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17178295 No.17178295 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good book?

>> No.17178357

Yes. It's full of problems and holes and even large sections that are imo totally unnecessary, but it's main ideas and premises are so powerful, it's best passages and chapters so brilliant, that none of that really matters.

>> No.17178731

It's a book to invest time and notes in, yes. It will give you a lot of appreciation for Artists and Anthropologists.

>> No.17178735

No, but it is a great one.

>> No.17178753

He's pretty determined to see the same pattern in the tea leaves at the bottom of every cup in the room, but it's food for serious thought regardless. Recommended.

>> No.17178783
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>> No.17178786

It's worth noting that he puts the West, and America in particular, in the Late Republic stage. Arguably some of the throes we're in now roughly correspond to the civil wars (whether or not it gets hotter remains to be seen) but sooner or later the Caesars will show up. So that's something to look forward to. I just hope to God that doesn't mean little ratfuck bureaucrats like Klaus Schwab and his crew.

>> No.17178885

Unironically very wise and good advice

>> No.17180752

To be fair, one of his points is that once a civilization becomes imperial, it's life force is essentially done. There will be no further developments in the West once we hit empire, just a slow decay and eventual collapse

>> No.17181014

Thank you for this, I haven't seen it before. The desperately time conscious modernity with it's digital watches, reminders and instant stock-movements make if difficult for this kind of reality.

I don't actually know who this is though, who is he?

>> No.17181026

The west has already reached empire mode

>> No.17181164

Have we/Are we seeing the rise of Caesars? Already when Spengler was writing he foresaw them in persona such as Cecil Rhodes; yet I fail to see them, strongmanism is on the rise to be sure, but these and generally linked with some form of democratic competence, "We want someone who we choose to cut through the establishment to implement OUR ideals."

Caesar formed WITHIN the establishment and worked his way up through the usual means, with a large dash of populism of course; doesn't this strongly differ to any kind of modern strongmanism? They all root their legitimacy in democratic mandates, either forged or genuine.

>> No.17181320

Youtube link for this?

>> No.17181342

My favourite part is when he disproves evolution by pointing out that he sees Neanderthals in church every Sunday.

>> No.17181346
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You have to wonder if these threads are made by genuine right-wingers or seething lefties looking to discredit any potentially interesting right thinkers.

Why else would anyone make a banal thread about a dense and rather impenetrable book that can only be taken in once you've gone through his earlier work? Nobody starts with Decline and it's been made apparent multiple times on /lit/ in these types of threads.

Stop making meme-tier poplit threads about thinkers like Evola, Land, and Spengler. They are far too esoteric for the average dipshit here to comprehend.

>> No.17181368

Probably a mix of retarded right-wingers who heard the name and thought it sounded cool, seething lefties, and trolls who don't read but just shitpost and know these threads will get many replies. They're all retarded.

>> No.17181463

"akira kurosawa interview"

>> No.17181471

Well, what of Spengler would you read prior to the decline?

>> No.17181478

Pray tell, what else is there to Spengler than the decline of the west?

Only socialism and Prussians, I've never seen anything else hes written.

>> No.17181483

book for absolute pseuds 90% of the time. try reading an actual history book

>> No.17181487

Preußentum und Sozialismus as well as Der Mensch und die Technik should be viewed as supplements to the decline and not introductions. Think of peas and mashed potatoes going to a nice pork roast.

>> No.17181509

>judging a book of those who read it
I shiggy diggy

>> No.17181511

"Caesarism" isn't really a thing in Spengler. Rather, there's just Caesar, and a process of various bigmen competing to get to be him. Trump is an example of this, but so was Obama, and Bush, and Clinton, and Daddy Bush. Kamala Harris (Biden was not elected, Harris and "His Team" were) is also an example of a secondary phenomena: the collapse of the authority of the role. Trump's strongman persona was girded by a complete and utter lack of authority and action of his role. All of his power came from his personality.

Kamala Harris and Biden's-Team represent a further development, as Harris is a puppet with Jewish hands up her ass. She has no personality of her own. The fact that she could be elected is a demonstration that we aren't at Caesar yet, as the system is capable of selecting for an empty shell to be inhabited by the will of elites. The position of the President is still weakened, however, by virtue of the choosing of this shell, and by the fact that actual power thus comes from the elites with their hands up her ass and Biden's-Team. By distributing power to this bureaucratic clique, the office itself is weakened. Future presidents will have to double down on Trump in order to get anything done, as the office of the president itself will be continually worthless. This leads into Caesar assuming power in his person, not his office.

Caesar will not be a BASED and REDPILLED Alt-Right dictator. He'll be a synthesis of CNN and Fox News. He'll go to church every Sunday and pray to Black Jesus, who was a gay refugee fleeing persecution from the White Supremacist Roman Empire.

