzschean ethics, passion, utilitarianism, it doesn’t matter, one if authentic will choose a definition of goodness in accordance with his own mental character.

Thus we can define good here as “Being Ones self “ or “being Authentic”

Stratum 4: the Cultural Spirit and its advancement through history.

>> No.17184298


Individuals interact and share a common space, they influence each other, the space of these interactions creates a culture which contains groups of individuals and alchemically unifies their interior, their ideas, extracting their essences and nature’s and unifying them into its own unique aesthetics, culture, conception and goodness.

The primary key to culture is Knowledge and the means of exchange of knowledge, all culture can be reduced to individual communications and specifically knowledge exchange, the entire process of culture is one in which is absorbed the ideas, tastes and qualities of more and more individuals, thus the form of goodness in this structure is based on the accumulation of information, data from the most individuals possible, the effective creation of a abstract database of ideas which interact and rebirth the database constantly through the interactions of all points within Said culture. Thus the Key to the cultural spirit is the Knowledge-and-communication nature. Thus all things which maximize data points of information-knowledge expand the culture (oh these people have no customs theyre uncultured, but these people have very much social customs and traditions therefore many ideas.) thus the heart of this structure is culture-integration of knowledge and maximization of communications.

Evil then is on this level ignorance and also isolation. We can then thus define the entirety of the Good in this structure as “Becoming-knowledgeable”

All of the Strata are unified and truly immanent, the line of being exists from the lowest to the highest, the entirety of the manner of being and goodness from the lowest exists but expanded in the highest most refined strata.

This being considered the most grounded and essential Good is goodness in itself, the most refined and essential on a group level is itself knowledge/reason.

This ethical structure fully integrates the manner of sosein and dasein in man, but has revealed the primacy of self consistent order and knowledge, these definitions are based on the natural movements and unfolding of being and characteristic as it is, thus the categories define the meanings of the particulars.

With this Model we have a systematic structure for dealing with Good in itself, all forms of ethics and what is most ethical on the grand scale in terms of pure Ontology

That is how I harmonize my phenomenology, ontology, theology, esotericism and so forth with my view of Good and of Evil. I know it’s highly autistic and seemingly meaningless, but this is my honest answer of which I have not implemented any level of rhetoric to try to obscure.

>> No.17184312

Yeah I have also arrived at this same conclusion. I use to think that he was cool but now I can see through his bullshit. A typical attention whore tripfaggot.

>> No.17184327

>How do you cope with the problem of evil?
Cycles of error and challenges, but also pathways to various kinds of existence; perhaps AI hiveminds wouldn't exist without evil, for example, but AI hiveminds may have just as much reason to exist as you do.

>> No.17184338

God was offering various Universes to great multitudes of souls; all chose where they would go.. We chose the tragic horror story universe. But it will all end, and we will be healed at the end of it.

>> No.17184357
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Can't have good without evil. Greater evils serve greater goods. Silence is what gives sweetness to a choir.

No one who sputter about the idea of evil has ever picked up a single book on theology.

>> No.17184447
File: 961 KB, 2400x1350, STScI-J-v1927a-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Human beings are such an arrogant species, and the fact that we created and debate this "problem of evil" is just a testament to our hubris.
Imagine you're God. You created a universe billions of light years in diameter, replete with beautiful galaxies, stars, planets.
On a single one of these planets, Earth, a mere miniscule dot in comparison to everything else, you created all sorts of natural wonders, oceans, rivers, deserts, woodlands, meadows, crags, cliffs, lakes, and so on -- all so glorious and beautiful.
Throughout the billions of years of Earth's existence, you populated it with all sorts of amazing species, from the tiny ant working in its colony to the frightful dinosaur and whale hunting their prey. All of this Nature works in harmony to create a splendid panoply of life, a testament to your glory and power.
Then one day you create Man, just another miniscule part of your creation, who, using the Reason with which you have enlightened his mind, creates civilisation, music, poetry, and art; and again it is all a testament to your power and glory.
Then one day this man, who is literally an insignificant dot in comparison to all else you have created, and should not prize himself higher than the ant, turns around and defies you, saying, 'You have created all of this suffering! You're evil!'
What is man's suffering? It is nothing. Man exists to serve and to glorify God. This is the whole reason God created the Universe: for his own glory, not for man's pleasure. Just go watch a Nature documentary and see how the beautiful this creation is, and be grateful.

