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/lit/ - Literature

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1717192 No.1717192 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is one of the slowest boards on 4chan.

What does this tell you about the declining reading rates?

>> No.1717205

> declining reading rates
> citation needed

get the fuck out and come back when you're done high school. I'm tired of you fucking twats romanticizing the past so you can feel better than others.

>> No.1717213

>romanticizing the past

That's quite a leap in logic.

>> No.1717216


Do you honestly believe that people are reading more these days?

>> No.1717217

>when you're done high school.
>when you are done high school
You produce one hell of a convincing argument and I'm not even OP.

>> No.1717232

i'm not op but this is a known fact. here's an article for you:

>> No.1717260

I'm sure if you looked at trends of what people read, the vast majority of it would be camp and pulp. People want cheap entertainment. Today, movies, TV, and music are more entertaining than those books. There are good books out their that can change the way you think or inspire you, but the same can be said about some movies and even games.

>> No.1717262

Slower the board, the more mature the posters are, for the most part.

>> No.1717265

i dunno man. i'm on /ic/ which is probably the slowest board and people are just assholes there

>> No.1717276

That's probably because a good portion of the people there are bad and have thin skin. If someone good posts everyone wants to suck their dick and everyone ignores / makes fun of the people actually seeking help because they don't know a thing about art techniques or theory besides "It sucks" and "LOOMIS!"

>> No.1717285

>implying "your" would fit better?

>> No.1717319

Eh, maybe the people on this board are busy actually reading books. Most of which contain more than 140 characters.

>> No.1717323

>implying the posters on /toy/ and /y/ are mature

>> No.1717324

>declining reading rates
>everyone on every board must read and write to post

Yeah okay, just because people aren't reading as much fiction doesn't mean they are reading less.

>> No.1717363

Arthur C. Clarke was a pedophile.

>> No.1717378



>> No.1717614

what about /lit/ do you not understand that we're talking about the reading rate of books? did the op picture talking about fiction and non-fiction confuse you so horribly? or are you being deliberately aspergic?

>> No.1717620

Understanding these assumptions I was mainly asking, in a roundabout way, why it is so important that people be reading fiction.

What crawled up your butt?