There's a certain brand of retard who loosely inhabits Alt-Right spheres that doesn't get what "Faustian Civilization" means. Richard Spencer is one of these morons. There's a .gif that sometimes gets posted of a bunch of retards dancing while coon-tunes play, saying stuff like "Space travel is a subversion of the Faustian Spirit".

>> No.17181528

>brand of retard who loosely inhabits Alt-Right spheres
they should have no trouble fitting in

>> No.17181956


>> No.17182026

>little ratfuck bureaucrats like Klaus Schwab and his crew
they're the ones who have been running the show. they get booted.

>> No.17182048

Likely the greatest book of the 20th century. It was ignored after 1945 because liberals, communists and capitalists couldn't stand to face the truths asserted therein. But it's now reemerging and is more powerful than ever.

>> No.17182310

Thanks anon, I needed this

>> No.17182743

no problem guise

>> No.17183172

which version do you guys recommend?

>> No.17183297

The single most based post I have ever seen on this board and I've been here since 2017

>> No.17183605
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>He'll be a synthesis of CNN and Fox News. He'll go to church every Sunday and pray to Black Jesus, who was a gay refugee fleeing persecution from the White Supremacist Roman Empire.

I suppose many of us are hoping for the "glory and triumphs and shameless expansion" phase, instead of a "fuck whitey history was actually all about negros" phase. Can I please has a five good emperors first? Then again maybe I'm just confused. Why does the production of shows like this give me some slight tingle of hope, as if national identity was still fluttering around somewhere in the antithesis end of the current era?
Next thing you'll be telling me Santa isn't real.

>> No.17183655

The Five Good Emperors will be a brief moment of respite for people to sit back, enjoy the Poz, and reap in the economic gains.

Barbarians is an attempt at aligning rural and suburban retards alongside POC by painting them as oppressed minorities. It's injecting Poz into history. The Romans were evil White supremacists, they wouldn't have found Germanics White, ergo ten million Somalis in Ireland.

>> No.17183667

i too would like an answer to this >>17181471
I have read almost the first volume of decline and found it insightful and not really lacking in prerequisite knowledge on Spenglers personal thinking since most of what he mentions he elaborates on extensively AND he clearly is not solely going off a necessary systematic way of understanding, so it is not like reading the Critique of Judgement before the Critique pf pure reason

>> No.17184266

>He'll go to church every Sunday and pray to Black Jesus, who was a gay refugee fleeing persecution from the White Supremacist Roman Empire
Nobody like this will ever come to power, they would die inside a week after collapse.
>"Space travel is a subversion of the Faustian Spirit"
It is.

>> No.17184323

>>"Space travel is a subversion of the Faustian Spirit"
>It is.
Can't agree; Earth is precious, ultraleft nonsense aside, and will remain so. But the resources which exist in the solar system alone could support trillions of humans in luxury even if we never made it past the Oort cloud. The sun pumps out more energy in a day - for free - than humans have used in all of history. Endless gigatons of metals, oxygen, water, everything are just sitting there waiting to be brought to man's use. The time isn't quite yet of course - from a practical standpoint we still require a revolution in propulsion systems. But once dependable 1g drives are in place the game changes completely. Mars is a week away, Saturn not much more. Items like decade-length dependability of life support systems stop being rate limiting steps.

But for us, here and now, ensuring that there is a civilization left to take the steps when they are available is a holy duty.

>> No.17185596

Kurosawa my friend I know this but I can't commit to a routine. My brain tells me I need to play fortnite.

>> No.17186775

Although I agree a lot of talk here is made as lower quality bait by bad faith actors or midwits I think even when threads turn sour you can get some gems out of it and learn things you may have missed. Example, in a thread a bit ago someone pointed out something I missed in a footnote that was pretty important. Stuff like that which I find valuable. I also dislike the 2 or so anons that harp on this so much so that it makes things devolve into "you have not really read Spengler" types of purity spirals. Because the volume of understanding you need (outside of Spengler) makes it so the more you read the more you can relate back to Spengler's model.

>> No.17188021

for the ones who already read this book, im reading spengler´s take on heraclitus, have you checked it out?

>> No.17188029

I always get tired when I try to read it, but Witty liked it so I'll give it a serious go one day.

>> No.17188038
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I preferred the movie desu

>> No.17188292

Do you mean his PhD thesis?
Is there an English translation of it?

>> No.17188990

I can't quite put my finger on why, but every time a leftist insults a right wing person on the internet I can't take it seriously. I instantly see nothing but a seething wojak crying as a buff white man rails his girlfriend

>> No.17189069

>who is he?

director of Seven Samurai

>> No.17190134

yeah that one, i dont know if there is an english translation but im reading a spanish translation, i dont even know why someone would translate this, never heard of it as an important thesis or anything