>> No.17184474

>A long debunked diagram
>A paragraph of trying to diss Christians
Is /lit/ turning into /his/....?

>> No.17184478

Once more, Apologies. I simply believe such a important question requires a thorough answer, if I was designing them for debates I would remove the jargon and add a ton of pathos if I really wanted to try to convince people with them, or better yet the easiest route people use when the question of evil comes up is misdirection in order to bypass the question. I would rather tackle the problem head on.

>> No.17184542

You're really annoying mate. Nobody comes here to read essay-length posts about this or that topic. Write a book if that's what you want. If you want to engage in a thread, reply like everyone else.
All the poetry threads are ruined by your huge, incessant blocks of text that just take up the whole space. How do you even have so much time on your hands?

>> No.17184690


Is this the theoretical physics of philosophy? Introducing meaningless terms in order to convince the financial department that your field is valid so they continue to fund you?

>> No.17185113
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, black sapphire - consumer of light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should strive to vanquish it --especially if you want to learn more regarding it--, not cope with it; heroic, ultimate virtue is always performed in the face of darkness, on the line that seperates Good from Evil --on the verge of vice; on the edge of error.

The source of Evil is the Demiourgos, which is a product of the Dark, which, in turn, originates from a source different from God.

Anyone who thinks that God is the original, absolute source of Evil is, either: wilfully ignorant, or: spiritually deficient.

>> No.17185264

It is precisely in the union of things which seemingly have to exclude, abolish, contradict and annihilate each other that the mystery of divine wisdom consists. A work greater than creation ex nihilo: no one other than God can create evil and make it His support; to create darkness and to form light from it.

>> No.17186052

Where does he appear in the bible?

>> No.17187600

you are blind evil faggot. love evil and you will have a tiny chance to be saved.

>> No.17187648

I do not love evil

>> No.17187665

Simple answer:
If all evil was vanquished, the Earth would be like heaven. Yet, as is the sinful nature of man, would ruin said heaven once more. Evil exists because free will exists, and evil will exist until free will is gone.

>> No.17187729

And why do you care that it is arguing semantics? You are also arguing semantics! You're categorizing a type of behavior according to a term, a small linguistic unit, a word. That is semantical! And further, the question is "does evil exist?" What is evil? In your view it is a way of categorizing "that shit inherent to humans." It is a concept. Evil is not a metaphysically distinct entity from those actions under your definition! It is only a taxonomy. If it is the case that it is merely a taxonomy, a human construction, a way of looking at certain things, can it be said to exist? For evil to exist mind-independently, it would certainly not rely on our conception of it. Instead, it would be a natural property of the world! And where in the world do we see this evil? Where can we point to, "There, that is evil?" Nowhere. Evil originates in our attempt to understand and organize the world. The idea of evil existing, in the theological sense, is that there is a mind-independent essence, Form, or naturally occurring evil. The person you argue against has done no more than fulfill the consequence of your clarification.

>> No.17189418


thanx for jumpin in while i was sleeping, bud. Unfortunately OP is kill. And perhaps the replying brainlet too.

>> No.17189530

Christianity/the truth is not reducible to the Judeochristian Bible.

>> No.17189531

What is the problem with gods not being all-powerful Zeus, Ra etc weren't all-powerful they just were a lot more powerful than men and thus we should worship them?

>> No.17189661

Very similar to Eliphaz's argument (which god says is wrong)